3,520 research outputs found

    Qualidade de vida profissional e a disposição à mudança organizacional em funcionários de empresas da cidade de Bogotá - Colômbia

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    O propósito desta pesquisa foi determinar a relação entre a qualidade de vida profissional e a disposição à mudança organizacional numa amostra de 100 funcionários de empresas da cidade de Bogotá. Realizou-se sob um desenho transversal correlacional por meio da aplicação de dois instrumentos: o instrumento de medição de mudança organizacional (García e Forero, 2010) e o de qualidade de vida percebida em organizações (Gómez-Rada, 2011). A participação da população foi voluntária. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do rho de Spearman. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma correlação significativa a 0.001 com todas as variáveis de mudança organizacional e de qualidade de vida, exceto as de resistência à mudança. Esses achados sugerem que alguns dos aspectos a ressaltar são a importância da qualidade de vida e do compromisso com as tarefas a realizar visto que estes definem as metas e os objetivos propostos pela entidade e determinam o trabalho e a produtividade dos empregados, assim como sua disposição à mudança.The purpose of the research was to determine the relationship between quality of work life and readiness to organizational change in a sample of 100 company workers in the city of Bogota. It was conducted following a correlational cross-sectional design through the application of two instruments: one that measures organizational change (BMI) (García & Forero, 2010) and another one that assesses perceived quality of life in organizations (Gómez - Rada, 2011). The sample participation was voluntary and data were analyzed using Spearman’s Rho. Results show a significant correlation at 0.001 in all the variables of organizational change and quality of life with the exception of resistance to change. This suggests that some of the aspects to be highlighted are the importance of quality of life and commitment to the tasks to be performed as these define the goals and objectives set by the entity and frame the work and productivity of employees as well as their readiness to change. Key words: organizational change, quality of work life.El propósito de la investigación fue determinar la relación entre la calidad de vida laboral y la disposición al cambio organizacional en una muestra de 100 funcionarios de empresas de la ciudad de Bogotá. Se realizó bajo un diseño transversal correlacional, a través de la aplicación de dos instrumentos: el instrumento de medición de cambio organizacional (IMC) (García & Forero, 2010) y el de calidad de vida percibida en organizaciones (Gómez – Rada, 2011). La participación de la población fue voluntaria. El análisis de los datos se realizó por medio del Rho de Spearman. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una correlación significativa al 0.001 con todas las variables de cambio organizacional y de calidad de vida, excepto las de resistencia al cambio. Estos hallazgos sugieren que algunos de los aspectos a resaltar son la importancia de la calidad de vida y el compromiso con las tareas a realizar, ya que estos definen las metas y objetivos planteados por la entidad y enmarcan el trabajo y la productividad de los empleados, al igual que su disposición al cambio

    Construction of topologies, filters and uniformities for a product of sets

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    Starting from filters over the set of indices, we introduce structures in a product of sets where the coordinate sets have the given structures

    Descripción de diferencias en determinados factores motivacionales de los empleados que pertenecen al departamento administrativo y de producción de una empresa en crisis económica de la ciudad de Bogotá

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    This research with a transectional descriptive design had as objective to do a characterization of possible differences in some motivational factors of employees that work in the administrative and production departments in a company that has had a long period of economical crisis. 132 workers were selected using a non probabilistic intentional sample. As instrument was employed the Cuestionario de Motivación para el Trabajo (CMT). The results were analyzed by means of descriptive statistical (X, Me, DT) and inferencials (anova of a factor and t of student) to characterize the motivational divergences by departments, areas, kinds of contract and genres, in each variable that composes the test. Significant differences were found between affiliation and wage for the departments with a α= 0.05Esta investigación con un diseño transeccional descriptivo tuvo como objetivo realizar la caracterización de posibles diferencias en determinados factores motivacionales en los empleados de los departamentos administrativo y de producción de una empresa en crisis económica. Se consideró a 132 trabajadores, seleccionados mediante un muestreo no probabilístico intencional. Como instrumento se empleo el Cuestionario de Motivación para el Trabajo (CMT). Los resultados fueron analizados mediante estadísticos descriptivos ( X, Me, DT) e inferenciales (anova de un factor y t de student) para caracterizar las divergencias motivacionales por departamentos, áreas, tipos de contratación y géneros, en cada variable que compone la prueba. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre afiliación y salario para los departamentos con un α = 0.0

    Loop Quasi-Invariant Chunk Motion by peeling with statement composition

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    Several techniques for analysis and transformations are used in compilers. Among them, the peeling of loops for hoisting quasi-invariants can be used to optimize generated code, or simply ease developers' lives. In this paper, we introduce a new concept of dependency analysis borrowed from the field of Implicit Computational Complexity (ICC), allowing to work with composed statements called Chunks to detect more quasi-invariants. Based on an optimization idea given on a WHILE language, we provide a transformation method - reusing ICC concepts and techniques - to compilers. This new analysis computes an invariance degree for each statement or chunks of statements by building a new kind of dependency graph, finds the maximum or worst dependency graph for loops, and recognizes if an entire block is Quasi-Invariant or not. This block could be an inner loop, and in that case the computational complexity of the overall program can be decreased. We already implemented a proof of concept on a toy C parser 1 analysing and transforming the AST representation. In this paper, we introduce the theory around this concept and present a prototype analysis pass implemented on LLVM. In a very near future, we will implement the corresponding transformation and provide benchmarks comparisons.Comment: In Proceedings DICE-FOPARA 2017, arXiv:1704.0516

    Specialization and adjustment during the growth of China and India : the Latin American experience

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    This paper examines the extent to which the growth of China and India in world markets is affecting the patterns of trade specialization in Latin American economies. The authors construct Vollrath's measure of revealed comparative advantage by 3-digit ISIC sector, country, and year. This measure accounts for both imports and exports. The empirical analyses explore the correlation between the revealed comparative advantage of Latin America and the two Asian economies. Econometric estimates suggest that the specialization pattern of Latin A-with the exception of Mexico-has been moving in opposite direction of the trade specialization pattern of China and India. Labor-intensive sectors (both unskilled and skilled) probably have been negatively affected by the growing presence of China and India in world markets, while natural resource and scientific knowledge intensive sectors have probably benefited from China and India's growth since 1990.Free Trade,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy,Water and Industry,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems

    Sobre el «ágora global» y los «sujetos posibles»: de la utopía tecnológica al enfoque crítico

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    El autor del ensayo evalúa algunos de los supuestos teóricos que se han venido desarrollado en las ciencias sociales con respecto a las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación: por un lado, la consideración de que estas tecnologías se han convertido en el vehículo de una movilización política de dimensiones globales configurando un «ágora global», por el otro, el supuesto según el cual las nuevas tecnologías posibilitan la construcción de sujetos libres, autónomos y reflexivos. En este texto ambos supuestos se ponen en discusión con el apoyo de la «teoría crítica». Finalmente, el autor toma posición frente a los académicos que ven en las nuevas tecnologías posibilidades de emancipación haciendo un llamado por un tipo de análisis que los utopistas tecnológicos han dejado de lado: la economía política. Un tipo de análisis que se hace impostergable en la fase del capitalismo tardío

    CSA Practices for Sustainable Cocoa Farming Systems

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    Climate change will shape the future production of cocoa and requires mutual cooperation amongst sector stakeholders to tailor responses to its differentiated impacts. Identifying and prioritizing climate smart agriculture (CSA) responses requires integration of multiple objectives and managing trade-offs between food security, adaptation and mitigation. Impact of future climates on growing regions is needed to select locally appropriate CSA practices. Zones of adaptation needs in Indonesia are identified and the ‘why?’ and ‘how?’ of tailored CSA practices are illustrated in an accessible guidebook format

    A simheuristic for routing electric vehicles with limited driving ranges and stochastic travel times

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    Green transportation is becoming relevant in the context of smart cities, where the use of electric vehicles represents a promising strategy to support sustainability policies. However the use of electric vehicles shows some drawbacks as well, such as their limited driving-range capacity. This paper analyses a realistic vehicle routing problem in which both driving-range constraints and stochastic travel times are considered. Thus, the main goal is to minimize the expected time-based cost required to complete the freight distribution plan. In order to design reliable Routing plans, a simheuristic algorithm is proposed. It combines Monte Carlo simulation with a multi-start metaheuristic, which also employs biased-randomization techniques. By including simulation, simheuristics extend the capabilities of metaheuristics to deal with stochastic problems. A series of computational experiments are performed to test our solving approach as well as to analyse the effect of uncertainty on the routing plans.Peer Reviewe

    Persona y medio ambiente

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    10 p.Los primeros filósofos de los que tenemos noticia, conocidos como presocráticos o filósofos de la naturaleza, lo son, precisamente, por su interés en indagar. Ahora bien, ¿por qué es como es y no de otra manera? Ellos inician la llamada racionalización del mito, con su actitud de asombro ante las reglas que seguían el día y la noche. Por ejemplo, con casi el mismo tiempo de luz y de oscuridad, o con la forma circular que veían repetidas veces a su alrededor en los astros y en muchas acciones que la generaban, como es el caso de arrojar un objeto a un estanque y ver que lo que se forman son ondas circulares, independientemente, de la forma que tenga la piscina, lago o estanque. Pues bien, aunque es cierto que Grecia hereda mucho de las investigaciones científicas de los sacerdotes del templo de Amón, en Egipto, es en los escritos adjudicados a Pitágoras y, especialmente, en el Timeo de Platón, donde podemos rastrear ese interés único, particular y propio del ser humano por conocer cómo funcionan las leyes de la naturaleza.¿Puede el hombre comprender las leyes del universo
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