1,072 research outputs found

    A Pilot Study Comparing Total Physical Response Storytellingâ„¢ With the Grammar-Translation Teaching Strategy to Determine Their Effectiveness in Vocabulary Acquisition Among English as a Second Language Adult Learners

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of Total Physical Response Storytelling (TPRSâ„¢) compared to the Grammar-Translation approach for acquiring and retaining new vocabulary in an English as a Second Language (ESL) class. The subjects were adult Hispanic learners with limited literacy. An experimental design approach was used to gather information on the effect of TPRSâ„¢ and Grammar-Translation approaches on student vocabulary retention. A total of 25 participants signed the consent to be a research subject. All participants took two written pretests that examined their knowledge of common words. Following each pretest, the instructor taught three classes using the Grammar-Translation approach and three classes using TPRSâ„¢. Following the treatments, all adults took the written vocabulary test. Pre-test and post-test results were analyzed to note similarities and differences in vocabulary retention. Results indicated that both Grammar-Translation and TPRSâ„¢ approaches made an important difference in student retention of vocabulary. The improvements in vocabulary acquisition and retention were 49% using Grammar-Translation and 45% using TPRSâ„¢. Additional research is needed on how to work effectively with adult students who need to learn English under challenging circumstances. These students have complex lives and are trying to survive in addition to studying to improve their language ability

    Recent changes in domestic accessibility in the Canadian airline industry: The pre- and post-deregulation situation

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    In 1987 the Canadian National Transportation Act was amended. Airlines became free to enter/exit markets as they saw fit, and a network-wide reform of airline services began. This thesis examines the extent of network development since 1970, and attempts to determine the some of the spatial effects of the 1987 deregulation of the airline industry on nodal accessibility. Accessibility is a relative term and difficult to define explicitly. While it can be measured in distance or time, it may also be measured as the frequency of links between places over time. In this thesis the connectivity among places is used as a surrogate for accessibility, and the presence or absence of a link between places selected, indicates the level of accessibility. Data from origin-destination surveys, and contemporary industry journals in 1970, 1983 and 1990 were analyzed among 149 settlements in Canada. Comparisons are made between the spatial pattern of intercity connectivity for the pre- and post-deregulation periods. Structural and service provisions are examined to determine the extent of change in the industry, and how these have led to changes in accessibility between places. Hypotheses about the effects of deregulation on nodal accessibility are tested using multiple linear regression models. Although the Canadian domestic market has experienced rapid growth within the past two decades, several of the dramatic changes occurred during the first decade. Further, although deregulation in the United States has shown a propensity for destructive competition, and community-based changes have benefitted largermarkets (to the detriment of smaller communities), similar changes have not occurred in Canada. The results show that post-deregulation spatial strategies have not produced a spatial concentration of nodal accessibility, as originally feared

    Perception of HIV risk and the quantity and quality of children: The case of rural Malawi

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    The empirical literature on HIV and the quality (Q) and quantity (N) of children generally reports negative associations for Q and unclear associations for N. We focus our analysis on the effects of HIV, as a predictor of mother and child mortality, on investments in child Q and N. We develop a Q-N model within which higher mothers’ mortality predicts lower N while higher child mortality predicts lower Q. Those effects together make reasonable the expectation of negative influences of higher HIV likelihood on child Q and N. Based on longitudinal micro data on mothers and their children in rural Malawi we find that variation in mothers’ reported HIV risk reduces both child quality, as reflected in children’s schooling and health, and child quantity, when the perceived risk is already moderate or high. The effects are sizable, and, in the case of Q (schooling and health) are found in children and teenagers, as well as boys and girls, while in the case of N are found for young and mature women

    Importance of initial interfacial steps during chalcopyrite bioleaching by a thermoacidophilic archaeon

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    Studies of thermophilic microorganisms have shown that they have a considerable biotechnological potential due to their optimum growth and metabolism at high temperatures. Thermophilic archaea have unique characteristics with important biotechnological applications; many of these species could be used in bioleaching processes to recover valuable metals from mineral ores. Particularly, bioleaching at high temperatures using thermoacidophilic microorganisms can greatly improve metal solubilization from refractory mineral species such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), one of the most abundant and widespread copper-bearing minerals. Interfacial processes such as early cell adhesion, biofilm development, and the formation of passive layers on the mineral surface play important roles in the initial steps of bioleaching processes. The present work focused on the investigation of different bioleaching conditions using the thermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus copahuensis DSM 29038 to elucidate which steps are pivotal during the chalcopyrite bioleaching. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) were used to visualize the microorganism–mineral interaction. Results showed that up to 85% of copper recovery from chalcopyrite could be achieved using A. copahuensis. Improvements in these yields are intimately related to an early contact between cells and the mineral surface. On the other hand, surface coverage by inactivated cells as well as precipitates significantly reduced copper recoveries.Fil: Safar, Camila. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Camila Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales; ArgentinaFil: Donati, Edgardo Ruben. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones Industriales; Argentin

    The growth of apple varieties on different hardy intermediate stocks

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    Typescript (photocopy) Thesis (M.S.)--Iowa State College, 1946. Includes bibliography

    Biological treatment of a contaminated gaseous emission from a paint and varnish plant—from laboratory studies to pilot-scale operation

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    A Vapour-Phase Bioreactor (VPB), namely a biotrickling filter, was scaled-up and operated in-situ for the treatment of gaseous emissions from a paint and varnish industrial plant. A microbial culture able to degrade the target compounds was enriched and a laboratory-scale VPB was established in order to evaluate the treatment's performance. The VPB presented removal efficiencies higher than 90% when exposed to Organic Loads (OL) of ca 50 g h−1 m−3 of reactor. The VPB was exposed to dynamic conditions often found in-situ (eg night and weekend shutdown periods) and showed a fast capacity to recover, with and without mineral medium recirculation. After a prolonged interruption period (10 months), the VPB was not able to cope with OL of ca 25 g h−1 m−3 of reactor and re-inoculation was required in order to recover the treatment performance. The VPB also showed limited treatment when exposed to higher OL (ca 500 g h−1 m−3 of reactor). The VPB was then scaled-up and a 3 m3 VPB was operated in-situ, showing removal efficiencies higher than 50% when exposed to an OL of c 5 g h−1 m−3 of reactor, thus complying with current legal demands. The addition of a maintenance feed was shown to be a useful tool for VPB pilot-scale operation when shutdown periods occurred. A factorial design of experiments was carried out, which allowed reduction to one-tenth of the initial supply of the main mineral medium constituents, namely phosphate buffer, ammonium and magnesium salts, and also elimination of the metal supplement. Overall, the VPBs were shown to be robust equipment, being able to respond actively to dynamic treatment scenarios, particularly night and weekend shutdown periods. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industr

    Assessing users’ perception on the current and potential educational value of an electrical engineering YouTube channel

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    Full comprehension of abstract concepts present in engineering education has been usually considered challenging. Engaging multimedia resources have proven to be useful pedagogical aids to increase students’ motivation. In fact, already existing dissemination videos might be suitable to fulfill this objective. This research aims to contribute assessing video implications in the enhancement of engineering education quality through the evaluation of the current pedagogical use of a specific electrical engineering YouTube channel. To meet this objective, we characterize the use of such channel through a quantitative methodology based on a 5-point Likert scale survey (Cronbach’s alpha=0.76). Sample data were collected from 912 respondents, evaluating users’ perception on the channel’s content and format adequacy, their preferences, and their perceptions on video integration in educational contexts. Results show (3.98 over 5) that there is currently a far-reaching educational use of the channel, and a general perception that its contents and audiovisual format are adequate for such purpose. Most users agree (4.74 over 5) that this kind of pedagogical resource could enhance education quality. As limitations, an underrepresentation of teachers in the sample could be highlighted, though student community is well represented. Overall findings suggest that the format and cognitive load in scientific dissemination YouTube channels might be perceived as suitable for pedagogical use, as means to improve education experience. This complementary use unveils the need to implement technology integration models to facilitate their pedagogical insertion, which will be addressed as future works along with more evaluations of similar dissemination channels.This work has been supported by the University Foundation of Las Palmas (FULP), Training of Trainers. The e-Tutor project, under agreement 240/088/1173.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Impact of electrical engineering didactic videos during emergency remote learning

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    This article demonstrates that didactic videos have the potential to enhance quality perception, performance and interest in engineering education. Emergency Remote Learning (ERL) imposed challenging conditions on education, and its impact was especially noticeable in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. This is mainly due to intrinsic cognitive load associated with the high presence of abstract concepts and to difficulties to establish connections among subjects to foster generative processing. Suitable integration of multimedia resources might be beneficial in both regards. The use of didactic videos as pedagogical aid is expected to yield positive results in electrical engineering education, mitigating the impact caused by ERL situations. Using concept maps to identify key concepts in the Electrical Engineering BSc, this article proposes the creation and integration of nine videos to enhance conceptual learning and the creation of links among subjects. This study encompassed three academic years (from 2019 to 2022), covering pre-ERL, ERL and post-ERL scenarios, and considering a total sample of 157 students. By using a Mixed Methods research design, this study has demonstrated how the integration of didactic videos mitigated the negative effects of the unprecedented ERL conditions, with positive impact on students’ perception on videos’ implications in enhancing their interest and understanding of the subject’s concepts.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Propuesta de la actualización de la política y estrategia nacional de los recursos hídricos: determinación de la situación futura deseada

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    La ANA, del Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego - MIDAGRI, es el ente rector y máxima autoridad técnico normativa del Sistema Nacional de Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos. Esta organizada de manera desconcentrada a través de las 14 Autoridades Administrativas de Agua (AAA), 71 Administraciones Locales de Agua (ALA) y 12 Consejos de Recursos Hídricos de Cuenca (CRHC). La ANA, como ente rector en materia de recurso hídrico, administra y vigila las fuentes naturales de agua. Otorga derechos de uso para el desarrollo de actividades productivas como la agricultura, energía, industria, minería, acuicultura, así como para el uso poblacional. En nuestro territorio existen 159 unidades hidrográficas, distribuidas en las (03) tres regiones hidrográficas que son la del Pacífico, Atlántico y Titicaca. El problema público en materia de recurso hídricos es la "Limitada seguridad hídrica para el uso multisectorial", que nos lleva a realizar esta propuesta en la Política Nacional de Recursos Hídricos, el cual mediante el diagrama de causa-efecto, se determina sus causas directas e indirectas. El objetivo general de la propuesta, partiendo del problema público, es determinar la situación futura deseada más favorable y factible de ser alcanzada en un plazo determinado. En tal sentido, representa la finalidad de la política nacional mediante la acción coordinada del Estado. Para determinar la situación futura deseada con visión al 2050, se realizará un análisis de riesgos y oportunidades de las tendencias y escenarios, evaluando su probabilidad de ocurrencia e impacto que tendrían sobre la Política. Las tendencias se relacionan con el problema público en lo social, económico, político, ambiental, tecnológico y de actitudes, valores y éticas. Los escenarios están relacionados a la crisis climática, social, económica y ocurrencia de eventos extremos. Palabras clave: diagrama causa-efecto, riesgos y oportunidades, ambiental, tendencias.The ANA, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation - MIDAGRI, is the governing body and highest technical and regulatory authority of the National Water Resources Management System. It is organized in a decentralized manner through 14 Water Administrative Authorities (AAA), 71 Local Water Administrations (ALA) and 12 Basin Water Resources Councils (CRHC). The ANA, as the governing body for water resources, administers and monitors natural water sources. It grants use rights for the development of productive activities such as agriculture, energy, industry, mining, aquaculture, as well as for population use. In our territory there are 159 hydrographic units, distributed in the (03) three hydrographic regions which are the Pacific, Atlantic and Titicaca. The public problem in terms of water resources is the "Limited water security for multisectoral use", which leads us to make this proposal in the National Water Resources Policy, which through the cause-effect diagram, determines its direct and indirect causes. The general objective of the proposal, starting from the public problem, is to determine the most favorable and feasible desired future situation to be achieved in a given period of time. In this sense, it represents the purpose of the national policy through the coordinated action of the State. To determine the desired future situation with a view to 2050, a risk and opportunity analysis of trends and scenarios will be carried out, evaluating their probability of occurrence and the impact they would have on the Policy. The trends are related to the public problem in the social, economic, political, environmental, technological, attitudinal, value and ethical areas. The scenarios are related to the climate, social and economic crisis and the occurrence of extreme events. Keywords: cause-effect diagram, risks and opportunities, environmental, trends

    Gestión de almacenes para mejorar la eficiencia del almacén de insumos en una empresa del rubro de restaurantes

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como problemática en principio la eficiencia del área de almacén de la empresa Mamma Tomato para la cual se propuso la Gestión del almacén, aplicándose la metodología PDCA llamado también ciclo Deming, proceso de verificación y el conteo cíclico con captura automática, estas atacarían a los problemas de rendimiento laboral, error en el proceso de picking y el error en la exactitud del registro de inventario respectivamente. La investigación presentada tuvo un periodo de análisis de los problemas, en este se utilizó la información proporcionada desde marzo con la toma de datos pre y el mes de junio con la toma de datos post, obteniendo información de tiempos de las actividades, registros y formatos utilizados por la organización. Para la identificación de las causas de los problemas se emplearon herramientas como el diagrama de Pareto, diagrama de Ishikawa, inspecciones no planeadas, con las cuales se identificaron problemas como la carencia de procedimiento para las actividades, requerimientos inconformes e inventario inexacto. Para realizar el análisis de los problemas se solicitó información al área de logística, producción y almacén, esta información fue fundamental para el desarrollo de la investigación, pues de esa forma determinamos mediante otros procesos y equipos los problemas en la organización, para poder abordar y dar una solución a los problemas. Por consecuencia, por el desarrollo se mejoró la eficiencia del almacén obteniéndose un aumento en la cantidad de paquetes de masas en 0.39 paquetes/minutos, el error en el proceso de picking se redujo en un 32% y el error en la exactitud del registro de inventario disminuyo en un 52%
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