204 research outputs found

    What We Know about the Impact of School and Scouting on Adolescents’ Value-based Leadership

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of the school environment compared to the Scouting environment on the leadership attitudes of adolescents. The ways in which the social context affects the development of leadership attitudes is of special importance in view of the guidelines issued by the OECD, UNESCO and European Union, which envision schools as places of social development. In order to examine the ways in which these different contexts affect leadership development, we used two instruments: the «Educational Context Perception Questionnaire» (ECPQ), for the analysis of the adolescents’ perception of their educational context, and the «Socially Responsible Leadership Scale» (SRLS), which measures the Individual, Group, and Social Values of the adolescents, to which we added a dimension of Leadership Capacities. The study was conducted on a judgment sample, consisting of 600 students and 231 Scouts enrolled in upper secondary school in Rome (9th and 10th grades). Path-analyses were conducted to test, for the students and the Scouts, the effects of the ECPQ dimensions on leadership attitudes and capacities and to determine the relationships between the leadership dimensions. Findings revealed different effects among students and Scouts, of the educational context perception on their leadership attitudes and capacities, an effect of the Individual Values on the Group Values and an effect of the Group Values on the Social Values and Leadership Capacities

    FMRepS: Pengurusan aduan kerosakan di Kolej Kediaman Perwira UTHM

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    Kolej Kediaman Perwira berhadapan dengan masalah merekod aduan kerosakan dan menyimpan butiran berkenaan pelajar yang semakin bertambah. Sehingga kajian ini dilakukan, jumlah penghuni sudah melebihi 500 orang. Begitu juga dengan aduan kerosakan yang diterima oleh pihak pengurusan kolej dari penghuni juga turut meningkat. Hal ini meresahkan staf Kolej Kediaman Perwira kerana pertambahan aduan bermakna bertambahnya penggunaan kertas dan dikhuatiri meningkatkan kos pengurusan Kolej Kediaman Perwira. Oleh yang demikian, Facilities Management Report System (FMRepS) telah dibangunkan bagi mengurangkan beban pihak pengurusan kolej dan yang lebih penting ialah memudahkan dan mencepatkan proses aduan kerosakan seperti yang disasarkan matlamat utama sistem. Sistem ini merekod segala butiran pelajar dan aduan yang ingin dibuat boleh dilakukan secara dalam talian tanpa perlu ke pejabat pengurusan Kolej Kediaman Perwira. Pembangunan FMRepS adalah berdasarkan Model Air Terjun dan menggunakan perisian Adobe Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop dan MySQL sebagai pangkalan data untuk mencapai dan menyimpan data. Pemantauan telah dilakukan di Kolej Kediaman Perwira untuk melihat penggunaan kertas setelah FMRepS diimplemen di kolej. Hasil kajian menunjukkan FMRepS mampu mengurangkan kos kertas dan juga masa memproses aduan kerosakan. Ini menjadikan urusan aduan menjadi lebih mudah dan lebih efektif di Kolej Kediaman Perwira

    Adattamento dell’Educational Context Perception Questionnaire II per la scuola secondaria di primo grado

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    Il Questionario di percezione del contesto educativo ECPQ Ăš utilizzato per valutare cinque dimensioni della percezione degli studenti del loro ambiente di classe: Apprezzamento reciproco, Discriminazione, Proposta didattica, Coesione e PossibilitĂ  di dialogo. La definizione del processo di ricerca e l'identificazione delle dimensioni da esplorare sono state indirizzate dalla teoria ecologica di Bronfenbrenner (1979). Lo scopo del presente studio Ăš analizzare le proprietĂ  psicometriche della versione dell’ ECPQ destinata agli studenti di scuola secondaria di primo grado. La versione a 26 item dell'ECPQ Ăš stata somministrata ad un campione di 2029 studenti iscritti ai tre livelli di scuola secondaria di primo grado a Roma. È stata condotta un'analisi fattoriale esplorativa (EFA) e la struttura del modello Ăš stata valutata tramite l'analisi fattoriale confermativa (CFA) e l’utilizzo del Modello di Equazione Strutturali (SEM). Il modello a cinque fattori fornisce un buon adattamento ai dati e presenta buoni indici di affidabilitĂ . La presente ricerca ha confermato la struttura fattoriale del modello e ha dimostrato che l'ECPQ ha proprietĂ  psicometriche soddisfacenti, rivelandosi un valido strumento di valutazione della percezione del contesto classe anche per il primo grado della scuola secondaria.The revised Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ) is used to assess five dimensions of the students’ classroom perception: Mutual appreciation, Discrimination, Didactics, Cohesion and Participation. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological theory served as a guide for the definition of the research process and the identification of dimensions to explore. The aim of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ECPQ intended for first-grade secondary schooling. The 26-item version of the ECPQ was administered to a sample of 2029 students enrolled in lower secondary schools (grades 6-8) in Rome. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied and the factor model structure was tested for model ïŹt using ConïŹrmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The five-factor model showed a good fit to the data and had good reliability. The current research confirmed the factor structure of the measure and showed that the ECPQ, adapted to assess the first-grade secondary schooling, has supportive psychometric properties of validity and reliability

    Liderança dos alunos e Contexto escolar – estudo em Roma e no Porto

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    O objetivo deste estudo Ă© compreender eventuais relaçÔes entre perceçÔes dos alunos, do Porto e de Roma, sobre contexto escolar e competĂȘncias de lideranças dos alunos. O mĂ©todo Ă© quantitativo integra indicadores relativos ao contexto escolar e Ă s dimensĂ”es de Liderança Socialmente ResponsĂĄvel. A amostra Ă© de 2521 alunos, 1434 do Porto e 1087 alunos de Roma. As relaçÔes entre as dimensĂ”es da liderança socialmente responsĂĄvel e as dimensĂ”es da perceção do contexto educacional sĂŁo muito significativas. Os instrumentos revelam uma forte consistĂȘncia interna. Existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as amostras do Porto e de Roma.The goal of this study is to understand eventual relationships between students’ perceptions about the school context and students’ leadership skills. The method is quantitative and integrates indictors related to the school context and to the Socially Responsible Leadership. The sample integrates 2521 students from Oporto and from Rome. The relationships between the socially responsible leadership and the educational context perception are very significant. The instruments reveal a strong internal consistency. There are statistically significant differences between the samples from Oporto and the samples from Rome

    La Tabula Peutingeriana, Boccaccio e due etnici antichi delle Alpi occidentali

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    La ricorrenza identica di due etnonimi relativi alle Alpi occidentali (Nantuani e Naburni, non altrimenti attestati in questa forma) nella Tabula Peutingeriana e nel De fluminibus di Boccaccio getta nuova luce sulla storia della tradizione della Peutingeriana nel tardo medioevo. The Tabula Peutingeriana and Boccaccio’s De Fluminibus are the only sources attesting in the same form two ethnonyms relating to Western Alps (Nantuani and Naburni): this gives new information on Peutingeriana tradition in the late Middle Ages

    Misurare la leadership responsabile degli studenti e degli scout utilizzando modelli di regressione lineare

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    Evaluating Value-based Leadership of Students and Scouts Using Linear Regression Models)The study aims to evaluate the impact of some aspects of two educational contexts, school and Scouting, on the development of adolescent leadership attitudes. The research instruments are: the Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ), designed to identify the characteristics of the two educational settings through adolescents’ perceptions, and the Socially Responsible Leadership Scale (SRLS), adapted to the Italian context, to measure their value-based leadership attitudes. The questionnaires were submitted to a judgment sample of 600 students and 231 Scouts enrolled in upper secondary schools in Rome (9th and 10th grades). The ECPQ was also administered to 34 teachers and 64 scout leaders. One-way ANOVA and the post-hoc Bonferroni test were used to analyze group differences based on role (teacher/student), school type and educational context (school/scouting). The association between the ECPQ and Leadership scales was evaluated by multiple linear regression. The data indicate that the quality of the interactions and the way in which power and responsibilities are shared within the class have a significant impact on the development of the students’ value-based leadership. Furthermore, the teachers’ data suggest the hypothesis of an impact of their school perception on the students’ perception of their classroom

    La misura degli atteggiamenti di leadership degli adolescenti in due contesti educativi: scuola e scautismo

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    La ricerca si interessa di sapere come le richieste emesse dall’OCSE, UNESCO e Unione Europea rispetto alla scuola, intesa come luogo di formazione alla vita sociale, vengono applicate rispetto allo sviluppo di atteggiamenti di leadership. È stato scelto di confrontare la proposta educativa della scuola con quella dello scautismo per studiare l’impatto di questi due ambienti educativi sul modello di leadership degli adolescenti. Per questo scopo sono stati utilizzati due strumenti, il primo volto a misurare gli atteggiamenti e i valori di leadership espressi dai ragazzi, il secondo volto a cogliere attraverso le percezioni dei ragazzi le caratteristiche dei due contesti educativi. Come strumento per la misura degli atteggiamenti di leadership ù stata utilizzata la Socially Responsible Leadership Scale (SRLS) (Tyree, 1998; Appel Silbaugh, 2005; Dugan, 2006), tradotta e utilizzata per la prima volta in Italia. Lo strumento di Percezione del contesto Educativo (ECPQ) ù stato ispirato alle dimensioni del Culture Questionaire della Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness research (GLOBE) (House, 2004) e sono state rielaborate sulla base dell’analisi fattoriale dei dati rilevati. I questionari sono stati somministrati a 600 studenti e 231 scout, iscritti al biennio della scuola secondaria di secondo grado a Roma. Nel presente articolo vengono descritte le caratteristiche dei due strumenti e presentati i risultati relativi alle differenze tra scout e studenti nella loro percezione del contesto classe o gruppo scout e nel loro sviluppo di atteggiamenti di leadership. Le analisi indicano differenze statisticamente significative a favore degli adolescenti scout per quanto riguarda sia la percezione del contesto sia lo sviluppo di atteggiamenti di leadership

    Adattamento dell’Educational Context Perception Questionnaire II per la scuola secondaria di primo grado

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    The revised Educational Context Perception Questionnaire (ECPQ II) (du MĂ©rac, 2016 and 2017) is used to assess five dimensions of the students’ classroom perception: Mutual appreciation, Discrimination, Didactics, Cohesion and Participation. Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) ecological theory served as a guide for the definition of the research process and the identification of dimensions to explore. The aim of the present study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the ECPQ II intended for first-grade secondary schooling. The 26-item version of the ECPQ II was administered to a sample of 2029 students, enrolled in lower secondary schools (grades 6-8) in Rome. An Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was applied and the factor model structure was tested for model fit using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The five-factor model showed a good fit to the data and had good reliability. The current research confirmed the factor structure of the measure and showed that the ECPQ II, adapted to assess the first-grade secondary schooling, has supportive psychometric properties of validity and reliability

    A good scare is worth more than good advice: Educational regulations in Italy and Turkey after CoVid-19

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    Interrupting educational services due to the CoVid-19 outbreak can have serious and long-term consequences. This paper addresses the comparisons of the Educational Regulations in Italy and Turkey after CoVid-19 on in-service teacher training. The purpose of this cross-cultural research is to examine the content and the quality of training that is provided to Turkish and Italian teachers in service. In this study, the document scanning method was used. In-service teacher training activities within the two education structures had been investigated through document scanning. In general, despite the differences in the general framework of teacher training in these two countries, they both pay more attention to teacher training right after the CoVid-19 outbreak. Based on the findings of the study, suggestions are made about in-service training activities in Turkey and Italy

    Liderança dos alunos e Contexto escolar – estudo em Roma e no Porto

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    O objetivo deste estudo Ă© compreender eventuais relaçÔes entre perceçÔes dos alunos, do Porto e de Roma, sobre contexto escolar e competĂȘncias de lideranças dos alunos. O mĂ©todo Ă© quantitativo integra indicadores relativos ao contexto escolar e Ă s dimensĂ”es de Liderança Socialmente ResponsĂĄvel. A amostra Ă© de 2521 alunos, 1434 do Porto e 1087 alunos de Roma.  As relaçÔes entre as dimensĂ”es da liderança socialmente responsĂĄvel e as dimensĂ”es da perceção do contexto educacional sĂŁo muito significativas. Os instrumentos revelam uma forte consistĂȘncia interna. Existem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as amostras do Porto e de Roma
