16 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of Antimicrobial Properties and Acute Toxicity of the Peo-based Combined Suppositories

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    Aim. The research of antimicrobial and toxicological parameters of a promising pharmaceutical composition with indole-3-carbinol and meloxicam in the form of rectal suppositories.Materials and methods. The research of antimicrobial activity was carried out in vitro by diffusion in nutrient agar in the modification of "holes" on the reference strains of common pathogens Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans.Adult rats were used for the study of acute toxicity. Suppository mass were administrated in the largest possible volume rectally or orally. The animals were periodically monitored according to the experimental plan – the assessment of physiological parameters before administration and after 6, 12, 18, 24 hours, at 3, 7 and 14 days. The animals were removed from experiment and necropsy provided after 1, 3, 7, and 14 days.Results. The sizes of zones of inhibition of the microorganisms growth were most significant (from 19.27±0.61 mm of E. coli to 40.80±0.42 mm of S. aureus) near sample of the combined composition suppository compared with other combination of active substances and excipients.During the observation of animals for 14 days and the study of internal organs after autopsy, deviations in physiological (weight, temperature, activity, respiratory rate) and macroscopic morphological indicators of animals from reference values were not detected.Conclusion. According to the results of microbiological studies, a moderate antimicrobial effect of suppositories of combined composition in relation to all the studied pathogens was revealed. The absence of manifestations of acute toxicity allows us to conclude that the pharmaceutical composition can be classified as practically non-toxic substances.The obtained results allow us to recommend a pharmaceutical composition with indole-3-carbinol and meloxicam on a polyethylene oxide basis in the form of suppositories for further preclinical studies of specific pharmacological effects as a prostate protective agent

    Single nucleotide polymorphism C994g of the cytochrome P450 gene possess pleiotropic eff ects in Bos taurus, L.

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    The chronic consumption of mycotoxin-contaminated forage tends to the weight loss of young cattle, decreasing the reproductive success of adult animals, milk yield, and tolerance to high temperatures. The aim of this paper was to study the eff ects of the SNP C994G in the CYP3A28 gene on the productive and reproductive characteristics of dairy and beef breeds. Cows were measured by body weight dynamics, exterior, reproduction, milk production traits, bone mineral density, bulls were analyzed estimating their progeny traits. Dairy cows received dietary betaine supplement with the measurement of homocysteine levels. Molecular genetic was performed by PCR-RFLP method. The effects of SNP C994G were shown in relation to the udder size, the constitution and birth weight of Abredin-Angus cows, as well as the fat and protein content of Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy cows milk. The higher sensitivity of the GG genotype to less homocysteine level after the addition of betaine was shown. Given the identifi ed correspondence, pleiotropic eff ects of CYP3A28 gene can be concluded. A microscopic analysis of forage supported the findings in relation to greater efficiency of the CC genotype under conditions of low mycotoxins contamination, to which CYP3A28 is selective

    The effect of vitamin E on the quality of geese meat

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    EN: During prolonged storage at low temperatures, meat quality deteriorates due to the activation of the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. The use of antioxidants in feeding birds to the prefabricated period and during storage of meat significantly inhibits its oxidative damage and prolongs the terms of storage. Vitamin E is traditionally used as one of the most effective fat-soluble antioxidants. The purpose of the work was conducting a comparative analysis of the effects of high content of vitamin E, depending on the technology of its application, on the oxidative damage of geese meat in the course of low temperature storage. The meat of the first experimental sample was obtained from geese that received feed with twice the content of vitamin E in the pre-slaughter period. The meat of the second test sample was obtained by treating geese meat with a vitamin E solution, before low temperature storage. The results of the experiment proved that regardless of the technology of vitamin E application, it contributes to the inhibition of the oxidative damage. An increase of vitamin E dose in the geese dietary is more effective . The content of secondary lipoperoxidation products in the meat of the control sample stored for 210 days increased by 5.3 times, in the first test sample by 2.5 times, and in the second sample by 4.6 times. An additional use of vitamin E in both studied samples contributed to the preservation of unsaturated fatty acids, but the mechanisms of exposure and changes in the content of individual acids in experimental samples are significantly different. LT: Ilgai laikant mėsą žemoje temperatūroje, jos kokybė blogėja dėl nesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių oksidacijos. Antioksidantų naudojimas paukščių pašaruose slopina oksidacinę žalą paukštienai ir prailgina mėsos laikymo laikotarpį. Vitaminas E tradiciškai naudojamas kaip vienas efektyviausių riebaluose tirpių antioksidantų. Darbo tikslas – didelės koncentracijos vitamino E poveikio palyginamoji analizė, atsižvelgiant į jo taikymo technologijas žąsienos oksidacinei žalai slopinti, kai mėsa laikoma žemoje temperatūroje. Pirmojo bandinio mėsa buvo žąsies, kuri prieš skerdimą buvo šeriama dviguba vitamino E doze. Antrojo mėginio mėsa iki saugojimo žemoje temperatūroje buvo laikyta vitamino E tirpale. Eksperimento rezultatai patvirtino, kad kokia bebūtų vitamino E panaudojimo technologija, jis prisideda prie oksidacinio pažeidimo slopinimo. Veiksmingesnis yra vitamino E dozės didinimas paukščių pašaruose. Antrinių lipoperoksidacijos produktų kiekis kontrolinėje mėsoje po 210 dienų laikymo padidėjo 5,3 karto, pirmojo mėginio – 2,5 karto, o antrojo – 4,6 karto. Papildomas vitamino E naudojimas abiejuose tirtuose mėginiuose prisidėjo prie nesočiųjų riebalų rūgščių išsaugojimo, tačiau ekspozicijos mechanizmai ir individualūs rūgščių kiekio pokyčiai eksperimentiniuose mėginiuose labai skiriasi

    Development of the Methodological Approach of Obtaining Preparations Based on Solid Dispersions

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    Nowadays, the innovative direction of pharmaceutical development is the application of methods to increase the biopharmaceutical efficiency and safety of the use of already existing APIs, including method of incorporating them into solid dispersions in which the substance molecules are included in the supramolecular formations by forming non-covalent bonds by excipients. Today, the preparation of solid dispersions is considered as the most effective way of increasing oral bioavailability, in which dissolution of the carrier facilitates the release of API with its rapid solubilization. According to the literature, it is established that today there is only an empirical approach to obtaining solid dispersions.The aim of the work was the formulation of the main approaches to the development of preparations on the basis of solid dispersions, taking into account the current trends in the development of the composition and technology of preparations with sparingly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients.Materials and methods. To develop a methodological approach, external situational content analysis of applied methods for increasing the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in the manufacture of solid dosage forms was used.Results. In the course of accomplishing this goal, a classification of the types of solid dispersions was proposed depending on the structure and method of production, an algorithm was developed for choosing a method for obtaining a solid dispersion, taking into account the physico-chemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredients, which can be used in the technological process to increase their bioavailability. Critical components were also found in the development of solid dispersions.Conclusions. Taking into account the physicochemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredients, was chosen an algorithm for selecting a method for preparing solid dispersions that can be used in the process to improve their bioavailability. Based on the results of the analysis of the literature data and our own research of the physico-chemical characteristics of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients, type of the solid dispersion structure, the type of solvent and carrier, a methodological approach to the preparation of solid dispersions is proposed, the use of which will optimize the development of solid dosage form

    Development of the Methodological Approach of Obtaining Preparations Based on Solid Dispersions

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    Nowadays, the innovative direction of pharmaceutical development is the application of methods to increase the biopharmaceutical efficiency and safety of the use of already existing APIs, including method of incorporating them into solid dispersions in which the substance molecules are included in the supramolecular formations by forming non-covalent bonds by excipients. Today, the preparation of solid dispersions is considered as the most effective way of increasing oral bioavailability, in which dissolution of the carrier facilitates the release of API with its rapid solubilization. According to the literature, it is established that today there is only an empirical approach to obtaining solid dispersions.The aim of the work was the formulation of the main approaches to the development of preparations on the basis of solid dispersions, taking into account the current trends in the development of the composition and technology of preparations with sparingly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients.Materials and methods. To develop a methodological approach, external situational content analysis of applied methods for increasing the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients used in the manufacture of solid dosage forms was used.Results. In the course of accomplishing this goal, a classification of the types of solid dispersions was proposed depending on the structure and method of production, an algorithm was developed for choosing a method for obtaining a solid dispersion, taking into account the physico-chemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredients, which can be used in the technological process to increase their bioavailability. Critical components were also found in the development of solid dispersions.Conclusions. Taking into account the physicochemical properties of the active pharmaceutical ingredients, was chosen an algorithm for selecting a method for preparing solid dispersions that can be used in the process to improve their bioavailability. Based on the results of the analysis of the literature data and our own research of the physico-chemical characteristics of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and excipients, type of the solid dispersion structure, the type of solvent and carrier, a methodological approach to the preparation of solid dispersions is proposed, the use of which will optimize the development of solid dosage form

    The Influence of the Composition of Liposomes on the Encapsulation Efficiency and the Particle Size When Creating the Liposomal Form of Cytochrome C

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    The influence of the liposomes' composition on the encapsulation degree and particle size in the pharmaceutical formulation of the liposomal form of Cytochrome C is studied.Aim: research of the effect of the composition of liposomes on the encapsulation efficiency and particle size when creating the liposomal form of Cytochrome C, as an agent for ophthalmic diseases therapy.Methods. Liposomal form of Cytochrome C is obtained by high pressure homogenization. Encapsulation of Cytochrome C was carried out using chemical bonding method, based on the possibility of formation of chemical bond between the liposome bilayer components and the active pharmaceutical ingredient. To determine the encapsulation efficiency, HPLC method based on the gel filtration was developed. The determination was carried out using Shimadzu (Japan) chromatograph.Results. The composition of liposome membrane that allows to obtain nanoparticles with high encapsulation degree of Cytochrome C – up to 95.88% and particle size in the range up to 150 nm – was determined. Conclusion: The optimal composition of the liposome membrane containing Dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol and Phosphatidylcholine was studied for the further study of the given liposomal complex as a therapeutic remedy in ophthalmology.It has been found that the optimal composition of liposomes is the ratio of Phosphatidylcholine and Dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (1.2–4.0:1), ensuring the maximum encapsulation of Cytochrome C in liposomes.Methods for determination of encapsulation degree of Cytochrome C were developed. Cytochrome C encapsulation was more than 95.0

    Трансформация правового регулирования семейных отношений под влиянием научного прогресса

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    The actuality of the problem is conditioned by the fact that in the conditions of growing scientific and technological progress and the strengthening of the role of the individual in public life there is an acute problem of the legal status of the family in modern human life. The achievements of science and technology and social changes in the society inevitably affect marriage and family relations. The purpose of this article is determining the changes in the family legislation under the impact of scientific progress, in particular, concerning the legal regulation of the issues of determining the child's origin when using artificial insemination technology, the responsibility of the surrogate mother in case of refusal to hand over the born child to the spouses, the regulation of cases related to such legally significant circumstances as changing the sex of a person and so on. The leading methods of research are the methods of analysis and synthesis used for structuring and analysis of the available information as well as the comparative method as a special-scientific method of research that allows to consider this problem by finding and comparing common and different legal phenomena in the regulation of these issues. The results of the undertaken study is determining the drawbacks in the legal regulation of doctrinal provisions on the legal assessment of certain legally significant circumstances which have the status of legal facts for the purposes of legal regulation, in particular, the wide spread of methods of vitro fertilization, cloning, sex change, surrogacy, among other things, in solving the matter of the child's origin. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of implementing a number of international legal acts in the national legislation of Ukraine at the level of international legal acts by imposing the obligations on the states parties of the conventions of the quality protection and protection of human rights.Актуальність проблеми обумовлюється тим, що в умовах зростаючого науково-технічного прогресу та посилення ролі особистості в суспільному житті виникає гостра проблема правового статусу сім'ї в сучасному житті людини. Досягнення науки і техніки та соціальні зміни в суспільстві неминуче впливають на шлюбні та сімейні відносини. Метою цієї статті є визначення змін у сімейному законодавстві під впливом наукового прогресу, зокрема, стосовно правового регулювання питань визначення походження дитини при використанні технології штучного запліднення, відповідальності сурогатної матері у разі відмова передавати народжену дитину подружжю, врегулювання справ, пов’язаних з такими юридично значущими обставинами, як зміна статі людини тощо. Провідними методами дослідження є методи аналізу та синтезу, що використовуються для структурування та аналізу наявної інформації, а також порівняльний метод як спеціально-науковий метод дослідження, що дозволяє розглядати цю проблему шляхом пошуку та порівняння загальних та різних правових явищ в регулюванні цих питань. Результатами проведеного дослідження є визначення недоліків у правовому регулюванні доктринальних положень щодо правової оцінки певних юридично значущих обставин, які мають статус юридичних фактів для цілей правового регулювання, зокрема широкого поширення методів in vitro запліднення, клонування, зміна статі, сурогатство, серед іншого, у вирішенні питання про походження дитини. Практичне значення отриманих результатів полягає у можливості впровадження низки міжнародно-правових актів у національне законодавство України на рівні міжнародно-правових актів шляхом накладення зобов’язань на держави-учасниці конвенцій про охорону та захист якості права людини

    Methodological Approaches to the Design of Solid Dosage Forms of Nootropic Action on the Basis of Plant Raw Materials

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    The general methodology of design of solid dosage forms from plant raw materials on the example of dry extract and shredded roots with rhizomes of the Scutellaria baicalensis and their stability in the process of storage has been substantiated.Aim. To find out general methodological approaches for the development of solid dosage forms with plant material of Scutellaria baicalensis.Materials and Methods. We have offered to develop two dosage forms containing medicinal plant material and a dry extract of the Scutellaria baicalensis - tablets and capsules. The stability of the developed formulations was studied by the method of prolonged storage at a temperature (25±2) °С, and relative humidity of air 60±5 %. Quality indices were monitored during (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 22, 24, 27 months).Results. In accordance with the proposed methodological approach, the first stage of the research was the study of the current state of phytopreparations with nootropic and sedative effects creation.Factors which can affect both the substance itself and the quality of the finished dosage form have been established. Natural sources of mineral complexes (macro- and microelements (ME)) have been investigated. Moisture absorption and its impact on physical and chemical stability and technological behavior during preparation of the medicinal product were studied. A group of biorelevant media that allow simulating the behavior, dissolution and adsorption of drugs in the gastrointestinal tract of the patient was applied.Conclusions. The methodological approach to the preparation of drugs on the basis of native vegetable raw material and dry extract (Scutellaria baicalensis) has been developed. The shelf life of tablets and capsules has been studied and it was determined that tablets and capsules are stable for 2 years of storage at a storage temperature of 15-25 °C; optimal packaging materials - polyvinyl chloride film and aluminum foil printed lacquere

    Investigations with the Aim of Obtaining a Mass for Pressing Medicated Chewing Gums "Lysodent C"

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    The design of high quality compressed medicated chewing gum "Lysodent C" with lysozyme hydrochloride and ascorbic acid as active pharmaceutical ingredients and the composition Health in Gum® PWD-01 as a chewable gum base involves obtaining a homogeneous mass for pressing. In order to prevent the segregation of the mass for pressing due to its polydispersity, it was necessary to carry out a preliminary granulation of the substance of lysozyme hydrochloride, which is characterized by fine dispersion, hygroscopicity and insufficient pharmacotechnological properties for direct compression method.Aim of the work – to carry out physicochemical and pharmacotechnological studies in order to obtain a homogeneous mass for pressing medicated chewing gums "Lysodent C".Materials and methods. The objects of study are granulate of lysozyme hydrochloride (Bouwhuis Enthoven, the Netherlands) with an intensive sweetener sucralose (Solo Sucralose-Non Micronised NF, VB Medicare PVT. LTD., India) and a flavoring agent (Nat Apple Flavor Wonf, Kerry Inc., Malaysia), and also a mass for pressing, obtained by mixing the granulate, the composition Health in Gum® PWD-01 (Cafosa, Spain) and ascorbic acid (Foodchem, China). As a granulating liquid ethanol 96 % was used. During the experiment, physicochemical (moisture absorption capacity), pharmacotechnological (optical microscopy, flowability, bulk density and tapped density, determination of particle size by analytical sieving) and statistical studies in accordance with the requirements of SPhU 2.0 were used.Results. Crystallographic analysis revealed similarity in size and shape of the obtained lysozyme hydrochloride granulates with the granules of Health in Gum® PWD-01, which was also confirmed by the study of the fractional composition – particles with a size of 1.0 > n ≥ 0.7 are their main fraction. In addition, the conversion of lysozyme hydrochloride powder to granules improved its pharmacotechnological characteristics. However, granulate, like the pure substance of lysozyme hydrochloride, is hygroscopic, which requires, respectively, a decrease in its moisture absorption capacity. Crystallographic analysis of the mixture obtained by mixing the granulate and Health in Gum® PWD-01 with premixing of ascorbic acid, established its dispersion homogeneity, and the study of its technological characteristics – good flowability, which will ensure high-quality compressed gums. The moisture absorption capacity of the formed mass for pressing did not decrease, but on the contrary increased, due to the presence in the mixture of such hygroscopic components as lysozyme hydrochloride and chewing gum base.Conclusions. It was established that the use of pre-granulation of lysozyme hydrochloride led to the homogeneity of the resulting mass for pressing. However, the hygroscopicity of the mixture requires the introduction of moisture-absorbing agents in its composition or compliance with 40 % of the relative humidity of the environment during the preparation of the dru