67 research outputs found

    The fellows mad, I neither understand his words, nor his Sence: On Dialect Lexis in Three Literary Renderings of Seventeenth-Century Lancashire Speech

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    [Abstract] This paper addresses the need to retrieve lexical information from a period which has been hitherto poorly assessed. Itconcentrates on a close examination of dialect words scattered inthree samples of Lancashire literary dialect: The Late Lancashire Witches (1634), by Thomas Heywood and Richard Brome; The Two Lancashire Lovers (1640), by Richard Brathwaite; and The Lancashire Witches (1682), by Thomas Shadwell. Its aims are twofold: first, to evaluate, in the light of Present-day English and Early Modern lexicographical evidence, which words are genuine to Lancashire and which are also natural to other adjacent counties. Second, it demonstrates that, although nowadays assigned to regional dialects, some words were not used as such at the time. In so doing, a contribution will be made to outlining a lexical map of regionalisms in Early Modern English

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Flow State Scale

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the psychometric properties of a Spanish translation of the Flow State Scale (FSS; Jackson & Marsh, 1996). This instrument is used to assess the Flow State in participants of physical activity, although it can be adapted to other contexts (such as work, educational contexts, etc.). This construct can be considered the optimal psychological state to carry out an activity, being closely related to motivation and personal enjoyment (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). A sample of 2036 athletes was recruited from diverse sports activities. The results revealed satisfactory validity and internal consistency of the instrument, obtaining a factor model made up of a main factor and nine subscales. The correlations between motivational orientations and the flow state are highlighted. The Spanish translation of this instrument is found to be acceptable, with similar psychometric properties as the original scale, although future research in other contexts is needed to support these outcomes.El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una versión adaptada al castellano de la Flow State Scale (FSS; Jackson y Marsh, 1996), instrumento utilizado para valorar el estado de fluidez en practicantes de actividad física, aunque adaptable a otros contextos (trabajo, educación…). Dicho constructo puede ser considerado como el estado psicológico óptimo para realizar una actividad, estando muy relacionado con la motivación y el disfrute personal (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). Se desarrolló un estudio con 2036 participantes en diferentes actividades deportivas. Los resultados han demostrado que el instrumento posee una validez y consistencia interna aceptables, hallándose un modelo factorial compuesto por un factor principal y nueve factores secundarios. Asimismo, destacan las correlaciones entre las dos orientaciones motivacionales y el estado de fluidez. Se concluye que la adaptación al castellano del instrumento para valorar el estado de fluidez es aceptable, encontrándose propiedades psicométricas similares a las obtenidas en la escala original, aunque se necesitan nuevos trabajos en otros contextos que apoyen estos resultados

    Ordering Artificial Intelligence Based Recommendations to Tackle the SDGs with a Decision-Making Model Based on Surveys

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    This work was supported by the contract OTRI-4408 between the University of Granada and the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain financed by Ferrovial S.A. Eugenio Martinez Camara was supported by the Spanish Government fellowship programme Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion (IJC2018-036092-I).The United Nations Agenda 2030 established 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guideline to guarantee a sustainable worldwide development. Recent advances in artificial intelligence and other digital technologies have already changed several areas of modern society, and they could be very useful to reach these sustainable goals. In this paper we propose a novel decision making model based on surveys that ranks recommendations on the use of different artificial intelligence and related technologies to achieve the SDGs. According to the surveys, our decision making method is able to determine which of these technologies are worth investing in to lead new research to successfully tackle with sustainability challenges.University of Granada - Ferrovial S.A. OTRI-4408Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain - Ferrovial S.A. OTRI-4408Spanish Government fellowship programme Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion IJC2018-036092-

    Lipopolysacharide-induced neuroinflammation leads to the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins and increases susceptibility to neurodegeneration induced by proteasome inhibition in rat hippocampus

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    BACKGROUND: Neuroinflammation and protein accumulation are characteristic hallmarks of both normal aging and age-related neurodegenerative diseases. However, the relationship between these factors in neurodegenerative processes is poorly understood. We have previously shown that proteasome inhibition produced higher neurodegeneration in aged than in young rats, suggesting that other additional age-related events could be involved in neurodegeneration. We evaluated the role of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced neuroinflammation as a potential synergic risk factor for hippocampal neurodegeneration induced by proteasome inhibition. METHODS: Young male Wistar rats were injected with 1 μL of saline or LPS (5 mg/mL) into the hippocampus to evaluate the effect of LPS-induced neuroinflammation on protein homeostasis. The synergic effect of LPS and proteasome inhibition was analyzed in young rats that first received 1 μL of LPS and 24 h later 1 μL (5 mg/mL) of the proteasome inhibitor lactacystin. Animals were sacrificed at different times post-injection and hippocampi isolated and processed for gene expression analysis by real-time polymerase chain reaction; protein expression analysis by western blots; proteasome activity by fluorescence spectroscopy; immunofluorescence analysis by confocal microscopy; and degeneration assay by Fluoro-Jade B staining. RESULTS: LPS injection produced the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins in hippocampal neurons, increased expression of the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UB2L6, decreased proteasome activity and increased immunoproteasome content. However, LPS injection was not sufficient to produce neurodegeneration. The combination of neuroinflammation and proteasome inhibition leads to higher neuronal accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, predominant expression of pro-apoptotic markers and increased neurodegeneration, when compared with LPS or lactacystin (LT) injection alone. CONCLUSIONS: Our results identify neuroinflammation as a risk factor that increases susceptibility to neurodegeneration induced by proteasome inhibition. These results highlight the modulation of neuroinflammation as a mechanism for neuronal protection that could be relevant in situations where both factors are present, such as aging and neurodegenerative diseases

    Epigraphic practices on ceramics in the roman villa of El Saucedo. The graffiti

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    En este artículo se presenta una recopilación de fragmentos cerámicos con grafitos tanto alfabéticos como figurativos, constatados en las diferentes producciones cerámicas documentadas a lo largo de la dilatada historia de la villa de El Saucedo (siglos i-viii d. C.). Se trata de cincuenta y dos grafitos esgrafiados (la mayoría conservados de forma fragmentaria) sobre cerámica pintada romana de tradición indígena de época altoimperial, y sobre producciones de terra sigillata gálica e hispánica de época altoimperial, intermedia y tardía. Su constatación supone una aportación de singular interés para el conocimiento de los hábitos epigráficos del entorno de Caesarobriga y, en particular, de esta villaThis paper presents a group of fifty-two graffito inscriptions on roman ceramic fragments from Villa de El Saucedo (1st- 8th centuries AD). These graffiti are both alphabetical and figurative inscriptions (most of them incomplete), and they are made on high Roman (of indigenous tradition) painted pottery fragments, as well as on Terra Sigillata (from Gallia and from Hispania; from high to late Roman empire). This group of graffiti are an interesting contribution to the knowledge of Roman Epigraphy in the surroundings of Caesarobriga, in particular to the knowledge of villa de El SaucedoEste artículo ha sido llevado a cabo en el seno de los siguientes proyectos: «Corpus Vasorum Hispanorum. Analisis tipológico, cronológico y prosopográfico de los sigilla en terra sigillata hispanica a partir de los centros consumidores. Parte I: Lusitania» (PGC2018-093478- A-I00 – Convocatoria Proyectos de Excelencia – Plan Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento – Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – España. «Aplicación de nuevas tecnologías para el desarrollo del Corpus Vasorum Hispanorum. Una herramienta para análisis tipológico, cronológico y prosopográfico de los sigilla en Terra Sigillata Hispánica». Nombre del programa: Fundación BBVA, Programa Logos Ayuda a la Investigación en Estudios Clásicos 2019. «Nueva aportación a la historia de El Saucedo. La cerámica fina de época romana» (2016); SIGICEDO. «Estudio cronotipológico y arqueométrico de la vajilla fina en la villa de El Saucedo» (2017); SIGICEDO II. «Estudio cronotipológico y arqueométrico de la vajilla fina en la villa de El Saucedo» (2018). Proyectos de Investigación del Patrimonio Arqueológico y Paleontológico. Castilla- La Mancha. Servicio de Patrimonio y Arqueologí