227 research outputs found

    Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland: Policy Implications for Emerging Economies

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    The increasingly important role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in the global economy is linked to questions of how the foreign direct investment (FDI) they control impacts on overall economic activity in the recipient countries. Of specific interest is the policy context in which such FDI flows into the developing country and how a government can influence the impact of those flows. This paper reviews some of the literature in two key contextual areas, namely, when the host country policy regime promotes FDI selectively, and secondly, where it promotes the creation of industrial clusters. It explores the insights of this literature for the development of the strong MNE sector in the Irish economy and draws lessons from the Irish experience for emerging economies.Note: Length:

    Jesus and the angels: the influence of angelology on the Christology of the apocalypse of John

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    A review of previous study of the Christology of the Ape reveals that little work has been done on the influence of angelology on the Christology of the Ape. What work has been done has focused mainly on Ape 1.13-16 and 14.14 and has drawn attention to parallels with angelophanies in OT and other Jewish and Christian apocalyptic and related writings from the period c. 200 BCE to 200 CE. In Part One of the dissertation the context of the Christology in Jewish and Christian traditions is explored. Initially angelology and epiphanies in Zechariah, Ezekiel, and Daniel are explored. Principal angels, especially those with a glorious appearance are then studied, followed by angelomorphic figures. Included in the latter category are both exalted humans and the Logos. The investigation in Part One is rounded off with a brief survey of texts featuring angel- and angelomorphic Christology in the first Christian centuries. Part Two begins with consideration of the relationship between Jesus and God and between Jesus and the angel of the revelation. This determines that Jesus is identified with God yet functionally equivalent to the angel. In four successive chapters the three visions of Jesus which most probably reflect the influence of angelology (1.13-16, 14.14, 19.11-16) are discussed. An alternative is put forward to the increasingly common assumption that Dn 7.9 LXX has influenced the combination of imagery found in Ape 1.13-16, and the thesis is proposed that Jesus is perceived as adopting angelic form analogous to his human incarnation. Jesus is not, however, in the final analysis an angel. His true nature is bound with God

    Surface Transportation Assistance Act 1991 Report

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    Characterisation of Osteopontin in an In Vitro Model of Embryo Implantation

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    At the onset of pregnancy, embryo implantation is initiated by interactions between the endometrial epithelium and the outer trophectoderm cells of the blastocyst. Osteopontin (OPN) is expressed in the endometrium and is implicated in attachment and signalling roles at the embryo–epithelium interface. We have characterised OPN in the human endometrial epithelial Ishikawa cell line using three different monoclonal antibodies, revealing at least nine distinct molecular weight forms and a novel secretory pathway localisation in the apical domain induced by cell organisation into a confluent epithelial layer. Mouse blastocysts co-cultured with Ishikawa cell layers served to model embryo apposition, attachment and initial invasion at implantation. Exogenous OPN attenuated initial, weak embryo attachment to Ishikawa cells but did not affect the attainment of stable attachment. Notably, exogenous OPN inhibited embryonic invasion of the underlying cell layer, and this corresponded with altered expression of transcription factors associated with differentiation from trophectoderm (Gata2) to invasive trophoblast giant cells (Hand1). These data demonstrate the complexity of endometrial OPN forms and suggest that OPN regulates embryonic invasion at implantation by signalling to the trophectoder

    Osmotic stress induces JNK-dependent embryo invasion in a model of implantation

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    In vitro culture during assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) exposes pre-implantation embryos to environmental stressors, such as non-physiological nutritional, oxidative and osmotic conditions. The effects on subsequent implantation are not well understood but could contribute to poor ART efficiency and outcomes. We have used exposure to hyperosmolarity to investigate the effects of stress on the ability of embryos to interact with endometrial cells in an in vitro model. Culturing mouse blastocysts for 2 h in medium with osmolarity raised by 400 mosmol induced blastocoel collapse and re-expansion, but did not affect subsequent attachment to, or invasion of, the endometrial epithelial Ishikawa cell line. Inhibition of stress-responsive c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity with SP600125 did not affect the intercellular interactions between these embryos and the epithelial cells. Four successive cycles of hyperosmotic stress at E5.5 had no effect on attachment, but promoted embryonic breaching of the epithelial cell layer by trophoblast giant cells in a JNK-dependent manner. These findings suggest that acute stress at the blastocyst stage may promote trophoblast breaching of the endometrial epithelium at implantation and implicates stress signalling through JNK in the process of trophectoderm differentiation into the invasive trophoblast necessary for the establishment of pregnancy. The data may lead to increased understanding of factors governing ART success rates and safety

    Apposition to endometrial epithelial cells activates mouse blastocysts for implantation.

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    How do interactions between blastocyst-stage embryos and endometrial epithelial cells regulate the early stages of implantation in an in vitro model?Mouse blastocyst apposition with human endometrial epithelial cells initiates trophectoderm differentiation to trophoblast, which goes on to breach the endometrial epithelium.In vitro models using mouse blastocysts and human endometrial cell lines have proven invaluable in the molecular characterisation of embryo attachment to endometrial epithelium at the onset of implantation. Genes involved in embryonic breaching of the endometrial epithelium have not been investigated in such in vitro models.This study used an established in vitro model of implantation to examine cellular and molecular interactions during blastocyst attachment to endometrial epithelial cells.Mouse blastocysts developed from embryonic day (E) 1.5 in vitro were hatched and co-cultured with confluent human endometrial adenocarcinoma-derived Ishikawa cells in serum-free medium. A scale of attachment stability based on blastocyst oscillation upon agitation was devised. Blastocysts were monitored for 48 h to establish the kinetics of implantation, and optical sectioning using fluorescence microscopy revealed attachment and invasion interfaces. Quantitative PCR was used to determine blastocyst gene expression. Data from a total of 680 mouse blastocysts are reported, with 3-6 experimental replicates. T-test and ANOVA analyses established statistical significance at P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001.Hatched E4.5 mouse blastocysts exhibited weak attachment to confluent Ishikawa cells over the first 24 h of co-culture, with intermediate and stable attachment occurring from 28 h (E5.5 + 4 h) in a hormone-independent manner. Attached embryos fixed after 48 h (E6.5) frequently exhibited outgrowths, characterised morphologically and with antibody markers as trophoblast giant cells (TGCs), which had breached the Ishikawa cell layer. Beginning co-culture at E5.5 also resulted in intermediate and stable attachment from E5.5 + 4 h; however, these embryos did not go on to breach the Ishikawa cell layer, even when co-culture was extended to E7.5 (P < 0.01). Blastocysts cultured from E4.5 in permeable transwell inserts above Ishikawa cells before transfer to direct co-culture at E5.5 went on to attach but failed to breach the Ishikawa cell layer by E6.5 (P < 0.01). Gene expression analysis at E5.5 demonstrated that direct co-culture with Ishikawa cells from E4.5 resulted in downregulation of trophectoderm transcription factors Cdx2 (P < 0.05) and Gata3 (P < 0.05) and upregulation of the TGC transcription factor Hand1 (P < 0.05). Co-culture with non-endometrial human fibroblasts did not alter the expression of these genes.None.The in vitro model used here combines human carcinoma-derived endometrial cells with mouse embryos, in which the cellular interactions observed may not fully recapitulate those in vivo. The data gleaned from such models can be regarded as hypothesis-generating, and research is now needed to develop more sophisticated models of human implantation combining multiple primary endometrial cell types with surrogate and real human embryos.This study implicates blastocyst apposition to endometrial epithelial cells as a critical step in trophoblast differentiation required for implantation. Understanding this maternal regulation of the embryonic developmental programme may lead to novel treatments for infertility.This work was supported by funds from the charities Wellbeing of Women (RG1442) and Diabetes UK (15/0005207), and studentship support for SCB from the Anatomical Society. No conflict of interest is declared

    The glycosyltransferase EOGT regulates adropin expression in decidualizing human endometrium

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    In pregnancy, resistance of endometrial decidual cells to stress signals is critical for the integrity of the feto-maternal interface and, by extension, survival of the conceptus. O-GlcNAcylation is an essential post-translational modification that links glucose sensing to cellular stress resistance. Unexpectedly, decidualization of primary endometrial stromal cells (EnSCs) was associated with a 60% reduction in O-GlcNAc modified proteins, reflecting downregulation of the enzyme that adds O-GlcNAc to substrates (O-GlcNAc transferase, OGT) but not the enzyme that removes the modification (O-GlcNAcase, OGA). Notably, EOGT, an endoplasmic reticulum-specific O-GlcNAc transferase that modifies a limited number of secreted and membrane proteins, was markedly induced in differentiating EnSCs. Knockdown of EOGT perturbed a network of decidual genes involved in multiple cellular functions. The most downregulated gene upon EOGT knockdown in decidualizing cells was ENHO, which encodes adropin, a metabolic hormone involved in energy homeostasis and glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Analysis of mid-luteal endometrial biopsies revealed an inverse correlation between endometrial EOGT and ENHO expression and body mass index. Taken together, our findings reveal that obesity impairs the EOGT-adropin axis in decidual cells, which in turn points towards a novel mechanistic link between metabolic disorders and adverse pregnancy outcome. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2017 Endocrine Society.

    Chapter 5: Food Security

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    The current food system (production, transport, processing, packaging, storage, retail, consumption, loss and waste) feeds the great majority of world population and supports the livelihoods of over 1 billion people. Since 1961, food supply per capita has increased more than 30%, accompanied by greater use of nitrogen fertilisers (increase of about 800%) and water resources for irrigation (increase of more than 100%). However, an estimated 821 million people are currently undernourished, 151 million children under five are stunted, 613 million women and girls aged 15 to 49 suffer from iron deficiency, and 2 billion adults are overweight or obese. The food system is under pressure from non-climate stressors (e.g., population and income growth, demand for animal-sourced products), and from climate change. These climate and non-climate stresses are impacting the four pillars of food security (availability, access, utilisation, and stability)

    Glucose influences endometrial receptivity to embryo implantation through O-GlcNAcylation-mediated regulation of the cytoskeleton

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    Phenotypic changes to endometrial epithelial cells underpin receptivity to embryo implantation at the onset of pregnancy but the effect of hyperglycaemia on these processes remains poorly understood. Here we show that physiological levels of glucose (5mM) abolished receptivity in the endometrial epithelial cell line, Ishikawa. However, embryo attachment was supported by 17mM glucose as a result of glucose flux through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) and modulation of cell function via protein O-GlcNAcylation. Pharmacological inhibition of HBP or protein O-GlcNAcylation reduced embryo attachment in co-cultures at 17mM glucose. Mass spectrometry analysis of the O-GlcNAcylated proteome in Ishikawa cells revealed that myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1) is more highly O-GlcNAcylated in 17mM glucose, correlating with loss of its target protein, phospho-myosin light chain 2, from apical cell junctions of polarised epithelium. 2D and 3D morphologic analysis demonstrated that the higher glucose level attenuates epithelial polarity through O-GlcNAcylation. Inhibition of RhoA-associated kinase (ROCK) or myosin II led to reduced polarity and enhanced receptivity in cells cultured in 5mM glucose, consistent with data showing that MYPT1 acts downstream of ROCK signalling. These data implicate regulation of endometrial epithelial polarity through RhoA signaling upstream of actomyosin contractility in the acquisition of endometrial receptivity. Glucose levels impinge on this pathway through O-GlcNAcylation of MYPT1, which may impact endometrial receptivity to an implanting embryo in women with diabetes
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