7 research outputs found

    An integral model for strategic management in science and research organisation

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    U širem kontekstu naučnoistraživačke organizacije bi trebalo posmatrati kao deo velikog sistema međusobno povezanih aktera, čije eksterno okruženje karakterišu rizik i neizvesnost, a interno visoka ulaganja u naučnoisraživačke aktivnosti, čiji rezultati su neizvesni i vidljivi tek u budućem periodu. Strateški pristup upravljanju naučnoistraživačkim organizacijama je sveobuhvatana, višedimenzionalna i balansirana konstrukcija različitih elemenata koji čine sistem upravljanja u ovom tipu organizacija. Imajući u vidu značaj naučnoistraživačkog rada, primena strateškog pristupa u funkciji unapređenja funkcionisanja naučnoistraživačkih organizacija je od izuzetnog značaja za razvoj naučnoistraživačkog sektora, razvoj nacionalne ekonomije, pa i šire. Razvoj integrisanog modela strateškog upravljanja u naučnoistraživačkim organizacijama predstavlja kompleksnu oblast istraživanja, koja povezuje koncept strateškog upravljanja i projektno organizovan naučnoistraživački rad. Analiza postojećeg fonda znanja u ovoj oblasti potvrđuje da se sveobuhvatnost i integralnost modela strateškog upravljanja u naučnoistraživačkim organizacijama može postići povezujući međusobno zavisne komponente strateškog upravljanja, koje su pojedinačno i detaljno analizirane, sistematizovane i posmatrane kroz tri osnovne faze opšteg modela za strateško upravljanje organizacijama: planiranje, implementaciju i evaluaciju. U skladu sa predloženim istraživačkim modelom i hipotezama, u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji je empirijski verifikovan integrisani model strateškog upravljanja u naučnoistraživačkim organizacijama u Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju glavnu hipotezu rada, ukazuju da je primenom savremenih teorijskih dostignića i naučnih metoda i tehnika, za date uslove realnog sistema i uticaje okruženja moguće razviti održiv, integrisani model strateškog upravljanja naučnoistraživačkim organizacijama čija primena će unaprediti efikasnost naučnoistraživačkog rada...From a wider perspective, the scientific-research organizations should be seen as a part of a large system of interconnected actors, whose external environment is characterized by risk and uncertainty, while high investments made internally should be expected to have uncertain results, detectable only in the future. A strategic approach to the management of scientific research organizations is a comprehensive, multidimensional and balanced construct of various elements that constitute the management system in this type of organization. Bearing in mind the importance of scientific-research work, the application of strategic approach aiming to promote scientific-research organizations is undoubtedly of great importance to the development of the scientific-research sector, the development of the national economy, and even more. The development of an integrated model of strategic management in scientific-research organizations represents a complex field of research that connects the concept of strategic management and project-based research work. The analysis of the existing knowledge concerning this field confirms that the comprehensiveness and integrity of the strategic management models in scientific-research organizations are possible to achieve by connecting mutually dependent components of strategic management, which are analyzed, scrutinized individually and in detail, systematized and finally examined through the prism of three basic stages of the general model for strategic management of organizations: planning, implementation and evaluation. Following the proposed model and hypotheses, this dissertation empirically verifies the integrated model of strategic management in scientific-research organizations in Serbia. The research results confirm the main hypothesis, suggesting that applying modern theoretical knowledge along with scientific methods and techniques to the existing conditions and the actual system makes it possible to develop a sustainable, integrated model of strategic management of scientific-research organizations and that its application will improve the efficiency of scientific-research work..

    Istraživanje osnovnih parametara mehanizacije u cilju unapređenja proizvodnje, uštede energije i očuvanja životne sredine u poljoprivredi

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    Project 12M12 is realized in the scope of ten subproject in accordance with program, which is defined by agreement of ministry for period 1996-2000. There were about 120 scouter included in started year and about 80 scouter in final year. 911 papers were published in domestic or foreign journals or on scientific meetings. 25 monographs were published and 5 dissertation and 5 M. Sc. thesis were defended in the scope of project based on research. The situation of agricultural technique has been researched, necessities have been estimated and directions of development of power machines, tractors, processing technique, agricultural machines, vegetable production, animal husbandry, fruit growing, viticulture, mechanization for production salutary, spices and aromatic plants have been defined. The available methods have been advanced and the new methods have been developed for selection and forming tractor's systems and optimization structure and composition of engineering park in the agriculture. The soil compaction has been researched and changes have been established under effect of tractor's wheels, machines and transport vehicles and criterions have been set for reduction and supervision of soil compaction. The damages, appeared because of overmuch compaction, were estimated on 250- 300 USA /haperyear.Thenewmethodsandequipmentforpresciencepulloftractorhavebeenrecommended.Thepowerfulfactorsoffuelconsumptionhavebeenaffirmedandtechnologyforproductionandrelianceofalternativefuels(biodieselandgeneratorgas)havebeendefined.Thereliabilityoftractorsandmachineshasbeenresearched.Thenewandavailabletechnologyandtechnicalsolutionsofworkingofthesoil,seedingandplanting,mechanicalandchemicalcare,collecting,finishingandstorageagriculturalproductshavebeendevelopedandreformed.Theprobabilityofapplicationofsceaningmethod,methodfinalledelements,regressionanalysis,multicriterionoptimization,fuzzylogicandneuronsnetworks,numericanalysisandothersmethodsinprocessofoutlay,projectingandconcurringthenewsettlementsofagriculturalmachineshavebeenresearched.ProjekatMinistarstvanaukeRepublikeSrbije,br.12M12realizovanjeuokvirudesetpotprojekatapremaprogramukojijedefinisanugovoromsaministarstvomzaperiod19962000.godine.Uizradiprojektaucˇestvovalojeoko120istrazˇivacˇaupocˇetnojgodiniioko80uzavrsˇnojgodini.Objavljenoje911radovaudomacˊimiliinostranimcˇasopisimailinanaucˇnimskupovima.Naosnovuistrazˇivanjauokviruprojektaobjavljenoje25monografijaiodbranjenopetdoktorskihipetmagistarskihteza.Istrazˇenojestanjepoljoprivrednetehnike,procenjenepotrebeidefinisanipravcirazvojapogonskihmasˇina,traktora,procesnetehnike,mehanizacijeuratarstvu,povrtarstvu,stocˇarstvu,vocˊarstvu,vinogradarstvu,mehanizacijezaproizvodnjulekovitog,zacˇinskogiaromaticˇnogbilja.Unapređenesupostojecˊeirazvijenenovemetodezaizboriformiranjetraktorskihsistemaioptimizacijustruktureisastavmasˇinskogparkaupoljoprivredi.Istrazˇivanojesabijanjezemljisˇtaiutvrđenesupromenenastalepoddejstvomtocˇkovatraktora,masˇinaitransportnihvozilaipredlozˇenesumerezasmanjenjeikontrolusabijanja.Procenjenesusˇtetenastaleusledprekomernogsabijanjazemljisˇtaod250do300USA/ha per year. The new methods and equipment for prescience pull of tractor have been recommended. The powerful factors of fuel consumption have been affirmed and technology for production and reliance of alternative fuels (bio-diesel and generator gas) have been defined. The reliability of tractors and machines has been researched. The new and available technology and technical solutions of working of the soil, seeding and planting, mechanical and chemical care, collecting, finishing and storage agricultural products have been developed and reformed. The probability of application of sceaning method, method finalled elements, regression analysis, multicriterion optimization, fuzzy logic and neuron's networks, numeric analysis and others methods in process of outlay, projecting and concurring the new settlements of agricultural machines have been researched.Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 12M12 realizovan je u okviru deset potprojekata prema programu koji je definisan ugovorom sa ministarstvom za period 1996-2000. godine. U izradi projekta učestvovalo je oko 120 istraživača u početnoj godini i oko 80 u završnoj godini. Objavljeno je 911 radova u domaćim ili inostranim časopisima ili na naučnim skupovima. Na osnovu istraživanja u okviru projekta objavljeno je 25 monografija i odbranjeno pet doktorskih i pet magistarskih teza. Istraženo je stanje poljoprivredne tehnike, procenjene potrebe i definisani pravci razvoja pogonskih mašina, traktora, procesne tehnike, mehanizacije u ratarstvu, povrtarstvu, stočarstvu, voćarstvu, vinogradarstvu, mehanizacije za proizvodnju lekovitog, začinskog i aromatičnog bilja. Unapređene su postojeće i razvijene nove metode za izbor i formiranje traktorskih sistema i optimizaciju strukture i sastav mašinskog parka u poljoprivredi. Istraživano je sabijanje zemljišta i utvrđene su promene nastale pod dejstvom točkova traktora, mašina i transportnih vozila i predložene su mere za smanjenje i kontrolu sabijanja. Procenjene su štete nastale usled prekomernog sabijanja zemljišta od 250 do 300 USA /ha godišnje. Predložene su nove metode i oprema za predviđanje vuče traktora na van putnim podlogama. Utvrđeni su uticajni faktori na potrošnju goriva i maziva i definisana je tehnologija za proizvodnju i korišćenje alternativnih goriva (biodizel i prirodni gas). Istraživana je pouzdanost traktora i mašina. Razvijene su nove ili poboljšane postojeće tehnologije i nova ili poboljšana tehnička rešenja u obradi zemljišta, setvi i sadnji, mehaničkoj i hemijskoj nezi, ubiranju, doradi i čuvanju poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Istražena je mogućnost primene metoda skeniranja, metoda konačnih elemenata, regresione analize, višekriterijumske optimizacije, fuzzy logike i neuronskih mreža, numeričke analize i drugih metoda u procesu proračuna, projektovanja i osvajanja novih rešenja poljoprivrednih mašina

    The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After

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    The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series. The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series.&nbsp

    The Tito-Stalin Split 70 Years After

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    The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series. The goal of the Zagreb conference “The Tito-Stalin Split: 70 Years Later”, Zagreb-Goli Otok, 28-30 June 2018, as well as of the papers presented, was to show not only the new interpretations and takes on the subject, but to present the Yugoslav 1948 as a global event, one that touched lives of so many people around the world. It had a very significant impact not only on politics, international relations, prisoners, army cooperation and army relations, ideology, but also cultural life and production, especially in Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.Most of the papers presented at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, which co-organized the whole event with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, are published in this volume. A few papers were presented but the authors did not contribute the text (those were: Mark Kramer, Peter Ruggenthaler, Ondřej Vojtěchovský, Klaus Buchenau, Andreii Edemskii, Boris Stamenić, and Marie-Janine Calic). Also, one paper on China was not presented, but the text is here. We hope this volume will be an important contribution to the continuous dialogue that should be not only regional, but global. It should also be ongoing, since there is hardly an event in the history of the Cold War whose consequences were as important and as global as this one’s. (from the Preface)The book is co-published by the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – Department of History (Postgraduate Doctoral Studies “Modern and Contemporary Croatian History In European and World Context”) & the University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts – Department of History, as a volume 31 in the Historia series.&nbsp

    Recent literature in cartography and geographic information science

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