139 research outputs found

    Xarxes de sensors inalàmbriques basades amb l’especificació ZigBee

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    ZigBee és un protocol de xarxes inalàmbriques dissenyat per a xarxes de sensors o de control que requereixen una baixa velocitat de transmissió. Hi ha un gran nombre d’aplicacions que es poden beneficiar de ZigBee: xarxes automatitzades en edificis, sistemes de seguretat de la llar, xarxes de control industrial, mesures remotes i perifèrics de PC són algunes de les moltes aplicacions possibles. En comparació amb altres protocols inalàmbrics, el protocol ZigBee ofereix una baixa complexitat, un reduit nombre de recursos requerits i, el més important, un conjunt stàndard d’especificacions. També ofereix tres bandes d’operació conjuntament amb un gran nombre de configuracions de la xarxa i d’opcions de seguretat. Aquest projecte introdueix el protocol ZigBee i descriu en detall les capes Física i MAC. S’utilitza el kit de demostració PICDEM Z (Microchip)per analitzar el protocol i fer algunes mesures del funcionament

    La rubinada de Santa Tecla a Tàrrega (23 de setembre de 1874)

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    L'objectiu d'aquest article ha estat analitzar la rubinada de Santa Tecla del 1874 a Tàrrega; i això s'ha fet en dues parts: en la primera s'ha recopilat informació històrica (fenòmens meteorològics observats, àrea afectada, víctimes i danys), i en la segona, s'han reconstruït les característiques de la rubinada i de la tempesta que la va causa

    O que o modelo de padrões de aprendizagem contribui para o desenho de ações de treinamento?

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    Nowadays societies are suffering several changes which invite to think and reflect on the educational models that are established currently to face these new realities. Thus, societies need to analyse processes regarding the educational area, and not only the stages of higher education but emphasizing its basis, that is, Primary Education. In this sense, this article presents a set of training actions derived from a previous study. This study is based on the learning patterns model of Vermunt (1998) in which a total of 292 catalan students of Primary Education participated. These new lines of action are aimed at fostering reflexive, critical and self-regulated learning through cooperation among students, taking into account their individual learning processes. As a result, it is necessary that schools create these types of learning contexts in order to promote more creative and consistent future citizens capable of promoting better social actions.Los grandes y veloces cambios que vive la sociedad actual invitan a cuestionarse y reflexionar sobre los modelos educativos que se están llevando a cabo para hacer frente a estas nuevas realidades. De este modo, se presenta la necesidad de activar procesos de análisis del sector educativo, y no solamente de las etapas de educación superior sino haciendo hincapié en la base de ésta, en Educación Primaria. En tal sentido, el presente artículo establece bases y principios sobre las acciones formativas, a partir de resultados de un estudio previo sobre el modelo de Patrones de Aprendizaje de Vermunt (1998) en el que participaron un total de 292 alumnos catalanes de Educación Primaria. Estas nuevas líneas de actuación están orientadas al fomento de un aprendizaje más reflexivo, crítico y autorregulado mediante la cooperación entre alumnos, y teniendo en cuenta sus características individuales por lo que a su proceso de aprendizaje se refiere. A raíz de ello, es cada vez más necesario desde los centros educativos crear estos tipos de entorno de aprendizaje con el fin de potenciar un conjunto de futuros ciudadanos más creativos, consecuentes y que promuevan acciones de cambio orientadas a la mejora socialAs grandes e rápidas mudanças que a sociedade atual está vivendo nos convida a questionar e refletir sobre os modelos educacionais que estão sendo utilizados para enfrentar essas novas realidades. Assim, há a necessidade de ativar processos de análise do setor educação, não apenas das etapas do ensino superior, mas enfatizando as bases deste, no Ensino Fundamental. Nesse sentido, este artigo de reflexão estabelece bases e princípios para as ações formativas, com base nos resultados de um estudo anterior sobre o modelo de Padrões de Aprendizagemde Vermunt (1998), no qual participaram 292 estudantes de Educação Básica da Catalunha. Essas novas linhas de ação visam fomentar uma aprendizagem mais reflexiva, crítica e auto-regulada por meio da cooperação entre os alunos, levando em conta suas características individuais em termos de seu processo de aprendizagem. Como resultado, é cada vez mais necessário que as escolas criem estes ambientes de aprendizagem de modo a capacitar futuros cidadãos mais criativos, consequentes e que promovem ações de mudança voltadas para o aprimoramentosocial. O artigo está estruturado em uma primeira parte na reflexão sobre os padrões de aprendizagem e numa segunda e terceira, onde as idéias-chave sobre os fundamentos e princípios das ações de formação são apontadas para sua posterior discussão com o modelo de Vermunt (1998)

    The Role of Feral Goats in Maintaining Firebreaks by Using Attractants

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    Altres ajuts: FONDECYT/236-2015The threat of large forest fires is increasing, and the main causes are the depopulation of rural areas, along with the effects of climate change. To counter this threat in recent decades, there have been numerous proposals and actions aimed at promoting grazing in the forest as a tool for controlling biomass fuel. However, the continued disappearance of traditional herds makes this activity difficult. Rural depopulation has also meant that domestic species become feral, being habitual in the case of goats. Currently, little is known about the role that feral goats can play in the fight against forest fires. In this work, an analysis is made on the effect of feral goats on the control of the vegetation in firebreak areas. Furthermore, the effect of attractants, such as water, salt, or food, on goat behavior is also studied. The study was carried out on the island of Mallorca, where a population of feral goats occupies the mountain areas, and where it is common for them to graze on the network of firebreaks. The results showed that these areas in themselves exert an attractive effect with respect to the neighboring forest, and that the herbaceous biomass is reduced. This effect was enhanced with the implementation of water and salt points, although only in certain periods of the year. In general, it was possible to reduce the phytovolume of many species without affecting biodiversity in the short or medium term. Therefore, strategic management of feral animals, aimed at firebreak areas, could contribute not only to reducing the risk of fires and, consequently, to the mitigation of climate change, but also to attracting these animals to the forests, thus avoiding their dispersion to conflictive places such as roads,residences, agricultural fields, and gardens

    Complementarity between microhistological analysis and PCR-capillary electrophoresis in diet analysis of goats and cattle using faecal samples

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    Altres ajuts: project Life Montserrat (LIFE13 BIO/ES/000094). Javier Pareja was supported by the National Fund for Scientific, Technological Development and Technological Innovation (FONDECYT), the funding branch of the National Council for Science, Technology and Technological Innovation (CONCYTEC) Peru (Grant contract number N° 236-2015-FONDECYT).An evaluation is made of the complementarity between two non-invasive techniques, cuticle microhistological analysis (CMA) and PCR-capillary electrophoresis (PCR-CE) DNA-based analysis, for the determination of herbivore diet composition from faecal samples. Cuticle microhistological analysis is based on the different microanatomical characteristics of the epidermal fragments remaining in the faeces. The PCR-CE technique combines PCR amplification of a trnL(UAA) genomic DNA region with amplicon length determination by CE, with this length being characteristic for each species or taxon. A total of 37 fresh stool samples were analyzed, including 16 from feral goats (Capra hircus) from the Tramuntana mountain range (Mallorca, Baleares) and 11 from Bruna dels Pirineus cattle breed (Bos taurus) from the surrounding Montserrat mountain range (Barcelona, Spain). All the animals were in a free grazing Mediterranean pine habitat, dominated by Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis). The results showed that both techniques detected a similar number of plant components in the faeces of goats and cows. In the case of goats, a positive correlation was obtained between the percentage of samples in which a particular taxon is detected by CMA and the percentage of samples in which that taxon is detected by PCR-CE. This correlation was not observed in the case of cows. It is concluded that PCR-CE is a fast and reliable method to detect the different plant components in the faeces of herbivores. However, it cannot be considered as an alternative to CMA, but as a complementary method, since both techniques can detect some taxa that are not detected by the other technique. In addition, CMA detected the presence of the different taxa in a greater number of samples, and at the same time, it enables quantitative data to be obtained for plant diet composition. The species of herbivore also seems to influence the results obtained by PCR-CE, so more studies are required to address this aspect

    Prácticas funerarias durante el neolítico. Los enterramientos infantiles en el noreste de la Península Ibérica

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    El Neolítico catalán se ha caracterizado especialmente por su excelente registro funerario. Tanto es así, que a principios del siglo XX Bosch Gimpera hablaba de la “Cultura de los Sepulcros de Fosa”, denominación que sigue usándose habitualmente en la actualidad para el Neolítico Medio. En el marco de este volumen monográfico, nos centramos en los enterramientos infantiles, deteniéndonos especialmente en todos los aspectos referentes a las cuestiones antropológicas pero sin obviar otros datos que consideramos relevantes, como el ajuar asociado a los distintos individuos inhumados o la cronología de los contextos funerarios establecida a partir de las dataciones absolutas obtenidas.The Neolithic funeral record from Catalonia is particularly rich. At the beginning of the 20th century, P. Bosch Gimpera categorized the Catalonian Middle Neolithic as the “Sepulcros de Fosa” (pit burials) Culture, and this appellation is still in use. Within the framework of this monographic volume, this paper focus on the infantile burials, not only on its anthropological aspects, but also on other relevant information such as the grave goods associated to the reviewed burials, or the chronology of the funeral contexts established from the absolute dates available

    Preference by Donkeys and Goats among Five Mediterranean Forest Species : Implications for Reducing Fire Hazard

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    During the second half of the 20th century, European countries experienced an increase in their forest area due to the global change. Consequently, there has been an increase in large forest fires, mainly in the Mediterranean basin, and this has forced the development of several types of prevention programs. One of them is the control of the understory by livestock. In this sense, browsing with a combination of donkeys and goats could be a good option, as both animals usually feed on forest species. However, little is known about their preferences for the key species of the Mediterranean forest. Using a cafeteria test, the preferences and consumption of both animals have been determined for five typical species of the Mediterranean forest, such as Quercus ilex, Pinus halepensis, Phillyrea latifolia, Rubus ulmifolius, and Brachypodium retusum. Results showed that donkeys and goats could act complementarily in the reduction of the fuel biomass of forests. Donkeys appear to act more on fine fuel, such as B. retusum, and goats on the more pyrophyte species, in this case P. halepensis. In addition, given that donkeys are at severe risk of extinction in Europe, this role of providing ecosystem services could contribute to their conservation. Despite this study only showing that goats and donkeys would consume all five presented plant species and that there are some differences in consumption during a short-term test, it constitutes a useful first step for conservation and fire prevention in the Mediterranean forests

    Recuperación post-indencio del pinar y matorral mediterráneo mallorquín con presencia de cabras

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    Se ha realizado un seguimiento del efecto de la herbivoría por cabra doméstica asilvestrada en la regeneración de la vegetación en tres áreas de la Sierra de Tramuntana afectadas por el incendio de 2013 y con diferente densidad de población de cabras. Tras el incendio, independientemente de la densidad de cabras, la vegetación se ha regenerado de forma gradual siendo las especies rebrotadoras Ampelodesmos mauritanica, Arisarum vulgare, Chamaerops humilis y Pistacia lentiscus las dominantes gracias a su mayor grado de regeneración y cobertura vegetal. El grado de afectación por herbivoría ha sido superior en los primeros estadios de regeneración y ha disminuido con el tiempo, alcanzando valores mínimos en la primavera siguiente. Las especies más ramoneadas han sido Ampelodesmos mauritanica, Pistacia lentiscus y Olea europea

    Historic exposure to herbivores, not constitutive traits, explains plant tolerance to herbivory in the case of two Medicago species (Fabaceae)

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    Altres ajuts: Direcció General de Política Universitària i Recerca (Govern de les Illes Balears) FPI/1925/2016Mechanisms that allow plants to survive and reproduce after herbivory are considered to play a key role in plant evolution. In this study, we evaluated how tolerance varies in species with different historic exposure to herbivores considering ontogeny. We exposed the range-restricted species Medicago citrina and its closely related and widespread species M. arborea to one and two herbivory simulations (80 % aerial biomass loss). Physiological and growth parameters related to tolerance capacity were assessed to evaluate constitutive values (without herbivory) and induced tolerance after damage. Constitutive traits were not always related to greater tolerance, and each species compensated for herbivory through different traits. Herbivory damage only led to mortality in M. citrina; adults exhibited root biomass loss and increased oxidative stress after damage, but also compensated aerial biomass. Despite seedlings showed a lower death percentage than adults after herbivory in M. citrina, they showed less capacity to recover control values than adults. Moderate tolerance to M. arborea herbivory and low tolerance to M. citrina is found. Thus, although the constitutive characteristics are maintained in the lineage, the tolerance of plants decreases in M. citrina. That represents how plants respond to the lack of pressure from herbivores in their habitat