506 research outputs found

    Seismogenesis in Central Apennines, Italy: an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data in the Amatrice-Campotosto area

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    We present a seismotectonic study of the Amatrice-Campotosto area (Central Italy) based on an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences, geological data and crustal rheology. The area has been affected by three small-magnitude seismic sequences: August 1992 (M=3.9), June 1994 (M=3.7) and October 1996 (M=4.0). The hypocentral locations and fault plane solutions of the 1996 sequence are based on original data; the seismological features of the 1992 and 1994 sequences are summarised from literature. The active WSWdipping Mt. Gorzano normal fault is interpreted as the common seismogenic structure for the three analysed sequences. The mean state of stress obtained by inversion of focal mechanisms (WSW-ENE-trending deviatoric tension) is comparable to that responsible for finite Quaternary displacement, showing that the stress field has not changed since the onset of extensional tectonics. Available morphotectonic data integrated with original structural data show that the Mt. Gorzano Fault extends for ~28 km along strike. The along-strike displacement profile is typical of an isolated fault, without significant internal segmentation. The strong evidence of late Quaternary activity in the southern part of the fault (with lower displacement gradient) is explained in this work in terms of displacement profile readjustment within a fault unable to grow further laterally. The depth distribution of seismicity and the crustal rheology yield a thickness of ~15 km for the brittle layer. An area of ~530 km2 is estimated for the entire Mt. Gorzano Fault surface. In historical times, the northern portion of the fault was probably activated during the 1639 Amatrice earthquake (I = X, M~ 6.3), but this is not the largest event we expect on the fault. We propose that a large earthquake might activate the entire 28 km long Mt. Gorzano Fault, with an expected Mmax up to 6.7

    Catalogue of lichens (and some related fungi) of Navarino Island, Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile

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    The Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve, Chile, has been identified as a hotspot of bryophyte diversity and it has been suggested to be the same for lichens. However, in contrast to the extensive bryophyte studies, only preliminary lichen inventories had been conducted in this reserve. We conducted the first intensive study on the diversity of lichens on Navarino Island during the southern summers of 2005 and 2008. We explored the main habitat types of the island, including coastal areas, evergreen and deciduous forests, Magellanic tundra, and high Andean ('alpine') habitats on the mountain summits. The following substrates on which lichens grow were considered: bark, wood (incl. logs, stumps), soil, mosses, and rocks. We recorded a total of 416 taxa, although some of them not identified to species level. A main result is the finding of two species that are proposed as new: The lichen Candelariella magellanica, and the saprobic fungus Sclerococcum nothofagi that grows on the bark of trees of the genus Nothofagus. In addition, one species of lichenicolous fungus is recorded for the first time on Navarino Island: Tremella haematommatis. These results provide additional evidence about the great diversity of lichens that are conserved in the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve

    Reliability of knee joint position sense measurement: a comparison between goniometry and image capture methods

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    Aims: Evaluate the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of hand-held goniometry compared to image capture (IMC) in the assessment of joint position sense (JPS) in healthy participants. Methodology: Repeated-measures observational study design was undertaken with 36 asymptomatic university students of both genders aged between 18 to 45 years. JPS in the knee was assessed by two assessors over two sessions (one-week interval) using hand-held goniometry and IMC methods. Joint position sense was assessed at four target knee flexion angles. Intra- and inter-rater reliability was assessed with absolute error (AE), relative error (RE) and intra-class correlation coefficient. Findings: Inter-rater reliability for goniometry was poor to substantial (ICC: 0.00 to 0.64) and was poor to moderate (ICC: 0.00 to 0.47) for IMC. Intra-rater reliability for goniometry was poor to moderate (ICC: 0.00 to 0.42) and poor to moderate for IMC (ICC: 0.00 to 0.41). AE for goniometry ranged from 3.2° to 8.6°, with RE from 0.1°-8.3°. For IMC, AE for goniometry was 5.3° to 12.5°, with RE ranging from 0.1° to 11.1°. Principal Conclusions: Neither goniometry nor IMC appeared superior to the other in JPS assessment. Caution should be made when considering the reliability for goniometry and IMC before clinical assessment is made

    Electron-Electron Interactions in Artificial Graphene

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    Recent advances in the creation and modulation of graphene-like systems are introducing a science of "designer Dirac materials". In its original definition, artificial graphene is a man-made nanostructure that consists of identical potential wells (quantum dots) arranged in a adjustable honeycomb lattice in the two-dimensional electron gas. As our ability to control the quality of artificial graphene samples improves, so grows the need for an accurate theory of its electronic properties, including the effects of electron-electron interactions. Here we determine those effects on the band structure and on the emergence of Dirac points

    Seismogenesis in Central Apennines, Italy: an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences and structural data in the Amatrice-Campotosto area

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    We present a seismotectonic study of the Amatrice-Campotosto area (Central Italy) based on an integrated analysis of minor earthquake sequences, geological data and crustal rheology. The area has been affected by three small-magnitude seismic sequences: August 1992 (M=3.9), June 1994 (M=3.7) and October 1996 (M=4.0). The hypocentral locations and fault plane solutions of the 1996 sequence are based on original data; the seismological features of the 1992 and 1994 sequences are summarised from literature. The active WSWdipping Mt. Gorzano normal fault is interpreted as the common seismogenic structure for the three analysed sequences. The mean state of stress obtained by inversion of focal mechanisms (WSW-ENE-trending deviatoric tension) is comparable to that responsible for finite Quaternary displacement, showing that the stress field has not changed since the onset of extensional tectonics. Available morphotectonic data integrated with original structural data show that the Mt. Gorzano Fault extends for ~28 km along strike. The along-strike displacement profile is typical of an isolated fault, without significant internal segmentation. The strong evidence of late Quaternary activity in the southern part of the fault (with lower displacement gradient) is explained in this work in terms of displacement profile readjustment within a fault unable to grow further laterally. The depth distribution of seismicity and the crustal rheology yield a thickness of ~15 km for the brittle layer. An area of ~530 km2 is estimated for the entire Mt. Gorzano Fault surface. In historical times, the northern portion of the fault was probably activated during the 1639 Amatrice earthquake (I = X, M~ 6.3), but this is not the largest event we expect on the fault. We propose that a large earthquake might activate the entire 28 km long Mt. Gorzano Fault, with an expected Mmax up to 6.7

    Bionic for training: Smart framework design for multisensor mechatronic platform validation

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    Home monitoring supports the continuous improvement of the therapy by sharing data with healthcare professionals. It is required when life-threatening events can still occur after hospital discharge such as neonatal apnea. However, multiple sources of external noise could affect data quality and/or increase the misdetection rate. In this study, we developed a mechatronic platform for sensor characterizations and a framework to manage data in the context of neonatal apnea. The platform can simulate the movement of the abdomen in different plausible newborn positions by merging data acquired simultaneously from three-axis accelerometers and infrared sensors. We simulated nine apnea conditions combining three different linear displacements and body postures in the presence of self-generated external noise, showing how it is possible to reduce errors near to zero in phenomena detection. Finally, the development of a smart 8Ws-based software and a customizable mobile application were proposed to facilitate data management and interpretation, classifying the alerts to guarantee the correct information sharing without specialized skills

    Functional ecology of soil microbial communities along a glacier forefield in Tierra del Fuego (Chile)

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    A previously established chronosequence from Pia Glacier forefield in Tierra del Fuego (Chile) containing soils of different ages (from bare soils to forest ones) is analyzed. We used this chronosequence as framework to postulate that microbial successional development would be accompanied by changes in functionality. To test this, the GeoChip functional microarray was used to identify diversity of genes involved in microbial carbon and nitrogen metabolism, as well as other genes related to microbial stress response and biotic interactions. Changes in putative functionality generally reflected succession-related taxonomic composition of soil microbiota. Major shifts in carbon fixation and catabolism were observed, as well as major changes in nitrogen metabolism. At initial microbial dominated succession stages, microorganisms could be mainly involved in pathways that help to increase nutrient availability, while more complex microbial transformations such as denitrification and methanogenesis, and later degradation of complex organic substrates, could be more prevalent at vegetated successional states. Shifts in virus populations broadly reflected changes in microbial diversity. Conversely, stress response pathways appeared relatively well conserved for communities along the entire chronosequence. We conclude that nutrient utilization is likely the major driver of microbial succession in these soils. [Int Microbiol 19(3):161-173 (2016)]Keywords: Functional genes · antibiotic resistance · GeoChip microarray · primary succession · chronosequenc
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