86 research outputs found

    Phytosociological analysis of European larch forests in the Southeastern Alps

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    Using the (unweighted) average linkage clustering (UPGMA) method we classified 458 phytosociological relevés of larch forests in the Southeastern Alps into 25 clusters. Based on their analysis we described the following new subassociations: Rhodothamno-Laricetum geetosum rivalis, sorbetosum chamaemespili, piceetosum abietis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, cystopteridetosum fragilis, cyclaminetosum purpurascentis, dryadetosum octopetalae and sorbetosum ariae. The selected method proved adequate in identifying the differences between larch stands on potential subalpine spruce and beech sites and larch forests on the upper forest line, as well as the differences between initial larch stages on the upper forest line and more stable development stages on better developed soils on promontories and ledges above the upper beech forest line. Larch forests are the most frequent in the altitudinal belt between (1,500) 1,600 and 1,800 (1,900) m, on shady aspects and slopes that are steeper than 30º. They are some of the best preserved forest types in the Southeastern Alps, even virgin forests on smaller surface areas (Macesnje above the Beli Potok valley in the Julian Alps), and their role as biotopes is exceptional

    Assessing the forest\u27s protective effect against avalanches : the case of Russian road below Vršič

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    Cesto na Vršič ogrožajo snežni plazovi, gozdovi nad njo pa opravljajo zaščitno in varovalno funkcijo pred njimi. Analizirali smo potencialno ogroženost dela ceste in gozda nad njo, opravili presojo zaščitne funkcije gozda pred snežnimi plazovi ter določili smernice in ukrepe za nadaljnji razvoj gozda in krepitev njegovega varovalnega učinka. Na objekt raziskave smo postavili mrežo 21 raziskovalnih ploskev. Po modificirani metodi NaiS (Frehner in sod., 2005) smo izločili in opisali sestoje ter primerjali njihovo dejansko stanje s ciljnim, ki zagotavlja zaščito pred snežnimi plazovi. Glede na naklon in pokritost z gozdom smo naredili karto, ki kaže najbolj ogrožena območja pred snežnimi plazovi. Ugotovili smo, da noben sestoj ne zagotavlja popolne in trajne zaščitne funkcije. Največji problem sta pomlajevanje in zagotavljanje raznomerne strukture sestojev. Najpomembnejše smernice za nadaljnji razvoj gozda so pospeševanje raznomerne in raznodobne strukture, zagotavljanje pomladka, vzgoja čim večjega števila nosilcev stabilnosti ter zagotavljanje dobre vitalnosti in zadostne gostote dreves.The road leading to the Vršič Pass is threatened by snow avalanches, and the forests above it are performing a protective function against them. We analysed potential hazard to the road and forests above it from snow avalanches, and evaluated the protective function of the forest. We defined guidelines and measures for further development of the forest to enhance its protective effect, and evaluated the actual spatial distribution of formalized protective function area of the forest within management plans. We set a network of 21 research sample plots. Using the modified method NaiS (Frehner et al., 2005), we defined the stand boundaries, analysed them and compared the actual state of the stands to the target situation. With regard to the slope and forest cover, we made a map of the sections most prone to formation of snow avalanches. We concluded that none of the stands provided complete and permanent protective function against snow avalanches. The greatest problems lay in poor regeneration and lack of unevenaged stand structure. The most important guidelines for the future development of the forest are favouring heterogeneous stand structure and regeneration, safeguarding good stability and vitality of the trees and providing for their sufficient density

    Vegetation analysis of the subalpine beech forest on the upper forest line in the Julian Alps (NW Slovenia and NW Italy) and in the northern Dinaric Alps

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    Using hierarchical clustering with unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) we arranged 602 phytosociological relevés of beech forests on the present forest line, mainly from the Julian Alps and the Trnovo Forest Plateau (we also included the relevés from the Karawanks and the Kamnik Alps) into 32 clusters. Based on their analysis and comparison with previously described similar (alti)montane-subalpine beech communities we classified most of the relevés into the association Polysticho lonchitis-Fagetum and its new subassociations ericetosum carneae, cardaminetosum trifoliae, luzuletosum niveae, luzuletosum luzuloidis, calamagrostieteosum variae, allietosum victorialis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, stellarietosum nemorum and several new variants. The altitude of the studied stands is predominantly 1400 to 1550 m (the upper line is at 1660 m); they occur at all aspects, frequently on steep and very steep slopes, mainly on limestone and dolomite limestone, the predominant soil type is rendzina. These stands are species rich (on average 61 species per relevé, altogether more than 500 vascular plants) and have many species in common with the stands of associations Rhododendro hirsuti-Fagetum and Rhodothamno-Laricetum. They belong to the habitat type of Community interest 91K0 Illyrian Fagus sylvatica forests and are some of the best preserved forest communities in the Southeastern Alps and northwestern Dinaric Alps, comprising small areas of virgin forest remnants and performing an important protective role as a biotope

    Assessing the forest's protective effect against avalanches : the case of Russian road below Vršič

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    Cesto na Vršič ogrožajo snežni plazovi, gozdovi nad njo pa opravljajo zaščitno in varovalno funkcijo pred njimi. Analizirali smo potencialno ogroženost dela ceste in gozda nad njo, opravili presojo zaščitne funkcije gozda pred snežnimi plazovi ter določili smernice in ukrepe za nadaljnji razvoj gozda in krepitev njegovega varovalnega učinka. Na objekt raziskave smo postavili mrežo 21 raziskovalnih ploskev. Po modificirani metodi NaiS (Frehner in sod., 2005) smo izločili in opisali sestoje ter primerjali njihovo dejansko stanje s ciljnim, ki zagotavlja zaščito pred snežnimi plazovi. Glede na naklon in pokritost z gozdom smo naredili karto, ki kaže najbolj ogrožena območja pred snežnimi plazovi. Ugotovili smo, da noben sestoj ne zagotavlja popolne in trajne zaščitne funkcije. Največji problem sta pomlajevanje in zagotavljanje raznomerne strukture sestojev. Najpomembnejše smernice za nadaljnji razvoj gozda so pospeševanje raznomerne in raznodobne strukture, zagotavljanje pomladka, vzgoja čim večjega števila nosilcev stabilnosti ter zagotavljanje dobre vitalnosti in zadostne gostote dreves

    Obravnava periodičnosti rešitev anticipativnega diskretnega modela ponudbe in povpraševanja

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    This paper presents an analysis of the periodicity solutions to the discrete anticipative cobweb model. Dubois’ anticipative principle was applied in the modification of Kaldor’s cobweb model. Characteristic solutions are gained through the application of a simulation, which determines the cyclical behaviour of supply and demand. Z-transform was applied in the determination of the solutions. The interconnec­tion between the anticipative definition of the cobweb model and Hicks model is addressedV prispevku je izvedena analiza periodičnosti v diskretnem anticipativnem cobweb modelu. Pri modifikaciji Kaldorjevega cobweb modela je upoštevan Duboisov anticipativni princip. S pomočjo simulacije so prikazane karakteristične rešitve, ki opredeljujejo ciklična nihanja med ponudbo in povpraševanjem. Pri določitvi rešitev je bila uporabljena z-transformacija. V prispevku je naslovljena povezava med anticipa­tivno definicijo cobweb modela in Hicksovim modelo

    Phytosociological analysis of basophilic scots pine forests in the Southeastern Alps

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    Based on hierarchical classification of more than 300 phytosociological relevés of basophilic black and (or) Scots pine communities in the Southern, Eastern and Southeastern Alps we described a new association Rhodothamno chamaecisti-Pinetum sylvestris, into which we classify stands that have until now been discussed in the framework of subassociations Fraxino orni-Pinetum nigrae pinetosum sylvestris, laricetosum deciduae and (partly) caricetosum humilis, and are floristically slightly similar also to certain forms of the association Erico-Pinetum sylvestris. The stands of the new association are classified into a new habitat type Southeastern-Alpine Scots pine forests and a new forest site type Southeastern-Alpine Scots pine forest. At the contact of the Julian and Dinaric Alps we described a new subassociation Genistio januensis-Pinetum sylvestris campanuletosum cespitosae, which comprises also a Natura 2000 species Primula carniolica


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    As the Slovenian language is one of the rare common identity shared by all Slovenian nationals, Slovenians are unduly sensitive to the influence of foreign tongues on their own language. This is the reason behind the great divide between the actual Slovenian language and its idealized image. By advocating the use of “correct” Slovenian in films – where it does not belong due to the nature of the medium – the Slovenian linguistic establishment damaged the Slovenians’ relationship to their own cinema.Ker je slovenščina edina skupna identiteta pripadnikov slovenskega naroda, so Slovenci pretirano občutljivi na vplive tujih jezikov na njeno podobo. Zato je prišlo do velikega razkoraka med dejansko slovenščino in njeno idealizirano podobo. Ker je slovenska jezikovna stroka zagovarjala rabo „pravilne“ slovenščine na filmu, kjer zaradi narave medija nima mesta, je to škodovalo odnosu Slovencev do svojega filma


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    Ker je slovenščina edina skupna identiteta pripadnikov slovenskega naroda, so Slovenci pretirano občutljivi na vplive tujih jezikov na njeno podobo. Zato je prišlo do velikega razkoraka med dejansko slovenščino in njeno idealizirano podobo. Ker je slovenska jezikovna stroka zagovarjala rabo „pravilne“ slovenščine na filmu, kjer zaradi narave medija nima mesta, je to škodovalo odnosu Slovencev do svojega film

    Razvoj modelov sistemske dinamike za podporo odločanju pri pridelavi in predelavi sladkorne pese

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    Background: The sugar beet is the main field crop used for sugar production in the temperate climatic zone. The abolishment of the quota system will open new investment opportunities in countries that were forced to abandon sugar industry as the result of the reform in 2006. Present paper describes the modeling of sugar beet production and its processing into sugar for purpose of decision support. Methods: A system dynamics methodology was chosen to model impacts of regional sugar factory investment. We present two basic concepts of system dynamics models at causal loop diagram level. The first holistic model deals with regional planning of new product development and the second one deals with factory model. Results: The holistic model presented main feedback loops and dynamics of main elements in the case of regional investment into sugar industry. The factory model considered the specifics of the beet processing which is a) limited period of beet processing and b) initial adjustment to the production capacity at the start of the production season Conclusions: The model seeks answers to strategic questions related to the whole sugar beet production and processing system and will be used for simulation of different scenarios for sugar production and their impact on economic and environmental parameters at an aggregate level.Ozadje: Sladkorna pesa je glavna kultura, ki se uporablja za proizvodnjo sladkorja v našem klimatskem pasu. Ukinitev Sistema kvot z letom 2016 odpira možnosti ponovne vzpostavitve proizvodnje v članicah EU, ki so se ji bile prisiljene odreči v letu 2006. V članku predstavljamo možnost uporabe modelov sistemske dinamike za potrebe podpore odločanju pri investicijah v sladkorno industrijo. Metoda: Na nivoju vzročnega diagrama predstavljamo 2 modela sistemske dinamike. Prvi je holistični in predstavlja primer ocenejvanja efektov investicije v sladkorno insustrijo. Drugi model se pa ukvarja z delovanjem tovarne. Rezultati: Holistični model predstavlja vse povratne zanke v ssitemu sladkorne industrije na regionalnem nivoju. Model proizvodnje pa se ukvarja z delovanjem tovarne. Zaključk: Model omogoča iskanje odgovorov na strateška vprašanja in se bo uporabljal pri ocenejvanju scenarijev investicij v proizvodnjo sladkorja in njihovega vpliva ne proizvodno-ekonomske in okoljske parametre