31 research outputs found

    Application of clustering methods for processing of biomedical data

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    Cílem této práce je nastudovat postupy pro klasifikaci objektů v medicíně. Zjistit pomocí jakých metod lze takovou klasifikaci provádět. Po vytvoření algoritmů v prostředí MATLAB pro klasifikační metody zjistit jejich funkčnost a spolehlivost na datovém souboru z oblasti medicíny. Formou jednoduchých testů podrobit zkoušce jednotlivé metody a zjistit v čem vynikají a v čem zaostávají. Velmi důležitou roli zde hraje i volba vstupních datových parametrů, i ty budou podrobeny testu a popsány v závěrech.The goal of this study is to learn about methods in object classification in medicine and find out what are these methods about. Focusing on functionality and reliability of these methods whith datafile from the medicine compartment after making the algorithm in MATLAB. In form of siple tests, put the touch everyone of classification procedure and find out in which they excel and in which they lags. The choice of input data parametres is very important, this will be tested and noted in conclusions.

    Trembling for the Nation: Illinois Women and the Election of 1860

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    On November 1, 1860, America was five days away from the election that would decide the next President, and ultimately, the fate of the nation. In Illinois, emotions ran high, and citizens had regularly turned out at political gatherings in full force to endorse their presidential favorite. Both Democrats and Republicans were confidant that the election of their candidate would save the Union, and the election of the opponent would plunge the country into civil war. In Springfield, Illinois Republicans hosted a mass meeting to rally the supporters of Lincoln in the upcoming presidential election and to intimidate the terror stricken enemy. This meeting was attended by thousands of citizens from the city and surrounding area, drawing visitors who traveled over miles of dusty prairie roads to attend the festivities. The lucky ones took rooms at hotels or boardinghouses. The rest of the masses camped out or found hospitality among the Republican citizens of the city. The evening\u27s events included a magnificent feast prepared by the hospitable ladies of our city, music from a brass band and the local Glee Club, and a speech in the Hall of Representatives. A vast crowd of ladies and gentlemen attended these festivities, and the Illinois State Journal reported, behaved with far more enthusiasm than could reasonably be expected. Overall, this gathering drew thousands of politically minded citizens male and female - who hoped to prevent Douglas\u27s mad and suicidal political agenda

    Application of Rapid prototyping methods for development of new product

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat využití metod Rapid Prototypingu při vývoji nového výrobku. Nejprve jsou popsány principy využívané zařízeními pro Rapid Prototyping s přehledem vybraných výrobců konkrétních zařízení. Dále obsahuje konkrétní příklady využití v průmyslu. Práce se zabývá vývojem nového výrobku konvenčními metodami a metodou Rapid Prototyping s analýzou rozdílů a výhod jednotlivých metod. Je zde popsána problematika návrhu nového výrobku od fáze návrhu až po výrobu prototypu. Jako příklad využití v průmyslu je popsán proces inovace úhlové brusky Narex.Target of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe application of Rapid Prototyping methods for development of a new product. First it describes principles used by machines for Rapid Prototyping with the overview of selected manufacturers of specific devices. Further it contains certain examples of industrial application. Thesis is concerned about development of a new product using conventional methods and Rapid Prototyping methods with the analysis of the differences and advantages of each method. It describes an issue of design of a new product from the sketch phase to the prototype production phase. As an example of industrial application there is described a Narex angle grinder inovation process.

    Development and design of a modular battery box.

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    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou battery packů. V první části popisuje návrh battery packu z hlediska volby baterií, jejich tvaru, velikosti, typu a konfigurace zapojení. Dále uvádí vliv těchto charakteristik na výkonnost battery packu a jeho spolehlivost. Zabývá se problematikou termálního managementu battery packů a jeho vlivu na životní cyklus baterií. V druhé části se zabývá praktickým návrhem konceptu battery packu pro Lithium-polymerové baterie. Kalorimetricky je zde zjištěno množství produkovaného tepla při vybíjení, které je poté využito v CFD simulaci chlazení článku.This thesis deals with battery pack problematic. In the first part, battery pack design is described according to cell selection, shape, size, type and interconnection configuration. Further on it describes the influence of these characteristics on battery pack performance and dependability. It covers battery pack thermal management and the influence on battery life cycle. The second part deals with practical battery pack design for Lithium-polymer cells. A calorimetric experiment is used to obtain the cell heat generation under discharging conditions that is subsequently used for CFD battery cooling simulation.

    Models in signal processing using MATLAB/Simulink

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá třemi modelovými příklady zpracování signálů v prostředí MATLAB/Simulink-u. První příklad řeší analýzu ekonomické časové řady - identifikaci, odhadování parametrů a ověřování modelu. Na druhém příkladu je ukázáno použití Expectation-Maximization algoritmu pro shlukování v obraze a vztah ke K-means. Třetí příklad demonstruje shlukování mean-shift algoritmem v obraze.The bachelor work deals with three model examples of signal processing using MATLAB/Simulink environment. The first example solves an analysis of economic time series - identification, parameter estimate and model verification. The second instance shows the application of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the cluster analysis in the image processing and its relation to K-means. The third example demonstrates the clustering in the image with mean-shift algorithm.Ústav systémového inženýrství a informatikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Multipurpose Town House on Křížová Street, Brno

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    The project of multifunctional building on Křížová street solves building over a gap at the end of the street next to the Mendel Square. The idea was to create a building that would usefully complement the existing block structure. The concept of urban multipurpose derives from the specific shape of the parcel as defined in the terms on which stands the main dark structure. This mass is penetrated by irregular cell structure of flats, which grid influences the whole interior layout. The whole building has four floors of underground parking, a ground floor with a café and shops and six floors of residential apartments from studio flats to 3 bedroom flats and luxury apartments on the roof

    Painted curtains of Czech provenance in the last quarter of the 19th century

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    Main task of this work is to present painted curtains of the Czech provenance and situated on the Czech territory during last quarter of th 19th century. At the beginning I will present the development of theater curtains in general. There will be also described Czech painted curtains from the end of 18th and 1st half of the 19th century and the foreign examples. Subsequently will be analyzed the curtains of the national Czech and German theaters ant there will be made comparison between these two types. At the end will be described the specific element of painted curtains. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Model deformačních odporů mikrolegované oceli za tepla

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství. Katedra (633) tváření materiál