306 research outputs found

    Piloting an Empirical Study on Measures for Workflow Similarity

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    Service discovery of state dependent services has to take workflow aspects into account. To increase the usability of a service discovery, the result list of services should be ordered with regard to the relevance of the services. Means of ordering a list of workflows due to their similarity with regard to a query are missing. This paper presents a pilot of an empirical study on the influence of different measures on workflow similarity. It turns out that, although preliminary, relations between different measures are indicated and that a similarity definition depends on the application scenario in which the service discovery is applied

    Alien Registration- Widrowritz, Rozie (Auburn, Androscoggin County)

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    Learning tools are very important to uphold a learning. The learning tools developed in this study were syllabus, lesson plans (RPP), modules, student worksheets (LKS) with the aid of learning multimedia. This study aims to develop learning tools using a Think Pair Share cooperative learning model assisted by multimedia learning to improve the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SDN Tanamera 1 Bangkalan. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The learning tools reviewed by practitioners scored 77% with a very valid category; (2) The learning tools developed are effective based on the individual scores of students who are above 85% and have increased learning outcomes in the high category; (3) The practicality of learning devices that get a percentage value of 87% with a student response questionnaire that gets 69% in the interesting category. Based on what is described above, it can be concluded that the cooperative learning model of think Pair Share type assisted by multimedia learning to improve student learning outcomes for class VI SDN Tanamera 1 Bangkalan is valid, effective, and practical to use in the learning process


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    Keselamatan operasi minyak dan gas bumi merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam proses produksi, eksploitasi dan eksplorasi, sehingga sangat perlu untuk memastikan bahwa semua elemen yang dipergunakan dapat dijamin kelayakan dan penggunaan nya. Suatu bejana tekan yang difungsikan sebagai CNG Buffer Storage Tank yang dipergunakan untuk menyimpan fluida gas alam yang terkompresi dan tidak memiliki dokumen dan aspek teknis yang cukup untuk dapat beroperasi di suatu Instalasi Compressed Natural Gas (Mother Station), sehingga akan dilakukan suatu kajian teknis yang komprehensif untuk memastikan kelayakan dari penggunaan CNG Buffer Storage Tank sehingga memenuhi aspek keamanan dan keselamatan kerja. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Residual Life Assessment (RLA) yang merujuk pada standar & code dari proses fabrikasi dan aspek inspeksi yang telah dilakukan pada CNG Buffer Storage Tank. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan tingkat risiko dari penggunaan CNG Buffer Storage Tank masuk dalam kategori medium-high risk karena terjadi general uniform corrosion dan under deposit corrosion dengan kondisi yang wajib dilakukan de-rating dari tekanan desain awal menjadi 140 kg/cm2 dan estimasi sisa umur layan sebesar 11 tahun sehingga CNG Buffer Storage Tank dapat beroperasi dengan batasan yang telah ditentukan


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    Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dilapangan terhadap kemampuan motorik halus anak di TK. Barunawati 3 Samarinda masih rendah.  Penelitian ini tindakan kelas (classroom action research) menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. bertujuan untuk perkembangan motorik halus anak dengan kegiatan montase. Hasil penelitian ini melalui 3 siklus, Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak tiga siklus, setiap siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Hasil  penelitian pada siklus I, II, dan III menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan motorik halus anak setelah pemberian kegiatan montase. di TK. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukkan perolehan jumlah nilai pada siklus I yaitu 151 perolehan nilai rata-rata yaitu 38%. Pada siklus II yaitu 246,5% perolehan nilai rata-rata yaitu 62%. Pada siklus III yaitu 350,5% nilai rata-rata yaitu 88% dengan kriteria berkembang sangat baik. Berdasarkan data tersebut di atas, dapat disimpulkan kegiatan montase dapat meningkatan kemampuan motorik halus anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK. Barunawati 3 samarinda


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    This evaluation study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation program for the integration of early childhood in the 1 Trustees State Kindergarten in 2017/2018. The evaluation study was chosen as a research method, using the CIPPO Model from Daniel Stufflebeam developed by Gilbbert Sax. This study uses multi techniques and instruments to collect data and analyze data using descriptive statistics and qualitative techniques. The results of the study show: (1) Component Context: TK 1 Country Pembina Samarinda has several legal documents of all implementations. Parental and community support has been shown well, so the perspective of managers who register for implementation shows that they are developing programs. (2) Input Components: student groups are relevant to age. The qualifications and number of teachers are relevant to the criteria. TK Negeri 1 Pembina Samarinda has very complete resources, but does not have natural resources. Financial reports show good results from resource financing. Planning the implementation of the program shows the relevance of the criteria. (3) Process Components: Implementation of reference for children's development milestones and BCCT concepts. There are some disabled children who cannot adapt to learning. In the evaluation refer to Permendikbud Number 137, 146, and 31 of 2014 and a milestone in the development of children. (4) Product Components: Reports on research results indicate school development and readiness. (5). Component of Results (outcome): The perspective of elementary school teachers shows that graduates of Samarinda State 1 Kindergarten Kindergarten have adapted in the learning process in grade 1 elementary school

    Krisis Epistemologis Pesantren dalam Kajian Pluralisme Agama

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    Keanekaragaman pemahaman di kalangan pesantren tentang pluralisme agama merupakan suatu ambiguitas. Situasi ini mencerminkan adanya krisis epistemologis dalam pencarian makna kebenaran agama. Tulisan ini mencoba menjelaskan krisis epistemologis pesantren dalam mengkaji pluralisme agama. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi simbol-simbol kebahasaan yang berupa konsep-konsep yang menonjol dan sering digunakan dalam diskursus tentang pluralisme agama, terutama yang menyelubungi nalar pesantren melalui tokohnya yang dituangkan dalam sejumlah karya. Metode Usaha ini membuahkan hasil yang berupa penjelasan tentang adanya persamaan nilai fundamental agama-agama yang berpusat pada adanya persamaan persaksian: lā ilāh illa Huwa. Ragam pandangan tentang pluralisme agama merupakan cermin dari adanya perbedaan dalam menanggapi relasi antara kebenaran tunggal dan dimensi faktual tentang yang plural itu sendiri. Di kalangan pluralis pesantren tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang tajam menyangkut adanya kebenaran pada setiap agama

    Parents’ Role in Children's Learning During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    When children only see their friends in little squares via Google Meet or Zoom, can teachers really address concepts like the importance of teamwork or how to manage conflict?  This is a learning phenomenon during the COVID-19 pandemic and the era after it. This study aims to see the role of parents as children's learning companions in terms of mentors and motivators when online education takes place. This research using photovoice within phenomenological methodology and have been doing with thematic analysis and collecting data through interviews and observations. The participants were eight parents and one female teacher as a homeroom teacher. The research findings show that although there are many obstacles in online learning for children, learning during the COVID-19 pandemic can still run by involving the role of parents and teachers as pillars of education for preschool-age children. For further research, it is hoped that the findings will be a way in solving learning problems for children. Keywords: early childhood education, parents’ role, online learning References: Adedoyin, O. B., & Soykan, E. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: The challenges and opportunities. In Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1813180 Aras, S. (2016). Free play in early childhood education: A phenomenological study. Early Child Development and Care, 186(7). https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2015.1083558 Arkorful, V. (2021). The role of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in higher The role of e-learning, the advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in Higher Education . International Journal of Education and Research, 2(December 2014). Atiles, J. T., AlmodĂłvar, M., ChavarrĂ­a Vargas, A., Dias, M. J. A., & ZĂșñiga LeĂłn, I. M. (2021). 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