13 research outputs found

    Perbaikan metode Rekomendasi Diskusi Pemrograman Dengan Normalisasi Identifier Menggunakan Lingua::Idsplitter

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    Situs tanya-jawab Stack Overflow telah sering digunakan sebagai acuan oleh programmer. Informasi atau solusi dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak dapat dicari dengan bantuan mesin pencari pada situs. Namun, perbedaan dalam gaya penulisan, terutama pada penulisan identifier program, sering menyebabkan rekomendasi (pencarian) menjadi tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan programmer. Beberapa programmer menulis identifier dalam bentuk singkatan sementara yang lain tidak sehingga menurunkankinerja rekomendasi. Penelitian ini mengadopsi Lingua::IdSplitter untuk menormalkanidentifier pada data diskusi Stack Overflow. Proses normalisasi dilakukan dengan memisahkan identifier yang terdiri atas komposisi term serta memperluas singkatan yang ada padaidentifierke bentuk penuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa normalisasi identifier menggunakan Lingua::IdSplitter hanya mampumeningkatkan performa sistem rekomendasi ketikaidentifier dengan unsur singkatanmendominasi pada data diskusi ============================================================================================= Stack Overflow as a question and answer (Q&A) site has often been used as reference by programmers. Information or solutions in the software development process can be searched with the help of search engine on the site. However, differences in writing style, especially on the program identifier writing, often causing the recommendation (search) become incompatible with the programmers need. Some programmers write identifier in abbreviated form while another are not so that it lowers the recommendation performance. This research adopted the Lingua::IdSplitter to normalize the identifier on Stack Overflow discussion. The normalization process is done by separating the identifier comprising the composition of the term as well as expand the existing abbreviation on the identifier to the full form. The results showed that the identifier normalization using Lingua::IdSplitter only able to improve the system performance when the abbreviated term within identifierdominate in the datase

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Pelayanan Dokumen untuk Mahasiswa

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    Document services are often found in government and education environments. Document service aims to produce a document as evidence or validation of something according to the request of the applicant. The document service process often does not run smoothly because there are obstacles such as the number of applicants, limited space, and limited service time. In the modern era like today, these problems can be solved by making a special application for document services in order to make it easier for applicants to submit files to the service unit. This study aims to design and build a document service application to assist applicants in requesting document services. The main feature in the application that was built is that applicants can submit the required files online without having to queue. In addition, the application that was built also has a unique feature, namely that document files that have been submitted are automatically forwarded to the related unit. This feature can assist service units in managing documents, because the requirements file does not need to be submitted manually. There is an additional feature in the form of a document service process tracking system so that applicants can see the development of services directly. The application was developed using the Spiral Model. There are four stages carried out in this model. The four stages are planning, risk analysis, development as well as testing, and evaluation. In the final stage, an application evaluation is carried out by applying the ISO 9126 standard. Based on the results of user assessments, the level of user satisfaction in terms of usability is 77.43%, functionality 78.95%, and efficiency 77.86%

    Improving Learning Processes With Online Teaching

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    Institutions of higher education do not only act as media for the educational process but must also become learning organizations. Various learning support facilities are widely available in this age of technology. One means that can be used is the Internet. The internet is a useful tool for accessing information in various formats from all over the world. The internet provides convenience in the world of education as a learning medium. Based on these conditions, online lecture training is conducted with the aim of improving the learning process during lectures. The training is carried out with Google classroom application material and the creation of learning video content. Using Google classroom can give students access to online learning. The training is carried out by direct practice using each lecturer's notebook. The results obtained during the training showed very high lecturer enthusiasm. The training makes the lecturers have the ability to better manage the lecture material, the skills of lecturers also increase by doing the practice directly. The ability of lecturers in interpersonal communication also increases with class collaboration. Through training can make changes in cognitive abilities, motor skills, values ??of affection, emotional values, and spiritual values

    Pengembangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Untuk Topik HTML 5 Menggunakan Model User-Centered Design

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    Indonesia merupakan suatu negara kepulauan dengan jumlah pulau yang ada sampai saat ini adalah sebesar 13.466 pulau di Indonesia. Lokasi negara Indonesia sendiri pada 6o Lintang Utara sampai dengan 11o Lintang Selatan. Dimana Indonesia menyatakan bahwa laut Indonesia merupakan bagian dari Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Jenjang Sekolah Menengah diIndonesia ada dua, yaitu Sekolah Menengah Atas, dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan disiapkan untuk bekerja setelah lulus, sedangkan Sekolah Menengah Atas dan Sederajat hanya diberikan ketrampilan kerja 30% karena fokus Sekolah Menengah Atas adalah bersifat teoritis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran yang dapat dijalankan pada web dan android. Untuk membangun aplikasi pembelajaran ini kami menggunakan model User-Centered Design dimana model ini berfokus pada kebutuhan pengguna. Aplikasi web pembelajaran dapat diakses pada www.belajarkompeten.com. Fokus pada penelitian ini adalah pada proses belajar HTML5, dimana HTML5 ini merupakan bahasa pemrograman dasar untuk mengembangkan sebuah web. HTML5 sendiri tidak dapat dipisahkan dari CSS, JavaScript, dan PHP. Kami melakukan survey pada dua Sekolah Menengah Atas yang ada di Surabaya. Dengan jumlah siswa 60 siswa. Sampai saat ini, aplikasi yang dibangun masih dalam tahap pengembangan

    Identifikasi Jenis Hadits Menggunakan Beberapa Kombinasi Metode Learning

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    Hadith is one of the sources of Islamic law that adequate attention. However, many false hadith found that circulated widely in the community, giving rise to various problems which sometimes until culminating in the emergence of understandings that is not compliant with Islamic Shari'a. Research is usually done manually by experts in the field of hadith science which is also usually taught in boarding school or college Islamic. Therefore, this study will try to automate the process of checking the validity of the hadith is by using machine learning methods based on rules that exist in the science of hadith, which in turn can produce a system that can be used as initial reference in examining the hadith before finally signed on processes that further research and profound

    Analisis Sentimen pada Opini Pengguna Maskapai Penerbangan Menggunakan Hybrid Cuckoo Search

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    Tingginya minat penggunaan pesawat terbang dipengaruhi oleh tingginya tingkat mobilitas masyarakat yang menuntut perpindahan kota dalam waktu yang singkat. Meski demikian, tidak semua maskapai penerbangan mampu memberikan layanan yang memuaskan bagi konsumennya. Kualitas layanan yang diberikan oleh suatu maskapai, baik dari segi keselamatan, keamanan, maupun kenyamanan, umumnya dapat diketahui melalui opini penumpang lainnya. Banyaknya opini negatif yang didapat oleh maskapai mengindikasikan buruknya kualitas layanannya, begitu pula sebaliknya. Akan tetapi, jumlah opini yang semakin hari semakin meningkat menyebabkan sulitnya konsumen dalam menilai kualitas maskapai secara cepat. Oleh karena itu, analisis sentimen dibutuhkan guna mempercepat konsumen dalam menilai kualitas layanan maskapai. Hybrid Cuckoo Search (HCS) merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan analisis tersebut. Metode ini mampu mengelompokkan informasi secara cepat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan HCS dalam melakukan analisis sentimen pada data opini penumpang maskapai penerbangan. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata akurasi, precision, dan recall dari data opini 7 maskapai dengan 1.000 iterasi masing-masing sebesar 69,24%; 70,88%; dan 77,57%. AbstractThe high demands of airplanes usage are influenced by the increasing levels of people's mobility who want to trip from one city to another in a short time. However, not all airlines company could provide satisfactory services for the consumers. The quality of services provided by an airline, in terms of safety, security, and convenience, is usually known through passenger opinions. The number of negative opinions gained by airlines indicates its poor quality of service and vice versa. However, the increasing number of opinion increases the difficulty of the consumer in assessing the quality of the airline quickly. Therefore, sentiment analysis is needed to accelerate the consumer in assessing the quality of airline services. Hybrid Cuckoo Search (HCS) is a method which can be used in conducting such analysis. This method is able to group information quickly. This study aims to implement HCS in conducting sentiment analysis on airline passenger opinion data. The results show that the averaged accuracy, precision, and recall from opinion dataset of 7 airlines company at 1,000 iteration are 69.24%, 70.88%, and 77.57% respectively


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    Automating the identification of the genre of web pages becomes an important area in web pages classification, as it can be used to improve the quality of the web search result and to reduce search time. To index the terms used in classification, generally the selected type of weighting is the document-based TF-IDF. However, this method does not consider genre, whereas web page documents have a type of categorization called genre. With the existence of genre, the term appearing often in a genre should be more significant in document indexing compared to the term appearing frequently in many genres despites its high TF-IDF value. We proposed a new weighting method for web page documents indexing called inverse genre frequency (IGF). This method is based on genre, a manual categorization done semantically from previous research. Experimental results show that the term weighting based on index of genre (TF-IGF) performed better compared to term weighting based on index of document (TF-IDF), with the highest value of accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure in case of excluding the genre-specific keywords were 78%, 80.2%, 78%, and 77.4% respectively, and in case of including the genre-specific keywords were 78.9%, 78.7%, 78.9%, and 78.1% respectively

    Aplikasi Pengamanan Dokumen PDF dengan Teknik Watermarking Menggunakan Metode Serpent Chiper

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    Seiring perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komputer saat ini, informasi dalam bentuk dokumen digital dan media dapat tersebar dengan begitu cepat. Informasi dalam bentuk dokumen PDF memiliki sifat yang mudah dan rawan untuk diubah dan dimodifikasi. Keaslian informasi dalam bentuk dokumen PDF tidak lagi aman karena setiap orang dengan bebas dapat mengubah dan memodifikasinya untuk kemudian disebarkan kembali. Maka dari itu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat sebuah aplikasi untuk menjaga dan mengamankan isi dokumen PDF menggunakan teknik watermarking dan algoritma Serpent Chiper. Peneliti menggabungkan teknik watermarking dan algoritma Serpent Chiper agar tingkat keamanannya lebih tinggi dan sulit dipecahkan. Teknik watermarking digunakan untuk menandai dan membuktikan kepemilikan dokumen (hakcipta). Sedangkan algoritma Serpent Chiper merupakan metode kriptografi yang digunakan untuk enkripsi dokumen PDF. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan algoritma tersebut pada aplikasi dapat mengamankan dokumen PDF yang diinputkan. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian responden menunjukkan dari total 30 orang 53,3% menyatakan penggunaan menu dan fitur aplikasi baik dan mudah digunakan, 23,3% menyatakan semua komponen didalam aplikasi dapat berfungsi dengan baik, 53,3% menyatakan bahwa aplikasi berperan baik dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi skripsi untuk pengguna, 43,3% menyatakan bahwa aplikasi cukup baik untuk menampung data yang diinputkan dalam jumlah banyak, dan 66,5% menyatakan bahwa aplikasi cukup layak diimplementasikan di lembaga atau institusi

    Perbaikan Metode Rekomendasi Diskusi Pemrograman dengan Normalisasi Identifier Menggunakan Lingua::IdSplitter

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    Situs tanya-jawab Stack Overflow telah sering digunakan sebagai acuan oleh programmer. Informasi atau solusi dalam proses pengembangan perangkat lunak dapat dicari dengan bantuan mesin pencari pada situs. Namun, perbedaan dalam gaya penulisan, terutama pada penulisan identifier program, sering menyebabkan rekomendasi (pencarian) menjadi tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan programmer. Beberapa programmer menulis identifier dalam bentuk singkatan sementara yang lain tidak sehingga menurunkan kinerja rekomendasi. Penelitian ini mengadopsi Lingua::IdSplitter untuk menormalkan identifier pada data diskusi Stack Overflow. Proses normalisasi dilakukan dengan memisahkan identifier yang terdiri atas komposisi term serta memperluas singkatan yang ada pada identifier ke bentuk penuh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa normalisasi identifier menggunakan Lingua::IdSplitter hanya mampu meningkatkan performa sistem rekomendasi ketika identifier dengan unsur singkatan mendominasi pada data diskusi

    Kangean Island Marketplace Design and Development Using Hybrid Model

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    The use of the web as a promotional medium or as a media to help sales of a product is no longer a difficult thing. Currently the web is needed by anyone, from government offices, hospitals, schools, even to MSMEs in Indonesia. Marketplace is one form of application that can be used by users as a place for buying and selling community products or MSMEs. Kangean Marketplace is a place for buying and selling community products in Kangean, Madura, East Java, Indonesia. Palau Kangean is one of the islands in Sumenep Regency, Madura, East Java. Kangean Island itself is a small island that can be reached by boat transportation where the journey takes between 10 to 15 hours from Sumenep. Marketplace needs are needed by the Kangean community. The development of Kangean Marketplace utilizes the checklist method, Merapi Analysis Framework, and the Incremental Model. From the test results, it was found that the Kangean marketplace web application received an assessment of 80,08%, which means that the Kangean marketplace is suitable for use by the Kangean communit