47 research outputs found

    Designing for Collaboration Using Social Network Analysis: Towards a Conceptual Method to Understand Organisational Interaction

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    The spreading of innovation within organisations is an area of interest for both academics and practitioners. Within information systems research collaboration issues are often addressed and solved through implementation of technology artefacts to meditate communication. With more and more resources being spent on collaborative technologies we argue that there can be cost advantages in looking at the socio-technical aspects of the information system when trying improve organisational communication. As an initial step of information system interventions we argue that an overview of the information exchange network within organisations can lead to valuable insights into where to start and we argue that social network analysis can provide such an bird’s-eye view over organisational interaction. This leads us to our research question: How can social network analysis be used to describe, understand and explain organisational interaction in designing information systems for collaboration? Taking a design science approach to the research question we aim to construct a meta-artefact, i.e. in our case knowledge about how to design for collaboration with the help of social network analysis. To test the applicability of social network analysis we collect sociometric interaction data from a knowledge intensive organisation using a name generating survey. The usability of the visualisations that are the output of the social network analysis are evaluated by decision makers within the organisation through interviews. We conclude that social network analysis is a time-efficient method of collecting empirical data that can lead to deep insights into the structure of the organisational communication network. The visualisation can be seen as a map used to pinpoint the emergence of social networks within organisations and thereby acting as a tool to drive continuous change and innovation


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    Intresset för föreliggande uppsatsarbete har varit att analysera synen pĂ„ unga lagövertrĂ€dare som döms till frihetsberövande pĂ„följder. Avstamp har gjorts i propositionen som 1998 föreslog att sluten ungdomsvĂ„rd skulle införas i pĂ„följdssystemet i en ambition att undvika fĂ€ngelsestraff för unga (Prop. 1997/98:96) samt i betĂ€nkandet som 2023 föreslĂ„r att unga lagövertrĂ€dare Ă„terigen ska verkstĂ€lla fĂ€ngelsestraff (SOU 2023:44). UtifrĂ„n en diskursanalytisk ansats var syftet att synliggöra hur pĂ„följdssystemet för unga framstĂ€lls som ett ’problem’, hur dessa problemrepresentationer motiverar respektive förslag om frihetsberövande pĂ„följd samt hur det kan förstĂ„s i ljuset av en ’straffande vĂ€ndning’. Resultatet visar att pĂ„följdssystemet i propositionen framstĂ€lls som ett rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsproblem dĂ€r en framtrĂ€dande juridisk diskurs har ökat sĂ„vĂ€l samhĂ€llets rĂ€ttsmedvetande som det enskilda barnets rĂ€ttsstatus. I betĂ€nkandet framstĂ€lls pĂ„följdssystemet i stĂ€llet som ett trygghetsproblem, baserat pĂ„ en alarmistisk bild av ökad och grövre brottslighet bland unga vilka samhĂ€llet behöver skyddas frĂ„n. En utveckling har skett frĂ„n att unga lagövertrĂ€dare betraktas vara i fara, offer för en social utsatthet, till att de betraktas som farliga barn som skapar otrygghet i samhĂ€llet. Det Ă€r den senaste kategorin av ‘farliga barn’ som betĂ€nkandets förslag vilar pĂ„. Ett förslag som förvĂ€ntas bidra till ökade samhĂ€llsklyftor och ökad stigmatisering av en redan utsatt grupp unga lagövertrĂ€dare. Ett förslag som ocksĂ„ fĂ„r direkta konsekvenser, i huvudsak för de barn som underrepresenteras i betĂ€nkandet: De barn som Ă€r flickor, och de barn som Ă€r i sĂ€rskilt behov av stöd, vĂ„rd och behandling.The interest in the present study has been to analyze the way juvenile offenders, who are sentenced to a custodial sanction, are portrayed. The study draws from the proposition that 1998 suggested the new sanction of youth custody in an aspiration to replace prison for juvenile offenders (Prop. 1997/98:96) and in the deliberation that 2023 suggested that juvenile offenders once again should be sentenced to prison (SOU 2023:44). Drawing from a discourse analysis, this study aims to uncover the way the youth penal system is produced as a ‘problem’, how this problem representation justifies the different suggestions about custodial sanctions and how it could be understood in the light of a ‘punitive turn’. The results show that the penal system in the first document is produced as a problem regarding penal certainty, whereas a prominent juridical discourse has raised a general legal awareness as well as the legal status for the individual child. In the second document the penal policy is produced as a problem regarding public safety, based on the view of an increased and rougher crime scene among youngsters whom society needs to be protected from. A development can be identified from where juvenile offenders are portrayed as being in danger, victims of social circumstances, to that they are portrayed as dangerous kids that constitutes a threat to the society. It is the latter category of ‘dangerous kids’ that the suggestions in the second document lays upon. Suggestions that are expected to contribute to increased stigmatization of an already exposed group of juvenile offenders. Suggestions that also have direct consequences, especially for those who are underrepresented in the second document: Kids who are girls, and kids who need care, treatment, and protection

    HÄllbar avloppsvattenhantering pÄ demonstrationslantbruket Ceasip i Bolivia

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    Sustainable sanitation and wastewater management are of increasing importance around the world while certain resources are becoming scarcer and therefore more valuable. The lack of proper wastewater management causes problems and the degradation of some resources. Increasing urbanization in peri-urban areas puts extra stress on the need for finding and implementing sustainable solutions to prevent ground- and surface water contamination. The study aimed to design a more sustainable wastewater management at the farm Ceasip located in the peri-urban area of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Due to the lack of proper wastewater management on the farm, Ceasip was a likely contributor to the contamination of the groundwater. Of the farm’s different wastewater sources, this study focused on the domestic wastewater and its possible reuse in agriculture. The prioritized sustainability criteria were to prevent groundwater contamination, reduce water usage and recycle nutrients. First various wastewater management options were identified. Next these were evaluated according to the different sustainability criteria previously mentioned. In order to determine a management option, data and information were collected and processed regarding water flows, water quality, physical conditions as well as sustainability criteria within environment, technology, socio-culture, health and economy. Results of the present conditions for Ceasip showed various characteristics, like small water flows, high nitrogen and fecal coliform concentration and clayey soils, from which suitability of different treatments was determined. Urine separation was deemed appropriate for Ceasip to increase the recycling of nutrients as well as reduce the nitrogen levels in wastewater. Treatment ponds and leach fields were designed as two wastewater treatment alternatives. For Ceasip to implement and manage water and wastewater sustainably through one of the mentioned alternatives could have a positive impact for the farm and environment, as well as serve as an example to employees, visitors and other establishments.El saneamiento y gestiĂłn sostenible de las aguas residuales es de creciente importancia en los tiempos modernos. Los recursos naturales son cada vez mĂĄs escasos y valiosos. Mas aĂșn, la falta del manejo adecuado de aguas residuales es causa importante de la degradaciĂłn de los recursos restantes. La creciente urbanizaciĂłn en las zonas periurbanas acentĂșa la necesidad de encontrar e implementar soluciones sostenibles en el manejo de aguas residuales. En estas zonas dicho manejo (colecciĂłn y tratamiento de aguas residuales) es deficiente. Como consecuencia se percibe una contaminaciĂłn continua de las aguas subterrĂĄneas en estas condiciones. El objetivo del estudio realizado fue diseñar un sistema de gestiĂłn de aguas residuales mĂĄs sostenible para la granja Ceasip ubicada en la zona periurbana de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. El estudio se enfoca principalmente en el manejo de las aguas residuales domĂ©sticas y su posible reutilizaciĂłn en la agricultura. Sin embargo, cabe mencionar que las aguas residuales en la granja Ceasip provienen tambiĂ©n de otras actividades. Para el concepto de sostenibilidad de este proyecto, son prioritarios los criterios de prevenciĂłn de la contaminaciĂłn del agua subterrĂĄnea, la reducciĂłn del consumo de agua y el reciclaje de nutrientes. La metodologĂ­a de estudio consistiĂł en varias etapas. DespuĂ©s de una extensa revisiĂłn de la literatura existente diferentes opciones de gestiĂłn fueron evaluadas de acuerdo con los criterios de sostenibilidad antes mencionados. Para hacer una elecciĂłn de un tratamiento adecuado, se realizaron compilaciones y procesamiento de datos con respecto a los flujos y la calidad de aguas, las condiciones geomorfolĂłgicas, climĂĄticas asĂ­ como la evaluaciĂłn de algunos parĂĄmetros ambientales, sociales, tĂ©cnicos, econĂłmicos, y de salubridad. En las condiciones actuales, los resultados de las evaluaciones de la granja, resaltaron aspectos crĂ­ticos sobre los que se propusieron algunos tratamientos alternativos; por ejemplo el aumento en el reciclaje de nutrientes asĂ­ como la reducciĂłn de los niveles de nitrĂłgeno en las aguas residuales. La separaciĂłn de la orina se considerĂł de gran importancia para la gestiĂłn apropiada de las aguas residuales de Ceasip. Al final se sugirieron dos posibles alternativas para el diseño del tratamiento de aguas, la utilizaciĂłn de lagunas o de lechos filtrantes con arena, cuya contribuirĂ­a positivamente tanto como para el entorno local y el personal de la granja asĂ­ como para la comunidad en general, sirviendo como ejemplo para otros establecimientos.HĂ„llbar sanitet och avloppsvattenhantering Ă€r av ökande vikt runt om i vĂ€rlden. Resurser blir allt knappare och mer vĂ€rdefulla medan bristen pĂ„ hĂ„llbar hantering Ă€ven skapar problem och degradering av Ă„terstĂ„ende resurser. PĂ„ grund av den ökande urbaniseringen Ă€r grundvattnet i stĂ€dernas periferier speciellt utsatt eftersom avloppsvattenhantering saknas dĂ€r. Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att designa en mer hĂ„llbar avloppsvattenhantering för gĂ„rden Ceasip i peri-urbana Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. I nulĂ€get saknas en lĂ€mplig lösning pĂ„ gĂ„rden. Av de olika typerna av avloppsvatten pĂ„ gĂ„rden, fokuserar denna studie frĂ€mst pĂ„ avloppsvattnet frĂ„n hushĂ„ll och möjligheterna att Ă„teranvĂ€nda det inom jordbruket. För hĂ„llbarhetskonceptet i uppsatsen, prioriteras följande kriterier: skydd av grundvattnet, minskning av grundvattenkonsumtion och nĂ€ringsĂ„tervinning. En litteraturstudie gjordes över olika avloppsvattenhanteringsalternativ som sedan utvĂ€rderades enligt hĂ„llbarhetskriterierna. För att bestĂ€mma det mest lĂ€mpliga hanteringsalternativet, samlades data och information om vattenflöden, vattenkvalitĂ©er, klimat, geomorfologi och Ă€ven för miljö, teknik, hĂ€lsa, ekonomi och kultur. Resultaten frĂ„n sammanstĂ€llningen visade pĂ„ olika egenskaper frĂ„n vilka lĂ€mplig hantering bestĂ€mdes. För att öka Ă„tervinningen av nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen och minska kvĂ€vekoncentrationerna i avloppsvattnet, visade det sig vara lĂ€mpligt att anvĂ€nda urinsortering. TvĂ„ behandlingsalternativ designades, och det föreslogs antingen behandlingsdammar eller förstĂ€rkta infiltrationsanlĂ€ggningar. DĂ„ nĂ„gon av dessa alternativ tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ Ceasip skulle man Ă€ven kunna pĂ„verka lokalt och regionalt genom att sĂ€tta ett bra exempel.

    Roller och relationer i Georgienkriget : En teorikonsumerande studie om icke-statliga aktörer

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    Non-state actors have for centuries been used by states in order to achieve their strategic ends in armed conflicts. Even though the reasons and motives, as well as the possible consequences, often are subject to research within the field, few have investigated what roles the irregulars might have in a conflict and their relations with a state actor. This study examines the roles that non-state actors had in the Georgian war. Through a qualitative text analysis, the level of coordination with a state and what type of value they added to the state’s regular forces was analyzed, in an attempt to categorize the groups according to Rauta’s theory. The results of the research shows that analyzed non-state actors may have had different roles from the time leading up to the war, during and after the war ended. This may indicate that they are more dynamic in their roles and relations with a state than it may appear and could point to how non-state actors may be used in the future.


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    Intresset för föreliggande uppsatsarbete har varit att analysera synen pĂ„ unga lagövertrĂ€dare som döms till frihetsberövande pĂ„följder. Avstamp har gjorts i propositionen som 1998 föreslog att sluten ungdomsvĂ„rd skulle införas i pĂ„följdssystemet i en ambition att undvika fĂ€ngelsestraff för unga (Prop. 1997/98:96) samt i betĂ€nkandet som 2023 föreslĂ„r att unga lagövertrĂ€dare Ă„terigen ska verkstĂ€lla fĂ€ngelsestraff (SOU 2023:44). UtifrĂ„n en diskursanalytisk ansats var syftet att synliggöra hur pĂ„följdssystemet för unga framstĂ€lls som ett ’problem’, hur dessa problemrepresentationer motiverar respektive förslag om frihetsberövande pĂ„följd samt hur det kan förstĂ„s i ljuset av en ’straffande vĂ€ndning’. Resultatet visar att pĂ„följdssystemet i propositionen framstĂ€lls som ett rĂ€ttssĂ€kerhetsproblem dĂ€r en framtrĂ€dande juridisk diskurs har ökat sĂ„vĂ€l samhĂ€llets rĂ€ttsmedvetande som det enskilda barnets rĂ€ttsstatus. I betĂ€nkandet framstĂ€lls pĂ„följdssystemet i stĂ€llet som ett trygghetsproblem, baserat pĂ„ en alarmistisk bild av ökad och grövre brottslighet bland unga vilka samhĂ€llet behöver skyddas frĂ„n. En utveckling har skett frĂ„n att unga lagövertrĂ€dare betraktas vara i fara, offer för en social utsatthet, till att de betraktas som farliga barn som skapar otrygghet i samhĂ€llet. Det Ă€r den senaste kategorin av ‘farliga barn’ som betĂ€nkandets förslag vilar pĂ„. Ett förslag som förvĂ€ntas bidra till ökade samhĂ€llsklyftor och ökad stigmatisering av en redan utsatt grupp unga lagövertrĂ€dare. Ett förslag som ocksĂ„ fĂ„r direkta konsekvenser, i huvudsak för de barn som underrepresenteras i betĂ€nkandet: De barn som Ă€r flickor, och de barn som Ă€r i sĂ€rskilt behov av stöd, vĂ„rd och behandling.The interest in the present study has been to analyze the way juvenile offenders, who are sentenced to a custodial sanction, are portrayed. The study draws from the proposition that 1998 suggested the new sanction of youth custody in an aspiration to replace prison for juvenile offenders (Prop. 1997/98:96) and in the deliberation that 2023 suggested that juvenile offenders once again should be sentenced to prison (SOU 2023:44). Drawing from a discourse analysis, this study aims to uncover the way the youth penal system is produced as a ‘problem’, how this problem representation justifies the different suggestions about custodial sanctions and how it could be understood in the light of a ‘punitive turn’. The results show that the penal system in the first document is produced as a problem regarding penal certainty, whereas a prominent juridical discourse has raised a general legal awareness as well as the legal status for the individual child. In the second document the penal policy is produced as a problem regarding public safety, based on the view of an increased and rougher crime scene among youngsters whom society needs to be protected from. A development can be identified from where juvenile offenders are portrayed as being in danger, victims of social circumstances, to that they are portrayed as dangerous kids that constitutes a threat to the society. It is the latter category of ‘dangerous kids’ that the suggestions in the second document lays upon. Suggestions that are expected to contribute to increased stigmatization of an already exposed group of juvenile offenders. Suggestions that also have direct consequences, especially for those who are underrepresented in the second document: Kids who are girls, and kids who need care, treatment, and protection