827 research outputs found

    Numerical constraints on the model of stochastic excitation of solar-type oscillations

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    Analyses of a 3D simulation of the upper layers of a solar convective envelope provide constraints on the physical quantities which enter the theoretical formulation of a stochastic excitation model of solar p modes, for instance the convective velocities and the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum. These constraints are then used to compute the acoustic excitation rate for solar p modes, P. The resulting values are found ~5 times larger than the values resulting from a computation in which convective velocities and entropy fluctuations are obtained with a 1D solar envelope model built with the time-dependent, nonlocal Gough (1977) extension of the mixing length formulation for convection (GMLT). This difference is mainly due to the assumed mean anisotropy properties of the velocity field in the excitation region. The 3D simulation suggests much larger horizontal velocities compared to vertical ones than in the 1D GMLT solar model. The values of P obtained with the 3D simulation constraints however are still too small compared with the values inferred from solar observations. Improvements in the description of the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum and its depth dependence yield further increased theoretical values of P which bring them closer to the observations. It is also found that the source of excitation arising from the advection of the turbulent fluctuations of entropy by the turbulent movements contributes ~ 65-75 % to the excitation and therefore remains dominant over the Reynolds stress contribution. The derived theoretical values of P obtained with the 3D simulation constraints remain smaller by a factor ~3 compared with the solar observations. This shows that the stochastic excitation model still needs to be improved.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Simulations of Oscillation Modes of the Solar Convection Zone

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    We use the three-dimensional hydrodynamic code of Stein and Nordlund to realistically simulate the upper layers of the solar convection zone in order to study physical characteristics of solar oscillations. Our first result is that the properties of oscillation modes in the simulation closely match the observed properties. Recent observations from SOHO/MDI and GONG have confirmed the asymmetry of solar oscillation line profiles, initially discovered by Duvall et al. In this paper we compare the line profiles in the power spectra of the Doppler velocity and continuum intensity oscillations from the SOHO/MDI observations with the simulation. We also compare the phase differences between the velocity and intensity data. We have found that the simulated line profiles are asymmetric and have the same asymmetry reversal between velocity and intensity as observed. The phase difference between the velocity and intensity signals is negative at low frequencies and jumps in the vicinity of modes as is also observed. Thus, our numerical model reproduces the basic observed properties of solar oscillations, and allows us to study the physical properties which are not observed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The CoRoT target HD175726: an active star with weak solar-like oscillations

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    Context. The CoRoT short runs give us the opportunity to observe a large variety of late-type stars through their solar-like oscillations. We report observations of the star HD175726 that lasted for 27 days during the first short run of the mission. The time series reveals a high-activity signal and the power spectrum presents an excess due to solar-like oscillations with a low signal-to-noise ratio. Aims. Our aim is to identify the most efficient tools to extract as much information as possible from the power density spectrum. Methods. The most productive method appears to be the autocorrelation of the time series, calculated as the spectrum of the filtered spectrum. This method is efficient, very rapid computationally, and will be useful for the analysis of other targets, observed with CoRoT or with forthcoming missions such as Kepler and Plato. Results. The mean large separation has been measured to be 97.2+-0.5 microHz, slightly below the expected value determined from solar scaling laws.We also show strong evidence for variation of the large separation with frequency. The bolometric mode amplitude is only 1.7+-0.25 ppm for radial modes, which is 1.7 times less than expected. Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, mode identification is not possible for the available data set of HD175726. Conclusions. This study shows the possibility of extracting a seismic signal despite a signal-to-noise ratio of only 0.37. The observation of such a target shows the efficiency of the CoRoT data, and the potential benefit of longer observing runs.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted in A&

    What Causes P-mode Asymmetry Reversal?

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    The solar acoustic p-mode line profiles are asymmetric. Velocity spectra have more power on the low-frequency sides, whereas intensity profiles show the opposite sense of asymmetry. Numerical simulations of the upper convection zone have resonant p-modes with the same asymmetries and asymmetry reversal as the observed modes. The temperature and velocity power spectra at optical depth Ď„cont=1\tau_{\rm cont} = 1 have the opposite asymmetry as is observed for the intensity and velocity spectra. At a fixed geometrical depth, corresponding to =1=1, however, the temperature and velocity spectra have the same asymmetry. This indicates that the asymmetry reversal is produced by radiative transfer effects and not by correlated noise.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journa

    Comparison of High-degree Solar Acoustic Frequencies and Asymmetry between Velocity and Intensity Data

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    Using the local helioseismic technique of ring diagram we analyze the frequencies of high--degree f- and p-modes derived from both velocity and continuum intensity data observed by MDI. Fitting the spectra with asymmetric peak profiles, we find that the asymmetry associated with velocity line profiles is negative for all frequency ranges agreeing with previous observations while the asymmetry of the intensity profiles shows a complex and frequency dependent behavior. We also observe systematic frequency differences between intensity and velocity spectra at the high end of the frequency range, mostly above 4 mHz. We infer that this difference arises from the fitting of the intensity rather than the velocity spectra. We also show that the frequency differences between intensity and velocity do not vary significantly from the disk center to the limb when the spectra are fitted with the asymmetric profile and conclude that only a part of the background is correlated with the intensity oscillations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Numerical 3D constraints on convective eddy time-correlations : consequences for stochastic excitation of solar p modes

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    A 3D simulation of the upper part of the solar convective zone is used to obtain information on the frequency component, chi_k, of the correlation product of the turbulent velocity field. This component plays an important role in the stochastic excitation of acoustic oscillations. A time analysis of the solar simulation shows that a gaussian function does not correctly reproduce the nu-dependency of chi_k inferred from the 3D simuation in the frequency range where the acoustic energy injected into the solar p modes is important (nu ~ 2 - 4 mHz). The nu-dependency of chi_k is fitted with different analytical functions which can then conveniently be used to compute the acoustic energy supply rate P injected into the solar radial oscillations. With constraints from a 3D simulation, adjustment of free parameters to solar data is no longer necessary and is not performed here. The result is compared with solar seismic data. Computed values of P obtained with the analytical function which fits best chi_k are found ~ 2.7 times larger than those obtained with the gaussian model and reproduce better the solar seismic observations. This non-gaussian description also leads to a Reynolds stress contribution of the same order as the one arising from the advection of the turbulent fluctuations of entropy by the turbulent motions. Some discrepancy between observed and computed P values still exist at high frequency and possible causes for this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 11 pages; 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Seismic evolution of low/intermediate mass PMS stars

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    This article presents a study of the evolution of the internal structure and seismic properties expected for low/intermediate mass Pre-Main Sequence (PMS) stars. Seismic and non-seismic properties of PMS stars were analysed. This was done using 0.8 to 4.4M⊙_\odot stellar models at stages ranging from the end of the Hayashi track up to the Zero-Age Main-Sequence (ZAMS). This research concludes that, for intermediate-mass stars (M>>1.3M⊙_\odot), diagrams comparing the effective temperature (TeffT_{eff}) against the small separation can provide an alternative to Christensen-Dalsgaard (C-D) diagrams. The impact of the metal abundance of intermediate mass stars (2.5-4.4M⊙_\odot) has over their seismic properties is also evaluated.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Asteroseismology across the HR diagram

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    High precision spectroscopy provides essential information necessary to fully exploit the opportunity of probing the internal structure of stars using Asteroseismology. In this work we discuss how Asteroseismology combined with High Precision Spectroscopy can establish a detailed view on stellar structure and evolution of stars across the HR diagramme.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures - to appear in Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics, (Eds) L. Pasquini, M. Romaniello, N.C. Santos, and A. Correia, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 200

    The Relation between Physical and Gravitational Geometry

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    The appearance of two geometries in one and the same gravitational theory is familiar. Usually, as in the Brans-Dicke theory or in string theory, these are conformally related Riemannian geometries. Is this the most general relation between the two geometries allowed by physics ? We study this question by supposing that the physical geometry on which matter dynamics take place could be Finslerian rather than just Riemannian. An appeal to the weak equivalence principle and causality then leads us the conclusion that the Finsler geometry has to reduce to a Riemann geometry whose metric - the physical metric - is related to the gravitational metric by a generalization of the conformal transformation.Comment: 15 pages, Te
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