18 research outputs found

    Gene profiling identifies commonalities in neuronal pathways in excitotoxicity : evidence favouring cell cycle re-activation in concert with oxidative stress

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    The fulltext of this publication will be made publicly available after relevant embargo periods have lapsed and associated copyright clearances obtained.Excitotoxicity, induced by the aberrant rise in cytosolic Ca(2+) level, is a major neuropathological process in numerous neurodegenerative disorders. It is triggered when extracellular glutamate (Glu) concentration reaches neuropathological levels resulting in dysregulation and hyper-activation of ionotropic glutamate receptor subtype (iGluRs). Even though all three members of the iGluRs, namely N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDAR), α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPAR) and kainate (KAR) receptors are implicated in excitotoxicity, their individual contributions to downstream signaling transduction have not been explored. In this study, we report a comprehensive description of the recruitment of cellular processes in neurons upon iGluR activation during excitotoxicity through temporal (5h, 15h, and 24h) global gene profiling of AMPA, KA, NMDA, and Glu excitotoxic models. DNA microarray analyses of mouse primary cortical neurons treated with these four pharmacological agonists are further validated via real-time PCR. Bi-model analyses against Glu model demonstrate that NMDARs and KARs play a more pivotal role in Glu-mediated excitotoxicity, with a higher degree of global gene profiling overlaps, as compared to that of AMPARs. Comparison of global transcriptomic profiles reveals aberrant calcium ion binding and homeostasis, organellar (lysosomal and endoplasmic reticulum) stress, oxidative stress, cell cycle re-entry and activation of cell death processes as the main pathways that are significantly modulated across all excitotoxicity models. Singular profile analyses demonstrate substantial transcriptional regulation of numerous cell cycle proteins. For the first time, we show that iGluR activation forms the basis of cell cycle re-activation, and together with oxidative stress fulfill the "two-hit" hypothesis that accelerates neurodegeneration

    Copper as a target for prostate cancer therapeutics: copper-ionophore pharmacology and altering systemic copper distribution

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    Copper-ionophores that elevate intracellular bioavailable copper display significant therapeutic utility against prostate cancer cells in vitro and in TRAMP (Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of Mouse Prostate) mice. However, the pharmacological basis for their anticancer activity remains unclear, despite impending clinical trails. Herein we show that intracellular copper levels in prostate cancer, evaluated in vitro and across disease progression in TRAMP mice, were not correlative with copper-ionophore activity and mirrored the normal levels observed in patient prostatectomy tissues (Gleason Score 7 & 9). TRAMP adenocarcinoma cells harbored markedly elevated oxidative stress and diminished glutathione (GSH)-mediated antioxidant capacity, which together conferred selective sensitivity to prooxidant ionophoric copper. Copper-ionophore treatments [CuII(gtsm), disulfiram & clioquinol] generated toxic levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in TRAMP adenocarcinoma cells, but not in normal mouse prostate epithelial cells (PrECs). Our results provide a basis for the pharmacological activity of copper-ionophores and suggest they are amendable for treatment of patients with prostate cancer. Additionally, recent in vitro and mouse xenograft studies have suggested an increased copper requirement by prostate cancer cells. We demonstrated that prostate adenocarcinoma development in TRAMP mice requires a functional supply of copper and is significantly impeded by altered systemic copper distribution. The presence of a mutant copper-transporting Atp7b protein (tx mutation: A4066G/Met1356Val) in TRAMP mice changed copper-integration into serum and caused a remarkable reduction in prostate cancer burden (64% reduction) and disease severity (grade), abrogating adenocarcinoma development. Implications for current clinical trials are discussed

    Correction of a mouse model of Menkes disease by the human Menkes gene

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    The brindled mouse is an accurate model of the fatal human X-linked copper deficiency disorder, Menkes disease. Males carrying the mutant allele of the Menkes gene orthologue Atp7a die in the second week of life. To determine whether the genetic defect in the brindled mice could be corrected by expression of the human Menkes gene, male transgenic mice expressing ATP7A from the chicken &beta;-actin composite promoter (CAG) were mated with female carriers of the brindled mutation (Atp7aMo-br). Mutant males carrying the transgene survived and were fertile but the copper defect was not completely corrected. Unexpectedly males corrected with one transgenic line (T25#5) were mottled and resembled carrier females, this effect appeared to be caused by mosaic expression of the transgene. In contrast, males corrected with another line (T22#2) had agouti coats. Copper concentrations in tissues of the rescued mutants also resembled those of the heterozygous females, with high levels in kidney (84.6 &plusmn; 4.9 &mu;g/g in corrected males vs. 137.0 &plusmn; 44.3 &mu;g/g in heterozygotes) and small intestine (15.6 &plusmn; 2.5 &mu;g/g in corrected males vs. 15.7 &plusmn; 2.8 &mu;g/g in heterozygotes). The results show that the Menkes defect in mice is corrected by the human Menkes gene and that adequate correction is obtained even when the transgene expression does not match that of the endogenous gene.<br /

    Missense mutations in the copper transporter gene ATP7A cause X-Linked distal hereditary motor neuropathy

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    Distal hereditary motor neuropathies comprise a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. We recently mapped an X-linked form of this condition to chromosome Xq13.1-q21 in two large unrelated families. The region of genetic linkage included ATP7A, which encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase mutated in patients with Menkes disease, a severe infantile-onset neurodegenerative condition. We identified two unique ATP7A missense mutations (p.P1386S and p.T994I) in males with distal motor neuropathy in two families. These molecular alterations impact highly conserved amino acids in the carboxyl half of ATP7A and do not directly involve the copper transporter's known critical functional domains. Studies of p.P1386S revealed normal ATP7A mRNA and protein levels, a defect in ATP7A trafficking, and partial rescue of a S. cerevisiae copper transport knockout. Although ATP7A mutations are typically associated with severe Menkes disease or its milder allelic variant, occipital horn syndrome, we demonstrate here that certain missense mutations at this locus can cause a syndrome restricted to progressive distal motor neuropathy without overt signs of systemic copper deficiency. This previously unrecognized genotype-phenotype correlation suggests an important role of the ATP7A copper transporter in motor-neuron maintenance and function

    ATP7A transgenic and nontransgenic mice are resistant to high copper exposure

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    The protein affected in Menkes disease, ATP7A, is a copper (Cu)-transporting P-type ATPase that plays an important role in Cu homeostasis, but the full extent of this role has not been defined at a systemic level. Transgenic mice that overexpress the human ATP7A from the chicken &beta;-actin composite promoter (CAG) were used to further investigate the physiological function of ATP7A. Overexpression of ATP7A in the mice caused disturbances in Cu homeostasis, with depletion of Cu in some tissues, especially the heart. To investigate the effect of overexpression of ATP7A when dietary Cu intake was markedly increased, normal and transgenic mice were exposed to drinking water containing 300 mg/L of Cu as Cu acetate for 3 mo. Cu exposure resulted in partial restoration of heart Cu concentrations in male transgenic mice. Despite the extended period of Cu exposure, Cu concentrations in the liver remained relatively unaffected, with a significant increase in male nontransgenic mice. Liver pathology was unremarkable except for small areas of fibrosis that were detected only in livers of the Cu-exposed transgenic mice. Intracellular localization of ATP7A in various tissues was not affected by Cu exposure. Plasma Cu concentration and ceruloplasmin oxidase activity were reduced in both Cu-exposed transgenic and nontransgenic mice. The expression levels of other candidate Cu homeostatic proteins, endogenous Atp7b, ceruloplasmin, Ctr1, and transgenic ATP7A were not altered significantly by Cu exposure. Overall, mice are remarkably resistant to high Cu loads and the overexpression of ATP7A has only moderate effects on the response to Cu exposure. &copy; 2008 American Society for Nutrition

    Comparative microarray analysis identifies commonalities in neuronal injury: evidence for oxidative stress, dysfunction of calcium signalling, and inhibition of autophagy-lysosomal pathway

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction, ubiquitin-proteasomal system impairment and excitotoxicity occur during the injury and death of neurons in neurodegenerative conditions. The aim of this work was to elucidate the cellular mechanisms that are universally altered by these conditions. Through overlapping expression profiles of rotenone-, lactacystin- and N-methyl-D-aspartate-treated cortical neurons, we have identified three affected biological processes that are commonly affected; oxidative stress, dysfunction of calcium signalling and inhibition of the autophagic-lysosomal pathway. These data provides many opportunities for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative conditions, where mitochondrial dysfunction, proteasomal inhibition and excitotoxicity are evident

    Copper transporter ATP7A protects against endothelial dysfunction in type 1 diabetic mice by regulating extracellular superoxide dismutase

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    Oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction contribute to vascular complication in diabetes. Extracellular superoxide dismutase (SOD3) is one of the key antioxidant enzymes that obtains copper via copper transporter ATP7A. SOD3 is secreted from vascular smooth muscles cells (VSMCs) and anchors at the endothelial surface. The role of SOD3 and ATP7A in endothelial dysfunction in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is entirely unknown. Here we show that the specific activity of SOD3, but not SOD1, is decreased, which is associated with increased O(2)(‱−) production in aortas of streptozotocin-induced and genetically induced Ins2(Akita) T1DM mice. Exogenous copper partially rescued SOD3 activity in isolated T1DM vessels. Functionally, acetylcholine-induced, endothelium-dependent relaxation is impaired in T1DM mesenteric arteries, which is rescued by SOD mimetic tempol or gene transfer of SOD3. Mechanistically, ATP7A expression in T1DM vessels is dramatically decreased whereas other copper transport proteins are not altered. T1DM-induced endothelial dysfunction and decrease of SOD3 activity are rescued in transgenic mice overexpressing ATP7A. Furthermore, SOD3-deficient T1DM mice or ATP7A mutant T1DM mice augment endothelial dysfunction and vascular O(2)(‱−) production versus T1DM mice. These effects are in part due to hypoinsulinemia in T1DM mice, since insulin treatment, but not high glucose, increases ATP7A expression in VSMCs and restores SOD3 activity in the organoid culture of T1DM vessels. In summary, a decrease in ATP7A protein expression contributes to impaired SOD3 activity, resulting in O(2)(‱−) overproduction and endothelial dysfunction in blood vessels of T1DM. Thus, restoring copper transporter function is an essential therapeutic approach for oxidant stress–dependent vascular and metabolic diseases

    Gene expression profiling of rotenone-mediated cortical neuronal death : evidence for inhibition of ubiquitin–proteasome system and autophagy-lysosomal pathway, and dysfunction of mitochondrial and calcium signaling

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are currently considered two key mechanisms contributing to pathobiology in neurodegenerative conditions. The current study investigated the temporal molecular events contributing to programmed cell death after treatment with the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor rotenone. Microarray analysis was performed using cultured neocortical neurons treated with 10nM rotenone for 8, 15, and 24h. Genes showing at least ±1.2-fold change in expression at one time point were considered significant. Transcriptomic analysis of the 4178 genes probes revealed major changes to nine biological processes, including those eliciting mitochondrial dysfunction, activation of calcium signaling, increased expression of apoptotic genes, and downplay of chaperones/co-chaperones, ubiquitin-proteasome system and autophagy. These data define targets for intervention where mitochondrial complex I dysfunction plays a substantial role, most notably Parkinson's disease

    Copper transport during lactation in transgenic mice expressing the human ATP7A protein

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    Both copper transporting ATPases, ATP7A and ATP7B, are expressed in mammary epithelial cells but their role in copper delivery to milk has not been clarified. We investigated the role of ATP7A in delivery of copper to milk using transgenic mice that over-express human ATP7A. In mammary gland of transgenic mice, human ATP7A protein was 10- to 20-fold higher than in control mice, and was localized to the basolateral membrane of mammary epithelial cells in lactating mice. The copper concentration in the mammary gland of transgenic dams and stomach contents of transgenic pups was significantly reduced compared to non-transgenic mice. The mRNA levels of endogenous Atp7a, Atp7b, and Ctr1 copper transporters in the mammary gland were not altered by the expression of the ATP7A transgene, and the protein levels of Atp7b and ceruloplasmin were similar in transgenic and non-transgenic mice. These data suggest that ATP7A plays a role in removing excess copper from the mammary epithelial cells rather than supplying copper to milk.<br /