17 research outputs found

    Champagne and the Ardennes During the Bronze and Iron Ages

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    Representative Vessels of the Este Culture

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    Research Reports Andean Past 6

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    Negation and the functional sequence

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    There exists a general restriction on admissible functional sequences which prevents adjacent identical heads. We investigate a particular instantiation of this restriction in the domain of negation. Empirically, it manifests itself as a restriction the stacking of multiple negative morphemes. We propose a principled account of this restriction in terms of the general ban on immediately consecutive identical heads in the functional sequence on the one hand, and the presence of a Neg feature inside negative morphemes on the other hand. The account predicts that the stacking of multiple negative morphemes should be possible provided they are separated by intervening levels of structure. We show that this prediction is borne out

    Bâtiments importants du IIIe s. av. J.-C. sur le Titelberg

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    Rowlett Ralph. Bâtiments importants du IIIe s. av. J.-C. sur le Titelberg. In: Etudes Celtiques, vol. 28, 1991. Actes du IXe Congrès international d’études celtiques Première partie. Les Celtes au IIIe siècle avant J.-C. p. 467

    Bâtiments importants du IIIe s. av. J.-C. sur le Titelberg

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    Rowlett Ralph. Bâtiments importants du IIIe s. av. J.-C. sur le Titelberg. In: Etudes Celtiques, vol. 28, 1991. Actes du IXe Congrès international d’études celtiques Première partie. Les Celtes au IIIe siècle avant J.-C. p. 467

    A Random Number Generator for Field Use

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    Pyrotechnology of Titelberg Iron Age coin production

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