522 research outputs found

    Restoration of particle number as a good quantum number in BCS theory

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    As shown in previous work, number projection can be carried out analytically for states defined in a quasi-particle scheme when the states are expressed in a coherent state representation. The wave functions of number-projected states are well-known in the theory of orthogonal polynomials as Schur functions. Moreover, the functions needed in pairing theory are a particularly simple class of Schur functions that are easily constructed by means of recursion relations. It is shown that complete sets of states can be projected from corresponding quasi-particle states and that such states retain many of the properties of the quasi-particle states from which they derive. It is also shown that number projection can be used to construct a complete set of orthogonal states classified by generalized seniority for any nucleus.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, epsf.def style file for printing figure

    Extension of random-phase approximation preserving energy weighted sum rules: an application to a 3-level Lipkin model

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    A limitation common to all extensions of random-phase approximation including only particle-hole configurations is that they violate to some extent the energy weighted sum rules. Considering one such extension, the improved RPA (IRPA), already used to study the electronic properties of metallic clusters, we show how it can be generalized in order to eliminate this drawback. This is achieved by enlarging the configuration space, including also elementary excitations corresponding to the annihilation of a particle (hole) and the creation of another particle (hole) on the correlated ground state. The approach is tested within a solvable 3-level model.Comment: 2 figure

    A computationally tractable version of the collective model

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    A computationally tractable version of the Bohr-Mottelson collective model is presented which makes it possible to diagonalize realistic collective models and obtain convergent results in relatively small appropriately chosen subspaces of the collective model Hilbert space. Special features of the proposed model is that it makes use of the beta wave functions given analytically by the softened-beta version of the Wilets-Jean model, proposed by Elliott et al., and a simple algorithm for computing SO(5) > SO(3) spherical harmonics. The latter has much in common with the methods of Chacon, Moshinsky, and Sharp but is conceptually and computationally simpler. Results are presented for collective models ranging from the sherical vibrator to the Wilets-Jean and axially symmetric rotor-vibrator models.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Theories for multiple resonances

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    Two microscopic theories for multiple resonances in nuclei are compared, n-particle-hole RPA and quantized Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock (TDHF). The Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model is used as test case. We find that quantized TDHF is superior in many respects, except for very small systems.Comment: 14 Pages, 3 figures available upon request

    Construction of SO(5)>SO(3) spherical harmonics and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients

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    The SO(5)>SO(3) spherical harmonics form a natural basis for expansion of nuclear collective model angular wave functions. They underlie the recently-proposed algebraic method for diagonalization of the nuclear collective model Hamiltonian in an SU(1,1)xSO(5) basis. We present a computer code for explicit construction of the SO(5)>SO(3) spherical harmonics and use them to compute the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients needed for collective model calculations in an SO(3)-coupled basis. With these Clebsch-Gordan coefficients it becomes possible to compute the matrix elements of collective model observables by purely algebraic methods.Comment: LaTeX (RevTeX), 15 pages; to be published in Computer Phys. Comm

    RPA approach to rotational symmetry restoration in a three-level Lipkin model

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    We study an extended Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model that permits a transition to a deformed phase with a broken continuous symmetry. Unlike simpler models, one sees a persistent zero-frequency Goldstone mode past the transition point into the deformed phase. We found that the RPA formula for the correlation energy provides a useful correction to the Hartree-Fock energy when the number of particle N satisfies N > 3, and becomes accurate for large N. We conclude that the RPA correlation energy formula offers a promising way to improve the Hartree-Fock energy in a systematic theory of nuclear binding energies.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages, 3 postscript figure

    Partial Dynamical Symmetry in the Symplectic Shell Model

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    We present an example of a partial dynamical symmetry (PDS) in an interacting fermion system and demonstrate the close relationship of the associated Hamiltonians with a realistic quadrupole-quadrupole interaction, thus shedding new light on this important interaction. Specifically, in the framework of the symplectic shell model of nuclei, we prove the existence of a family of fermionic Hamiltonians with partial SU(3) symmetry. We outline the construction process for the PDS eigenstates with good symmetry and give analytic expressions for the energies of these states and E2 transition strengths between them. Characteristics of both pure and mixed-symmetry PDS eigenstates are discussed and the resulting spectra and transition strengths are compared to those of real nuclei. The PDS concept is shown to be relevant to the description of prolate, oblate, as well as triaxially deformed nuclei. Similarities and differences between the fermion case and the previously established partial SU(3) symmetry in the Interacting Boson Model are considered.Comment: 9 figure

    Association between symptoms of sleep apnea and problem behaviors in young adult twins and siblings

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    Background: Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders and it is related to multiple negative health consequences. Previous studies have shown that sleep apnea is influenced by genetic factors. However, studies have not investigated the genetic and environmental influences of symptoms of sleep apnea in young adults. Furthermore, the underpinnings of the relationship between apnea symptoms and internalizing/externalizing problems are unknown. The objectives of this study were to estimate the magnitude of: 1) genetic and environmental influences on self-reported apnea symptoms; 2) the relationship between self-reported apnea symptoms and internalizing/externalizing traits; 3) genetic and environmental influences on the associations between self-reported apnea symptoms, internalizing behaviors and externalizing behaviors. Methods: In a twin/sibling study, univariate and multivariate models were fitted to estimate both individual variance and sources of covariance between symptoms of sleep apnea and internalizing/externalizing behaviors. Results: Our results show that genetic influences account for 40% the variance in sleep apnea symptoms. Moreover, there are modest associations between depression, anxiety and externalizing behaviors with apnea symptoms (ranging from r = .22 to .29). However, the origins of these associations differ. For example, whereas most of the covariation between symptoms of depression and sleep apnea can be explained by genes (95%), there was a larger role for the environment (53%) in the association between symptoms of anxiety and sleep apnea. Conclusions: Genetic factors explain a significant proportion of variance in symptoms of apnea and most of the covariance with depression

    Entanglement between motional states of a single trapped ion and light

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    We propose a generation method of Bell-type states involving light and the vibrational motion of a single trapped ion. The trap itself is supposed to be placed inside a high-QQ cavity sustaining a single mode, quantized electromagnetic field. Entangled light-motional states may be readily generated if a conditional measurement of the ion's internal electronic state is made after an appropriate interaction time and a suitable preparation of the initial state. We show that all four Bell states may be generated using different motional sidebands (either blue or red), as well as adequate ionic relative phases.Comment: 4 pages, LaTe

    Self Consistent and Renormalized particle-particle RPA in a Schematic Model

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    The dynamical effects of ground state correlations for excitation energies and transition strengths near the superfluid phase transition are studied in the soluble two level pairing model, in the context of the particle-particle self consistent Random Phase Approximation (SCRPA). Exact results are well reproduced across the transition region, beyond the collapse of the standard particle-particle Random Phase Approximation. The effects of two-body correlation in the SCRPA are displayed explicitly.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, 3ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.