3,834 research outputs found

    Input-output relations for a 3-port grating coupled Fabry-Perot cavity

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    We analyze an optical 3-port reflection grating by means of a scattering matrix formalism. Amplitude and phase relations between the 3 ports, i.e. the 3 orders of diffraction are derived. Such a grating can be used as an all-reflective, low-loss coupler to Fabry-Perot cavities. We derive the input output relations of a 3-port grating coupled cavity and find distinct properties not present in 2-port coupled cavities. The cavity relations further reveal that the 3-port coupler can be designed such that the additional cavity port interferes destructively. In this case the all-reflective, low-loss, single-ended Fabry-Perot cavity becomes equivalent to a standard transmissive, 2-port coupled cavity

    Absence of reflection as a function of the coupling constant

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    We consider solutions of the one-dimensional equation −uâ€Čâ€Č+(Q+λV)u=0-u'' +(Q+ \lambda V) u = 0 where Q:R→RQ: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} is locally integrable, V:R→RV : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R} is integrable with supp(V)⊂[0,1](V) \subset [0,1], and λ∈R\lambda \in \mathbb{R} is a coupling constant. Given a family of solutions {uλ}λ∈R\{u_{\lambda} \}_{\lambda \in \mathbb{R}} which satisfy uλ(x)=u0(x)u_{\lambda}(x) = u_0(x) for all x<0x<0, we prove that the zeros of b(λ):=W[u0,uλ]b(\lambda) := W[u_0, u_{\lambda}], the Wronskian of u0u_0 and uλu_{\lambda}, form a discrete set unless V≡0V \equiv 0. Setting Q(x):=−EQ(x) := -E, one sees that a particular consequence of this result may be stated as: if the fixed energy scattering experiment −uâ€Čâ€Č+λVu=Eu-u'' + \lambda V u = Eu gives rise to a reflection coefficient which vanishes on a set of couplings with an accumulation point, then V≡0V \equiv 0.Comment: To appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    The effect of crystal orientation on the cryogenic strength of hydroxide catalysis bonded sapphire

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    Hydroxide catalysis bonding has been used in gravitational wave detectors to precisely and securely join components of quasi-monolithic silica suspensions. Plans to operate future detectors at cryogenic temperatures has created the need for a change in the test mass and suspension material. Mono-crystalline sapphire is one candidate material for use at cryogenic temperatures and is being investigated for use in the KAGRA detector. The crystalline structure of sapphire may influence the properties of the hydroxide catalysis bond formed. Here, results are presented of studies of the potential influence of the crystal orientation of sapphire on the shear strength of the hydroxide catalysis bonds formed between sapphire samples. The strength was tested at approximately 8 K; this is the first measurement of the strength of such bonds between sapphire at such reduced temperatures. Our results suggest that all orientation combinations investigated produce bonds of sufficient strength for use in typical mirror suspension designs, with average strengths &gt;23 MPa

    Dipole anisotropies of IRAS galaxies and the contribution of a large-scale local void

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    Recent observations of dipole anisotropies show that the velocity of the Local Group (\Vec v_{\rm G}) induced by the clustering of IRAS galax ies has an amplitude and direction similar to those of the velocity of Cosmic Microwave Background dipole anisotropy (\Vec v_{\rm CMB}), but the difference | \Vec v_{\rm G} - \Vec v_{\rm CMB} | is still ∌170\sim 170 km/s, which is about 28% of |\Vec v_{\rm CMB} |. Here we consider the possibility that the origin of this difference comes from a hypothetical large-scale local void, with which we can account for the accelerating behavior of type Ia supernovae due to the spatial inhomogeneity of the Hubble constant without dark energies and derive the constraint to the model parameters of the local void. It is found as a result that the distance between the Local Group and the center of the void must be (10−−20)h−1(10 -- 20) h^{-1} Mpc, whose accurate value depends on the background model parameters.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, to be published in ApJ 584, No.2 (2003

    The star-formation history of the universe - an infrared perspective

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    A simple and versatile parameterized approach to the star formation history allows a quantitative investigation of the constraints from far infrared and submillimetre counts and background intensity measurements. The models include four spectral components: infrared cirrus (emission from interstellar dust), an M82-like starburst, an Arp220-like starburst and an AGN dust torus. The 60 ÎŒ\mum luminosity function is determined for each chosen rate of evolution using the PSCz redshift data for 15000 galaxies. The proportions of each spectral type as a function of 60 ÎŒ\mum luminosity are chosen for consistency with IRAS and SCUBA colour-luminosity relations, and with the fraction of AGN as a function of luminosity found in 12 ÎŒ\mum samples. The luminosity function for each component at any wavelength can then be calculated from the assumed spectral energy distributions. With assumptions about the optical seds corresponding to each component and, for the AGN component, the optical and near infrared counts can be accurately modelled. A good fit to the observed counts at 0.44, 2.2, 15, 60, 90, 175 and 850 ÎŒ\mum can be found with pure luminosity evolution in all 3 cosmological models investigated: Ωo\Omega_o = 1, Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3 (Λ\Lambda = 0), and Ωo\Omega_o = 0.3, Λ\Lambda = 0.7. All 3 models also give an acceptable fit to the integrated background spectrum. Selected predictions of the models, for example redshift distributions for each component at selected wavelengths and fluxes, are shown. The total mass-density of stars generated is consistent with that observed, in all 3 cosmological models.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Full details of models can be found at http://astro.ic.ac.uk/~mrr/countmodel


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    Papers from private industry reporting applications of remote sensing to oil and gas exploration were presented. Digitally processed LANDSAT images were successfully employed in several geologic interpretations. A growing interest in digital image processing among the geologic user community was shown. The papers covered a wide geographic range and a wide technical and application range. Topics included: (1) oil and gas exploration, by use of radar and multisensor studies as well as by use of LANDSAT imagery or LANDSAT digital data, (2) mineral exploration, by mapping from LANDSAT and Skylab imagery and by LANDSAT digital processing, (3) geothermal energy studies with Skylab imagery, (4) environmental and engineering geology, by use of radar or LANDSAT and Skylab imagery, (5) regional mapping and interpretation, and digital and spectral methods

    Mechanical loss of a hydroxide catalysis bond between sapphire substrates and its effect on the sensitivity of future gravitational wave detectors

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    Hydroxide catalysis bonds are low mechanical loss joints which are used in the fused silica mirror suspensions of current room temperature interferometric gravitational wave detectors, one of the techniques which was essential to allow the recent detection of gravitational radiation by LIGO. More sensitive detectors may require cryogenic techniques with sapphire as a candidate mirror and suspension material, and thus hydroxide catalysis bonds are under consideration for jointing sapphire. This paper presents the first measurements of the mechanical loss of such a bond created between sapphire substrates and measured down to cryogenic temperatures. The mechanical loss is found to be 0.03±0.01 at room temperature, decreasing to (3±1)×10−4 at 20 K. The resulting thermal noise of the bonds on several possible mirror suspensions is presented

    Strategic planning for aircraft noise route impact analysis: A three dimensional approach

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    The strategic routing of aircraft through navigable and controlled airspace to minimize adverse noise impact over sensitive areas is critical in the proper management and planning of the U.S. based airport system. A major objective of this phase of research is to identify, inventory, characterize, and analyze the various environmental, land planning, and regulatory data bases, along with potential three dimensional software and hardware systems that can be potentially applied for an impact assessment of any existing or planned air route. There are eight data bases that have to be assembled and developed in order to develop three dimensional aircraft route impact methodology. These data bases which cover geographical information systems, sound metrics, land use, airspace operational control measures, federal regulations and advisories, census data, and environmental attributes have been examined and aggregated. A three dimensional format is necessary for planning, analyzing space and possible noise impact, and formulating potential resolutions. The need to develop this three dimensional approach is essential due to the finite capacity of airspace for managing and planning a route system, including airport facilities. It appears that these data bases can be integrated effectively into a strategic aircraft noise routing system which should be developed as soon as possible, as part of a proactive plan applied to our FAA controlled navigable airspace for the United States

    Apparatus for dimensional characterization of fused silica fibers for the suspensions of advanced gravitational wave detectors

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    Detection of gravitational waves from astrophysical sources remains one of the most challenging problems faced by experimental physicists. A significant limit to the sensitivity of future long-baseline interferometric gravitational wave detectors is thermal displacement noise of the test mass mirrors and their suspensions. Suspension thermal noise results from mechanical dissipation in the fused silica suspension fibers suspending the test mass mirrors and is therefore an important noise source at operating frequencies between ∌10 and 30 Hz. This dissipation occurs due to a combination of thermoelastic damping, surface and bulk losses. Its effects can be reduced by optimizing the thermoelastic and surface loss, and these parameters are a function of the cross sectional dimensions of the fiber along its length. This paper presents a new apparatus capable of high resolution measurements of the cross sectional dimensions of suspension fibers of both rectangular and circular cross section, suitable for use in advanced detector mirror suspensions
