396 research outputs found

    La relation de confiance maître-élève : perception d’élèves ayant des difficultés scolaires

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    La qualité de la relation maître-élève est de plus en plus souvent nommée comme facteur contribuant à la persévérance scolaire. Dans le cadre d’une étude, nous avons choisi de porter un regard particulier sur les relations maître-élève du point de vue des élèves ayant des difficultés scolaires importantes, exclus des cheminements scolaires ordinaires. Comment se construit la relation de confiance entre un enseignant et un élève vivant des difficultés scolaires importantes ? Comment ces jeunes définissent-ils la confiance ? Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude qualitative portant sur les perceptions des jeunes exclus des classes ordinaires relativement à la construction du lien de confiance maître-élève. Les résultats s’articulent autour de quatre grandes thématiques : la définition de la confiance; la création du lien de confiance; l’importance de la confiance; le portrait d’un enseignant de confiance.Les résultats révèlent des attentes de respect, de réciprocité et de méritocratie chez les élèves. De plus, l’étude met en évidence l’importance de la confiance en soi avant d’être en mesure de faire confiance à l’autre.The quality of the relationship between students and teachers is increasingly identified as having a positive impact on academic perseverance. In this study, we chose to focus specifically on student-teacher relationships as perceived by students with considerable academic difficulties, students excluded from regular school pathways. How is the relationship of trust between a teacher and a student with considerable academic difficulties created? How do these youths define trust? This article presents the results of a qualitative study of the perceptions of students excluded from regular classrooms regarding the creation of a relationship of trust between students and teachers. The results are structured around four main themes: the definition of trust, the creation of a relationship of trust, the importance of trust, the description of a trustworthy teacher.The results show that students expect respect, reciprocity, and meritocracy. Also, the study underlines the importance of having self-confidence before being able to trust another person

    Swelling of dry heated whey protein microparticles in different physicochemical conditions

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    This study was conducted in order to promote innovation and new product development in the dairy industry with 100% dairy ingredients. Whey protein microparticles (PMI) produced by dry heating are studied for texturizing properties in food matrices. The production process consists of mixing whey proteins and lactose at an alkaline pH value, drying the solution and dry-heating the powder. We investigate the functional or swelling properties of these PMI by measuring the amount of water entrapped (WE) in microparticles and viscosity (h) of their suspensions prepared in different physicochemical conditions. The results of the study allowed defining the best ranges of conditions to use theses PMI for food applications

    L'acceptabilité sociale de l'aménagement forestier sur l'île d'Anticosti, un territoire à vocation faunique

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    Anticosti représente un cas exceptionnel dans l’étude de l’acceptabilité sociale de l’aménagement forestier, où la vocation première du territoire constitue la chasse aux cerfs de Virginie. L’industrie de la chasse occupe de loin la principale activité économique pour les insulaires. Cependant, la perte progressive de l’habitat du cerf sur l’île menace le maintien de la population et conséquemment, la survie de l’industrie. Afin de remédier à la situation, l’industrie forestière se voit octroyer une convention d’aménagement forestier, dont l’unique mandat est la restauration de l’habitat du cerf. La survie de l’industrie forestière sur l’île est cependant conditionnelle à deux facteurs, soit 1) l’efficacité à restaurer et maintenir l’habitat et 2) l’acceptabilité sociale des aménagements qu’elle propose. L’objectif de l’étude consiste à évaluer et caractériser l’acceptabilité sociale de l’aménagement forestier sur l’île. C’est par l’étude des préoccupations, craintes et besoins des différents groupes utilisateurs de la forêt que nous avons identifié les principaux facteurs qui influencent le jugement d’acceptabilité. Des entrevues semi-dirigées réalisées auprès des résidants, des guides, des chasseurs-visiteurs et des villégiateurs, ainsi qu’un sondage effectué auprès des insulaires ont fait l’objet de cette recherche. Nous avons observé que deux dimensions caractérisaient la notion d’acceptabilité de l’aménagement forestier sur l’île d’Anticosti : 1) une dimension conceptuelle, où l’individu jugeait en fonction de la légitimé de la stratégie; et 2) une dimension pratique, où cette fois-ci l’individu émettait un jugement en fonction des impacts de la stratégie sur ses activités de chasse. Le jugement d’acceptabilité de la part des participants face à l’aménagement forestier sur Anticosti était fortement influencé par un scepticisme concernant le savoir scientifique et l’application de la stratégie. Alors que les experts s’entendent sur une définition commune du problème concernant la population de cerfs et la perte de son habitat, un nombre significatif des participants avaient une perception différente, générant ainsi une importante remise en question concernant la légitimité de la stratégie. La remise en question des savoirs scientifiques de la part des participants, étaient issus d’observations et de perceptions personnelles qui pour plusieurs, différaient des conclusions scientifiques. Cette situation s’avère problématique pour l’atteinte et le maintien de l’acceptabilité sociale de la stratégie, puisque ce sont ces conclusions scientifiques qui justifient la nécessité et la façon d’intervenir. Le caractère expérimental de la stratégie soulève également un grand questionnement de la part des participants quant aux risques perçus et à son efficacité. Somme toute, nous pouvons conclure que la stratégie d’aménagement forestier pour Anticosti est socialement acceptable, mais ce, de façon provisoire et conditionnelle.Anticosti Island, located in the province of Quebec, represents an interesting case for studying social acceptability of forest management. Its particularity resides in the fact that the primary vocation of the territory is wildlife management for deer hunting. Hunting industry constitutes by far the main economic activity for the islander population of 270 people. However, a progressive lost of deer habitat observed on the island threatens the deer population and consequently, the industry’s survival. In order to solve the problem, the forest industry has been granted a Forest Management Contract for the territory, with the mandate of restoring deer habitat. Thus, the survival of this industry is conditional to: 1) its efficiency in restoring the habitat, and 2) the social acceptability of its proposed management. The objective of this study consists in evaluating the social acceptability of forest management on the island. By studying stakeholders’ concerns, fears and needs, we identified the pertinent factors that influence judgement of acceptability. Interviews have been conducted with residents, hunting guides and hunters. In addition, a survey was also completed by the islanders. Two dimensions characterize the concept of acceptability on Anticosti: 1) a conceptual dimension, where the individual judges according to the legitimacy of the strategy, and 2) a practical dimension, where the individual judges according to the direct impacts of the strategy on its hunting activities. Anticosti stakeholders’ judgements of acceptability about forest management were strongly influenced by scepticism regarding scientific knowledge and the strategy implementation. While researchers, forest managers and wildlife managers agreed on a common definition concerning deer population and habitat issues, a significant number of local stakeholders had different perceptions of the problem, leading to an important questioning regarding the legitimacy of the forest management strategy. Participants’ doubts about scientific knowledge were largely based on personnel observations and perceptions often conflicting with the scientific conclusions that justify the application of the actual strategy. Scepticism caused by the experimental aspect of the strategy also led to concerns about possible risks and the efficiency of the strategy. In conclusion, the forest management strategy proposed for Anticosti is socially acceptable but in a conditional and provisional way

    Les réformes démocratiques et la liberté de presse au Myanmar

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    Le Myanmar traverse présentement une période de changements sans précédent. Des réformes politiques et économiques significatives sont en cours et touchent plusieurs sphères de la société, dont l’univers médiatique. Ce mémoire vise à analyser l’état et l’évolution de liberté de presse dans ce pays en transition démocratique. De nombreuses entrevues semi-dirigées avec des professionnels des médias ont été réalisées en 2014. La collecte d'information sur le terrain et a permis de constater que bien que des avancées importantes aient été faites pour favoriser la liberté de presse, de nombreux défis demeurent. Ils sont ici exposés

    L’accentuation québécoise : une approche tonale

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    Cet article basé sur une analyse de trois locuteurs cherche à apporter des éléments d’éclaircissement sur les notions d’accent tonal et d’accent dynamique et sur les modalités de réalisation des accents tonals complexes dans le français québécois spontané.This article based on an analysis of three speakers aims at clarifying the distinction between stress accent and pitch accent in French and contributes evidence on the modalities of phonetic implementation of a complex pitch accent in spontaneous Quebec French

    Le point de vue des aidants familiaux sur les services en santé mentale offerts à leurs proches

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    La présente étude a été menée auprès de 40 aidants familiaux membres d'associations de soutien aux familles et amis de personnes souffrant de maladie mentale. Ces aidants ont été rencontrés individuellement afin de documenter leur opinion sur les services en santé mentale offerts à leur proche. L'analyse de leurs commentaires témoigne à la fois de l'expression de satisfaction et d'insatisfaction au sujet de l'organisation des services par la quasi-totalité des participants. Toutefois, la question de l'organisation des services, plus spécifiquement en rapport avec leur accessibilité, entraîne le plus grand nombre de commentaires d'insatisfaction.Caregivers: their perspective on mental health services offered to relatives The current study has been conducted with 40 caregivers who are part of family support groups of people suffering of mental disorders. These caregivers have been interviewed individually in order to document their opinion on mental health services offered to their relatives. Analysis of their comments indicate both the expression of satisfaction and lack of it regarding organisation of services by most participants. However, the issue of service organisation, and more specifically in relation with access, entail the greatest number of comments of dissatisfaction.El punto de vista de ayudantes familiares sobre los servicios de salud mental ofertos a sus próximos La investigación presente ha sido realizada con 40 ayudantes familiares miembros de asociaciones de apoyo a las familias y amigos de personas que padecen de enfermedad mental. Los ayudantes han sido encontrados individualmente para documentar su opinoón de los servicios en salud mental ofertos a sus próximos. La análisis de sus comentarios demuestra a la vez una expresión de satisfacción y de insatisfacción de la organisación de los servicios para la quasi totalidad de los participantes. Sin embargo, la cuestión de la organisación de los servicios, más especificamente en relación a su accesibilidad, demuestra un nombre más importante de comentarios de insatisfacción.O ponto de vista dos assistentes familiares sobre os serviços em saúde mental oferecidos a seus parentes O presente estudo foi realizado junto a 40 assistentes familiares, membros de associações de apoio a famílias e amigos de pessoas que sofrem de doenças mentais. Estes assistentes foram consultados individualmente para documentar sua opinião sobre os serviços em saúde mental oferecidos a seus parentes. A análise de seus comentários demonstra a satisfação e, ao mesmo tempo, a insatisfação, com respeito à organização dos serviços, na quase totalidade dos participantes. Entretanto, a questão da organização dos serviços, mais especificamente em relação à sua acessibilidade, recebe o maior número de comentários de insatisfação

    Developing population interventions with migrant women for maternal-child health: a focused ethnography

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    BACKGROUND: Literature describing effective population interventions related to the pregnancy, birth, and post-birth care of international migrants, as defined by them, is scant. Hence, we sought to determine: 1) what processes are used by migrant women to respond to maternal-child health and psychosocial concerns during the early months and years after birth; 2) which of these enhance or impede their resiliency; and 3) which population interventions they suggest best respond to these concerns. METHODS: Sixteen international migrant women living in Montreal or Toronto who had been identified in a previous study as having a high psychosocial-risk profile and subsequently classified as vulnerable or resilient based on indicators of mental health were recruited. Focused ethnography including in-depth interviews and participant observations were conducted. Data were analyzed thematically and as an integrated whole. RESULTS: Migrant women drew on a wide range of coping strategies and resources to respond to maternal-child health and psychosocial concerns. Resilient and vulnerable mothers differed in their use of certain coping strategies. Social inclusion was identified as an overarching factor for enhancing resiliency by all study participants. Social processes and corresponding facilitators relating to social inclusion were identified by participants, with more social processes identified by the vulnerable group. Several interventions related to services were described which varied in type and quality; these were generally found to be effective. Participants identified several categories of interventions which they had used or would have liked to use and recommended improvements for and creation of some programs. The social determinants of health categories within which their suggestions fell included: income and social status, social support network, education, personal health practices and coping skills, healthy child development, and health services. Within each of these, the most common suggestions were related to creating supportive environments and building healthy public policy. CONCLUSIONS: A wealth of data was provided by participants on factors and processes related to the maternal-child health care of international migrants and associated population interventions. Our results offer a challenge to key stakeholders to improve existing interventions and create new ones based on the experiences and views of international migrant women themselves

    Flow-mediated-paradoxical vasoconstriction is independently associated with asymptomatic myocardial ischemia and coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetic patients.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: To investigate whether flow-mediated dilation (FMD) impairment, which precedes overt atherosclerosis, is associated with silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) and asymptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) in type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Forearm FMD was measured by ultrasonography in 25 healthy control, 30 non-diabetic overweight or obese patients and 118 asymptomatic type 2 diabetic patients with a high cardiovascular risk profile. SMI (abnormal stress myocardial scintiscan and/or stress dobutamine echocardiogram) and CAD (coronary angiography in the patients with SMI) were assessed in the diabetic cohort. RESULTS: FMD was lower in diabetic patients (median 0.61% (upper limits of first and third quartiles -1.22;3.2)) than in healthy controls (3.95% (1.43;5.25), p < 0.01) and overweight/obese patients (4.25% (1.74;5.56), p < 0.01). SMI was present in 60 diabetic patients, including 21 subjects with CAD. FMD was lower in patients with SMI than in those without (0.12% (-2.3;1.58) vs 1.64% (0;3.69), p < 0.01), with a higher prevalence of paradoxical vasoconstriction (50.0% vs 29.3%, p < 0.05). FMD was also lower in patients with than without CAD (-1.22% (-2.5;1) vs 1.13% (-0.4;3.28), p < 0.01; paradoxical vasoconstriction 61.9% vs 34.4%, p < 0.05). Logistic regression analyses considering the parameters predicting SMI or CAD in univariate analyses with a p value <0.10 showed that paradoxical vasoconstriction (odds ratio 2.7 [95% confidence interval 1.2-5.9], p < 0.05) and nephropathy (OR 2.6 [1.2-5.7], p < 0.05) were independently associated with SMI; and only paradoxical vasoconstriction (OR 3.1 [1.2-8.2], p < 0.05) with CAD. The negative predictive value of paradoxical vasoconstriction to detect CAD was 88.7%. CONCLUSIONS: In diabetic patients, FMD was independently associated with SMI and asymptomatic CAD.Trial registration: Trial registration number NCT00685984

    Intracerebral delivery of Carboplatin in combination with either 6 MV Photons or monoenergetic synchrotron X-rays are equally efficacious for treatment of the F98 rat glioma.

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    International audienceABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The purpose of the present study was to compare side-by-side the therapeutic efficacy of a 6-day infusion of carboplatin, followed by X-irradiation with either 6 MV photons or synchrotron X-rays, tuned above the K-edge of Pt, for treatment of F98 glioma bearing rats. METHODS: Carboplatin was administered intracerebrally (i.c.) to F98 glioma bearing rats over 6 days using AlzetTM osmotic pumps starting 7 days after tumor implantation. Radiotherapy was delivered in a single 15 Gy fraction on day 14 using a conventional 6 MV linear accelerator (LINAC) or 78.8 keV synchrotron X-rays. RESULTS: Untreated control animals had a median survival time (MeST) of 33 days. Animals that received either carboplatin alone or irradiation alone with either 78.8 keV or 6 MV had a MeSTs 38 and 33 days, respectively. Animals that received carboplatin in combination with X-irradiation had a MeST of > 180 days with a 55% cure rate, irrespective of whether they were irradiated with either 78.8 KeV synchrotron X-rays or 6MV photons. CONCLUSIONS: These studies have conclusively demonstrated the equivalency of i.c. delivery of carboplatin in combination with X-irradiation with either 6 MV photons or synchrotron X-rays

    Nacre, a natural, multi-use, and timely biomaterial for bone graft substitution

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    International audienceDuring the past two decades, with a huge and rapidly increasing clinical need for bone regeneration and repair, bone substitutes are more and more seen as a potential solution. Major innovation efforts are being made to develop such substitutes , some having advanced even to clinical practice. It is now time to turn to natural biomaterials. Nacre, or mother-of-pearl, is an organic matrix-calcium carbonate coupled shell structure produced by molluscs. In vivo and in vitro studies have revealed that nacre is osteoinductive, osteoconductive, biocompatible, and biodegradable. With many other outstanding qualities, nacre represents a natural and multi-use biomaterial as a bone graft substitute. This review aims at summarising the current needs in orthopaedic clinics and the challenges for the development of bone substitutes; most of all, we systematically review the physiological characteristics and biological evidence of nacre's effects centred on osteogen-esis, and finally we put forward the potential use of nacre as a bone graft substitute
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