13 research outputs found

    Pilus Adhesin RrgA Interacts with Complement Receptor 3, Thereby Affecting Macrophage Function and Systemic Pneumococcal Disease

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    10.1128/mBio.00535-12Pneumococcal pili have been shown to influence pneumococcal colonization, disease development, and the inflammatory response in mice. The role of the pilus-associated RrgA adhesin in pneumococcal interactions with murine and human macrophages was investigated. Expression of pili with RrgA enhanced the uptake of pneumococci by murine and human macrophages that was abolished by antibodies to complement receptor 3 (CR3) and not seen in CR3-deficient macrophages. Recombinant RrgA, but not pilus subunit RrgC, promoted CR3-mediated phagocytosis of coated beads by murine and human macrophages. Flow cytometry showed that purified CR3 binds pneumococcal cells expressing RrgA, and purified RrgA was shown to interact with CR3 and its I domain. In vivo, RrgA facilitated spread of pneumococci from the upper airways and peritoneal cavity to the bloodstream. Earlier onset of septicemia and more rapidly progressing disease was observed in wild-type mice compared to CR3-deficient mice challenged intranasally or intraperitoneally with pneumococci. Motility assays and time-lapse video microscopy showed that pneumococcal stimulation of macrophage motility required RrgA and CR3. These findings, together with the observed RrgA-dependent increase of intracellular survivors up to 10 h following macrophage infection, suggest that RrgA-CR3-mediated phagocytosis promotes systemic pneumococcal spread from local sites.IMPORTANCE Streptococcus pneumoniae is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality in infectious diseases globally. Symptomatology is mainly due to pneumococcal interactions with host cells leading to an inflammatory response. However, we still need more knowledge on how pneumococci talk to immune cells and the importance of this interaction. Recently, a novel structure was identified on the pneumococcal surface, an adhesive pilus found in about 30% of clinical pneumococcal isolates. The pilus has been suggested to be important for successful spread of antibiotic-resistant pneumococcal clones globally. Here we sought to identify mechanisms for how the pneumococcal pilin subunit RrgA contributes to disease development by interacting with host immune cells. Our data suggest a new way for how pneumococci may cross talk with phagocytic cells and affect disease progression. An increased understanding of these processes may lead to better strategies for how to treat these common infections.Peer reviewe

    Experimental mouse model for fetal inflammatory response

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    Abstract Intrauterine infections apparently cause about 85% of preterm deliveries at less than 28 weeks of gestation. Infection and inflammation play an important role in morbidity and mortality during perinatal period. The inflammatory mechanisms and pathophysiological consequences of intrauterine infection are poorly understood. According to current evidence from animal studies, the phenotypes of fetal inflammatory response are variable, ranging from spontaneous preterm birth to fetal death. The fetus is rather well protected against infectious agents by both structural and functional barriers. Toll-like receptors (TLR) are a part of innate immune system. Binding of bacterial or viral component to TLR induces inflammatory response in the host. The present study addressed the hypothesis that the effects of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the fetus, depends on the route by which it reaches the fetus. In this experimental study we hypothesized that an acute inflammation within the amniotic cavity may cause an innate immune response in the fetus consequently leading to cardiovascular distress. Secondly the role of the placenta in protecting the fetus from acute infectious challenges was evaluated. Additionally, the role of gestational age in the fetal immune response was studied. In the present study, LPS from Gram-negative bacteria caused an acute intrauterine inflammation in mice as indicated by the elevated levels of inflammatory mediators (e.g. cytokines) in amniotic fluid. The fetal heart revealed mRNA and protein expression of TLR4, which recognizes LPS. Moreover, the data showed a cytokine response in the fetal heart and severe cardiac dysfunction. In contrast, intraperitoneal LPS administered to the mother did not cause an acute cytokine response in the fetus. After intraperitoneal LPS the placenta showed severe blood congestion and a cytokine response. The data suggest that TLRs play roles in regulating the acute inflammatory responses in the placenta. Despite the absence of a fetal immune response, the placental lesions caused a fetal cardiovascular compromise. In addition, the present data indicate that the fetal expression of TLR4 is tissue specific and developmentally regulated. Present study provides new insights into the acute inflammatory mechanisms in maternal and fetal compartments and the pathophysiological changes in fetal cardiovascular hemodynamics.Tiivistelmä Hyvin ennenaikaisen, alle 28. raskausviikolla tapahtuneen synnytyksen taustalta löytyy usein kohdunsisäinen infektio (IUI). Kohdunsisäisen infektion aiheuttama synnytys on suurimpia sikiön vammautumiseen tai kuolemaan johtavia syitä. Tulehdukselliset mekanismit, jotka johtavat synnytykseen tai sikiön vammautumiseen ovat huonosti tunnettuja. Tollin kaltaiset reseptorit (TLR) ovat osa synnynnäisen immuniteetin puolustusjärjestelmää. Niiden tarkoitus on tunnistaa nopeasti elimistölle vieraat, usein bakteeri- tai virusperäiset rakenteet ja käynnistää tulehdusvaste tuottamalla tulehdusvälittäjäaineita. Nämä välittäjäaineet säätelevät tulehdusprosessia, toisaalta niiden liiallinen tuotto voi aikuisilla johtaa elinvaurioihin kuten sydämen toimintahäiriöön. On esitetty että tulehdusvälittäjäaineet käynnistäisivät myös ennenaikaisen synnytyksen IUI:ssa. TLR-reseptorien merkityksestä sikiön tulehdusvasteessa tai synnytyksen käynnistymisessä on vain vähän tietoa. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin kokeellisen hiirimallin avulla bakteeriperäisen lipopolysakkaridin (LPS) kykyä aiheuttaa sikiön tulehdusvaste, sekä muutoksia sikiön sydämen ja verenkierron toiminnassa, riippuen LPS:n reitistä sikiöön. Toisaalta kokeellisella mallilla tutkittiin istukan kykyä suojata sikiötä voimakkaalta tulehdusreaktiolta. Tarkoituksena oli tutkia myös sikiön kehitysasteen vaikutusta LPS:n aiheuttamaan tulehdusvasteeseen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin LPS:n aiheuttavan kohdunsisäisen tulehduksen kun sitä annettiin suoraan lapsiveteen. Sikiön sydämessä todettiin TLR4 lähetti-RNA:n ja proteiinin ilmentyminen sekä nopea sytokiinien tuotannon lisääntyminen kuvastaen äkillistä tulehdusprosessia. Samanaikaisesti ultraäänitutkimuksessa todettiin sikiön sydämen vaikea toimintahäiriö. Toisaalta, jos LPS annettiin kantavalle emolle vatsaonteloon, tulehdusvälittäjäaineiden tuotannon lisääntymistä sikiössä ei havaittu. Sen sijaan istukassa todettiin akuutti verentungos ja tulehdusvaste. Edellä kuvattu istukan toimintahäiriö johti myös sikiön sydämen ja verenkierron toiminnan vaikeutumiseen huolimatta siitä, ettei sikiön sydämessä havaittu tulehduksellista vastetta. Lisäksi sikiöstä ja istukasta saadut tulokset viittaavat siihen, että TLR-reseptorit ovat mukana LPS:n tunnistamisessa ja äkillisen tulehdusvasteen käynnistymisessä. Tutkimus antaa uutta tietoa raskauden aikaisista tulehduksellisista mekanismeista sekä sikiön sydämen toiminnan äkillisistä muutoksista voimakkaan tulehduksen aikana

    Adult zebrafish model of bacterial meningitis in Streptococcus agalactiae infection

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    International audienceStreptococcus agalactiae (Group B Streptococcus, GBS) is the major cause of severe bacterial disease and meningitis in newborns. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has recently emerged as a valuable and powerful vertebrate model for the study of human streptococcal infections. In the present study we demonstrate that adult zebrafish are susceptible to GBS infection through the intraperitoneal and intramuscular routes of infection. Following intraperitoneal challenge with GBS, zebrafish developed a fulminant infection 24–48 h post-injection, with signs of pathogenesis including severe inflammation at the injection site and meningoencephalitis. Quantification of blood and brain bacterial load confirmed that GBS is capable of replicating in the zebrafish bloodstream and penetrating the blood–brain barrier, resulting in the induction of host inflammatory immune responses in the brain. Additionally, we show that GBS mutants previously described as avirulent in the mice model, have an impaired ability to cause meningitis in this new in vivo model. Taken together, our data demonstrates that adult zebrafish may be used as a bacterial meningitis model as a means for deciphering the pathogenesis and development of invasive GBS disease

    Expression of BCL6 in paediatric B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and association with prognosis

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    B-cell lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (B-ALL) is the most common paediatric malignancy. Transcription factor B-cell lymphoma 6 (BCL6) is essential to germinal centre formation and antibody affinity maturation and plays a major role in mature B-cell malignancies. More recently, it was shown to act as a critical downstream regulator in pre-BCR+ B-ALL. We investigated the expression of the BCL6 protein in a population-based cohort of paediatric B-ALL cases and detected moderate to strong positivity through immunohistochemistry in 7% of cases (8/117); however, only two of eight BCL6 cases (25%) co-expressed the ZAP70 protein. In light of these data, the subtype with active pre-BCR signalling constitutes a rare entity in paediatric B-ALL. In three independent larger cohorts with gene expression data, high BCL6 mRNA levels were associated with the TCF3-PBX1, Ph-like, NUTM1, MEF2D and PAX5-alt subgroups and the ‘metagene’ signature for pre-BCR-associated genes. However, higher-than-median BCL6 mRNA level alone was associated with favourable event free survival in the Nordic paediatric cohort, indicating that using BCL6 as a diagnostic marker requires careful design, and evaluation of protein level is needed alongside the genetic or transcriptomic data

    Clinicopathological features and prognostic value of SOX11 in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is marked by aberrant transcriptional features that alter cell differentiation, self-renewal, and proliferative features. We sought to identify the transcription factors exhibiting altered and subtype-specific expression patterns in B-ALL and report here that SOX11, a developmental and neuronal transcription factor, is aberrantly expressed in the ETV6-RUNX1 and TCF3-PBX1 subtypes of acute B-cell leukemias. We show that a high expression of SOX11 leads to alterations of gene expression that are typically associated with cell adhesion, migration, and differentiation. A high expression is associated with DNA hypomethylation at the SOX11 locus and a favorable outcome. The results indicate that SOX11 expression marks a group of patients with good outcomes and thereby prompts further study of its use as a biomarker

    Characterization of the innate immune response to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection in zebrafish.

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is one of the most frequent causes of pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis in humans, and an important cause of mortality among children and the elderly. We have previously reported the suitability of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) larval model for the study of the host-pathogen interactions in pneumococcal infection. In the present study, we characterized the zebrafish innate immune response to pneumococcus in detail through a whole-genome level transcriptome analysis and revealed a well-conserved response to this human pathogen in challenged larvae. In addition, to gain understanding of the genetic factors associated with the increased risk for severe pneumococcal infection in humans, we carried out a medium-scale forward genetic screen in zebrafish. In the screen, we identified a mutant fish line which showed compromised resistance to pneumococcus in the septic larval infection model. The transcriptome analysis of the mutant zebrafish larvae revealed deficient expression of a gene homologous for human C-reactive protein (CRP). Furthermore, knockout of one of the six zebrafish crp genes by CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis predisposed zebrafish larvae to a more severe pneumococcal infection, and the phenotype was further augmented by concomitant knockdown of a gene for another Crp isoform. This suggests a conserved function of C-reactive protein in anti-pneumococcal immunity in zebrafish. Altogether, this study highlights the similarity of the host response to pneumococcus in zebrafish and humans, gives evidence of the conserved role of C-reactive protein in the defense against pneumococcus, and suggests novel host genes associated with pneumococcal infection