203 research outputs found
Feminist Knowledge, Self-Empowerment and Sisterhood, and Safe Space: How the “Perempuan Berkisah” Community Group Empowers Indonesian Women in the Pandemic Era
This research aims to understand how the Perempuan Berkisah community group empowers women during the pandemic in Indonesia and how to critically interpret the phenomenon of women’s empowerment. The research employed a content analysis method investigating Perempuan Berkisah’s Instagram account and interviewing and distributing a questionnaire to the community’s founder, committees, and general members. This study analyzed the kinds of empowerment narratives offered, identified the dynamic narratives on the Instagram account since its first establishment in 2019, and critically read the results of Instagram feed content analysis and interviews about women’s empowerment. This research revealed three elements to build a women’s empowerment narrative: feminist knowledge, selfhood and sisterhood, and a safe space. The concept of empowerment offered is empowerment focusing on efforts to help, strengthen, and support other women instead of empowering alone and leaving other women behind. This research also analyzed missing or absent elements in women’s empowerment narratives of Perempuan Berkisah’s Instagram account. The findings discovered insufficient narratives of men, formal structure statements, and dialogues with groups with different points of view. This insufficiency interprets the internalization of neoliberal values emphasizing individual responsibility to accelerate or develop oneself as an individual or part of a community; consequently, it neglects the state responsibility to create gender equality in society. This research contributes to a study on online feminist activism, women’s community, and women and the pandemic, especially in Indonesia
The Students Willingness and Learning Attitudes Toward Speaking Skill
The purpose of this research is to find out whether or not there was a correlation between the students’ willingness to communicate, and learning attitudes toward speaking skill. This research used a quantitative correlation to find the relationship between the variables. This study’s population consisted of 147 students. The purposive sampling method was used to obtain the sample for this study, which consisted of 25 students from XI IPS 2 and XI IPS 3 classes. The instruments used to obtain data were questionnaires and online test. The questionnaire utilizes a google form with 10 statements and five answers in each statement to assess students’ willingness to communicate, and learning attitudes. The second, test is to obtain the results of each student’s speaking skill, which are recorded. Normality test, homogeneity test, linearity test, bivariate test, multiple correlation equation, and hypothesis test are used to analyze data. Based on data analysis, the multiple regression equation obtained 1.14, implying that there is a very strong relationship between willingness to communicate, and learning attitudes toward speaking skills
Persepsi Wisatawan terhadap Atraksi Wisata Budaya di Rumah Godang Desa Koto Sentajo Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Provinsi Riau
Cultural tourism in Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau Province is one of potential tourism object that worthy to introduce to the tourists who will make tourism travel to Kuantan Singingi. One of the cultural attractions in Kuantan Singingi is Rumah Godang, Koto Sentajo Village.
The purpose of this study is to determine perception of tourists to the cultural tourism attractions in Rumah Godang Koto Sentajo Village, Kuantan Singingi, which became one of the tourism object that based on culture and it was one of cultural heritage that is still preserved by society or Kuantan Singingi District Government.
This study used a qualitative method with descriptive approach to to examine the issues raised. The subject of research consists of proposive sampling which produces 3 key informants and accidental sampling which produces 5 informants. While data collection techniques in this study using observation, interviews and documentations.
Based on the research that has been done, the perception of tourists to the cultural tourism attractions in Rumah Godang Koto Sentajo Village, Kuantan Singingi has had a historical interest, architectural interest, traveler comfort, convenience services, architectural beauty, material beauty and historical development. However, Rumah Godang as a tourism object that has cultural tourism attractions are still not maximal in providing information about the history and cultural objects and the management nor promotion that still have to be improved in order to Rumah Godang more widely known by tourists.
Keywords: Perception, Tourists, Rumah Godang, Koto Sentajo Village, Kuantan Singingi Regenc
ABSTRAKRouli Lastiurma SinagaKEDUDUKAN ANAK PEREMPUAN DALAM HUKUM WARIS ADAT BATAK PADA MASYARAKAT BATAK DI KABUPATEN ACEH TENGAH ( Suatu Penelitian di Kecamatan Bebesen dan Kebayakan )Fakultas Hukum Universitas Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh(vi, 69) pp., bibl. Dr. Darmawan, S.H.,M.Hum Masyarakat batak adalah masyarakat yang menganut sistem patrilineal, yaitu menarik garis keturunan dari pihak laki-laki, dalam masyarakat batak yang berhak mendapatkan harta warisan hanya anak laki-laki sedangkan anak perempuan yang sudah menikah akan masuk dalam clan suaminya. Dalam kenyataannya masyarakat batak yang ada di Aceh Tengah anak perempuan telah berkedudukan sebagai ahli waris. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini kedudukan anak perempuan dalam masyarakat Batak di Aceh Tengah, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan hak waris terhadap anak perempuan dalam masyarakat Batak, pelaksanaan pembagian harta warisan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Batak di Aceh Tengah terhadap anak perempuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif empiris, data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui penelitian kepustakaan untuk mendapatkan data sekunder dengan cara menelaah buku-buku dan undang-undang yang berlaku. Sedangkan penelitian lapangan dilakukan untuk mendapat data primer yang dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara dengan responden dan informen. Hasil penelitian anak perempuan dalam masyarakat batak di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah sudah berkedudukan sebagai ahli waris, orang batak yang telah merantau di Aceh Tengah membagikan harta warisan kepada anak-anaknya dengan tidak membedakan gender. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan hak waris yaitu, faktor ekonomi, faktor lingkungan, faktor agama dan faktor perkawinan yang di pandang lebih adil dalam pembagian warisan, sehingga tidak terjadi masalah dalam keluarga. Pembagian warisan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat batak dengan dua cara yaitu sebelum pewaris meninggal dunia dan sesudah pewaris meninggal dunia, dengan adanya musyawarah dan kesepakatan dalam keluarga yang dipimpin oleh saudara tertua. Saran dari peneliti agar pemerintah membuat peraturan perundang-undangan tentang pembagian warisan yang bersifat nasional, sehingga tidak ada keanekaragamaan pembagian warisan baik dikalangan muslim maupun non muslim, maka terciptalah kepastian hukum tentang kedudukan anak perempuan dalam masyarakat batak sebagai ahli waris
The politics of local government environmental evaluations: Assessing bureaucracy in post-Reformasi Indonesia
This article argues that bureaucracy plays politics in Indonesia, not only during the electoral periods, but also in public service. Using the case of environmental evaluation in local government, where natural resources comprise most of the local economy, this article discusses the politics of bureaucracy in undergoing daily governing processes. The environment and natural resource businesses are two opposing fields. Environmental evaluation becomes a contentious area and is usually highly political. This article identifies the bureaucracy’s politicisation in environmental evaluation as occuring in at least in two forms—in measurement and in project implementation. In terms of measurement, bureaucracy tends to use minimum standards, while in project implementation, there are some occasions where bureaucracy tends to sub-contract the work to the third party, usually NGOs, especially in relations to sensitive issues, so that it is politically safer for them, once the result is not as pleasing as expected. This article uses some cases in Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Java, and Bangka Belitung, and applied case study as research approach
Small Claims Court Mechanism in Business Dispute Resolution as an Attempt to Apply Fast-Track Basis in the District Courts and its Comparison with Some Countries
The implementation of Small Claims court mechanism according to Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA) Number 2/2015 concerning Procedures for Small-Claims Court Resolution recently granted a breakthrough in the civil justice system particularly in Indonesia. It was reached by the Supreme Court in order to reduce the court burden against cases with disputes below IDR 200 million rupiah. The disputes resolution by Small Claims court mechanism is done by a single judge assisted with registrar and must completed within 25 working days, the final decision is binding, thus unable to ask for appeal or judicial review. This article tries to comprehend dispute resolution through Small Claims mechanism in several state courts, such as Medan district Court, Palu, and the Jember. The study, also aims to comprehend the comparison of Small Claims mechanism in Indonesia and small claims in the Netherlands and UK in business disputes resolution. The study employs a normative juridical method. Based on the studies, the implementation through Small Claims court mechanism in Indonesia has been carried out in accordance with the Supreme Court Regulation Number 2/2015. Comparison on business dispute resolution using Small Claims court mechanism in Indonesia and in Netherlands and UK proof that the proof mechanisms whether in Indonesia, Netherlands and United Kingdom relatively simple. Legal remedies for Small Claims decision in Indonesia and the verdict in the Netherlands and in England are limited. The distinction is that the case number in Indonesia is higher than the number in the Netherlands and England
Adolescents in Virtual Forum: Playing, Socializing, or Engaging in Public Issues?
This research examines how adolescents perceive their memberships and involvement in virtual forums and whether the young generations see this involvement facilitate their engagement with public issues surrounding them. The increase of political discussions and political debates over the Internet and social media in Indonesia has become the trigger of this research to see whether adolescents as the group of new voters, even first-time voters, use virtual forums to be critically engaged in a discussion of public issues. Alternatively, this research would see whether their engagement in virtual communities is mainly related to entertainment, social connections, and other matters not directly related to politics and discussion of public issues. By interviewing a group of adolescents from at least eight provinces in Indonesia, this research examines the phenomenological experiences regarding their action, perception, and evaluation of their involvement through various virtual communities. This research highlights the importance of understanding adolescents’ experiences in virtual communities to understand better their tendency and attitude in relating to issues in their online and offline environments.
Because the sky is the limit: Interpretive phenomenological analysis of millennial elementary school teachers using digital technology in the classroom
The population of millennials who work as elementary school teachers is currently increasing because it replaces the previous generation who will retire. This generation grows surrounded by technology and educates technology savvy too. This study aims to explore the experience of millennial teacher related to the use of technology in learning in primary schools. Two research questions were proposed, namely: 1) How did millennial teacher experience their role as teacher for elementary school students? ; 2) What is the experience of millennial teacher when using technology in learning for students in elementary schools. This study uses a qualitative method with the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach. Semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions were conducted on 6 elementary school teacher. The analysis showed four emergent themes, namely: (1) Interpersonal experience; (2) Technology as a learning tool; (3) Barriers to integrating technology in learning; (4) Strategy to overcome obstacles. Collaborative, and collegial relationships will help the subject to make an active contribution at work. Familiarity with technology helps millennial teachers in innovating learning and interacting with students
Revenge Through Haunting: Expression of Women’s Anger in the Movies, Tookaidoo Yotsuya Kaidan and Sundel Bolong
Tookaidoo Yotsuya Kaidan (1959) and Sundel Bolong (1981) are horror movies from Japan and Indonesia, respectively, about women who are oppressed by men and subsequently take revenge on them after their deaths. The key similarity between these two movies is that they have central female characters who turn into ghosts in order to express their anger towards their male oppressors. This study aimed to see how women's anger is depicted in Tookaidoo Yotsuya Kaidan and Sundel Bolong, using verbal and visual text analysis and the concept of power by Heilbrun, male gaze by Mulvey, and monstrous-feminine by Creed to read the meaning behind woman’s anger as it is expressed in the form of a ghost in these movies. The research found that these women cannot express their anger in the real world, which is controlled by the patriarchal order. Life after death is the only space where they can express their anger. Both movies can consequently be interpreted as cultural texts that internalize patriarchal ideology in Japanese and Indonesian society.
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