66 research outputs found

    О закономерностях распределения гелия в осадочном чехле юго-востока Беларуси

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    In this work, microscopic and histological studies suggest that Strobilanthes crispus ethanol extract reduce azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) in rats. S. crispus is considered a traditional medicine and used as an antioxidant. Its leaf contains a large amount of phenolic compounds to which its radical scavenging role is attributed and enhance its ability to eradicate oxidative stress reactions. The study was designed to determine the chemopreventive effect of S. crispus ethanol extract in vivo and in vitro by elucidating the effect of the extract on intermediate biomarkers which can be used as effective predictors of colon cancer. S. crispus was analyzed for DPPH free radical scavenging, nitric oxide (NO) and ferric acid reduction. The results indicated that S. crispus oral administration significantly inhibited colorectal carcinogenesis induced by AOM as revealed by the reduction in the number of ACF. S. crispus down-regulated the expression of PCNA, Bcl2 and beta-catenin. Additionally, it exerted a pronounced inhibitory effect on MDA and NO levels and stimulatory effect on CAT and GPx activities. These results demonstrate that S. crispus is a chemopreventive agent for colorectal cancer through the suppression of early and intermediate carcinogenic phases that may be related to its flavonoid content

    継承語年少学習者と第二言語学習者 : ロシア語教育の方法

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    <p>(G1) (Normal control group); (G2) (Ulcer control group); (G3) (Omeprazole); (G4) (62.5 mg/kg), (G5) (125 mg/kg), (G6) (250 mg/kg) and (G7) (500 mg/kg) of <i>V</i>. <i>pubescens</i> extract. HSP70 protein was over-expressed in rats pre-treated with omeprazole or <i>V</i>. <i>pubescens</i> extract (brown color shows over-expression of HSP70 protein) (magnification 20×). There were 6 rats in each group of experiment. The Image J program was used to evaluate protein expression. All values are expressed as the means ± the standard error of mean. The mean difference was significant at the <i>p < 0</i>.<i>05</i> level compared to the cancer control group.</p


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    家族看護学が看護の専門領域として確立され発展していくため,今後の研究の方向性を明らかにしたいと,国内外の家族および家族看護学に関する文献の数量的動向と研究領域別文献概観を行った結果,国内外ともに家族,家族の健康,家族援助に関する研究報告は増加傾向にあり,家族への関心の高まりと実践上の必要性が反映されていた。また,わが国では高齢化社会における家族援助の要求が家族看護学の確立を促していること,今後は家族を対象とした評価方法の開発や援助に関する予防的・実践的研究が求められていることが示唆された。The review of the literature on family nursing through numerical trend and research fields was done to know how to establish and develop nursing specialty in this area. The followings were suggested. 1) The researches concerning family, family health, and family practice were increasing in both inside and outside of Japan. 2) ln U. S. A., family nursing was developed in the field of maternal-child and psychiatric nursing, introducing family system theory. In Japan family nursing is rather essential in the field of home care for the aeed, due to aging population. 3) Further researches on development of assessment tool, intervention and social support are necessary, especially by preventive and practical points of view

    Biological activities of Curcuma purpurascens BI. Rhizome extract using in vitro and in vivo models / Elham Rouhollahi

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    Curcuma purpurascens BI. is a medicinal plant from the Zingiberaceae family, which is widely used as a spice and in folk medicine for the treatment of wounds, scabies, itching, fever, cough and boil. In this study, chemopreventive properties of dichloromethane and hexane extracts of C. purpurascens BI rhizome (DECPR and HECPR) on azoxymethane-induced colonic aberrant crypt foci (ACF), gastroprotective and wound healing potential in rats were been evaluated. The acute toxicity test of DECPR and HECPR in rats, carried out in two doses, i.e. 2 and 5 g/kg, showed that these two plant extracts were safe even at a high dose (5 g/kg). DECPR apoptosis-inducing effect was investigated against HT-29 colon cancer cell line utilising a bioassay-guided approach. The chemoprotective experiment was performed in five groups of rats: negative control, positive cancer control, DECPR (250, 500 mg/kg) and reference drug (5-fluorouracil) group. Methylene blue staining of colon specimens showed that treatment with of DECPR at both doses significantly reduced the colonic ACF formation compared with the positive cancer control group. Immunohistochemistry analysis showed down-regulation of PCNA and Bcl-2 proteins and up-regulation of Bax protein after administration of DECPR compared with the positive cancer control group. In addition, an increase in the levels of enzymatic antioxidants and a decrease in the malondialdehyde (MDA) level of the colon tissue homogenates were observed, suggesting the suppression of lipid peroxidation levels. These findings substantiate the usage of Curcuma purpurascens BI. in ethno- medicine against cancer. For wound healing experiment Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: vehicle control, HECPR (100-200 mg/ml), and positive control with excisional wound iv Created on the neck area. Wounds were topically dressed twice a day with HECPR for 20 days. On the 20th day, animals were sacrificed and immunohistochemical and histological processes including Hematoxylin & Eosin and Masson Trichrome stains were carried out. The antioxidant activity, namely catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, and MDA were measured in wound tissue homogenate. Macroscopic and microscopic analysis of wounds demonstrated a significant wound healing activity shown by HECPR at two doses (100-200 mg/ml). Treatment of wounds with HECPR caused significant surge in antioxidant activity and decrease in the MDA level of wound tissues compared with positive control. The immunohistochemical evaluation revealed conspicuous up-regulation of Hsp70 in treated wounds with HECPR, suggesting that the anti-inflammatory effect of HECPR. Furthermore, HECPR exhibited a promising wound healing potential towards excisional wound models in rats. The gastroprotective effect of hexane extract of HECPR was investigated against ethanol-induced gastric injury models in rats. The antiulcer study in rats (five groups, n=6) was performed with two doses of HECPR (200 and 400 mg/kg) and with omeprazole (20 mg/kg), as a standard antiulcer drug. Gross and histological features showed the antiulcerogenic characterizations of HECPR. There was significant suppression on the ulcer lesion index of rats pretreated with HECPR, which was comparable to the omeprazole effect. Oral administration of HECPR to rats resulted in a significant increase in the level of nitric oxide and antioxidant activity, including catalase, glutathione, and superoxide dismutase associated with attenuation in gastric acidity, and compensatory effect on the loss of gastric wall mucus. In addition, pretreatment of rats with HECPR caused significant reduction in the level of MDA (a marker for oxidative stress), which is associated with an increase in prostaglandin E2 activity. Immunohistochemical staining also demonstrated that HECPR induced the down-regulation of Bax and up-regulation of Hsp70 proteins after pretreatment. Collectively, the present results suggest that HECPR v has promising antiulcer potential, which could be attributed to its suppressive effect against oxidative damage and preservative effect toward gastric wall mucus. The current study suggests that Curcuma purpuracsens BI. Extracts are safe and have anti-cancer activity, cancer prevention, significant gastroprotective activity and excision wound-healing potential

    In Vivo Evaluation of Ethanolic Extract of Zingiber officinale Rhizomes for Its Protective Effect against Liver Cirrhosis

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    Zingiber officinale is a traditional medicine against various disorders including liver diseases.The aim of this study was to assess the hepatoprotective activity of the ethanolic extract of rhizomes of Z. officinale (ERZO) against thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Five groups of male Sprague Dawley have been used. In group 1 rats received intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of normal saline while groups 2–5 received thioacetamide (TAA, 200 mg/kg; i.p.) for induction of liver cirrhosis, thrice weekly for eight weeks. Group 3 received 50 mg/kg of silymarin. The rats in groups 4 and 5 received 250 and 500 mg/kg of ERZO (dissolved in 10% Tween), respectively. Hepatic damage was assessed grossly and microscopically for all of the groups. Results confirmed the induction of liver cirrhosis in group 2 whilst administration of silymarin or ERZO significantly reduced the impact of thioacetamide toxicity. These groups decreased fibrosis of the liver tissues. Immunohistochemistry assessment against proliferating cell nuclear antigen did not show remarkable proliferation in the ERZO-treated rats when compared with group 2. Moreover, factions of the ERZO extract were tested on Hep-G2 cells and showed antiproliferative activity (IC50 38–60 μg/mL). This study showed hepatoprotective effect of ERZO

    Phencyclidine dose optimisation for induction of spatial learning and memory deficits related to schizophrenia in C57BL/6 mice

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    Phencyclidine (PCP) has been used to model cognitive deficits related to schizophrenia in rats and mice. However, the model in mice is not consistent in terms of the PCP effective dose reported. Furthermore, most of the previous studies in mice excluded the presence of drug washout period in the regime. Thus, we aimed to optimize the dose of PCP in producing robust cognitive deficits by implementing it in a PCP regime which incorporates a drug washout period. The regimen used was 7 days’ daily injection of PCP or saline for treatment and vehicle groups, respectively; followed by 24 h drug washout period. After the washout period, the test mice were tested in water maze (5 days of acquisition + 1 day of probe trial) for assessment of spatial learning and memory. Initially, we investigated the effect of PCP at 2mg/kg, however, no apparent impairment in spatial learning and memory was observed. Subsequently, we examined the effect of higher doses of PCP at 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg. We found that the PCP at 10 mg/kg produced a significant increase in “latency to reach the platform” during the acquisition days and a significant increase in “latency of first entry to previous platform” during the probe day. There was no significant change observed in “swim speed” during the test days. Thus, we concluded that PCP at 10 mg/kg produced robust deficits in spatial learning and memory without being confounded by motor disturbances

    Katamnestische Untersuchungen zur suprakondylären und y-kondylären Humerusfraktur im Kindesalter

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    Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der suprakondylären und y-kondylären Humerusfraktur im Kindesalter. Die suprakondyläre Humerusfraktur ist die häufigste Ellenbogenfraktur beim Kind, die y-kondyläre Fraktur ist der suprakondylären ähnlich, tritt aber nur selten auf. Es wurden 172 suprakondyläre und 6 y-kondyläre Humerusfrakturen retrospektiv untersucht. Dazu wurden die Daten von 55 ambulant und 123 stationär behandelten Kindern bezüglich Unfallursache, Therapie und Komplikationen ausgewertet. Die Röntgenbilder der stationären Patienten wurden nachbefundet. 32,5% der stationär behandelten Kinder konnten nachuntersucht werden. Die häufigste Unfallursache war ein Sturz aus der Höhe. Im Patientengut waren Frakturen nach Baumann Klassifikation I, II und III zu ähnlichen Teilen vorhanden. Häufigste Behandlungsverfahren waren, ggf. nach geschlossener Reposition, Ruhigstellung in Gipslonguetten oder Blountscher Schlinge, und geschlossene oder offene Reposition und anschließende Fixation mittels Kirschner Drähten. Die häufigsten Komplikationen waren primäre und sekundäre Nervenstörungen, Abweichung der Ellenbogenachse oder Bewegungseinschränkung nach Therapie. 68,5% der nachuntersuchten Patienten hatten ein exzellentes oder gutes Behandlungsergebnis. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse und deren Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen anderer Autoren zeigen Folgendes: Nicht dislozierte Extensionsfrakturen sollten in der Blountschen Schlinge ruhiggestellt werden. Dislozierte Frakturen müssen exakt und schonend, möglichst geschlossen, reponiert werden. Gekreuzte Kirschner Drähte bieten gute Stabilität. Primäre und sekundäre Nervenstörungen haben eine gute Prognose. Radiologische Hilfsmittel wie Baumannwinkel, Rotationsfehlerquotient und Epiphysenachsenwinkel geben nur eine Orientierung bei der Vermeidung von Abweichungen der Ellenbogenachse oder Bewegungseinschränkungen. Y-kondyläre Frakturen mit nur geringer Dislokation der Kondylenfragmente können primär wie suprakondyläre Frakturen behandelt werden.This paper deals with supracondylar and y-condylar humerus fractures in childhood. The supracondylar humerus fracture is the most frequent elbow fracture in children, the y-condylar fracture is similar to the supracondylar one, but occurs only rarely. 172 supracondylar and 6 y-condylar humerus fractures have been analysed retrospectively. For that purpose data of 55 outpatients and 123 in-house treated children have been analysed with regard to the cause of accident, therapy and complications. The radiographs of the in-patients have been revaluated. 32.5% of the in-patients have been seen for follow-up. Most frequent cause of accident was a fall from a height. Within the group of patients, fractures that were classified to Baumann I, II and III occurred to equal rates. The treatments which were used mostly are immobilization in plaster casts or Blount´s loop, after closed reduction if necessary, and closed or open reduction followed by fixation by Kirschner wires. The most frequent complications were primary and secondary nerval disorders, deviation of the axis of the elbow or limitation of elbow function after therapy. 68.5% of the follow-up patients had an excellent or good outcome. The analysis of the results including their comparison to the results of other authors have led to the following conclusion: Nondisplaced extension fractures should be immobilized by Blount`s method. Displaced fractures have to be reduced accurately and sparing, if possible by closed reduction. Crossed Kirschner wires provide a good stability. Primary and secondary nerval disorders have got a good prognosis. Radiological tools like angle of Baumann, rotation error quotient and angle of epiphyseal axis only provide an orientation in avoiding deviation of elbow axis or limitation of elbow function. Y-condylar fractures with only slight dislocation of the condylar fragments can primary be treated like supracondylar fractures

    Immunofluorescence analysis of (A) Bax and (B) Bcl-2 protein expression in HT-29 cells.

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    <p>Cells were treated with annomuricin E at the IC<sub>50</sub> concentration for 12, 24 and 48 h and were stained with DAPI and Bax/Bcl-2 antibodies conjugated to FITC. Cells treated with 0.1% vehicle DMSO were employed as the control treatment. As the number of cells reduced in a time-dependent manner, the fluorescent intensity showed a marked upregulation and down-regulation for Bax and Blc-2 proteins, respectively.</p