1,730 research outputs found
Educational policy, policy appropriation and Grameen Bank higher education financial aid policy process
The paper talks about higher educational polices and their process of policy appropriations, policy as practices, policy as symbolic, policy as rituals, policy as myths, policy backward- mapping and policy-forward mapping, multi-stage policy implementation process, street-bureaucrats planners, and policy reform process. It critically looks at pros-and-corns of different educational policy theories and their applications in education, and the higher education student financial aid different policies, strategies and products and their impact on the college students. The paper also narrates the higher educational policies and methods of need-based, merit-based, means-test-based grants allocation and loan disbursement and their impact on student academic achievements. Moreover, it discusses the policy process model that has both agendas and multiple streams that consider looking at policy designing problems, solutions of the problems and their usefulness to SES students. Additionally, the paper narrates the Grameen Bank higher education student loan policy making process, although there is no higher education student financial aid services are not exist in Bangladesh. Literature reviews, conversations with higher education students, contextual analysis, and the author personal working experience incorporate here. The study finds for policy improvement, policy analysis is vital because policy analysis can explores usefulness of the policy for public well being and for effectiveness of the policy appropriation.Center for Social Economy Learning and Workplace, University of Toronto. -- York Center for Asia Research, York University. -- Indiana University Bloomington
Effect of material properties on ductility factor of singly rc beam sections
Ductility may be defined as the ability to undergo deformations without a substantial reduction in the flexural capacity of the member. The ductility of reinforced concrete beams depends mainly on the shape of the moment-curvature relationship of the sections. The constituents of reinforced concrete are very complex due to its mechanical properties. The stress-strain behavior of concrete is considered parabolic and that of the steel is elastic plastic. Concrete and reinforcing steel are represented by separate material models that are combined together to describe the behavior of the reinforced concrete sections. The end displacements of the steel element are assumed to be compatible with the boundary displacements of the concrete element which implied perfect bond between them. The curvature ductility factor of singly reinforced concrete rectangular beams is derived taking into account the possible nonlinear behavior of the unconfined compressed concrete and reinforcing steel. Effects of material properties such as concrete compressive strength, reinforcement ratio and yield strength of reinforcement on the curvature ductility factors are derived analytically. From the analyses it is observed that an increasing steel content decreases the curvature ductility of a singly reinforced concrete section and this pattern is valid for any concrete strength. On the other hand, for the same reinforcement content curvature ductility increases as the concrete strength is increased
Aksi Teror Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an: (Kajian Tematik Ibn Katsir Dalam Tafsirnya Al Qur’an Al Adzm)
This research is to describe and analyze Ibn Katsir's thoughts on terror in his tafsir book Al-Qur'an Al-'Adzim. The results of this study are expected to be used to add and deepen insights regarding terror in the perspective of the Al-Qur'an.
This research is a library research with a qualitative approach. The material collected includes several theories, especially Ibn Katsir's commentary book "Al-Qur'an Al-'Adzim", other books and the opinions of experts that are related to the discussion of this research report. Then the data that was successfully collected and tested, then analyzed using descriptive analysis methods.
The results showed: (1) The perpetrators of acts of terror during the time of the Prophet Muhammad were, among others, believers, because they defended their faith and honor when they were terrorized, Kafir Quraisy, Musyrik, Ahl Al-Kitab, Munafiq, Abu Lahab and his wife, Abu Jahal. (2) The law of terror can be divided into two, namely prohibited terror, because the law prohibits it and terror which is governed, the sharia governs it.
Keywords: Terror; Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Adzim; Ibn KathirAbstraksi
Penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pemikiran Ibn Katsir tentang teror dalam kitab tafsirnya Al-Qur’an Al-‘Adzim. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan dapat dipergunakan untuk menambah dan memperdalam wawasan kaitannya dengan teror dalam perspektif Al-Qur’an.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun bahan yang dikumpulkan meliputi beberapa teori, khususnya kitab tafsir Ibn Katsir “Al-Qur’an Al-‘Adzim”, kitab-kitab lain dan pendapat para ahli yang mempunyai kaitan dengan pembahasan laporan penelitian ini. Kemudian data yang berhasil dikumpulan dan telah diuji, kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Pelaku aksi teror pada masa Nabi Muhammad SAW antara lain adalah orang beriman, karena membela aqidah dan kehormatannya ketika mendapat terror, Kafir Quraisy, Musyrik, Ahl Al-Kitab, Munafiq, Abu Lahab dan Istrinya, Abu Jahal. (2) Hukum teror dapat dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu Teror yang dilarang, karena syariat melarangnya dan Teror yang diperintah, syariat memerintahnya.
Kata Kunci: Teror; Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Adzim; Ibn Katsi
Eradication of Poverty through Community Green Economic Development Utilizing Khas (Government Jurisdiction) Ponds: Lessons Learned from Grameen Motsho (Fisheries) O Pashusampad (Livestock) Foundation (GMPF) in Bangladesh
Grameen Motsho O Pashusampad Fisheries and Livestock Foundation GMPF -is a sister organization of Grameen Bank GB involves in livestock and fish culture mobilizing poor people engage in livestock and fish production agriculture horticulture homestead gardening social forestation and bio-gas plants and other community green income generating economic activities to bring improvement in the quality of life of the poor in particular of poor women GMPF is managing leased of 1035 Khas public ponds having 2557 3 acres of water bodies and 20 fish seed farms leased from the Government of Bangladesh GoB for 25 years The objectives of this study is to examine the policies strategies and approaches of GMPF community economic development CED and to link CED concept with GMPF activities if it benefits to local poor people in Bangladesh The study research questions are is Grameen Motsho O PashuSampoad Foundation GMPF a CED program in Bangladesh If so how it works what approaches and strategies it follows what are challenges it faces in implementing its programs in Bangladesh The author writes this paper from his pre-and post-GMPF working experience The paper contains author s live experience review literature secondary data and interpretative method of analysi
Hizbut Tahrir: Pemikiran dan Pergerakan Sosial-Politik di Indonesia
AbstrakSalah satu organisasi massa yang saat ini tengah menjadi perbincangan yakniHizbut Tahrir. Organisasi ini telah dicabut hak dan kewenangannya sebagaiorganisasi masa di Indonesia. Pembubaran HTI oleh pemerintah ini ditengaraikarena konsep yang dikembangkan HTI dianggap telah berseberangan denganpancasila sebagai dasar Negara Republik Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini penulisakan menelaah bagaimana pembubaran Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia ditinjau dalamperspektif sosial politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis.Keywords: HTI, pergerakan, pengaruh, sosia
Sorting and Classification of Sorting Algorithms
Sorting and searching are fundamental problems in computer science that have attracted theattention of the researchers from the past. Sorting algorithms never remained the same buthave evolved from the past and new approaches have been developed to solve this problem.New terminologies have been introduced by algorithmic designers to describe thesealgorithms. In this paper, I have studied the basis for classification of algorithms intodifferent classes. This paper will be helpful to both researchers and learners in solving andunderstanding this problem
Hardware Solution to Sorting Algorithms: A Review
In this paper, I have studied various hardware solutions for sorting. Thecircuitry at the processor level responsible for sorting has been identified; itsrole and different modifications possible to accelerate sorting have beendiscussed. Some application-specific circuitry has also been studied, thiscircuitry can be based on comparator and swap circuitry as in sorting networksor non-comparator based hardware solutions. In addition to this, the extensionof the instruction set of the processors to incorporate software instructions toimplement sorting has also been studied
Pendidikan merupakan media untuk meningkatkan kualitas manusia terdidik. Dari para manusia terdidik tersebut diharapkan berbagai persoalan sosial yang dihadapi manusia dapat diselesaikan. Oleh karena itu, muatan pendidikan semestinya berisi tentang beragam problem sosial masyarakat yang akan dicarikan solusinya melalui praktik pendidikan. Materi pendidikan –dengan demikian- tidak hanya berisi tentang teori-teori belaka, tetapi meliputi data faktual mengenai problem masyarakat yang ada dan terjadi. Tulisan ini merupakan ide yang mendorong gagasan perlunya pendidikan berbasis kepentingan masyarakat dalam dunia pendidikan. Jadi pendidikan merupakan aktifitas yang berupaya mencari solusi dari berbagai persoalan yang dihadapi oleh peserta didik khususnya dan manusia pada umumnya. Demi mencapai hal tersebut di atas, tidak ada salahnya jika meminjam teori pendidikan Paulo Freire yang dialogis, kontekstual, memberikan penyadaran, berpihak pada kaum miskin, dan membebaskan manusia dari segala praktik penindasan, juga meminjam teori pendidikan Confusius dengan konsep ”Intellectual Democracy”, sebagai inspirasi kritis terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan di negeri ini, agar keberadaannya lebih dinamis dan menyentuh kepentingan masyarakat secara nyata
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