262 research outputs found

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    La población de Sudamérica: nuevos aportes basados en el análisis de cráneos arcaicos y frecuencias génicas de aborígenes contemporáneos

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    El origen de los primeros habitantes de América ha inquietado a numerosos investigadores, quienes en el transcurso del último siglo han presentado un acopio de modelos de poblamiento más o menos controvertidos. En la actualidad, los especialistas concuerdan en que los primeros pobladores del Nuevo Mundo, corresponderían a primitivos grupos de cazadores y recolectores que habrían llegado a América desde el noreste de Asia utilizando un corredor terrestre actualmente cubierto por las aguas (el Estrecho de Bering), siguiendo probablemente el rastro de enormes animales pleistocénicos (Bryan 1978, Irwing 1985, Lynch 1983)Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    La población de Sudamérica: nuevos aportes basados en el análisis de cráneos arcaicos y frecuencias génicas de aborígenes contemporáneos

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    El origen de los primeros habitantes de América ha inquietado a numerosos investigadores, quienes en el transcurso del último siglo han presentado un acopio de modelos de poblamiento más o menos controvertidos. En la actualidad, los especialistas concuerdan en que los primeros pobladores del Nuevo Mundo, corresponderían a primitivos grupos de cazadores y recolectores que habrían llegado a América desde el noreste de Asia utilizando un corredor terrestre actualmente cubierto por las aguas (el Estrecho de Bering), siguiendo probablemente el rastro de enormes animales pleistocénicos (Bryan 1978, Irwing 1985, Lynch 1983)Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    Dynamic regulation of serum aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in MS

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    Objective: Several factors influence the clinical course of autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as MS and inflammatory bowel disease. Only recently, the complex interaction between the gut microbiome, dietary factors, and metabolism has started to be appreciated with regard to its potential to modulate acute and chronic inflammation. One of the molecular sensors that mediates the effects of these environmental signals on the immune response is the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), a ligand-activated transcription factor with key functions in immune cells. Methods: In this study, we analyzed the levels of AHR agonists in serum samples from patients with MS and healthy controls in a case-control study. Results: We detected a global decrease of circulating AHR agonists in relapsing-remitting MS patients as compared to controls. However, during acute CNS inflammation in clinically isolated syndrome or active MS, we measured increased AHR agonistic activity. Moreover, AHR ligand levels in patients with benign MS with relatively mild clinical impairment despite longstanding disease were unaltered as compared to healthy controls. Conclusions: Collectively, these data suggest that AHR agonists in serum are dynamically modulated during the course of MS. These findings may guide the development of biomarkers to monitor disease activity as well as the design of novel therapeutic interventions for MSInstituto de Salud Carlos III, Unión Europea PT13/0010/004

    Genetic components of human pain sensitivity: a protocol for a genome-wide association study of experimental pain in healthy volunteers

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    Introduction Pain constitutes a major component of the global burden of diseases. Recent studies suggest a strong genetic contribution to pain susceptibility and severity. Whereas most of the available evidence relies on candidate gene association or linkage studies, research on the genetic basis of pain sensitivity using genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is still in its infancy. This protocol describes a proposed GWAS on genetic contributions to baseline pain sensitivity and nociceptive sensitisation in a sample of unrelated healthy individuals of mixed Latin American ancestry. Methods and analysis A GWAS on genetic contributions to pain sensitivity in the naïve state and following nociceptive sensitisation will be conducted in unrelated healthy individuals of mixed ancestry. Mechanical and thermal pain sensitivity will be evaluated with a battery of quantitative sensory tests evaluating pain thresholds. In addition, variation in mechanical and thermal sensitisation following topical application of mustard oil to the skin will be evaluated. Ethics and dissemination This study received ethical approval from the University College London research ethics committee (3352/001) and from the bioethics committee of the Odontology Faculty at the University of Antioquia (CONCEPTO 01–2013). Findings will be disseminated to commissioners, clinicians and service users via papers and presentations at international conferences