399 research outputs found

    Rashba precession in quantum wires with interaction

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    Rashba precession of spins moving along a one-dimensional quantum channel is calculated, accounting for Coulomb interactions. The Tomonaga--Luttinger model is formulated in the presence of spin-orbit scattering and solved by Bosonization. Increasing interaction strength at decreasing carrier density is found to {\sl enhance} spin precession and the nominal Rashba parameter due to the decreasing spin velocity compared with the Fermi velocity. This result can elucidate the observed pronounced changes of the spin splitting on applied gate voltages which are estimated to influence the interface electric field in heterostructures only little.Comment: now replaced by published versio

    Size constancy in bat biosonar?

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    Perception and encoding of object size is an important feature of sensory systems. In the visual system object size is encoded by the visual angle (visual aperture) on the retina, but the aperture depends on the distance of the object. As object distance is not unambiguously encoded in the visual system, higher computational mechanisms are needed. This phenomenon is termed "size constancy". It is assumed to reflect an automatic re-scaling of visual aperture with perceived object distance. Recently, it was found that in echolocating bats, the 'sonar aperture', i.e., the range of angles from which sound is reflected from an object back to the bat, is unambiguously perceived and neurally encoded. Moreover, it is well known that object distance is accurately perceived and explicitly encoded in bat sonar. Here, we addressed size constancy in bat biosonar, recruiting virtual-object techniques. Bats of the species Phyllostomus discolor learned to discriminate two simple virtual objects that only differed in sonar aperture. Upon successful discrimination, test trials were randomly interspersed using virtual objects that differed in both aperture and distance. It was tested whether the bats spontaneously assigned absolute width information to these objects by combining distance and aperture. The results showed that while the isolated perceptual cues encoding object width, aperture, and distance were all perceptually well resolved by the bats, the animals did not assign absolute width information to the test objects. This lack of sonar size constancy may result from the bats relying on different modalities to extract size information at different distances. Alternatively, it is conceivable that familiarity with a behaviorally relevant, conspicuous object is required for sonar size constancy, as it has been argued for visual size constancy. Based on the current data, it appears that size constancy is not necessarily an essential feature of sonar perception in bats

    Sinteza i antihipoksično djelovanje alifatskih i arilalifatskih amida kofein-8-tioglikolne kiseline

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    The synthesis of some aliphatic and arylaliphatic amides of caffeine-8-thioglycolic acid was studied. The structures of synthesized compounds were proved by microanalyses, IR- and 1H NMR data. Values of acute p.o. and i.p. toxicity in mice show lower toxicity compared to caffeine. Declines in spontaneous locomotor activity support the idea of depressive CNS activity of the compounds. Two compounds exhibited brain antihypoxic activity (5a and 5b against haemic and circulatory hypoxia, respectively).U radu je opisana sinteza alifatskih i arilalifatskih amida kofein-8-tioglikolne kiseline i njihova karakterizacija elementarnom analizom, IR- i 1H NMR spektroskopijom. Testiranja na miševima pokazuju da su sintetizirani spojevi primijenjeni p.o. i i.p. manje toksični od kofeina. Smanjenje lokomotoričke aktivnosti podupire ideju o njihovom depresivnom djelovanju na SŽS. Spojevi 5a i 5b djeluju antihipoksički u uvjetima krvne i cirkulacijske hipoksije u mozgu

    Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation temporally confines SUMO-dependent ataxin-3 recruitment to control DNA double-strand break repair

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    DNA damage-induced SUMOylation serves as a signal for two antagonizing proteins that both stimulate repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Here, we demonstrate that the SUMO-dependent recruitment of the deubiquitylating enzyme ataxin-3 to DSBs, unlike recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase RNF4, additionally depends on poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP1)-mediated poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation). The co-dependence of ataxin-3 recruitment on PARylation and SUMOylation temporally confines ataxin-3 to DSBs immediately after occurrence of DNA damage. We propose that this mechanism ensures that ataxin-3 prevents the premature removal of DNA repair proteins only during the early phase of the DSB response and does not interfere with the subsequent timely displacement of DNA repair proteins by RNF4. Thus, our data show that PARylation differentially regulates SUMO-dependent recruitment of ataxin-3 and RNF4 to DSBs, explaining how both proteins can play a stimulatory role at DSBs despite their opposing activities.Genome Instability and Cance

    Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters for quantum wires

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    The low-energy properties of a homogeneous one-dimensional electron system are completely specified by two Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters KρK_{\rho} and vσv_{\sigma}. In this paper we discuss microscopic estimates of the values of these parameters in semiconductor quantum wires that exploit their relationship to thermodynamic properties. Motivated by the recognized similarity between correlations in the ground state of a one-dimensional electron liquid and correlations in a Wigner crystal, we evaluate these thermodynamic quantities in a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation. According to our calculations, the Hartree-Fock approximation ground state is a Wigner crystal at all electron densities and has antiferromagnetic order that gradually evolves from spin-density-wave to localized in character as the density is lowered. Our results for KρK_{\rho} are in good agreement with weak-coupling perturbative estimates KρpertK_{\rho}^{pert} at high densities, but deviate strongly at low densities, especially when the electron-electron interaction is screened at long distances. Kρpertn1/2K_{\rho}^{pert}\sim n^{1/2} vanishes at small carrier density nn whereas we conjecture that Kρ1/2K_{\rho}\to 1/2 when n0n\to 0, implying that KρK_{\rho} should pass through a minimum at an intermediate density. Observation of such a non-monotonic dependence on particle density would allow to measure the range of the microscopic interaction. In the spin sector we find that the spin velocity decreases with increasing interaction strength or decreasing nn. Strong correlation effects make it difficult to obtain fully consistent estimates of vσv_{\sigma} from Hartree-Fock calculations. We conjecture that v_{\sigma}/\vf\propto n/V_0 in the limit n0n\to 0 where V0V_0 is the interaction strength.Comment: RevTeX, 23 pages, 8 figures include

    Transferrin receptor 2 controls bone mass and pathological bone formation via BMP and Wnt signalling

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    Transferrin receptor 2 (Tfr2) is mainly expressed in the liver and controls iron homeostasis. Here, we identify Tfr2 as a regulator of bone homeostasis that inhibits bone formation. Mice lacking Tfr2 display increased bone mass and mineralization independent of iron homeostasis and hepatic Tfr2. Bone marrow transplantation experiments and studies of cell-specific Tfr2 knockout mice demonstrate that Tfr2 impairs BMP-p38MAPK signaling and decreases expression of the Wnt inhibitor sclerostin specifically in osteoblasts. Reactivation of MAPK or overexpression of sclerostin rescues skeletal abnormalities in Tfr2 knockout mice. We further show that the extracellular domain of Tfr2 binds BMPs and inhibits BMP-2-induced heterotopic ossification by acting as a decoy receptor. These data indicate that Tfr2 limits bone formation by modulating BMP signaling, possibly through direct interaction with BMP either as a receptor or as a co-receptor in a complex with other BMP receptors. Finally, the Tfr2 extracellular domain may be effective in the treatment of conditions associated with pathological bone formation

    Correction of HDL Dysfunction in Individuals With Diabetes and the Haptoglobin 2-2 Genotype

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    OBJECTIVE—Pharmacogenomics is a key component of personalized medicine. The Israel Cardiovascular Events Reduction with Vitamin E Study, a prospective placebo-controlled study, recently demonstrated that vitamin E could dramatically reduce CVD in individuals with diabetes and the haptoglobin (Hp) 2-2 genotype (40% of diabetic individuals). However, because of the large number of clinical trials that failed to demonstrate benefit from vitamin E coupled with the lack of a mechanistic explanation for why vitamin E should be beneficial only in diabetic individuals with the Hp 2-2 genotype, enthusiasm for this pharmacogenomic paradigm has been limited. In this study, we sought to provide such a mechanistic explanation based on the hypothesis that the Hp 2-2 genotype and diabetes interact to promote HDL oxidative modification and dysfunction

    Glycosaminoglycan and Proteoglycan Biotherapeutics in Articular Cartilage Protection and Repair Strategies: Novel Approaches to Visco?supplementation in Orthobiologics

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    The aim of this study is to review developments in glycosaminoglycan and proteoglycan research relevant to cartilage repair biology and in particular the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). Glycosaminoglycans decorate a diverse range of extracellular matrix and cell associated proteoglycans conveying structural organization and physico‐chemical properties to tissues. They play key roles mediating cellular interactions with bioactive growth factors, cytokines, and morphogenetic proteins, and structural fibrillar collagens, cell interactive and extracellular matrix proteoglycans, and glycoproteins which define tissue function. Proteoglycan degradation detrimentally affects tissue functional properties. Therapeutic strategies have been developed to counter these degenerative changes. Neo‐proteoglycans prepared from chondroitin sulfate or hyaluronan and hyaluronan or collagen‐binding peptides emulate the interactive, water imbibing, weight bearing, and surface lubricative properties of native proteoglycans. Many neo‐proteoglycans outperform native proteoglycans in terms of water imbibition, matrix stabilization, and resistance to proteolytic degradation. The biospecificity of recombinant proteoglycans however, provides precise attachment to native target molecules. Visco‐supplements augmented with growth factors/therapeutic cells, hyaluronan, and lubricin (orthobiologicals) have the capacity to lubricate and protect cartilage, control inflammation, and promote cartilage repair and regeneration of early cartilage lesions and may represent a more effective therapeutic approach to the treatment of mild to moderate OA and deserve further study