6 research outputs found

    Evaluating customer satisfaction and service quality using servqual model in the Courier Service Delivery (CSD) provider (Pilot study: Surabaya city, Indonesia)

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    In the last decade, the number of Courier Service Delivery (CSD) Providers has been increasing and growing rapidly, it certainly makes the characteristics of each providers more diverse as well. The Government who serve as assessors who are follow-up of monitoring and evaluation results, often find many problems in the selection of variables used as aspects of assessment. One important aspect in figuring out valuation is the value of customer satisfaction. This study aims to measure and evaluate the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) modification with the use of service qualities dimension or known as SERVQUAL model. Not only that, this paper also examines the influence of five dimensions on the model to the customer satisfaction using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression method. The dimensions are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. This research was conducted on a total of 249 respondents in 6 sample providers. According to the results obtained that CSI scores in the range of 80.27 to 84.76 (good and very good) and the dimensions of service quality that significantly affect on customer satisfaction were Tangible and Responsivenes

    Analisis Pertumbuhan Penduduk Terhadap Pola Persebaran Fasilitas Sosial Ekonomi di Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2012 dan 2016

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    This research is done in Wonosari, Klaten with title “Analysis of Population Growth Against Distribution Pattern of Socio-Economic Facilities In Wonosari Sub-district, Klaten Regency of 2012 and 2016 ". The purpose of this research is (1) How is the Distribution Pattern of Socio-Economic Facilities in Wonosari Sub-district in 2012 and 2016. (2) How Influence of Population Growth on Socio-Economic Facility in Wonosari Sub-district. The method that is used in this research in seconder data analysis that is get from office certain instance. That data consist of physical characteristic and non physical characteristic with comparison 2012 and 2016. Data collection through remote sensing by mengintrepretasi image to mengatahui how much development of social and economic facilities in District Wonosari 2012 and 2016 using remote sensing with image. The data analysis that is used is descriptive statistic analysis by using frequency and data statistical analysis tabulation. The analysis is doing by scoring or give score 1 until 3 for variables and to analyses factors that influence population growth by using formula CBR (Crude Birth Rate), CDR (Crude Death Rate), and Mn (Migration Neto). Whereas to find the correlation levels population growth with social economic facility using SPSS program with double linier regress formula. The pattern of distribution of educational facilities has a mixed distribution pattern in which educational facilities are directly oriented with accessibility-related suggestions, for health distribution patterns having a random distribution pattern centered on a single location, ie village offices and for auxiliary servants spread evenly across their breasts. while for economic facilities have a pattern of distribution that berererientasi on the market. The effect of the two variables on the distribution pattern of socioeconomic facilities with population growth has the result of calculation in 2012, has a correlation value that is in line with the classification value (0.506), which means that almost 50.6% of the population growth affects the rather low distribution pattern of socio-economic facilities District Wonosari. However, in 2016 there is an increase of correlation value between population growth with the pattern of distribution of social economic facilities which is in the same direction with the classification (0.725), which means that almost 72.5% of population growth rate influences strong distribution pattern to socio-economic facilities in Wonosari Sub-district

    Modul pelatihan guru mata pelajaran ppkn smp kelompok kompetensi e (nilai-nilai dalam ppkn smp, penerapan saintifik, penilaian, dan pelaksanaan ptk)

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    Pendidik adalah tenaga kependidikan yang berkualifikasi sebagai guru, dosen, konselor, pamong belajar, widyaiswara, tutor, instruktur, fasilitator, dan sebutan lain yang sesuai dengan kekhususannya, serta berpartisipasi dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan. Guru dan tenaga kependidikan wajib melaksanakan kegiatan pengembangan keprofesian secara berkelanjutan agar dapat melaksanakan tugas profesionalnya. Program Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan (PKB) adalah pengembangan kompetensi Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan yang dilaksanakan sesuai kebutuhan, bertahap, dan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan profesionalitasnya

    An android-based start-up app for self-agriculture and food

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    Several sectors, including technology, influence the need for food to date. Global heating conditions also impact the existing food system since poor agricultural conditions reduce farm product output and increase famine risk. As cybernated start-ups develop, it enables multiple parties to develop start-ups in farming and food sectors. This study aims to develop a self-agriculture and food start-up app based on Android OS. This application allows each user to prepare and commercialise food items autonomously. The system is intended to encourage individuals to perform tasks such as cultivating and selling harvests, purchasing dietary commodities, and monitoring current microclimate circumstances

    Rancang Bangun Extension Prefilter pada Sistem Udara Masuk Gas Turbine PLTGU Blok 3 Tanjung Priok

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    Today the need for energy is so high, and the need to electrical energy this has become a dependence, so it needs availability of supply and sustainable, big and so, it was required units power plants that have reliability. Central power gas and Steam room (PLTGU) Block 3 Tanjung Priok is one of the central electricity supplies in network system inter-connection Java and Bali that capacity 1 X 740 MW. In PLTGU there are two power systems that power plant gas and steam room. In PLTGU Block 3 Tanjung Priok uses gas turbine Mitsubishi type M701F, where there is a system to support its operations, is the System for fuel, Air Enters System gas turbine (GT water intake System) and the air, The former System GT Washing and Drain, Protection System, The Air Conditioning System instruments, Requests Injection System and water. In a system Air Enters gas turbine, there are filter-filter that functioned to filter dirt that entered into the turbine, which consists of Weather Hood, Droplet Eliminator element, and the Final Prefilter filter. Because of higher humidity, that were found in the area power plants, so that the power plant operations often take replacement Prefilter, which age use of Prefilter is near-and-a-half from the age use recommended by manufacturers Prefilter. Discussion on this project is about additional filter air before Prefilter, so it is expected to be prolongs life from Prefilter to use that is recommended to the age by manufacturers prefilter even beyond the age that is recommended by manufacturers Prefilter. That will eventually enhanced reliability power plants

    Aplikasi Algoritma Dijkstra dalam Penyelesaian Berbagai Masalah

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    Dijkstra is a greedy algorithm that gives a choice of several available shortest routes and then provides a solution. The application of Dijkstra's Algorithm in everyday life is very diverse. This study collects research results regarding the application of Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve everyday problems such as the shortest path problem, this mini-review paper can explain the study of Dijkstra's Algorithm for various things, including solving bi-objective shortest routes, multi-objective routes, emergency evacuation, Dijkstra's graph, the connection between LBS features, best route distribution, and fuzzy solution