54 research outputs found

    C.3 Sertifikat HKI Phisca Aditya Rosyady

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    Purwarupa Monitoring Status Gunung Api Berbasis Internet of Things

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    Abstrak— Indonesia merupakan negara yang memiliki banyak  gunung api dengan potensi bencana erupsi gunung api yang cukup tinggi. Erupsi gunung api dapat merugikan penduduk sekitar gunung api. Terdapat penggunaan indikator status dalam penentuan kondisi gunung api aktif. Status gunung api terbagi menjdi  empat yaitu normal, waspada, siaga dan awas. Air dari danau kawah gunung api merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui status dari suatu gunung api. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang sistem yang dapat memantau status gunung api dengan menggunakan suhu air pada danau kawah. Sistem yang dirancang pada penelitian ini menggunakan sensor DS18B20 yang berguna untuk mendeteksi nilai suhu pada air danau kawah gunung api. Mikrokontroler yang digunakan dalam pembuatan sistem adalah NodeMCU. Data nilai suhu dikirim menggunakan metode Internet of Things (IoT) ke media platform ThingSpeak dan aplikasi Blynk. Sistem akan memberikan informasi status gunung api pada aplikasi Blynk. Status gunung api akan normal jika suhu air danau kawah 0-32°C. Status waspada jika suhu air berada diantara 32°C-37°C. Status siaga jika suhu air berada antara 37°C-39°C. Status awas jika air memiliki suhu melebihi 39°C. Pengujian sistem menghasilkan error suhu sebesar 2,132oC. Kemampuan sistem dalam mendeteksi status gunung api secara realtime dapat berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan batasan yang telah ditetantuka

    C.4 Sertifikat HKI Phisca Aditya Rosyady

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    Highway Visual Tracking System using Thresholding and Hough Transform

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    A highway visual tracking system using UAV based digital image. This highway tracking system created by using computer vision. The methods used in this system are the RGB - HSV conversion, colour detection, edge detection, thresholding, dilation canny edge detection, Hough transform, and moments. Prior to image processing, capture video of the highway. In image processing, highways video is prepared to enter image preprocessing, then administer the thresholding and dilation process. This was followed by the method of moments to get the coordinates of the first phase tracking. Next, the X-coordinate is used as a reference to determine the region of interest (ROI). ROI is processed using the Canny edge detection followed hough transform to refine the detected lines into the desired line. Coordinates x line average can be computed which then shows the position of the highway. The programs used in the process of road tracking are using OpenCV 2.3.1 and Visual Studio 2010. The programming language used is C++. Tests carried out using video of highway taken directly from Youtube. The highway HSV colour values are in the range of 20, 3, 30-180, 32.169 and the environment around the highway consists of green vegetation, terrain, office buildings, houses, and trade stalls. The materials that affect the outcome of visual tracking are the presence of a vehicle on the highway and other objects that exist around the highway

    Quadrotor Altitude Control using Recurrent Neural Network PID

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    The quadrotor is one type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) or unmanned flying vehicle. Quadrotor can be operated by a remote controller or autonomously. Quadrotor control is a challenging problem because it takes into account complex things such as parametric uncertainty, external disturbances, and so on. At the spatial level, three linear degrees of freedom along three axes and three degrees of freedom rotating along three axes are used for the control of a quadrotor. Conventional controls for quadrotors are widely used such as PID, state feedback, and so on. However, because the control is linear, non-linear control has begun to be developed. Some of these controls, for example, use a sliding mode control system, fuzzy methods, and controls by combining linear control with artificial intelligence. This paper will use PID control and an artificial neural network for the quadrotor direction control system. The results of this control test indicate that the combination of PID and RNN on the directional control shows a better response than conventional PID

    Bukti Korespondensi_A portable device based on an electrical conductivity sensor for the detection of monosodium glutamate (MSG) in soupy foods

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    In everyday life, food is made with various taste images, including the savory taste obtained from monosodium glutamate (MSG). Although it is allowed as a food ingredient, excessive use of MSG and continuous consumption will have adverse effects on health. The effects of consuming MSG excessively on the body's organs include brain, ovarian, testicular, liver, kidney, heart, and respiratory disorders. MSG detection using technology is needed to control the consumption of MSG in the body. Hence, this study was focused on creating a portable device for detecting monosodium glutamate (MSG) in soupy foods: meatball soup and chicken soup. 3 mg of MSG was applied to each solution sample and four MSG brands, including SS, MW, AM, and MR. The concept of this prototype is based on the conductivity value and total dissolved solids (TDS) in the MSG solution. These solutions can produce an electrolyte because there is a sodium salt content in the MSG solution and water. The electrolyte solution can conduct electricity. An electrical conductivity sensor was installed in this prototype and these sensors included two electrode plates, a positive electrode (anode) and a negative electrode (cathode) with a distance of ± 1 cm. The conductivity sensor begins by starting a sensor into an electrolyte solution and, given an electric voltage input, changes to the value of the electric voltage. The sensor can be read and detect the MSG level in the solution. Then, the data are received and recorded in the DRF analog which is to process the signal from the sensor into analog form, and the data is sent to the Arduino Nano as a microcontroller. From the experiment result, the average conductivity value and TDS value of meatball soup are 21.98 mS and 7.91 Mg/I, while the average conductivity value and TDS value of Chicken Soto are 16.92 mS and 6.08 mg/I. This prototype was successfully created and implemented for the MSG detection in soupy foods

    Prototype Lampu Lalu Lintas Adaptif Berdasarkan Panjang Antrian Kendaraan Berbasis Arduino Uno

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    Jamming has become a major problem in the big cities in Indonesia. One of the vulnerable points that cause congestion/jam is at the crossroads. Traffic lights should be a very important component in the traffic control system, especially at crossroads. Had a significant change in the number of vehicles and there is no data update, it will cause a longer waiting time. The purpose of this research to design an adaptive traffic light system based on the queue length of vehicles on each road section and testing the traffic light control simulation design. This research used Arduino Uno as a microcontroller and infrared detection sensor. Sensor readings will detect the condition of each road which will be sent to the microcontroller and processed in determining the duration of each traffic light. The results of this study indicates a traffic light system designed to control traffic lights based on the queue length of vehicles on each road segment. Meanwhile, in testing the system, the error value is 0.00404% for the duration of the green light. 0.00917% for the duration of the yellow light, and 0.0217% for the duration of the red light. Based on the results, it is expected that there should be development using a microcontroller that put more input and output pins so that it can detect density on roads more accurately

    Tata kelola dan penjadwalan pengairan tanaman empon-empon secara otomatis di Kalurahan Wareng Gunungkidul

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    Kalurahan Wareng adalah salah satu kalurahan di Wonosari, Gunungkidul, yang terletak di daerah pegunungan dan sering mengalami kekurangan air bersih. Belum ada teknologi terintegrasi dalam pemberdayaan pengairan secara efisien dan terpadu. Ketika musim kemarau warga harus membeli air di Pengelola Air Minum Desa (PAMDES) untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari dan kebutuhan lainnya seperti menyirami tanaman. Permasalahan utama yang diangkat dalam pengabdian ini yaitu menipisnya ketersediaan air di Dusun Singkar 1 pada musim kemarau dan belum adanya varian pengolahan olahan tanaman empon-empon serta sistem pemasaran yang masih konvensional. Solusi yang ditawarkan pada kegiatan ini adalah sistem penjadwalan manajemen air yang terotomasi untuk mendukung penyaluran air bersih sebagai penyiraman tanaman, air wudu, dan juga untuk disalurkan ke rumah-rumah warga. Dalam program pengabdian sebelumnya sudah dilakukan pemasangan pompa air DC dengan tenaga surya, pada skema ini kita akan upgrade pompanya dalam skala yang lebih besar dan implementasikan system penjadwalannya tersebut. Pembuatan sistem pengairan terpadu ini merupakan implementasi hasil penelitian tim pengusul yang memperoleh dana hibah Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (PTUPT) Ristekdikti tahun 2017 hingga 2019, Calon Pengusaha Pemula Berbasis Teknologi (CPBT) tahun 2018, dan Pengusaha Berbasis Teknologi (PBT) tahun 2019. Pembuatan sistem ini dilakukan selama bulan Juni 2021 dan dipasang pada tanggal 11 Juli 2021 dan 22 Agustus 2021. Pengabdian masyarakat ini memberikan kemudahan secara teknis dalam penyiraman tanaman empon-empon bagi mitra kami Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Srikandi Kalurahan Wareng Kapanewon Wonosari, Gunung Kidul

    Hasil Similariti Artikel IoT-based Home Water Monitoring using Arduino

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    There are many problems related to water in Indonesia, ranging from floods to water crises. One of the things we can do is manage water consumption so that we can use water effectively and wisely. The problem of excessive anggd unwise water use can be overcome by water consumption management.. In this study, a water consumption management system incc the household is created, which includes monitoring and control so that we can monitor and control it and also have a history of daily water use. The system will be made using Arduino Uno as controller and will be displayed on the LCD and the website. Based on research, the following conclusions were obtained: Successfully implemented IoT based home water monitoring using Arduino, Successfully designed a tool for water tank management based on Arduino Uno, the results obtained by the tool can detect when the water is full, and the water pump turns off automatically so that the water does not fill again and the tank will not be full. The average error of this system is 6.16 %. The bigger volume will make the error value decrease
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