25 research outputs found

    The role of frugivorous birds and bats in the colonization of cloud forest plant species in burned areas in western Mexico

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    La función de las aves y los murciélagos frugívoros en la colonización de las especies vegetales del bosque nuboso en zonas afectadas por incendios en el occidente de México.— La extensión de los bosques nubosos de montaña (o bosques mesófilos) del oeste de México se ve limitada por diversos factores. En el presente estudio se pretende evaluar la contribución de las aves y los murciélagos a la dispersión y colonización de las plantas del bosque nuboso en pinares contiguos afectados por incendios de superficie. Se muestreó la lluvia de semillas y el establecimiento de plántulas durante un año en dos sitios afectados por incendios de superficie, que diferían en el tamaño del fragmento de bosque nuboso más cercano. Se encontró un total de 17 especies vegetales, la mayoría de las cuales eran árboles, arbustos y lianas propios de estados avanzados de sucesión. La distancia respecto a la fuente de semillas influyó solamente en la lluvia de semillas de un taxón (Solanum sp.), pero no tuvo efectos en la distribución de las plántulas de esta especie ni de otras. En cambio, se encontraron importantes diferencias entre los sitios, con más semillas dispersadas y una mayor densidad de plántulas en el que estaba situado junto al fragmento más extenso de bosque nuboso. La función de los vectores de dispersión a larga distancia y la existencia de bancos de semillas previos al incendio podrían explicar la escasa importancia de la distancia desde la fuente de semillas para la lluvia de semillas y la distribución de las plántulas. En todo caso, la dispersión mediante las aves y los murciélagos antes o después del incendio facilita la regeneración y la conservación del bosque nuboso en zonas perturbadas que anteriormente hubieran estado ocupadas por otros hábitats.The role of frugivorous birds and bats in the colonization of cloud forest plant species in burned areas in western Mexico.— The extension of montane cloud forests in western Mexico is threatened by several disturbances that limit their extension. In this study we aim to assess the contribution of birds and bats in the dispersal and colonization of cloud–forest plants in contiguous surface–burned pine forests. We sampled seed rain and sapling establishment over one year in two surface–burned sites, which differed in the size of their closest cloud forest patch. A total of 17 plant species were found, most of which were late–successional trees, shrubs and climbers. Distance influenced the seed rain of only one dispersed taxon (Solanum sp.) and had no effect on the sapling distribution of this or other plants. In turn, marked differences were found between sites, with more seeds dispersed and higher sapling density in the site that was next to the larger cloud forest patch. The role of long–distance dispersers and the existence of seed banks before fire could explain the little importance of distance from seed source on seed dispersal and sapling distribution. Nevertheless, dispersal by birds and bats before or after fire facilitates the regeneration and conservation of cloud forests in disturbed areas formerly occupied by other habitats

    L'efecte de la gestió forestal post-incendi sobre l'avifauna i la dispersió de llavors per ocells frugívors

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    The objective of this thesis is to analyze the effect of the transformation in the habitat that postfire salvage logging supposes on birds in Mediterranean pine forests, at different levels: species, community and ecosystem, focusing on the bird-mediated seed dispersal process. Salvage logging with commercial purposes is the main factor that determines the species composition after a fire, with the substitution of forest birds by open-habitat species, some of which hold an unfavourable conservation status in Europe. On the other hand, wood debris piles built by non-profitable burnt wood favour the presence of seed disperser frugivorous birds, and these structures show more seed dispersal than other microhabitats, and a higher abundance of bird-dispersed plants, so that it is recommendable to build them in managed burned forests.L'objectiu de la tesi és analitzar l'efecte de la transformació de l'hàbitat que suposa la gestió forestal post-incendi sobre els ocells en pinedes mediterrànies, a diferents nivells: d'espècies, de comunitat, i d'ecosistema, sobre el procés de dispersió de llavors de plantes que duen a terme alguns ocells frugívors. La tala dels arbres cremats amb finalitats principalment comercials és el principal factor que determina la composició d'espècies d'ocells després d'un incendi forestal, amb la substitució d'ocells forestals per espècies lligades a espais oberts, algunes de les quals presenten una situació de conservació desfavorable a Europa. Per altra banda, els pilons de branques construïts amb restes de tala afavoreix la presència d'ocells dispersors de llavors, i aquestes estructures també presenten una pluja de llavors més elevada que altres microhàbitats, i una abundància més gran de plantes dispersades per ocells, per la qual cosa es recomana la seva construcció

    Els ocells de pagès emprenen el vol

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    Programación óptima de tareas de mantenimiento y reconfiguración sobre redes de media tensión

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    Jornadas Luso-Españolas de Ingeniería Eléctrica (JLEIE), Porto, Portugal,1995, Universidade do Porto.Una de las tareas a las que se enfrenta periódicamente el personal del centro de dispatching de cualquier compañía eléctrica es la obtención de programas óptimos de mantenimiento sobre su red de distribución. Semanalmente, los ingenieros de planificación deben decidir cómo distribuirán en el calendario todos los descargos previstos y, adicionalmente, de qué manera reconfigurarán la red en cada momento del plan para mantener el servicio al máximo número de abonados posible, sin vulnerar los límites de intensidad máxima en las líneas. En términos de programación matemática el problema se clasifica dentro del tipo NP-completo, lo cual hace difícil su tratamiento por métodos convencionales de búsqueda y optimización. En el presente trabajo se ha desarrollado un sistema para la obtención de tales programas usando técnicas de programación lógica por restricciones. El sistema permite, además, la obtención rápida de planes de reposición de servicio para hacer frente a averías imprevistas.Peer Reviewe

    El Torlit Burhinus oedicnemus a la plana de la Selva: primeres evidències d'una nova població reproductora a Catalunya

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    El Torlit Burhinus oedicnemus és una espècie nidificant a Catalunya, que es troba bàsicament a les planes agrícoles de Lleida i de l’Empordà. A la plana de la Selva, fins ara aquesta espècie havia estat considerada com a hivernant o present en migració. Tanmateix, a partir de la revisió de la bibliografia existent s’han trobat més de 30 observacions en període reproductor entre 2002 i 2009, incloent-hi cinc episodis de nidificació confirmada. A més, l’estiu de 2009 es va dur a terme un cens, específicament dissenyat per a la detecció del Torlit, i se’n van localitzar alguns individus, confirmant les dades prèvies de bibliografia. Considerant que l’espècie no va ser detectada durant el mostreig del darrer Atles dels ocells nidificants, això representaria una nova població reproductora per Catalunya. En aquest article es discuteix si els resultats que s’exposen poden ser fruit d’una nova colonització de la plana de la Selva en els últims anys, o bé un problema de no-detecció de l’espècie durant el mostreig de l’Atles, quan hauria pogut passar desapercebuda a causa de la seva baixa densitat i detectabilitat. Per tant, suggerim la conveniència d’estudiar l’espècie amb mètodes més específics

    Can salvage logging affect seed dispersal by birds into burned forests?

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    The recovery of vegetation in Mediterranean ecosystems after wildfire is mostly a result of direct regeneration, since the same species existing before the fire regenerate on-site by seeding or resprouting. However, the possibility of plant colonization by dispersal of seeds from unburned areas remains poorly studied. We addressed the role of the frugivorous, bird-dependent seed dispersal (seed rain) of fleshy-fruited plants in a burned and managed forest in the second winter after a fire, before on-site fruit production had begun. We also assessed the effect on seed rain of different microhabitats resulting from salvage logging (erosion barriers, standing snags, open areas), as well as the microhabitats of unlogged patches and an unburned control forest, taking account of the importance of perches as seed rain sites. We found considerable seed rain by birds in the burned area. Seeds, mostly from Olive trees Olea europaea and Evergreen pistaches Pistacia lentiscus, belonged to plants fruiting only in surrounding unburned areas. Seed rain was heterogeneous, and depended on microhabitat, with the highest seed density in the unburned control forest but closely followed by the wood piles of erosion barriers. In contrast, very low densities were found under perches of standing snags. Furthermore, frugivorous bird richness seemed to be higher in the erosion barriers than elsewhere. Our results highlight the importance of this specific post-fire management in bird-dependent seed rain and also may suggest a consequent heterogeneous distribution of fleshy-fruited plants in burned and managed areas. However, there needs to be more study of the establishment success of dispersed seeds before an accurate assessment can be made of the role of bird-mediated seed dispersal in post-fire regeneratio

    Building wood debris piles benefits avian seed dispersers in burned and logged Mediterranean pine forests

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    Salvage logging is a common practice carried out in burned forests worldwide, and intended to mitigate the economic losses caused by wildfires. Logging implies an additional disturbance occurring shortly after fire, although its ecological effects can be somewhat mitigated by leaving wood debris on site. The composition of the bird community and its capacity to provide ecosystem services such as seed dispersal of fleshy-fruited plants have been shown to be affected by postfire logging. We assessed the effects of the habitat structure resulting from different postfire management practices on the bird community, in three burned pine forests in Catalonia (western Mediterranean). For this purpose, we focused on the group of species that is responsible for seed dispersal, a process which takes place primarily during the winter in the Mediterranean basin. In addition, we assessed microhabitat selection by seed disperser birds in such environments in relation to management practices. Our results showed a significant, positive relationship between the density of wood debris piles and the abundance of seed disperser birds. Furthermore, such piles were the preferred microhabitat of these species. This reveals an important effect of forest management on seed disperser birds, which is likely to affect the dynamics of bird-dependent seed dispersal. Thus, building wood debris piles can be a useful practice for the conservation of both the species and their ecosystem services, while also being compatible with timber harvesting.This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2005-0031/BOS and CGL2008-05506/BOS) and J.R. held a FPU grant of the Ministry of Education

    Building wood debris piles benefits avian seed dispersers in burned and logged Mediterranean pine forests

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    Salvage logging is a common practice carried out in burned forests worldwide, and intended to mitigate the economic losses caused by wildfires. Logging implies an additional disturbance occurring shortly after fire, although its ecological effects can be somewhat mitigated by leaving wood debris on site. The composition of the bird community and its capacity to provide ecosystem services such as seed dispersal of fleshy-fruited plants have been shown to be affected by postfire logging. We assessed the effects of the habitat structure resulting from different postfire management practices on the bird community, in three burned pine forests in Catalonia (western Mediterranean). For this purpose, we focused on the group of species that is responsible for seed dispersal, a process which takes place primarily during the winter in the Mediterranean basin. In addition, we assessed microhabitat selection by seed disperser birds in such environments in relation to management practices. Our results showed a significant, positive relation- ship between the density of wood debris piles and the abundance of seed disperser birds. Furthermore, such piles were the preferred microhabitat of these species. This reveals an important effect of forest management on seed disperser birds, which is likely to affect the dynamics of bird-dependent seed dis- persal. Thus, building wood debris piles can be a useful practice for the conservation of both the species and their ecosystem services, while also being compatible with timber harvesting.Peer reviewe