655 research outputs found

    Advances in Feature Selection with Mutual Information

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    The selection of features that are relevant for a prediction or classification problem is an important problem in many domains involving high-dimensional data. Selecting features helps fighting the curse of dimensionality, improving the performances of prediction or classification methods, and interpreting the application. In a nonlinear context, the mutual information is widely used as relevance criterion for features and sets of features. Nevertheless, it suffers from at least three major limitations: mutual information estimators depend on smoothing parameters, there is no theoretically justified stopping criterion in the feature selection greedy procedure, and the estimation itself suffers from the curse of dimensionality. This chapter shows how to deal with these problems. The two first ones are addressed by using resampling techniques that provide a statistical basis to select the estimator parameters and to stop the search procedure. The third one is addressed by modifying the mutual information criterion into a measure of how features are complementary (and not only informative) for the problem at hand

    Continuous Monitoring of Dynamical Systems and Master Equations

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    We illustrate the equivalence between the non-unitary evolution of an open quantum system governed by a Markovian master equation and a process of continuous measurements involving this system. We investigate a system of two coupled modes, only one of them interacting with external degrees of freedom, represented, in the first case, by a finite number of harmonic oscillators, and, in the second, by a sequence of atoms where each one interacts with a single mode during a limited time. Two distinct regimes appear, one of them corresponding to a Zeno-like behavior in the limit of large dissipation

    Humeral chondrosarcoma associated with lung metastases in a young dog - case report

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    ABSTRACT Chondrosarcoma, an unusual malignant neoplasm, develops in cartilaginous tissue and presents low rate of metastasis, mainly affecting the axial skeleton from the adult to senile dogs. In the face of unusual occurrence of chondrosarcoma in the long bones of young dogs, the present report aimed to describe it in the right humerus of a two-and-a-half-year-old Siberian Husky, attended at the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Franca, with limping of the right thoracic limb, for 20 days. The radiographic examination of the humerus showed bone lysis and periosteal proliferation. In the incisional biopsy, proliferation of atypical chondrocytes with diffuse distribution, interspersed with compact bone matrix, was observed. The amputation of the limb was performed, and the fragment histopathological analysis showed grade I chondrosarcoma. Periodic returns were made for neoplastic staging, and at 240 days after surgery lung metastases were detected, however, the tutor did not authorize chemotherapy and radiotherapy for financial reasons and due to the absence of respiratory symptoms so far (410 days after surgery). Although uncommon, chondrosarcoma can affect the long bones of young dogs, with clinical signs similar to other bone neoplasms, and, even with the radical limb amputation, can demonstrate systemic metastasis

    The generalised scaling function: a systematic study

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    We describe a procedure for determining the generalised scaling functions fn(g)f_n(g) at all the values of the coupling constant. These functions describe the high spin contribution to the anomalous dimension of large twist operators (in the sl(2)sl(2) sector) of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM. At fixed nn, fn(g)f_n(g) can be obtained by solving a linear integral equation (or, equivalently, a linear system with an infinite number of equations), whose inhomogeneous term only depends on the solutions at smaller nn. In other words, the solution can be written in a recursive form and then explicitly worked out in the strong coupling regime. In this regime, we also emphasise the peculiar convergence of different quantities ('masses', related to the fn(g)f_n(g)) to the unique mass gap of the O(6)O(6) nonlinear sigma model and analyse the first next-to-leading order corrections.Comment: Latex version, journal version (with explanatory appendices and more references

    On the commuting charges for the highest dimension SU(2) operators in planar N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM

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    We consider the highest anomalous dimension operator in the SU(2) sector of planar N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM at all-loop, though neglecting wrapping contributions. In any case, the latter enter the loop expansion only after a precise length-depending order. In the thermodynamic limit we write both a linear integral equation for the Bethe root density and a linear system obeyed by the commuting charges. Consequently, we determine the leading strong coupling contribution to the density and from this an approximation to the leading and sub-leading terms of any charge QrQ_r: it scales as λ1/4r/2\lambda ^{1/4-r/2}, which generalises the Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov energy law. In the end, we briefly extend these considerations to finite lengths and 'excited' operators by using the idea of a non-linear integral equation.Comment: Latex file, 20 pages, some typos corrected, some technical details expanded and explaine

    Anatomical and histological observations of the reproductive tract in males and females of Tamandua tetradactyla (Myrmecophagidae: Xenarthra)

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    To the Xenarthra superorder belongs the anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) member of the Myrmecophagidae family. Because of the habitat fragmentation, local hunting and their usage as a pet, it?s has been categorized as ?potentially vulnerable? in Argentina. Anatomical dissections and morphometric studies were performed; histological and sperm morphometric were made by light and electron microscopy in reproductive tract of 5 females and 4 males. Differentiation of the external genitalia, between sexes, is difficult: females had a slit of the vulva occupying the entire body, while males had a terminal orifice near the tip of the penis. The conical penis is located adjacent to the anus and is composed mostly of dense connective tissue, the corpus spongiosum was less developed in its upper part and the distal end was not forming a glans. The testicles are located internally in the pelvic cavity and connected by a layer of visceral peritoneum. The ovaries were covered by a simple cubic epithelium and present a medulla surrounded by the cortex. The uterus was simple, pear-shaped and dorsoventrally flattened. Histological studies showed an urogenital sinus instead of a real vagina, the cervix was elongated and was called utero-vaginal canal. Between the cervix and the urogenital sinus all females showed a biperforated membranous septum, similar to an hymen.Fil: Rossi, L.F. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Laboratorio de Biología Cromosómica; ArgentinaFil: Rhon Calderón, E. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Laboratorio de Biología Cromosómica; ArgentinaFil: Alonso, F.M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Laboratorio de Biología Cromosómica; ArgentinaFil: Luaces, J.P. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Laboratorio de Biología Cromosómica; ArgentinaFil: Merani, M.S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Laboratorio de Biología Cromosómica; ArgentinaEl oso melero (Tamandua tetradactyla) pertenece a la familia Myrmecophagidae del superorden Xenarthra. La fragmentación del hábitat, la caza local y el mascotismo, lo ubican en la categorización ?potencialmente vulnerable? en Argentina. Para la aplicación a futuro de protocolos de biotecnología reproductiva en programas de manejo y conservación de gametos se realizaron disecciones anatómicas, estudios histológicos y de morfometría espermática (mediante microscopia óptica y electrónica) en tractos reproductores de 5 hembras y 4 machos. La diferenciación de la genitalia externa entre sexos resulta dificultosa: las hembras presentan una hendidura longitudinal y los machos presentan un orificio terminal en la punta del pene. El pene, contiguo al ano, está formado mayormente por tejido conectivo denso, el cuerpo esponjoso esta menos desarrollado en su parte superior y el extremo distal no forma un glande. Los testículos están ubicados internamente en la cavidad pélvica unidos por una capa del peritoneo visceral.\nLos ovarios presentan una serosa de epitelio simple cúbico y zona medular rodeada por la corteza. El útero es simple y dorso-ventralmente aplanado. Los estudios histológicos evidenciaron un seno urogenital en vez de una verdadera vagina, el cérvix fue elongado y fue denominado canal utero-vaginal. Entre este último y el seno urogenital, todas las hembras presentaron un tabique membranoso biperforado semejante a un himen

    Leishmania guyanensis parasites block the activation of the inflammasome by inhibiting maturation of IL-1β.

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    The various symptomatic outcomes of cutaneous leishmaniasis relates to the type and potency of its underlying inflammatory responses. Presence of the cytoplasmic javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@52daeaa2 RNA virus-1 (LRV1) within javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@be11ae5 , worsens lesional inflammation and parasite burden, as the viral dsRNA genome acts as a potent innate immunogen stimulating Toll-Like-Receptor-3 (TLR3). Here we investigated other innate pattern recognition receptors capable of reacting to dsRNA and potentially contributing to LRV1-mediated inflammatory pathology. We included the cytoplasmic dsRNA sensors, namely, the RIG-like receptors (RLRs) and the inflammasome-dependent and -independent Nod-like-receptors (NLRs). Our study found no role for RLRs or inflammasome-dependent NLRs in the pathology of javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@3dfe8dc4 infection irrespective of its LRV1-status. Further, neither LRV1-bearing javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@6e03fdb4 ( javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@6b89952c +) nor LRV1-negative javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@68bc8c8a ( javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@2165acf4 ) activated the inflammasome javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@507a0b31 . Interestingly, similarly to javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@77fdd4e7 , javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@7b29ce4e infection induced the up-regulation of the A20 protein, known to be involved in the evasion of inflammasome activation. Moreover, we observed that javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@77a7dfd3 + promoted the transcription of inflammasome-independent NLRC2 (also called NOD2) and NLRC5. However, only NLRC2 showed some contribution to LRV1-dependent pathology. These data confirmed that the endosomal TLR3 pathway is the dominant route of LRV1-dependent signalling, thus excluding the cytosolic and inflammasome pathways. We postulate that avoidance of the inflammasome pathways is likely an important mechanism of virulence in javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@77047195 infection irrespective of the LRV1-status

    Mammalian Innate Immune Response to a Leishmania-Resident RNA Virus Increases Macrophage Survival to Promote Parasite Persistence.

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    Some strains of the protozoan parasite Leishmania guyanensis (L.g) harbor a viral endosymbiont called Leishmania RNA virus 1 (LRV1). LRV1 recognition by TLR-3 increases parasite burden and lesion swelling in vivo. However, the mechanisms by which anti-viral innate immune responses affect parasitic infection are largely unknown. Upon investigating the mammalian host's response to LRV1, we found that miR-155 was singularly and strongly upregulated in macrophages infected with LRV1+ L.g when compared to LRV1- L.g. LRV1-driven miR-155 expression was dependent on TLR-3/TRIF signaling. Furthermore, LRV1-induced TLR-3 activation promoted parasite persistence by enhancing macrophage survival through Akt activation in a manner partially dependent on miR-155. Pharmacological inhibition of Akt resulted in a decrease in LRV1-mediated macrophage survival and consequently decreased parasite persistence. Consistent with these data, miR-155-deficient mice showed a drastic decrease in LRV1-induced disease severity, and lesional macrophages from these mice displayed reduced levels of Akt phosphorylation

    Importance of polyphosphate in the <i>Leishmania</i> life cycle.

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    Protozoan parasites contain negatively charged polymers of a few up to several hundreds of phosphate residues. In other organisms, these poly-phosphate (polyP) chains serve as an energy source and phosphate reservoir, and have been implicated in adaptation to stress and virulence of pathogenic organisms. In this study, we confirmed first that the polyP polymerase vacuolar transporter chaperone 4 ( &lt;i&gt;VTC4&lt;/i&gt; ) is responsible for polyP synthesis in &lt;i&gt;Leishmania&lt;/i&gt; parasites. During &lt;i&gt;Leishmania&lt;/i&gt; &lt;i&gt;in vitro&lt;/i&gt; culture, polyP is accumulated in logarithmic growth phase and subsequently consumed once stationary phase is reached. However, polyP is not essential since VTC4-deficient ( &lt;i&gt;vtc4 &lt;sup&gt;-&lt;/sup&gt;&lt;/i&gt; ) &lt;i&gt;Leishmania&lt;/i&gt; proliferated normally in culture and differentiated into infective metacyclic parasites and into intracellular and axenic amastigotes. In &lt;i&gt;in vivo&lt;/i&gt; mouse infections, &lt;i&gt;L. major&lt;/i&gt; &lt;i&gt;VTC4&lt;/i&gt; knockout showed a delay in lesion formation but ultimately gave rise to strong pathology, although we were unable to restore virulence by complementation to confirm this phenotype. Knockdown of &lt;i&gt;VTC4&lt;/i&gt; did not alter the course of &lt;i&gt;L. guyanensis&lt;/i&gt; infections in mice, suggesting that polyP was not required for infection, or that very low levels of it suffice for lesion development. At higher temperatures, &lt;i&gt;Leishmania&lt;/i&gt; promastigotes highly consumed polyP, and both knockdown or deletion of &lt;i&gt;VTC4&lt;/i&gt; diminished parasite survival. Thus, although polyP was not essential in the life cycle of the parasite, our data suggests a role for polyP in increasing parasite survival at higher temperatures, a situation faced by the parasite when transmitted to humans

    Interactive Design Using CFD and Virtual Engineering

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