45 research outputs found

    Lack of Prenylated Proteins, Autophagy Impairment and Apoptosis in SH-SY5Y Neuronal Cell Model of Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency

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    Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD), is a hereditary disease due to mutations in mevalonate kinase gene (MVK). MKD has heterogeneous clinical phenotypes: the correlation between MVK mutations and MKD clinical phenotype is still to be fully elucidated. Deficiency of prenylated proteins has been hypothesized as possible MKD pathogenic mechanism. Based on this hypothesis and considering that neurologic impairment characterizes Mevalonic Aciduria (MA), the most severe form of MKD, we studied the effects of I268T and N301T MVK mutations on protein prenylation, autophagy and programmed cell death in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell lines

    Comprehensive characterization of PTEN mutational profile in a series of 34,129 colorectal cancers

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    Loss of expression or activity of the tumor suppressor PTEN acts similarly to an activating mutation in the oncogene PIK3CA in elevating intracellular levels of phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate (PIP3), inducing signaling by AKT and other pro-tumorigenic signaling proteins. Here, we analyze sequence data for 34,129 colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, capturing 3,434 PTEN mutations. We identify specific patterns of PTEN mutation associated with microsatellite stability/instability (MSS/MSI), tumor mutational burden (TMB), patient age, and tumor location. Within groups separated by MSS/MSI status, this identifies distinct profiles of nucleotide hotspots, and suggests differing profiles of protein-damaging effects of mutations. Moreover, discrete categories of PTEN mutations display non-identical patterns of co-occurrence with mutations in other genes important in CRC pathogenesis, including KRAS, APC, TP53, and PIK3CA. These data provide context for clinical targeting of proteins upstream and downstream of PTEN in distinct CRC cohorts.Loss of the tumour suppressor gene PTEN leads to the activation of pro-tumourigenic signalling pathways. Here, the authors analyse sequencing data from a large cohort of colorectal cancer patients harbouring PTEN mutations and identify distinct patterns of associations with genomic and clinical features

    Multiomics integration in skin diseases with alterations in notch signaling pathway: PlatOMICs phase 1 deployment

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    The high volume of information produced in the age of omics was and still is an important step to understanding several pathological processes, providing the enlightenment of complex molecular networks and the identification of molecular targets associated with many diseases. Despite these remarkable scientific advances, the majority of the results are disconnected and divergent, making their use limited. Skin diseases with alterations in the Notch signaling pathway were extensively studied during the omics era. In the GWAS Catalog, considering only studies on genomics association (GWAS), several works were deposited, some of which with divergent results. In addition, there are thousands of scientific articles available about these skin diseases. In our study, we focused our attention on skin diseases characterized by the impairment of Notch signaling, this pathway being of pivotal importance in the context of epithelial disorders. We considered the pathologies of five human skin diseases, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Dowling Degos Disease, Adams-Oliver Syndrome, Psoriasis, and Atopic Dermatitis, in which the molecular alterations in the Notch signaling pathway have been reported. To this end, we started developing a new multiomics platform, PlatOMICs, to integrate and re-analyze omics information, searching for the molecular interactions involved in the pathogenesis of skin diseases with alterations in the Notch signaling pathway.This work was supported by a grant from the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS “Burlo Garofolo/Italian Ministry of Health” (BioHub 03/20), by the grant Interreg Italia-Slovenia, ISE-EMH 07/2019 and by CNPq (311415/2020-2)

    Pleiotropic role of notch signaling in human skin diseases

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    Notch signaling orchestrates the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis of epidermal cells by strictly interacting with other cellular pathways. Any disruption of Notch signaling, either due to direct mutations or to an aberrant regulation of genes involved in the signaling route, might lead to both hyper-or hypo-activation of Notch signaling molecules and of target genes, ultimately inducing the onset of skin diseases. The mechanisms through which Notch contributes to the pathogenesis of skin diseases are multiple and still not fully understood. So far, Notch signaling alterations have been reported for five human skin diseases, suggesting the involvement of Notch in their pathogenesis: Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Dowling Degos Disease, Adams–Oliver Syndrome, Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis. In this review, we aim at describing the role of Notch signaling in the skin, particularly focusing on the principal consequences associated with its alterations in these five human skin diseases, in order to reorganize the current knowledge and to identify potential cellular mechanisms in common between these pathologies.This work was supported by a Biomolecular Analyses for Tailored Medicine in AcneiNversa (BATMAN) project, funded by ERA PerMed and by a grant from the Institute for Maternal and Child Health IRCCS ‘Burlo Garofolo/Italian Ministry of Health’ (RC16/2018

    A rare loss-of-function genetic mutation suggest a role of dermcidin deficiency in hidradenitis suppurativa pathogenesis

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease with a multifactorial aetiology that involves a strict interplay between genetic factors, immune dysregulation and lifestyle. Familial forms represent around 40% of total HS cases and show an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance of the disease. In this study, we conducted a whole-exome sequence analysis on an Italian family of 4 members encompassing a vertical transmission of HS. Focusing on rare damaging variants, we identified a rare insertion of one nucleotide (c.225dupA:p.A76Sfs*21) in the DCD gene encoding for the antimicrobial peptide dermcidin (DCD) that was shared by the proband, his affected father and his 11-years old daughter. Since several transcriptome studies have shown a significantly decreased expression of DCD in HS skin, we hypothesised that the identified frameshift insertion was a loss-of-function mutation that might be associated with HS susceptibility in this family. We thus confirmed by mass spectrometry that DCD levels were diminished in the affected members and showed that the antimicrobial activity of a synthetic DCD peptide resulting from the frameshift mutation was impaired. In order to define the consequences related to a decrease in DCD activity, skin microbiome analyses of different body sites were performed by comparing DCD mutant and wild type samples, and results highlighted significant differences between the groins of mutated and wild type groups. Starting from genetic analysis conducted on an HS family, our findings showed, confirming previous transcriptome results, the potential role of the antimicrobial DCD peptide as an actor playing a crucial part in the etio-pathogenesis of HS and in the maintenance of the skin’s physiological microbiome composition; so, we can hypothesise that DCD could be used as a novel target for personalised therapeutic approach

    High resolution melting analysis for a rapid identification of heterozygous and homozygous sequence changes in the MUTYH gene

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    Background: MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) is an autosomal recessive form of intestinal polyposis predisposing to colorectal carcinoma. High resolution melting analysis (HRMA) is a mutation scanning method that allows detection of heterozygous sequence changes with high sensitivity, whereas homozygosity for a nucleotide change may not lead to significant curve shape or melting temperature changes compared to homozygous wildtype samples. Therefore, HRMA has been mainly applied to the detection of mutations associated with autosomal dominant or X-linked disorders, while applications to autosomal recessive conditions are less common. Methods: MUTYH coding sequence and UTRs were analyzed by both HRMA and sequencing on 88 leukocyte genomic DNA samples. Twenty-six samples were also examined by SSCP. Experiments were performed both with and without mixing the test samples with wild-type DNA. Results: The results show that all MUTYH sequence variations, including G > C and A > T homozygous changes, can be reliably identified by HRMA when a condition of artificial heterozygosity is created by mixing test and reference DNA. HRMA had a sensitivity comparable to sequencing and higher than SSCP. Conclusions: The availability of a rapid and inexpensive method for the identification of MUTYH sequence variants is relevant for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer susceptibility, since the MAP phenotype is highly variable

    Involvement of MBD4 inactivation in mismatch repair-deficient tumorigenesis

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    The DNA glycosylase gene MBD4 safeguards genomic stability at CpG sites and is frequently mutated at coding poly-A tracks in mismatch repair (MMR)-defective colorectal tumors (CRC). Mbd4 biallelic inactivation in mice provided conflicting results as to its role in tumorigenesis. Thus, it is unclear whether MBD4 alterations are only secondary to MMR defects without functional consequences or can contribute to the mutator phenotype. We investigated MBD4 variants in a large series of hereditary/familial and sporadic CRC cases. Whereas MBD4 frameshifts were only detected in tumors, missense variants were found in both normal and tumor DNA. In CRC with double-MBD4/MMR and single-MBD4 variants, transition mutation frequency was increased, indicating that MBD4 defects may affect the mutational landscape independently of MMR defect. Mbd4-deficient mice showed reduced survival when combined with Mlh1−/− genotype. Taken together, these data suggest that MBD4 inactivation may contribute to tumorigenesis, acting as a modifier of MMR-deficient cancer phenotype

    Prolonged treatment with mevalonolactone induces oxidative stress response with reactive oxygen species production, mitochondrial depolarization and inflammation in human glioblastoma U-87 MG cells

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    Mevalonate pathway impairment has been observed in diverse diseases, including Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency (MKD). MKD is a hereditary auto-inflammatory disorder, due to mutations at mevalonate kinase gene (MVK), encoding mevalonate kinase (MK) enzyme. To date, the most accredited MKD pathogenic hypothesis suggests that the typical MKD phenotypes might be due to a decreased isoprenoid production rather than to the excess and accumulation of mevalonic acid, as initially supported. Nevertheless, recent studies provide clear evidences that accumulating metabolites might be involved in MKD pathophysiology by exerting a toxic effect. Our work aims at describing the effects of accumulating mevalonolactone, mostly produced by a dehydration reaction due to mevalonic acid accumulation, using an in vitro cellular model mimicking the glial component of the central nervous system (human glioblastoma U-87 MG cells). In order to mimic its progressive increase, occurring during the disease, U-87 MG cells have been treated repeatedly with growing doses of mevalonolactone, followed by the assessment of oxidative stress response (evaluated by measuring SOD2 and HemeOX expression levels), ROS production, mitochondrial damage and inflammatory response (evaluated by measuring IL1B expression levels). Our results suggest that protracted treatments with mevalonolactone induce oxidative stress with augmented ROS production and mitochondrial damage accompanied by membrane depolarization. Furthermore, an increment in IL1B expression has been observed, thus correlating the accumulation of the metabolite with the development of a neuroinflammatory response. Our experimental work suggests to reconsider the presence of a possible synergy between the two major MKD pathogenic hypotheses in attempt of unravelling the different pathogenic pathways responsible for the disease

    25-Hydroxycholesterol and inflammation in Lovastatin-deregulated mevalonate pathway

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    Mevalonate pathway deregulation has been observed in several diseases, including Mevalonate kinase deficiency (MKD). MKD is a hereditary auto-inflammatory disorder, due to mutations at mevalonate kinase gene (MVK), encoding mevalonate kinase (MK) enzyme. MVK mutations have been reported as associated with impairment of mevalonate pathway with consequent decrease of protein prenylation levels, defective autophagy and increase of IL-1\u3b2 secretion, followed by cell death. Since 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-HC), a metabolite of cholesterol, can suppress IL-1\u3b2 production, thus reducing inflammation, we evaluated the effect of 25-HC in an in vitro model of mevalonate pathway alteration, obtained using Lovastatin. Human glioblastoma cell line (U87-MG) was chosen to mimic, at least in part, the central nervous system impairment observed in MKD; 25-HC effects were evaluated aimed at disclosing if this compound could be considered as novel potential drug for MKD. Our results showed that 25-HC is able to reduce inflammation but it is ineffective to restore autophagy flux and to decrease apoptosis levels, both caused by lower protein prenylation; so, in spite of its anti-inflammatory action it is not useful to rescue defective prenylation/autophagy impairment-driven apoptosis in Lovastatin impaired mevalonate pathway. We hypothesize the presence in the mevalonate pathway of alternative mechanisms acting between inflammation and apoptotic autophagy impairment