107 research outputs found

    Spin alignment and differential accretion in merging black hole binaries

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    Interactions between a supermassive black hole binary and the surrounding accretion disc can both assist the binary inspiral and align the black hole spins to the disc angular momentum. While binary migration is due to angular-momentum transfer within the circumbinary disc, the spin-alignment process is driven by the mass accreting on to each black hole. Mass transfer between different disc components thus couples the inspiral and the alignment process together. Mass is expected to leak through the cavity cleared by the binary, and preferentially accretes on to the lighter (secondary) black hole which orbits closer to the disc edge. Low accretion rate on to the heavier (primary) black hole slows the alignment process down. We revisit the problem and develop a semi-analytical model to describe the coupling between gas-driven inspiral and spin alignment, finding that binaries with mass ratio q<~0.2 approach the gravitational-wave driven inspiral in differential misalignment: light secondaries prevent primaries from aligning. Binary black holes with misaligned primaries are ideal candidates for precession effects in the strong-gravity regime and may suffer from moderately large (~1500 km/s) recoil velocities.DG is supported by the UK Science and Technology Facility Council and the Isaac Newton Studentship of the University of Cambridge; partial support is also acknowledged from FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG Grant No. 293412, FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES Grant No.295189, SDSC and TACC through XSEDE Grant No. PHY-090003 by the NSF, Finis Terrae through Grant No. ICTS-CESGA-249, ERC-2013-ADG Grant No. 341137, STFC Roller Grant No. ST/L000636/1 and DiRAC’s Cosmos Shared Memory system through BIS Grant No. ST/J005673/1 and STFC Grant Nos. ST/H008586/1, ST/K00333X/1.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stv121

    Grain growth in the envelopes and disks of Class I protostars

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    We present new 3 mm ATCA data of two Class I Young Stellar Objects in the Ophiucus star forming region: Elias29 and WL12. For our analysis we compare them with archival 1.1 mm SMA data. In the (u,v) plane the two sources present a similar behavior: a nearly constant non-zero emission at long baselines, which suggests the presence of an unresolved component and an increase of the fluxes at short baselines, related to the presence of an extended envelope. Our data analysis leads to unusually low values of the spectral index α1.1−3mm\alpha_{\rm 1.1-3mm}, which may indicate that mm-sized dust grains have already formed both in the envelopes and in the disk-like structures at such early stages. To explore the possible scenarios for the interpretation of the sources we perform a radiative transfer modeling using a Monte Carlo code, in order to take into account possible deviations from the Rayleigh-Jeans and optically thin regimes. Comparison between the model outputs and the observations indicates that dust grains may form aggregates up to millimeter size already in the inner regions of the envelopes of Class I YSOs. Moreover, we conclude that the embedded disk-like structures in our two Class Is are probably very compact, in particular in the case of WL12, with outer radii down to tens of AU.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Importance of source structure on complex organics emission III. Effect of disks around massive protostars

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    Complex organic molecules are only detected toward a fraction of high-mass protostars. The goal of this work is to investigate whether high-mass disks can explain the lack of methanol emission from some massive protostellar systems. We consider an envelope-only and an envelope-plus-disk model and use RADMC-3D to calculate the methanol emission. High and low millimeter (mm) opacity dust are considered for both models separately and the methanol abundance is parameterized. Viscous heating is included due to the high accretion rates of these objects in the disk. In contrast with low-mass protostars, the presence of a disk does not significantly affect the temperature structure and methanol emission. The shadowing effect of the disk is not as important for high-mass objects and the disk mid-plane is hot because of viscous heating, which is effective due to the high accretion rates. Consistent with observations of infrared absorption lines toward high-mass protostars, we find a vertical temperature inversion, i.e. higher temperatures in the disk mid-plane than the disk surface, at radii < 50au for the models with L=104L=10^4 L⊙_{\odot} and large mm opacity dust as long as the envelope mass is >550 M⊙_{\odot}. The large observed scatter in methanol emission from massive protostars can be mostly explained toward lower luminosity objects with the envelope-plus-disk models including low and high mm opacity dust. The methanol emission variation toward sources with high luminosities cannot be explained by models with or without a disk. However, the L/ML/M of these objects suggest that they could be associated with hypercompact/ultracompact HII regions. Therefore, the low methanol emission toward the high-luminosity sources can be explained by them hosting an HII region where methanol is absent.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Constraining turbulence in protoplanetary discs using the gap contrast: an application to the DSHARP sample

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    Constraining the strength of gas turbulence in protoplanetary discs is an open problem that has relevant implications for the physics of gas accretion and planet formation. In this work, we gauge the amount of turbulence in 6 of the discs observed in the DSHARP programme by indirectly measuring the vertical distribution of their dust component. We employ the differences in the gap contrasts observed along the major and the minor axes due to projection effects, and build a radiative transfer model to reproduce these features for different values of the dust scale heights. We find that (a) the scale heights that yield a better agreement with data are generally low (≲4\lesssim 4 AU at a radial distance of 100100 AU), and in almost all cases we are only able to place upper limits on their exact values; these conclusions imply (assuming an average Stokes number of ≈10−2\approx10^{-2}) low turbulence levels of αSS≲10−3−10−4\alpha_{\rm SS}\lesssim10^{-3}-10^{-4}; (b) for the 9 other systems we considered out of the DSHARP sample, our method yields no significant constraints on the disc vertical structure; we conclude that this is because these discs have either a low inclination or gaps that are not deep enough. Based on our analysis we provide an empirical criterion to assess whether a given disc is suitable to measure the vertical scale height.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages + appendix, 12 figure

    On the gas content of transitional disks: a VLT/X-Shooter study of accretion and winds

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    Transitional disks (TDs) are thought to be a late evolutionary stage of protoplanetary disks with dust depleted inner regions. The mechanism responsible for this depletion is still under debate. To constrain the models it is mandatory to have a good understanding of the properties of the gas content of the inner disk. Using X-Shooter broad band -UV to NIR- medium resolution spectroscopy we derive the stellar, accretion, and wind properties of a sample of 22 TDs. The analysis of these properties allows us to put strong constraints on the gas content in a region very close to the star (<0.2 AU) which is not accessible with any other observational technique. We fit the spectra with a self-consistent procedure to derive simultaneously SpT,Av,and mass accretion rates (Macc) of the targets. From forbidden emission lines we derive the wind properties of the targets. Comparing our findings to values for cTTs, we find that Macc and wind properties of 80% of the TDs in our sample, which is strongly biased towards strongly accreting objects, are comparable to those of cTTs. Thus, there are (at least) some TDs with Macc compatible with those of cTTs, irrespective of the size of the dust inner hole.Only in 2 cases Macc are much lower, while the wind properties are similar. We do not see any strong trend of Macc with the size of the dust depleted cavity, nor with the presence of a dusty optically thick disk close to the star. In the TDs in our sample there is a gas rich inner disk with density similar to that of cTTs disks. At least for some TDs, the process responsible of the inner disk clearing should allow for a transfer of gas from the outer disk to the inner region. This should proceed at a rate that does not depend on the physical mechanism producing the gap seen in the dust emission and results in a gas density in the inner disk similar to that of unperturbed disks around stars of similar mass.Comment: Accepted on Astronomy & Astrophysics. Abstract shortened to fit arXiv constraint

    Type II migration strikes back &#8211; an old paradigm for planet migration in discs

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    In this paper, we analyse giant gap-opening planet migration in proto-planetary discs, focusing on the type II migration regime. According to standard type II theory, planets migrate at the same rate as the gas in the disc, as they are coupled to the disc viscous evolution; however, recent studies questioned this paradigm, suggesting that planets migrate faster than the disc material. We study the problem through 2D long-time simulations of systems consistent with type II regime, using the hydrodynamical grid code FARGO3D. Even though our simulations confirm the presence of an initial phase characterized by fast migration, they also reveal that the migration velocity slows down and eventually reaches the theoretical prediction if we allow the system to evolve for enough time. We find the same tendency to evolve towards the theoretical predictions at later times when we analyse the mass flow through the gap and the torques acting on the planet. This transient is related to the initial conditions of our (and previous) simulations, and is due to the fact that the shape of the gap has to adjust to a new profile, once the planet is set into motion. Secondly, we test whether the type II theory expectation that giant planet migration is driven by viscosity is consistent with our simulation by comparing simulations with the same viscosity and different disc masses (or vice versa). We find a good agreement with the theory, since when the discs are characterized by the same viscosity, the migration properties are the same

    Effects of photoevaporation on protoplanetary disc &#8216;isochrones&#8217;

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    Protoplanetary discs are the site of star and planet formation, and their evolution and consequent dispersal deeply affect the formation of planetary systems. In the standard scenario they evolve on time-scales similar to Myr due to the viscous transport of angular momentum. The analytical self-similar solution for their evolution predicts specific disc isochrones in the accretion rate-disc mass plane. However, photoevaporation by radiation emitted by the central star is likely to dominate the gas disc dispersal of the innermost region, introducing another (shorter) time-scale for this process. In this paper, we include the effect of internal (X and EUV) photoevaporation on the disc evolution, finding numerical solutions for a population of protoplanetary discs. Our models naturally reproduce the expected quick dispersal of the inner region of discs when their accretion rates match the rate of photoevaporative mass loss, in line with previous studies. We find that photoevaporation preferentially removes the lightest discs in the sample. The net result is that, counter-intuitively, photoevaporation increases the average disc mass in the sample, by dispersing the lightest discs. At the same time, photoevaporation also reduces the mass accretion rate by cutting the supply of material from the outer to the inner disc. In a purely viscous framework, this would be interpreted as the result of a longer viscous evolution, leading to an overestimate of the disc age. Our results thus show that photoevaporation is a necessary ingredient to include when interpreting observations of large disc samples with measured mass accretion rates and disc masses. Photoevaporation leaves a characteristic imprint on the shape of the isochrone. Accurate data of the accretion rate-disc mass plane in the low disc mass region therefore give clues on the typical photoevaporation rate

    Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion by binary stars

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    Binary stars often move through an ambient medium from which they accrete material and angular momentum, as in triple-star systems, star-forming clouds, young globular clusters and in the centres of galaxies. A binary form of Bondi-Hoyle-Lyttleton accretion results whereby the accretion rate depends on the binary properties: the stellar masses and separation, and the relative wind speed. We present the results of simulations performed with the hydrodynamic code GANDALF, to determine the mass accretion rates over a range of binary separations, inclinations and mass ratios. When the binary separation is short, the binary system accretes like a single star, while accretion onto stars in wide binaries is barely affected by their companion. We investigate intermediate-separation systems in some detail, finding that as the binary separation is increased, accretion rates smoothly decrease from the rate equal to that of a single star to the rate expected from two isolated stars. The form of this decrease depends on the relative centre-of-mass velocity of the binary and the gas, with faster-moving binaries showing a shallower decrease. Accretion rates vary little with orbital inclination, except when the orbit is side-on and the stars pass through each others' wakes. The specific angular momentum accretion rate also depends on the inclination but is never sufficient to prevent the binary orbit from contracting. Our results may be applied to accretion onto protostars, pollution of stars in globular and nuclear clusters, and wind mass-transfer in multiple stellar systems.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA
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