191 research outputs found

    Four-quark stability

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    The physics of charm has become one of the best laboratories exposing the limitations of the naive constituent quark model and also giving hints into a more mature description of meson spectroscopy, beyond the simple quark--antiquark configurations. In this talk we review some recent studies of multiquark components in the charm sector and discuss in particular exotic and non-exotic four-quark systems, both with pairwise and many-body forces.Comment: 6 pages. Article based on the presentations by J. Vijande and J.-M. Richard at the Fifth Workshop on Critical Stability, Erice, Sicil

    Low-Mass Baryon-Antibaryon Enhancements in B Decays

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    The nature of low-mass baryon-antibaryon enhancements seen in B decays is explored. Three possibilities include (i) states near threshold as found in a model by Nambu and Jona-Lasinio, (ii) isoscalar states with JPC=0±+J^{PC} = 0^{\pm +} coupled to a pair of gluons, and (iii) low-mass enhancements favored by the fragmentation process. Ways of distinguishing these mechanisms using angular distributions and flavor symmetry are proposed.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, no figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D. One reference adde

    Final-State Phases in BDπ,DπB \to D \pi, D^* \pi, and DρD \rho Decays

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    The final-state phases in BˉDπ,Dπ\bar{B} \to D \pi, D^* \pi, and DρD \rho decays appear to follow a pattern similar to those in DKˉπD \to \bar{K} \pi, Kˉπ\bar{K}^* \pi, and Kˉρ\bar{K} \rho decays. Each set of processes is characterized by three charge states but only two independent amplitudes, so the amplitudes form triangles in the complex plane. For the first two sets the triangles appear to have non-zero area, while for the DρD \rho or Kˉρ\bar{K} \rho decays the areas of the triangles are consistent with zero. Following an earlier discussion of this behavior for DD decays, a similar analysis is performed for B decays, and the relative phases and magnitudes of contributing amplitudes are determined. The significance of recent results on \ob \to D^{(*)0} \bar{K}^{(*)0} is noted. Open theoretical and experimental questions are indicated.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. D. References added; comments on new experimental results and analysi

    New Fermions at e+^+e^- Colliders: I. Production and Decay

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    We analyze the production in e+ee^+e^- collisions of new heavy fermions stemming from extensions of the Standard Model. We write down the most general expression for the production of two heavy fermions and their subsequent decays, allowing for the polarization of the e+^+e^- initial state and taking into account the final polarization of the fermions. We then discuss the various decay modes including cascade and three body decays, and the production mechanisms, both pair production and single production in association with ordinary fermions.Comment: 21 pages (no figures), Preprint UdeM-LPN-TH-93-15

    Non-Abelian dynamics and heavy multiquarks, Steiner-tree confinement in hadron spectroscopy

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    A brief review is first presented of attempts to predict stable multiquark states within current models of hadron spectroscopy. Then a model combining flip-flop and connected Steiner trees is introduced and shown to lead to stable multiquarks, in particular for some configurations involving several heavy quarks and bearing exotic quantum numbers.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Invited talk at the 21st European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Spain, August 29th--September 3rd, 2010, to appear in the Proceedings, ed.~A.~Valcarce et al., to appear in Few-Body Syste

    Ratios of BB and DD Meson Decay Constants in Relativistic Quark Model

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    We calculate the ratios of BB and DD meson decay constants by applying the variational method to the relativistic hamiltonian of the heavy meson. We adopt the Gaussian and hydrogen-type trial wave functions, and use six different potentials of the potential model. We obtain reliable results for the ratios, which are similar for different trial wave functions and different potentials. The obtained ratios show the deviation from the nonrelativistic scaling law, and they are in a pretty good agreement with the results of the Lattice calculations.Comment: 13 pages, 1 Postscript figur

    Search for Short-Term Periodicities in the Sun's Surface Rotation: A Revisit

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    The power spectral analyses of the Sun's surface equatorial rotation rate determined from the Mt. Wilson daily Doppler velocity measurements during the period 3 December 1985 to 5 March 2007 suggests the existence of 7.6 year, 2.8 year, 1.47 year, 245 day, 182 day and 158 day periodicities in the surface equatorial rotation rate during the period before 1996. However, there is no variation of any kind in the more accurately measured data during the period after 1995. That is, the aforementioned periodicities in the data during the period before the year 1996 may be artifacts of the uncertainties of those data due to the frequent changes in the instrumentation of the Mt. Wilson spectrograph. On the other hand, the temporal behavior of most of the activity phenomena during cycles 22 (1986-1996) and 23 (after 1997) is considerably different. Therefore, the presence of the aforementioned short-term periodicities during the last cycle and absence of them in the current cycle may, in principle, be real temporal behavior of the solar rotation during these cycles.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Final-State Phases in Charmed Meson Two-Body Nonleptonic Decays

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    Observed decay rates indicate large phase differences among the amplitudes for the charge states in DKˉπD \to \bar K \pi and DKˉπD \to \bar K^* \pi but relatively real amplitudes in the charge states for DKˉρD \to \bar K \rho. This feature is traced using an SU(3) flavor analysis to a sign flip in the contribution of one of the amplitudes contributing to the latter processes in comparison with its contribution to the other two sets. This amplitude may be regarded as an effect of rescattering and is found to be of magnitude comparable to others contributing to charmed particle two-body nonleptonic decays.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 4 figures, to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Z-Z' Mass Hierarchy in a Supersymmetric Model with a Secluded U(1)'-Breaking Sector

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    We consider the Z'/Z mass hierarchy in a supersymmetric model in which the U(1)' is broken in a secluded sector coupled to the ordinary sector only by gauge and possibly soft terms. A large mass hierarchy can be achieved while maintaining the normal sparticle spectra if there is a direction in which the tree level potential becomes flat when a particular Yukawa coupling vanishes. We describe the conditions needed for the desired breaking pattern, to avoid unwanted global symmetries, and for an acceptable effective mu parameter. The electroweak breaking is dominated by A terms rather than scalar masses, leading to tan beta ~ 1. The spectrum of the symmetry breaking sector is displayed. There is significant mixing between the MSSM particles and new standard model singlets, for both the Higgs scalars and the neutralinos. A larger Yukawa coupling for the effective mu parameter is allowed than in the NMSSM because of the U(1)' contribution to the running from a high scale. The upper bound on the tree-level mass of the lightest CP even Higgs doublet mass is about c x 174 GeV, where c is of order unity, but the actual mass eigenvalues are generally smaller because of singlet mixing.Comment: Latex, 12 Tables, 22 page

    Renormalization of the Lattice HQET Isgur-Wise Function

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    We compute the perturbative renormalization factors required to match to the continuum Isgur-Wise function, calculated using lattice Heavy Quark Effective Theory. The velocity, mass, wavefunction and current renormalizations are calculated for both the forward difference and backward difference actions for a variety of velocities. Subtleties are clarified regarding tadpole improvement, regulating divergences, and variations of techniques used in these renormalizations.Comment: 28 pages, 0 figures, LaTeX. Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. (Minor changes.