31 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan Agama Islam merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran pokok di Sekolah dasar, di dalamnya terdapat materi tentang kisah kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW. Untuk itu guru harus berusaha agar murid termotivasi dalam mengikuti pembelajaran, agar tujuan yang diharapkan dapat tercapai dengan maksimal. Berdasarkan dari latar belakang penelitian, peneliti menemukan gejala-gejala pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, bahwa motivasi murid dengan metode ceramah masih tergolong rendah, oleh karena itu perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini, yaitu : apakah melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team assisted individually dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar murid? Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas pada siklus I, ke II dan ke III – dengan melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team assisted individually sesuai dengan tujuan peneliti dapat meningkatkan motivasi murid dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Adapun pemecahan masalah tersebut, dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut : Perencanaan Tindakan, Pelaksanaan Tindakan, Observasi, dan Refleksi. Berdasarkan analisis data observasi Motivasi belajar murid pada siklus I motivasi belajar murid hanya mencapai 53,09% dalam kategori sedang. Pada siklus II Motivasi belajar murid baru mencapai 75,92% masih dalam kategori sedang. Sedangkan pada siklus III motivasi belajar murid sudah mencapai 85,80% dengan kategori tinggi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, terlihat bahwa motivasi murid dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe team assisted individually (TAI) dapat dikatakan meningkat

    Determinants and Countermeasures Strategy of Stock out High on Drug Use in the Abepura General Hospital

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    This study aims to determine: (1) To determine the level of knowledge and engagement of staffs Abepura hospital pharmacy in the selection process of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (2) To determine the level of knowledge and staffs engagement in installation Abepura hospital pharmacy in the planning process of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (3) To know level of knowledge and engagement of staffs Abepura hospital pharmacy in the process of procurement of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (4) To determine the level of knowledge and staffs engagement Abepura hospital pharmacy distribution process of pharmaceuticals in Abepura IFRS. (5) To determine the level of knowledge and employee involvement Installation Abepura hospital pharmacy in the evaluation process which includes recording and reporting in IFRS Abepura. (6) To know the strengths and weaknesses based on SWOT analysis in Abepura hospital pharmacy installation. (7) To determine the opportunities and threats based on SWOT analysis in Abepura hospital pharmacy installation. This study was conducted installed Abepura Hospital Pharmacy. Data taken with data collection by filling the questionnaire chief clerk pharmaceutical Installation Abepura Hospital, with the data needed for research and observation techniques done by observation and recording with a direct review of the factors internal and external to the Abepura hospital pharmacy installation. Analysis of the data used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the pharmaceutical supply management process involves less labor Pharmacy Installation and knowledge of management of the drug in Abepura IFRS employee is still lacking and SWOT analysis states that the Abepura hospital pharmacy installation has been able to compete in the market competitive rivalry. Based on the SWOT analysis, Abepura Hospital Pharmacy Installation can take advantage of existing strengths and opportunities and minimize weaknesses and threats. Strategies that can be done consists of: (1) Strategy SO (Strength Opportunities) include market share, strengthen cooperation with institutions of health providers and governments. (2) Strategy WO (Weakness Opportunities) that increase customer loyalty and improve product quality and improve service procedures. (3) Strategy ST (Strength Treats) consists of cooperating with other hospitals, define your target market, and improve quality of service. (4) Strategy WT (Weakness Treats) is increasing promotion through various media and establish quality of service to users or BPJS Jamkemas program


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    Siriban or metaphor is one of the local wisdoms that is often used to provide education to the Kadazan community. Siriban is mostly still in the form of oral tradition and dominated by elderly people. Therefore this study was conducted to collect Siriban through fieldwork and then conducted an analysis to see local wisdom to focus on the values contained in Siriban education and impact on the formation of the younger generation of Kadazan. Analysis of the data found that Siriban have educational value of local wisdom that can provide awareness and consciousness to a person thus changing the negative attitude into a positive. As a result of this awareness and consciousness will have an impact on the formation of a generation that has humility, diplomacy, patience, tolerance, respect, courtesy, rational and wisdom. This makes Siriban suitable as teaching and learning materials because the education value is capable in realizing the goals of the National Education Philosophy to produce a generation with good character and personality as well as balanced in terms of physically and spiritually

    The Effectiveness Of Using Gakushuugoi Module to Enhance Students Japanese Vocabulary Skills

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of gakushuugoi module usage to improve Japanese vocabulary mastery for learners. The method used in this study is an experimental quantitative method, a pre-test and a post-test. The population of sample data in this study is the Japanese elementary level learners (Shokyuu A) of Bimbel AEC Semarang. To determine the effect of Gakushuugoi module usage in the use of Japanese vocabulary, the data analysis was carried out before and after the treatment. From the results of data analysis, it is known that the t count is 7.78 and the df is 9. It happens since the value of t table for df 9 is 2.26 at a significant level of 5% t table and 3.25 at a significant level of 1% t table. Thus, the value of the t count is greater than the t table. This shows that there are significant differences between the variables X (post-test) and variable Y (pre-test). Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the use of effective gakushuugoi module can improve the mastery of Japanese vocabulary.   &nbsp

    Rights of inmates mother in relation to child custody / Rosliah Abdul Ramlan and Lydiana Mansor.

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    Rule 13(1) of the Rules of Prison 2000 ('the rule 13(1)') allows only child below three years to reside with the mother in prison and after the stipulated age, the child must be separated from the mother. While Article 9(1) of the Conventions on the Rights of the Children (CRC) provides inter alia, that child and parent(s) cannot be separated against their will except by a competent authority, subject to judicial review. Thus rule 13 seems to be in contrast with the provision in CRC. The next issue is as a consequence of imprisonment of the wife, the husband may claim to have a sole custody of the children contending that the wife has lost her right of custody to the child for being an inmate. It is found that although the rule 13(1) allow the separation of child at the age of three or four years, the age which is considered as still young, but, since it is within the scope of Article 9(1) of the CRC, whereby, the prison authority is a competent authority to make such rule, therefore, rule 13(1) cannot be said as inconsistent with the provision in CRC. Additionally, experts advised that it is for the best interest of the child to be separated from the mother even at the young age and it is also universally accepted that prison is not suitable for the mental and psychological development of a child. On the other hand, a mother does not lose her rights of custody to her children due to her imprisonment

    Peluang Dan Cabaran Pendidikan Dalam Kalangan Masyarakat Luar Bandar : Satu Kajian Kes Isi Rumah Melayu Miskin Di Jajahan Bachok, Kelantan [HC445.6. S625 2009 f rb].

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    Kemiskinan merupakan masalah yang serius terutama dalam kalangan isi rumah Melayu di kawasan luar bandar. Masalah ini dipengaruhi oleh tahap pendidikan sesebuah keluarga. Poverty is a serious predicament especially among Malay householders in rural areas. This problem is influenced by the educational level of a particular family

    Penggunaan Teknologi Maklumat Dan Komunikasi Dalam Aktiviti Perniagaan Wanita Luar Bandar

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    Rural communities are always associated with deprivation in life. Although various developments are carried out in the rural areas, the problems faced are never able to be solved. Nowadays, exposure towards the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) among the rural communities could lead to opportunities that could be fully-benefited. Masyarakat luar bandar seringkali dikaitkan dengan keadaan hidup serba kekurangan. Walaupun terdapat pelbagai pembangunan dilaksanakan di luar bandar, namun masalah yang dihadapi tidak pernah dapat diselesaikan. Pada masa kini, pendedahan tentang perkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (TMK) dalam kalangan masyarakat luar bandar mampu membuka peluang untuk dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya

    Kemiskinan keluarga dan pengaruhnya terhadap tahap pendidikan rendah masyarakat luar bandar: kajian kes di jajahan Bachok, Kelantan

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    Tahap pendidikan rendah sering dikaitkan dengan masyarakat di kawasan luar bandar. Ini kerana masyarakat luar bandar mempunyai kekangan dalam aspek mendapatkan ilmu pendidikan, peluang pekerjaan dan memperoleh pendapatan tinggi. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat di luar bandar berada dalam tahap pendidikan yang rendah. Kajian menggunakan kaedah kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk pengumpulan data. Soal selidik telah dijalankan ke atas 230 orang responden yang terdiri daripada Senarai Keluarga Miskin Jajahan Bachok. Data yang diperolehi daripada responden dianalisis untuk maklumat deskriptif dan “ranking analysis” menggunakan perisian SPSS. Kajian mendapati hampir 40 peratus responden berpendapat bahawa faktor utama yang mempengaruhi tahap pendidikan rendah di luar bandar adalah disebabkan faktor kewangan yang berkaitan dengan pendapatan rendah yang diperoleh ketua keluarga. Selain itu faktor latar belakang pendidikan yang rendah dalam kalangan ketua keluarga turut memberi kesan kepada pencapaian pendidikan anak-anak mereka. Walau bagaimanapun majoriti daripada responden menyedari kepentingan pendidikan untuk generasi mereka. Oleh itu, penekanan dan keperluan peluang dalam aspek pendidikan khususnya di lokasi luar bandar perlu diperkukuhkan dengan lebih jitu lagi

    Information and Communications Technology Development Products Towards Strengthening Rural Communities in Malaysia

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    This study aims to evaluate the extent of development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ability to empower rural communities and enhance their economic productivity. ICT is a core catalyst for the development of a country to achieve developed nation status. However, rural communities are still exposed to the challenges and constraints in order to promote ICT development in rural areas. To address this issue, the government has established various objectives to ensure that rural communities are not marginalized. In an effort to take advantage of ICT development in rural areas, governments and agencies have developed various ICT-based products in rural areas. Programs such as Center of Telecenter, Rural Internet Centre (PID), Medan Info Desa, e-Village/e-Community, K-TRAK, PKIT and others are among the products introduced to the rural community. The purpose of the introduction of this product is to focus on the government’s efforts in ensuring the development of balanced urban and rural areas from different angles. Through ICT products, a rural community not just only follows the development of the ICT revolution, but to create a knowledgeable society and helps to boost the quality of life of rural communities. Thus, this paper will discuss ICT products developed in the rural areas of Malaysia, the purpose and prospects of the product development and the challenges faced during its implementation. Hopefully, the discussion and recommendations given could trigger the opportunity and space in making ICT as a driving force to economic development in rural areas.Key words: ICT products; Rural communities; The use of ICT; Economic catalys

    The Measurement of Validity, Stability and Consistency in Essay Writing Structuring Techniques Based on Interactive Multimedia Graphic: A Case-Study in Malaysia

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    In this modern era, the essay writing techniques are required to be aligned with the sustainability in acquiring information through digital and virtual materials. In getting research results, which are innovative, creative, and critical, this research was conducted to measure the validity, stability, and consistency of essay writing structuring techniques by using the interactive multimedia graphic materials. A quasi-experimental method is used based on the quantitative research design. The sample consists of 30 secondary school students in Shah Alam, Selangor. The data were analyzed descriptively through mean and standard deviation. The data were also tested by inference using ANCOVA statistics. The results showed a significant difference, that is, F=13.3, at the level of <0.05. The implication of this research is that the knowledge of the interactive multimedia graphic material is essential to the technical structure in essay writing especially when involving the writing skills element, namely in the Learning and Facilitation (PdPc) of Malay language