172 research outputs found

    Teacher Perceptions: Principal Leadership, Teacher Discipline and Their Influence on Teacher Performance

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of madrasah principal leadership and discipline on teacher performance at Baitul Muslim Integrated Islamic Elementary School Way Jepara, Lampung Timur, Indonesia. Correlational research design is used to test the strength or weakness of the relationship between perceptions of principal leadership, and teacher work discipline, with teacher performance. this research is a population study. The research data were collected using questionnaires and documentation methods. The research data were analyzed using the descriptive quantitative analysis method with the calculation of Pearson correlation (product-moment) with the help of SPSS version 21. The results of the study show that there is a positive and significant influence between teachers' perceptions of the leadership of principals and teacher performance at Baitul Muslim Integrated Islamic Elementary School Way Jepara, Lampung Timur, Indonesia,. There is a positive and significant influence between work discipline and teacher performance at Baitul Muslim Integrated Islamic Elementary School Way Jepara, Lampung Timur, Indonesia. The achievement or improvement of teacher performance is largely determined by teachers' perceptions of the principal's leadership and work discipline. The results of the analysis show that discipline is one of the factors originating from internal teachers that support the improvement of teacher performance. Good discipline will have a maximum impact and encourage teachers to maximize their performance

    Strengthening Creative Thinking Ability: A Project-Based Physics Assessment Instrument

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    Creative thinking is one of the skills needed in education in the 21st century which requires students to think appropriately in accordance with relevant and diverse sources of information. This study examines students' creative thinking skills during project-based physics learning In the subject of work and energy. The study was conducted by 36 students in their first year of high school. It was obtained using a simple random sampling technique in one of the high schools in Kotaagung, Tanggamus. The assessment tool utilized in the study was a project assessment tool supported by a worksheet on business and energy materials. It was a valid, reliable, and useful instrument. According to the research's findings, 36 students achieved the following levels of creativity in each indicator: 1) fluency (69%); 2) flexibility (80%); 3) originality (69%); and 4)  elaboration (68%)

    Development of Assessment Instruments in Project-Based Learning to Measure Students Scientific Literacy and Creative Thinking Skills on Work and Energy Materials

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    This study aims to develop a project-based learning assessment instrument to measure scientific literacy and students creative thinking skills on work and energy material that is valid, reliable, and practical to use. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) using 7 development steps adapted from Borg & Gall (1989). The results of the expert validation of the scientific literacy skills assessment instrument and students creative thinking skills were declared valid with a very high category. In the results of the data test analysis, there were 20 questions on the scientific literacy ability instrument and 18 questions on the creative material of the thinking ability instrument which were declared valid. Meanwhile, in the practicality test, this assessment instrument obtained very high criteria. based on the results that have been obtained, the final product is a project-based learning assessment to measure students’ scientific literacy and creative thinking abilities in the developed business and energy material that meets the eligibility standards of the instrument, that is valid, reliable and practical.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen asesmen pada pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains dan berpikir kreatif siswa pada materi usaha dan energi yang valid, reliabel, dan praktis untuk digunakan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian peng embangan (R&D) dengan menggunakan 7 langkah pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari Borg & Gall (1989).Berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli instrumen asesmen kemampuan literasi sains dan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa diperoleh nilai rata-rata persentase sebesar 85,73% dengan kategori sangat tinggi. Sehingga, instrumen asesmen ini layak untuk digunakan. Kemudian, instrumen asesmen ini diujicobakan kepada 36 siswa dan sel anjutnya dianalisis menggunakan model Rasch dengan berbantuan software Ministep 4.5.1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data uji coba diperoleh sebanyak 20 butir soal instrumen kemampuan literasi sains dan 18 butir soal instrumen kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang dinyatakan valid. Butir soal pada instrumen asesmen kemampuan literasi dan berpikir kreatif siswa dinyatakan reliabel dengan nilai alpha Cronbach berturut-turut sebesar 0,91 dan 0,90 dengan kategori bagus sekali. Uji kepraktisan instrumen asesmen ini memperoleh rata-rata skor sebesar 85,64%dengan kriteria sangat tinggi. Produk akhir asesmen pada pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk mengukur kemampuan literasi sains dan berpikir kreatif siswa pada materi usaha dan energi yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi standar kelayakan instrumen, yaitu valid, reliabel, dan praktis


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    Pembelajaran dengan pendekatan saintifik seharusnya digunakan dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 di sekolah dasar dan menengah di seluruh Indonesia. Karakteristik pembelajaran ini merupakan kunci untuk menghasilkan siswa yang kreatif dan inovatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implemantasi pendekatan saintifik dan permasalahannya dalam pembelajaran IPA SMP di Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian dengan metode Cross-Sectional Survey telah dilaksanakan. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa SMP Negeri dan Swasta di Kota Bandar Lampung yang telah menggunakan kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajaran IPA. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif melalui reduksi data, klasifikasi dan penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman guru-guru IPA SMP di Kota Bandar Lampung tentang pembelajaran saintifik tidak sesuai dengan konsep pendekatan ilmiah. Hanya 48% guruà yang telah memahami tentang pendekatan saintifik dengan baik, meskipun telah menggunakan kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajarannya. Implementasi pembelajaran saintifik oleh guru tidak berjalan dengan baik. Hanya 4% guru yang menggunakan kegiatan 5 M (mengamati, menanya, menggali informasi/mencoba, mengasosiasi/menalar, dan mengomunikasikan) secara lengkap dan runtut. Sementara, 42% guru tidak dapat mengorganisasikan kegiatan 5 M dengan urutan yang logis dan 54% guru tidak menggunakan kegiatan 5 M. Penilaian pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh sebagian besar guru tidak sesuai dengan karakteristik pendekatan saintifik karena didominasi oleh penilaian kognitif. Temuan ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan referensi bagi lembaga-lembaga pendidikan berkaitan dengan pendekatan saintifik dalam pembelajaran IPA di SMP. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut disarankan kepada sekolah agar dapat memfasilitasi guru untuk kegiatan lesson study yang dilaksanakan secara rutin dan berkesinambungan.à àKata kunci: pembelajaran IPA SMP,à pendekatan saintifik, kurikulum 2013

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Terintegrasi Soft Skills dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif yang terintegrasi soft skills untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pegembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Subjek penelitian pada tahapan implementasi adalah siswa kelas V SDIT Muhammadiyah Gunung Terang Bandar Lampung Tahun Pelajaran 2019-2020. Data penelitian dipeoleh dari observasi, wawancara, angket respon guru dan siswa terhadap media pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan sangat valid dengan skor dari validasi ahli materi sebesar 81% dan validasi ahli media sebesar 84%. Media pembelajaran ini juga dinyatakan praktis sebagaimana hasil uji praktisi mendapatkan skor sebesar 86% dan uji coba siswa sebesar 88%

    Developing PBL To Improve Mathematical Problem Solving And Self Efficacy

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    This study is a research development (R&D) that aims to find out developing Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities and valid, practical and effective student self-efficacy. The procedure of this research uses research development by Borg & gall, Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Developing Preliminary of Products, Preliminary Testing ,Main Product Revision, Main Field Test, Operational Product Revision, Operational Field Testing, Final Product Revision, Dissemination and Implementation, but in this study it was carried out only to the sixth stage. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, questionnaires, and tests. The design is validated by the learning model design expert, while the learning device is validated by the material expert, media expert and education practitioner. Furthermore the design was revised according to expert opinion. It was concluded that the ability to solve mathematical problems and self efficacy with problem based learning is more effective than the ability to solve mathematical problems with conventional learning

    Development of Project Assessment Instruments to Measure Science Literation Abilities in Integrated Learning at the Four Grade of Elementary School

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    The purpose of this research is produce a project assessment instrument product to measure students' scientific literacy skills theoretically and empirically feasible on the theme of always saving energy. This research used research and development, refers to the theory of Borg & Gall. The subjects of this research consisted of 6 students and 2 educators. The data collecting technique used expert validation questionnaire, practitioner questionnaire and students. The data analysis technique was carried out in a mixed manner between qualitative and quantitative. The results of this research indicate that the project appraisal instrument is feasible theoretically and empirically to measure students' scientific literacy abilities. The theoretical feasibility of the project appraisal instrument to measure students' scientific literacy skills is based on the assessment of 3 experts who obtained an average score of 81.43 in the "very good" category. The empirical feasibility of the project appraisal instrument to measure students 'scientific literacy skills was based on the teacher usability questionnaire which received an average score of 90.5 and the students' readability questionnaire obtained an average score of 89.6 in the very good category. Based on the results of all analyzes, it shows that the project appraisal instrument is suitable for measuring students' scientific literacy skills. Keyword: Instruments, Project Appraisal, Science Literacy DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-3-12 Publication date: January 31st 202


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    The purpose of this research to produce a product of formative assessment model by guided-inquiry based to foster self-regulation of student in physics learning of high school, produce special are: characteristic formative assessment model, practically, benefit, and effectiveness formative assessment model guided-inquiry based to foster self-regulation student’ learning high school in development. The research is a research and development (R&D). Design development use a one-shot case study design. Subject trials is a physics teacher and student in high school. Data collection techniques such as questionnaires and assessment instruments. The results of the formative assessment model guided-inquiry based developement have characteristics of a set of assessments consisting of assessment scenarios, pretest-posttest, self-assessment & peer-assessment sheets and scoring guidelines. The results of the practicality and benefit test show that the formative assessment model is a very practical with amount 91% and very effective with amount 95% for use during physics learning. Furthermore, the results its effectiveness test show that are implementation of a formative assessment model guided-inquiry based is highly effective (n-gain = 0.75) used during physics learning.Keywords: Formative Assessment Model, Guided-Inquiry, Self-Regulation

    Instrument of Creative Thinking Skills in Project Based Learning Physics

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    To identify students’ creative thinking skills, appropriate instrument is needed. This study aimed to produce a valid creative thinking skills instrument. From several relevant studies, they only focus their research on developing skills instruments using a 4-D model approach and problem solving, while this research uses a project-based pursuit approach. The results of the validation of the three validators covering aspects of construction, substance, and language, revealed that the average score of the validation results for the construction aspects was 83% which was considered very valid. The average score of the validation results on the substance aspect is 86% with very valid criteria, and in the language aspect it reaches 85% with very valid criteria. Accordingly, this instrument of creative thinking skills is said to have been qualified with very decent and excellent quality for use in learning in schools to help teachers to assess students’ creative thinking skills


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    This study aims to develop a High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) question instrument with a variety of IT-based stimulus using a valid and reliable Wondershare Quiz Qreator (WQC) on kinematics material, describe the appropriate CBT settings for IT-based question instruments using this WQC, the difference in average number of students answering the questions correctly on variation of the situation used and the level of difficulty of the questions. This study uses research and development methods.  The research design used was adapted from the research design of Borg & Gall with limited only to the 7th stage, namely research and data collection, product planning, initial product development, early stage trials, revision of test results, field trials, and products.  end.  The question instrument developed has a cognitive level of analyzing (C4), evaluating (C5), and creating (C6).  Prior to field testing, the instrument was tested by experts which consisted of a material validation test with a score of 3.37 (very valid), constructs with a score of 3.16 (valid), language with a score of 3.15 (valid), and CBT settings with a score of 3.24 (valid).  The research sample for field trials, namely 22 students of class X MIA MA Al-Hidayat Gerning.  The results of the data obtained were analyzed with the help of SPSS software.  The question instrument contains 3 very difficult questions, 9 moderate questions, and 12 very easy questions.  Based on the results of the study, the HOTS test instrument developed was valid and reliable with Cronbach's alpha value of 0.874 which was in very good criteria.