201 research outputs found

    Λ{\Lambda}-enhanced grey molasses on the D2D_2 transition of Rubidium-87 atoms

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    Laser cooling based on dark states, i.e. states decoupled from light, has proven to be effective to increase the phase-space density of cold trapped atoms. Dark-states cooling requires open atomic transitions, in contrast to the ordinary laser cooling used for example in magneto-optical traps (MOTs), which operate on closed atomic transitions. For alkali atoms, dark-states cooling is therefore commonly operated on the D1D_1 transition nS1/2nP1/2n S_{1/2}\rightarrow n P_{1/2}. We show that, for 87Rb^{87}\text{Rb}, thanks to the large hyperfine structure separations the use of this transition is not strictly necessary and that ""quasi-dark state"" cooling is efficient also on the D2D_2 line, 5S1/25P3/25 S_{1/2}\rightarrow 5 P_{3/2}. We report temperatures as low as (4.0±0.3)μ(4.0\pm 0.3)\,\muK and an increase of almost an order of magnitude in the phase space density with respect to ordinary laser sub-Doppler cooling

    „Was verstehst Du unter sprachsensiblem Fachunterricht?“ – Perspektiven von Lehrkräften

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    Theoretisch und empirisch wird das Konstrukt des sprachsensiblen Fachunterrichts vage gefasst. Die Gründe hierfür liegen in unterschiedlichen Konzeptionen der Zielgruppe(n), von Sprache(n) und didaktischen Herangehensweisen. Für die vorliegende Studie wurden in Einzelinterviews Lehrpersonen befragt, die entweder Biologie, Chemie oder ein Sprachfach unterrichten und sich im Rahmen eines fächerübergreifenden Projekts intensiv mit sprachsensiblem Unterricht auseinandersetzen. Die qualitative Auswertung der Daten zeigt die Vielschichtigkeit des Themas. Vorstellungen von Vereinfachen-Müssen und additivem Nebeneinanderdenken von Sprache und Fach sind erkennbar, jedoch auch Erkenntnisprozesse, in denen Sprache funktional und integrativ verstanden wird. Hieraus ergibt sich einerseits der Bedarf einer konzeptionellen Schärfung von ‚sprachsensiblem Fachunterricht‘ und andererseits einer verstärkten Kooperation aller, die sich an sprachlicher und fachlicher Bildung beteiligen.Theoretically and empirically, the construct of language-sensitive subject teaching has only been vaguely defined. The reasons for this lie in different conceptions of the target group(s), language(s), and didactic approaches. For the present study, individual interviews were conducted with teachers who teach either biology, chemistry or a language subject and who are intensively involved in language-sensitive teaching within the sensiMINT project. The qualitative analysis of the data shows the complexity of the topic. Notions of having to simplify the language and additive side-by-side thinking of language and subject are discernible, but also cognitive processes in which language is understood in a functional and integrative way. On the one hand, this results in the need for a conceptual sharpening of ‘language-sensitive subject teaching’ and, on the other hand, for increased cooperation between all those involved in language and subject education

    Historical eye on IPF: a cohort study redefining the mortality scenario

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    RationaleTherapies that slow idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) progression are now available and recent studies suggest that the use of antifibrotic therapy may reduce IPF mortality.ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to evaluate whether, to what extent, and for which factors the survival of IPF in a real-life setting has changed in the last 15 years.MethodsHistorical eye is an observational study of a large cohort of consecutive IPF patients diagnosed and treated in a referral center for ILDs with prospective intention. We recruited all consecutive IPF patients seen at GB Morgagni Hospital, Forlì, Italy between January 2002 and December 2016 (15 years). We used survival analysis methods to describe and model the time to death or lung transplant and Cox regression to model prevalent and incident patient characteristics (time-dependent Cox models were fitted).Measurements and main resultsThe study comprised 634 patients. The year 2012 identifies the time point of mortality shift (HR 0.58, CI 0.46–0.63, p < 0.001). In the more recent cohort, more patients had better preserved lung function, underwent cryobiopsy instead of surgery, and were treated with antifibrotics. Highly significant negative prognostic factors were lung cancer (HR 4.46, 95% CI 3.3–6, p < 0.001), hospitalizations (HR 8.37, 95% CI 6.5–10.7, p < 0.001), and acute exacerbations (HR 8.37, 95% CI 6.52–10.7, p < 0.001). The average antifibrotic treatment effect estimated using propensity score matching showed a significant effect in the reduction of all-cause mortality (ATE coeff −0.23, SE 0.04, p < 0.001), acute exacerbations (ATE coeff −0.15, SE 0.04, p < 0.001), and hospitalizations (ATE coeff −0.15, SE 0.04, p < 0.001) but no effect on lung cancer risk (ATE coeff −0.03, SE 0.03, p = 0.4).ConclusionAntifibrotic drugs significantly impact hospitalizations, acute exacerbations, and IPF survival. After the introduction of cryobiopsy and antifibrotic drugs, the prognosis of IPF patients has significantly improved together with our ability to detect IPF at an earlier stage

    ‘A Chain of Creation, Continuation, Continuity’ : Feminist dramaturgy and the matter of the sea

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    This article considers what remnants of the imaginary link established between the maternal and the sea might still be useful in feminist performance practice and theory. It does so by discussing a practice-as-research experiment that adapted strategies from Hélène Cixous’s écriture féminine–which performs a liquification of ordering structures in prose writing–into a dramaturgical form based on the logic of waves. The article goes on to suggest that such a dramaturgy recasts creation as a fluid state of becoming ex tempore, resisting the masculine-connoted vision of creation as an act of the singular genius ex nihilo. It further argues that drawing on a non-human phenomenon, the sea, to describe and theorise a type of dramaturgical composition might be read as a twofold attempt on the hegemony of patriarchal culture: through its associative link with the maternal body the creative potential of the feminine is revalued while at the same time the generative capacity of the non-human is recognised via Gaston Bachelard’s notion of the material imagination. The article concludes by proposing that the sea, together with its analogic association to the maternal, can be instated as a figure that gives temporary shape to an alternative vision of cultural production

    Bolničke infekcije urinarnog traktaposlije kateterizacije pacijenata u Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik Nosocomial infections of the urinary tract after catheterization of patients at the General Hospital Dubrovnik

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    Uvod: Kateterizacijamokraćnog sustava u početku je izvođena uporabom šupljihdrvenih cjevčica i palminog lišća. Danas se urinarni kateteri izrađuju od fleksibilnih lako sterilizirajućih materijala.Bolničke infekcije vodeći su uzrok morbiditeta i mortaliteta kod bolesnika u bolničkom režimu liječenja. Usporedo s razvojem materijala za izradu urinarnih katetera povećavala se i njihova uporaba, ali i incidencija infekcija mokraćnog sustava. Bilježenje, analiza i upotreba podataka o infekcijama važan su dio planiranja mjera kojima možemo utjecati na prevenciju, ali i na što učinkovitije liječenje već nastalih infekcija, i to posebice zbog potrebe kontinuiranog smanjenja direktnih i indirektnih troškova liječenja. Metode: Retrospektivno deskriptivno istraživanje. Istraživanje je provedeno u Općoj bolnici Dubrovnik u vremenu od 2011. do 2015. godine. Uključni su kriteriji bili, i to: ukupan broj bolesnika te onih kod kojih je učinjena kateterizacija mokraćnog mjehura; pacijenti s mikrobiološkom analizom verificiranim postojanje infekcija urotrakta, podatci o broju dana bolničkog liječenja, bolnički odjel, u razmatranje je uvršteno pet bolničkih odjela, verificirano postojanje antibiograma pretrage urina. U istraživanom razdoblju iznalazi se da je bolnički liječeno 10615 bolesnika, a uključne kriterije zadovoljavaju 204 bolesnika. Rezultati: Ukupni broj infekcija uzrokovan kateterizacijom mokraćnog sustava iznosio je 1,9%, s najvećom incidencijom u starosnoj dobi većoj od 65 godina [77,45%]. U odnosu na incidenciju, uzročnici infekcije mokračnog sustava bili su, i to: Pseudomonas (22,05%), Klebsiella (19,11%), Enterococcus (15,58%), Escherichia (15,58%) Enterobacter (8,33%). U odnosu na spol, značajno je niža pojavnost kod ženske populacije[54,42%], u odnosu na do danas publicirane rezultate. Značajno je niska pojavnost infekcija uzrokovanih zlatnim stafilokokom [1;0,49%]. Zastupljenost po spolovima u znatnoj je mjeri odstupala od očekivanih rezultata. Literaturni navodi usmjeravaju na očekivanje značajno višeg postotka žena sa IMS-u povezanim s kateterizacijom, u rasponu od 75–80%, ovisno o izvoru. U muškoj populaciji infekcija mokraćnog sutava zabilježena je u obimu od 45,58%. Zaključak: Prevalencija verificiranih infekcija mokraćnog sustava koje su uzrokovane kateterizacijom ne razlikuje se značajno od do danas publiciranih rezultata učinjenih studija. Međutim, iznalazi se značajno veća incidencija infekcije mokraćnog sustava u bolesnika muške populacije u odnosu na publicirane rezultate sličnih studija. Stoga se iznalazi potreba za dodatnom analizom pojavnosti infekcija mokraćnog trakta uzrokovanih kateterizacijom, u kojoj bi trebalo usporediti prevalenciju infekcije u odnosu na pojavnost po svakom pojedinom bolničkom odjelu i to u ovisnosti o sveukupnom broju hospitaliziranih pacijenata i verificiranih dijagnoza. Visoka incidencija infekcije kod bolesnika muške po-pulacije nije kompatibilna s dosad publiciranim rezultatima, te navedeno može biti značajan čimbenik u daljnjoj evaluaciji točnosti podataka informatičkog sustava Opće bolnice Dubrovnik i za provođenje budućih istraživanja

    The cognitive effects of listening to background music on older adults: processing speed improves with upbeat music, while memory seems to benefit from both upbeat and downbeat music

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    Background music refers to any music played while the listener is performing another activity. Most studies on this effect have been conducted on young adults, while little attention has been paid to the presence of this effect in older adults. Hence, this study aimed to address this imbalance by assessing the impact of different types of background music on cognitive tasks tapping declarative memory and processing speed in older adults. Overall, background music tended to improve performance over no music and white noise, but not always in the same manner. The theoretical and practical implications of the empirical findings are discussed