11 research outputs found

    Determination of Ketamine and Norketamine in hair samples using MEPS as sample clean-up

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    Palestra realizada no encontro SoHT-GTFI Joint Meeting, Verona, Junho 2022Introduction and Aim: The use of hair samples to determine ketamine (K) and its metabolite, norketamine (NK), has been studied by several authors, using different clean-up approaches. However, microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS), a miniaturized form of the classic solid-phase extraction has not been applied to date for the purpose. Therefore, a method to determine K and NK in hair samples was developed, optimized, and validated using MEPS as sample clean-up. Materials & Methods: Hair samples were scissor-cut into small fragments, and rinsed with methanol to remove dirt and externally deposited material. Following an overnight incubation with methanol at 65 ºC (no stirring), the compounds were analysed by GC-MS/MS without the need of derivatization procedures; MEPS conditions were: conditioning (5 x 250 µL of methanol and 4 x 250 µL of deionized water); load (10 x 150 µL of hair extract); washing (50 µL of 0.1% acetic acid and 50 µL of 10% methanol); and elution (100 µL of 3% ammonium hydroxide in methanol). Results & Discussion: The procedure resulted in acceptable recoveries, 39-61% for K and 32-43% for NK, and allowed reaching limits of quantification (LOQs) of 50 pg/mg for both analytes. The analytical method presented acceptable accuracy and precision with coefficients of variation typically lower than 15% and BIAS within ± 15%, except at the LOQ (20%). The method was successfully applied to 2 authentic samples, and ketamine concentrations were below 0.05 and 0.18 ng/mg. Norketamine was not detected. Conclusions: This work is the first analytical method using MEPS coupled to GC-MS/MS for the determination of K and NK in hair samples. Following a comparison with a SPE-based method using authentic samples, it was considered rapid and suitable for routine analysis. Acknowledgments: FCT (UIDB /00709/2020 and UIDP/00709/2020). A.Y. Simão acknowledges the PhD fellowship from FCT (2020.09070.BD).N/

    The Determination of Cannabinoids in Urine Samples Using Microextraction by Packed Sorbent and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

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    Cannabis is the most consumed illicit drug worldwide, and its legal status is a source of concern. This study proposes a rapid procedure for the simultaneous quantification of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 11-hydroxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (11-OH-THC), 11-nor-9-carboxy-Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH), cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN) in urine samples. Microextraction by packed sorbent (MEPS) was used to pre-concentrate the analytes, which were detected by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The procedure was previously optimized, and the final conditions were: conditioning with 50 µL methanol and 50 µL of water, sample load with two draw–eject cycles, and washing with 310 µL of 0.1% formic acid in water with 5% isopropanol; the elution was made with 35 µL of 0.1% ammonium hydroxide in methanol. This fast extraction procedure allowed quantification in the ranges of 1–400 ng/mL for THC and CBD, 5–400 ng/mL for CBN and 11-OH-THC, and 10–400 ng/mL for THC-COOH with coefficients of determination higher than 0.99. The limits of quantification and detection were between 1 and 10 ng/mL using 0.25 mL of sample. The extraction efficiencies varied between 26 and 85%. This analytical method is the first allowing the for determination of cannabinoids in urine samples using MEPS, a fast, simple, and low-cost alternative to conventional techniquesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Miniaturized solid phase extraction techniques applied to natural products

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    Natural products are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives through their use in industry, food, as therapeutic agents, etc. To evaluate their possible applications, it is essential to characterize them chemically to explore their potential. Different techniques may be used to characterize natural products, including microextraction techniques. These techniques have been gaining popularity due to the advantages associated with their low use of organic solvents and the small amount of sample used relative to more classical sample preparation techniques. Their application in the extraction of compounds from natural products is still scarce. This manuscript intends to review the most used solid-based miniaturized sample preparation techniques applied to determining compounds in natural products. The main applications of these methodologies will be discussed, with a particular focus on natural product analysis, as well as their advantages and disadvantages over traditionally used sample preparation techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Determinação de Ketamina e Norketamina em amostras de cabelo por microextração em seringa empacotada e GC-MS/MS

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    Poster apresentado no 20º Congresso Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, 5ª Reunião da rede de Serviços médico-legais e Forenses de Língua Portuguesa, Coimbra, 2022As novas substâncias psicoativas (NSP) continuam a representar um desafio considerável para a saúde pública e um problema para a sociedade. A ketamina (KET) é uma destas substâncias. O cabelo tem vindo a ser utilizado como uma matriz complementar à urina e ao sangue nas análises toxicológicas. A microextração em seringa empacotada (MEPS) tem vindo a ser mais utilizada em análises toxicológicas pelas diversas vantagens que apresenta, nomeadamente a redução do uso de solventes, rapidez e possibilidade de reutilização do adsorvente, sendo por isso economicamente mais apelativa que a clássica extração em fase sólida. Neste trabalho apresenta-se o desenvolvimento de um método de clean-up com recurso à MEPS para a determinação de KET e o seu metabolito norketamina (NK) em amostras de cabelo por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massa em tandem (GCMS/ MS)N/

    Determinação da cocaína e metabolitos em águas residuais com recurso à extração em fase sólida e à cromatografia de gases acoplada à espectrometria de massa em tandem

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    Comunicação apresentada no 13º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, Lisboa, 17-19 dezembro, 2023.A cocaína (COC) é a segunda droga mais consumida na Europa, causando graves problemas de saúde pública, tendo contribuído para um aumento de overdoses fatais relacionadas com o consumo de drogas de abuso1. A análise de águas residuais (AR’s) para determinar o consumo de drogas tem-se tornado cada vez mais comum devido ao seu custo reduzido, elevadas precisão e confiabilidade, e por recorrer a uma matriz ambiental, não invasiva, que apresenta baixa probabilidade de adulteração. Neste estudo, foi desenvolvido e validado um método para determinar COC e os metabolitos ecgonina metil éster (EME), benzoilecgonina (BEG), cocaetileno (COET), e norcocaína (NCOC) em AR’s, utilizando extração em fase sólida (SPE) e cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas em tandem (GC-MS/MS). O método foi otimizado e validado de acordo com as normas internacionais de validação. Foi obtida uma linearidade de 0,00625-5 ng/mL para todos os analitos, tendo sido obtidos coeficientes de determinação superiores 0,9990. O limite inferior de quantificação (LLOQ) para todos os compostos foi de 0,00625 ng/mL. As precisões e exatidão intra-dia, inter-dia e intermédias apresentaram coeficientes de variação abaixo de 15%, e uma exatidão de ±15% para todos os compostos analisados. Além disso, o procedimento permitiu alcançar recuperações entre 72% e 115%. Salienta-se que este procedimento é o primeiro método que utiliza a SPE, com cartuchos Strata TM-X-C, combinada com GC-MS/MS para a determinação de COC e metabolitos em AR’s. Este método torna-se então uma alternativa adequada para a monitorização da COC e dos seus metabolitos em amostras de AR’s, demonstrando elevada importância ambiental e forense.N/

    Miniaturized Solid Phase Extraction Techniques Applied to Natural Products

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    Natural products are increasingly becoming part of our daily lives through their use in industry, food, as therapeutic agents, etc. To evaluate their possible applications, it is essential to characterize them chemically to explore their potential. Different techniques may be used to characterize natural products, including microextraction techniques. These techniques have been gaining popularity due to the advantages associated with their low use of organic solvents and the small amount of sample used relative to more classical sample preparation techniques. Their application in the extraction of compounds from natural products is still scarce. This manuscript intends to review the most used solid-based miniaturized sample preparation techniques applied to determining compounds in natural products. The main applications of these methodologies will be discussed, with a particular focus on natural product analysis, as well as their advantages and disadvantages over traditionally used sample preparation techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Otimização de uma metodologia por microextração em seringa empacotada e cromatografia gasosa-espetrometria de massa em tandem para a identificação de arilciclohexaminas em amostras de cabelo

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    Poster apresentado no 12º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, Aveiro, dezembro de 2022As novas substâncias psicoativas (NPS) têm vindo a tornar-se um problema cada vez mais um problema de saúde pública. Em Portugal, a ketamina (KET) entrou para a lista de NSP com o Decreto-Lei nº 54/2013. Inicialmente sintetizada com o intuito de substituir a fenciclidina (PCP) como anestésico, acabou por ser usada recreativamente devido aos seus efeitos alucinogénios e estimulantes. Recentemente, a esketamina (análogo da KET) foi introduzida com finalidade terapêutica no tratamento de depressão major refractária a outra terapêutica. Para distinguir o consumo terapêutico do recreativo é necessário que existam métodos que para a sua deteção e quantificação. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido e otimizado um método para a deteção de KET e seu metabolito (norketamina – NK) em amostras de cabelo com recurso à microextração em seringa empacotada (MEPS) e cromatografia de gases acoplada à espetrometria de massa em tandem (GC-MS/MS). (1) Foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a determinação de KET e NK em amostras de cabelo com recurso à MEPS; (2) A GC-MS/MS foi crucial para deteção inequívoca dos analitos, aumentando a sensibilidade e seletividade do método; (3) As recuperações obtidas são adequadas e foram alcançados LODs baixos (alcançando os cut-offs (0,2 ng/mg) propostos pela Society of Hair Testing) (4) Primeiro método analítico que permite a determinação de KET e NK em amostras de cabelo com recurso a MEPS e GC-MS/MSN/

    An Update on the Implications of New Psychoactive Substances in Public Health

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    Funding: The Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy–i4HB (project LA/P/0140/2020) which are financed by National Funds from FCT/MCTES. Ana Y. Simão and Mónica Antunes acknowledge the PhD fellowships from FCT (2020.05765.BD). Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The emergence of new psychoactive substances has earned a great deal of attention, and several reports of acute poisoning and deaths have been issued involving, for instance, synthetic opiates. In recent years, there have been profound alterations in the legislation concerning consump-tion, marketing, and synthesis of these compounds; rapid alert systems have also been subject to changes, and new substances and new markets, mainly through the internet, have appeared. Their effects and how they originate in consumers are still mostly unknown, primarily in what concerns chronic toxicity. This review intends to provide a detailed description of these substances from the point of view of consumption, toxicokinetics, and health consequences, including case reports on intoxications in order to help researchers and public health agents working daily in this area.publishersversionpublishe

    Sensors in the Detection of Abused Substances in Forensic Contexts: A Comprehensive Review

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    orensic toxicology plays a pivotal role in elucidating the presence of drugs of abuse in both biological and solid samples, thereby aiding criminal investigations and public health initiatives. This review article explores the significance of sensor technologies in this field, focusing on diverse applications and their impact on the determination of drug abuse markers. This manuscript intends to review the transformative role of portable sensor technologies in detecting drugs of abuse in various samples. They offer precise, efficient, and real-time detection capabilities in both biological samples and solid substances. These sensors have become indispensable tools, with particular applications in various scenarios, including traffic stops, crime scenes, and workplace drug testing. The integration of portable sensor technologies in forensic toxicology is a remarkable advancement in the field. It has not only improved the speed and accuracy of drug abuse detection but has also extended the reach of forensic toxicology, making it more accessible and versatile. These advancements continue to shape forensic toxicology, ensuring swift, precise, and reliable results in criminal investigations and public health endeavours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Therapeutic Potential of Amphetamine-like Psychostimulants

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    This review delves into the therapeutic applications of amphetamine-type stimulants such as lisdexamphetamine dimesylate, mixed amphetamine salts, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), dextroamphetamine, and phentermine. These compounds have been investigated for their potential in treating a range of psychiatric disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), drug dependence, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obesity. Lisdexamphetamine dimesylate has shown promise in effectively treating ADHD symptoms in both children and adults. Additionally, it has been explored as a potential treatment for drug dependency and withdrawal, demonstrating encouraging results. Mixed amphetamine salts have also exhibited efficacy in reducing ADHD symptoms in adults. Future research should explore their potential use in treating bipolar disorder and cocaine dependence, considering the associated risks and benefits. MDMA-assisted psychotherapy has emerged as an innovative approach to treating PTSD, leading to sustained reductions in symptoms and even promoting post-traumatic growth. Furthermore, it has shown promise in managing anxiety related to life-threatening illnesses. Dextroamphetamine and phentermine have demonstrated efficacy in treating cocaine and opioid dependence, ADHD, and obesity. However, careful consideration and monitoring by medical professionals are essential due to the potential risks and benefits associated with them. In conclusion, amphetamine-type stimulants present a promising avenue for therapeutic interventions in various psychiatric conditions. Nevertheless, further research is necessary to comprehensively understand their mechanisms of action, dosage requirements, and long-term effects in different patient populations