9 research outputs found

    Utah State University: English Composition Library Instruction Program – A Program within Programs

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    This case study book chapter presents missions, allocation of resources and labor, supervisory structures, prioritization approaches, and other processes and structures required to make the English Composition Library Instruction Program work. The program consists of an integration with Utah State University’s English 1010 and English 2010 courses. Both of these courses have their own separate objectives and learning outcomes, and the overall goal is that once students finish (or test out of) both courses, they will have developed foundational research and writing skills related to rhetorical argumentation. Our goal in describing our program is to showcase an example of an internal structure that falls under a larger umbrella of information literacy goals and expectations library wide

    Library Structures as Sites to Rethink: Using Established Workflows to Open a New Understanding of EDI Unit Culture

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    This panel of presenters explored how established workflows, documentation, and cross-campus connections could be re-purposed to promote EDI unit goals. The purpose of this panel will be to 1) model how one library unit is working to integrate EDI conversations and practices into established library and unit structures 2) offer a reflective and interactive component to help participants identify what structures they already have in place at their institutions that could be recast with an EDI focus, and 3) share professional development examples that can support EDI needs and open conversations within a unit

    Everybody’s Publishing but Me! How a Writing Group Can Help Actualize Your Publishing Dreams

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    On any given day, one can go to the Chronicle of Higher Education and see a new article on the trials and tribulations of publishing and seeking tenure in academia. Anxiety inducing titles such as “Measuring Up” and “The Stress of Academic Publishing” reaffirm the notion that one must publish, or perish. While this type of pressure pushes some to success, for others, it makes it harder to write. However, you don’t have to travel this writing and publishing road alone. Inspired by the book Every Other Thursday: Stories and Strategies from Successful Women Scientists by Ellen Daniell, a small group of women academics and professionals in Logan, Utah found their support team through the creation of a writing group in Spring 2009

    Restoring Lake Urmia: Moving beyond a Uniform Lake Level (2-page Summary)

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    More than 5 million people live near Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran, one of the world\u27s largest hypersaline lakes. Over the past two decades, the lake has lost 95% of its volume, lake level has dropped more than 7 m, and lake restoration has gained widespread interest. The government seeks a uniform ecological target lake level of 1274.1 m above sea level to lower salinity below 240 gL-1 and recover brine shrimp (Artemia spp.) and flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus). We have synthesized over 40 years of available data, defined 8 ecosystem services for human health, water quality, ecology, recreation, and economy (Box 1), and related each service to lake levels with uncertainties (Box 2)

    Occupational Outlook Handbook

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    The Occupational Outlook Handbook, or OOH, is a resource from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This video will explore this resource.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/elearning_all/1023/thumbnail.jp

    Braving the Conversation: Facilitating Discussions on Diversity & Inclusion

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    We all want to build inclusive spaces and experiences for our libraries and our users, but how do we begin? Being intentional about leading vulnerable discussions with our colleagues presents us with unique opportunities to share our experiences and learn about equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). However, these conversations can often be emotional minefields. How do we work past the discomfort and get to solutions that will improve our workplace and our libraries? This interactive workshop will lead participants in a conversation of challenges, opportunities, and questions that Utah librarians face with EDI efforts. While the presenters will model facilitation and offer tips and best practices, they are not EDI experts, but rather fellow explorers on this path

    Abstracts of papers presented at the 13th Conference of the Weed Science Society of Israel Abstracts of papers presented at the Third Israeli-Italian Phytopathological Symposium

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