381 research outputs found

    Improved scaling of Time-Evolving Block-Decimation algorithm through Reduced-Rank Randomized Singular Value Decomposition

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    When the amount of entanglement in a quantum system is limited, the relevant dynamics of the system is restricted to a very small part of the state space. When restricted to this subspace the description of the system becomes efficient in the system size. A class of algorithms, exemplified by the Time-Evolving Block-Decimation (TEBD) algorithm, make use of this observation by selecting the relevant subspace through a decimation technique relying on the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). In these algorithms, the complexity of each time-evolution step is dominated by the SVD. Here we show that, by applying a randomized version of the SVD routine (RRSVD), the power law governing the computational complexity of TEBD is lowered by one degree, resulting in a considerable speed-up. We exemplify the potential gains in efficiency at the hand of some real world examples to which TEBD can be successfully applied to and demonstrate that for those system RRSVD delivers results as accurate as state-of-the-art deterministic SVD routines.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Product and rate determinations with chemically activated nucleotides in the presence of various prebiotic materials, including other mono- and polynucleotides

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    We are investigating the reactions of ImpN's in the presence of a number of prebiotically plausible materials, such as metal ions, phosphate, amines and other nucleotides and hope to learn more about the stability/reactivity of ImpN's in a prebiotic aqueous environment. We find that, in the presence of phosphate, ImpN's form substantial amounts of diphosphate nucleotides. These diphosphate nucleotides are not very good substrates for template directed reactions, but are chemically activated and are known to revert to the phosphoimidazolides in the presence of imidazole under solid state conditions. With respect to our studies of the oligomerization reaction, the determination of the dimerization rate constant of a specific ImpN (guanosine 5'-phospho 2 methylimidazolide) both in the absence and the presence of the template leads to the conclusion that at 37 C the dimerization is not template directed, although the subsequent polymerization steps are. In other words, this specific polynucleotide synthesizing system favors the elongation of oligonucleotides as compared with the formation of dimers and trimers. This favoring of the synthesis of long as opposed to short oligonucleotides may be regarded as a rudimentary example of natural selection at the molecular level

    Phase-dependent exciton transport and energy harvesting from thermal environments

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    Non-Markovian effects in the evolution of open quantum systems have recently attracted widespread interest, particularly in the context of assessing the efficiency of energy and charge transfer in nanoscale biomolecular networks and quantum technologies. With the aid of many-body simulation methods, we uncover and analyse an ultrafast environmental process that causes energy relaxation in the reduced system to depend explicitly on the phase relation of the initial state preparation. Remarkably, for particular phases and system parameters, the net energy flow is uphill, transiently violating the principle of detailed balance, and implying that energy is spontaneously taken up from the environment. A theoretical analysis reveals that non-secular contributions, significant only within the environmental correlation time, underlie this effect. This suggests that environmental energy harvesting will be observable across a wide range of coupled quantum systems.Comment: 5 + 4 pages, 3 + 2 figures. Comments welcom

    Electrical resistance of individual defects at a topological insulator surface

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    Three-dimensional topological insulators host surface states with linear dispersion, which manifest as a Dirac cone. Nanoscale transport measurements provide direct access to the transport properties of the Dirac cone in real space and allow the detailed investigation of charge carrier scattering. Here, we use scanning tunnelling potentiometry to analyse the resistance of different kinds of defects at the surface of a (Bi0.53Sb0.47)2Te3 topological insulator thin film. The largest localized voltage drop we find to be located at domain boundaries in the topological insulator film, with a resistivity about four times higher than that of a step edge. Furthermore, we resolve resistivity dipoles located around nanoscale voids in the sample surface. The influence of such defects on the resistance of the topological surface state is analysed by means of a resistor network model. The effect resulting from the voids is found to be small compared to the other defects

    Cold and COVID: Recurrent Pernio during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Pernio is a commonly reported cutaneous manifestation of SARS-CoV-2 infection.(1) Our international registry of COVID-19 dermatologic manifestations has collected 1,176 total cases of COVID-19 skin manifestations, including 619 cases of pernio in suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients.(1) Most patients with new-onset pernio were entered into the registry after the first pandemic wave (79% in March-May 2020). Starting in September 2020, the registry received reports of a subset of these patients who developed recurrent pernio in the following months

    Treatment of melanoma cells with the synthetic retinoid CD437 induces apoptosis via activation of AP-1 in vitro, and causes growth inhibition in xenografts in vivo

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    Human malignant melanoma is notoriously resistant to pharmacological modulation. We describe here for the first time that the synthetic retinoid CD437 has a strong dose-dependent antiproliferative effect on human melanoma cells (IC50: 5 x 10(-6) M) via the induction of programmed cell death, as judged by analysis of cell morphology, electron microscopical features, and DNA fragmentation. Programmed cell death was preceded by a strong activation of the AP-1 complex in CD437-treated cells as demonstrated by gel retardation and chloramphenicol transferase (CAT) assays. Northern blot analysis showed a time-dependent increase in the expression of c-fos and c-jun encoding components of AP-1, whereas bcl-2 and p53 mRNA levels remained constant. CD437 also exhibited a strong growth inhibitory effect on MeWo melanoma cells in a xenograft model. In tissue sections of CD437-treated MeWo tumors from these animals, apoptotic melanoma cells and c-fos overexpressing cells were colocalized by TdT-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate-digoxigenin nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining and in situ hybridization. Taken together, this report identifies CD437 as a retinoid that activates and upregulates the transcription factor AP-1, leading eventually to programmed cell death of exposed human melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether synthetic retinoids such as CD437 represent a new class of retinoids, which may open up new ways to a more effective therapy of malignant melanoma

    Predicting the Position of Attributive Adjectives in the French NP

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    Cet article est une version révisée de l'article paru dans Student session of the European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information, Copenhague : Danemark (2010)International audienceThis article proposes a quantitative study of the placement alternation for the adjective within the noun phrase in French. Taking the hypothesis that position constraints are mostly preferential as a starting point, we develop a methodology based on statistical inference in order to provide a formal account of the relative importance of different groups of constraints. Results show the relative importance of lexical constraints and that frequency-based and length constraints are the best predictors. This suggests that the placement of adjectives not only depends on our knowledge of lexical items but also on the knowledge of the way in which we use them in discourse, i.e. on usage

    Intermediate Outcomes, Strategies, and Challenges of Eight Healthy Start Projects

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    Site visits were conducted for the evaluation of the national Healthy Start program to gain an understanding of how projects design and implement five service components (outreach, case management, health education, depression screening and interconceptional care) and four system components (consortium, coordination/collaboration, local health system action plan and sustainability) as well as program staff’s perceptions of these components’ influence on intermediate outcomes. Interviews with project directors, case managers, local evaluators, clinicians, consortium members, outreach/lay workers and other stakeholders were conducted during 3-day in-depth site visits with eight Healthy Start grantees. Grantees reported that both services and systems components were related to self-reported service achievements (e.g. earlier entry into prenatal care) and systems achievements (e.g. consumer involvement). Outreach, case management, and health education were perceived as the service components that contributed most to their achievements while consortia was perceived as the most influential systems component in reaching their goals. Furthermore, cultural competence and community voice were overarching project components that addressed racial/ethnic disparities. Finally, there was great variability across sites regarding the challenges they faced, with poor service availability and limited funding the two most frequently reported. Service provision and systems development are both critical for successful Healthy Start projects to achieve intermediate program outcomes. Unique contextual and community issues influence Healthy Start project design, implementation and reported accomplishments. All eight projects implement the required program components yet outreach, case management, and health education are cited most frequently for contributing to their perceived achievements
