56 research outputs found


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    Resenha: FREITAS, Luiz Carlos de. Ciclos, Seriação e Avaliação: confronto de lógicas. São Paulo: Moderna, 2003


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    omnilateral e politécnica na proposta político-pedagógica, nas práticas dos professores, dos gestores, dos pais e dos alunos de uma escola do campo, bem como identificar como a escola se relaciona com o seu entorno: sindicatos, pastorais, associação de produtores (as), cooperativa. O objeto da pesquisa é a Escola Estadual Florestan Fernandes, no Assentamento Doze de Outubro, no Município de Cláudia/MT. O método referência que permeia a pesquisa é o histórico crítico. Para a pesquisa de campo utilizamos as técnicas de observação, análise documental. Os resultados apontam que existe uma proximidade muito grande entre os projetos que estão sendo desenvolvidos na Escola e os Projetos desenvolvidos pela comunidade; a escola procura articular ensino e trabalho, formação técnica e humana, na perspectiva da politecnia e da formação omnilateral. Concluímos que existe um grande caminho a ser percorrido, e que os caminhantes (professores, pais, alunos, conselheiros) sabem dos limites e das possibilidades, e estão determinados a fazer o percurso, administrando e superando as dificuldades que estão postas; também, estão preparados para enfrentar aquelas que, surpreendentemente, as circunstâncias poderão apresentar. Palavras-chave: Educação do Campo; Formação Ominlateral; Formação Politécnica

    ENSINO MÉDIO INTEGRADO: acirrar contradições e abrir brechas

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    Neste artigo propomo-nos a discutir sobre as disputas, concepções e práticas conformatórias ou de resistência que permeiam a relação trabalho e educação no Brasil, tendo como pano de fundo as “contrarreformas” atuais. O objetivo é problematizar como a escola tem se apresentado como terreno complexo e contraditório, ora sendo subestimada na sua importância em relação à experiência concreta do trabalho como princípio educativo, ora sendo superestimada como formadora de profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. A modalidade de Educação Profissional Integrada ao Ensino Médio (EPIEM), também denominada de Ensino Médio Integrado (EMI), é apresentada como materialidade e como resistência às contrarreformas. Abstract In this article we propose to discuss the disputes, conceptions and conformist or resistance practices that permeate the relation work and education in Brazil, having as background the current "counter-reforms". The objective is to problematize how the school has presented itself as a complex and contradictory terrain, sometimes being underestimated in its importance in relation to the concrete experience of work as an educational principle, sometimes being overestimated as a professional trainer for the labor market. The modality of Integrated Professional Education to High School, also denominated Integrated Secondary Education, is presented as materiality and as resistance to the counter-reforms

    Dental Status of Firefighters of Rio de Janeiro State and Comparison with Brazilian Oral Health Surveys

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    Objective: This cross-sectional study aimed to assess clinical dental status in military firefighters of Rio de Janeiro State and compare data with Brazilian National and Regional oral health surveys. Material and Methods: A sample of 926 military firefighters was examined using the visible biofilm index, the DMFT index and the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). Clinical exams were performed by 15 trained dentists. The Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni correction were used. Results: Higher biofilm accumulation was associated with increased age. The mean DMFT index for the whole sample of this study was 12.74 (±7.03), and the ‘filled’ component was the most prevalent (69.9%), whereas the ‘decayed’ and ‘missing’ components were, respectively, 8.4% and 21.7%. There was a higher prevalence of periodontal diseases with increasing age, ranging from 57.1% in firefighters of 34 years or less to 70.5% in the ones between 35 and 44 years old and 75.4% in participants at age 45 years or older. Clinical dental status of the military firefighters who belonged to the age group 35-44 was better than the one observed for the Brazilian population at the same age range. However, pathological conditions that can be solved with health promotion strategies associated with dental procedures of low complexity still persist. Conclusion: These results suggest that the availability of dental health care services itself does not represent the most effective approach to the oral health problems found in the studied population

    Intestinal parasitism among waste pickers in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in both cooperative-affiliated and independent waste pickers operating at the municipal sanitary landfill in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and associate these findings with hemoglobin, eosinophils, vitamin A and C levels and interleukin 5 and 10 (IL-5 and IL-10) production. Biological samples were collected, in addition to clinical, epidemiological, and sociodemographic data. Stool analyzes were based on sedimentation by centrifugation and on spontaneous sedimentation. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine vitamin A and C levels. ELISA was employed to quantify interleukins. Intestinal parasites were found in 29 of the 66 subjects assessed (43.9%). Endolimax nana (22.7%), Entamoeba coli (21.1%), Giardia lamblia (6.1%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (4.5%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (4.5%) were the most prevalent species. Pathogenic parasites were detected in 11 individuals (16.7%). Hypovitaminoses A and C were detected in 19.6% (13/66) and 98.4% (65/66) of subjects, respectively. IL-5 and IL-10 production was observed in 21 (31.8%) and 32 (48.4%) subjects, respectively. Infection with pathogenic intestinal parasites was not a cause of vitamin A and C deficiency or IL-5 and IL-10 production among these workers

    Desafios do impresso ao digital: questões contemporâneas de informação e conhecimento

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    428 p., il. ; Documento TécnicoEsta publicação, como o próprio título traduz, concentra o seu foco em temas emergentes da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento, na qual, pelo impulso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) e da globalização, informação e conhecimento são potencializados e assumem novo papel no mundo contemporâneo. Um dos objetivos desta coletânea é propiciar, aos interessados e estudiosos de questões de informação e conhecimento, uma perspectiva abrangente, às vezes instigante e não convencional de alguns de seus aspectos.UNESC

    Intestinal parasitism among waste pickers in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in both cooperative-affiliated and independent waste pickers operating at the municipal sanitary landfill in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and associate these findings with hemoglobin, eosinophils, vitamin A and C levels and interleukin 5 and 10 (IL-5 and IL-10) production. Biological samples were collected, in addition to clinical, epidemiological, and sociodemographic data. Stool analyzes were based on sedimentation by centrifugation and on spontaneous sedimentation. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine vitamin A and C levels. ELISA was employed to quantify interleukins. Intestinal parasites were found in 29 of the 66 subjects assessed (43.9%). Endolimax nana (22.7%), Entamoeba coli (21.1%), Giardia lamblia (6.1%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (4.5%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (4.5%) were the most prevalent species. Pathogenic parasites were detected in 11 individuals (16.7%). Hypovitaminoses A and C were detected in 19.6% (13/66) and 98.4% (65/66) of subjects, respectively. IL-5 and IL-10 production was observed in 21 (31.8%) and 32 (48.4%) subjects, respectively. Infection with pathogenic intestinal parasites was not a cause of vitamin A and C deficiency or IL-5 and IL-10 production among these workers