1,307 research outputs found

    Renormalization Flow of Axion Electrodynamics

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    We study the renormalization flow of axion electrodynamics, concentrating on the non-perturbative running of the axion-photon coupling and the mass of the axion (like) particle. Due to a non-renormalization property of the axion-photon vertex, the renormalization flow is controlled by photon and axion anomalous dimensions. As a consequence, momentum-independent axion self-interactions are not induced by photon fluctuations. The non-perturbative flow towards the ultraviolet exhibits a Landau-pole-type behavior, implying that the system has a scale of maximum UV extension and that the renormalized axion-photon coupling in the deep infrared is bounded from above. Even though gauge invariance guarantees that photon fluctuations do not decouple in the infrared, the renormalized couplings remain finite even in the deep infrared and even for massless axions. Within our truncation, we also observe the existence of an exceptional RG trajectory, which is extendable to arbitrarily high scales, without being governed by a UV fixed point.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    HT-Phenotyping methods for yield parameters in grapevine

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    BAT (Berry Analysis Tool): A high-throughput image interpretation tool to acquire the number, diameter, and volume of grapevine berries

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    QTL-analysis (quantitative trait loci) and marker development rely on efficient phenotyping techniques. Objectivity and precision of a phenotypic data evaluation is crucial but time consuming. In the present study a high-throughput image interpretation tool was developed to acquire automatically number, size, and volume of grape berries from RGB (red-green-blue) images. Individual berries of one cluster were placed on a black construction (300 x 300 mm) to take a RGB image from the top. The image interpretation of one dataset with an arbitrary number of images runs automatically using the BAT (Berry-Analysis-Tool) developed in MATLAB. For validation of results, the number of berries was counted and their size was measured using a digital calliper. A measuring cylinder was used to determine reliably the berry volume by displacement of water. All placed berries could be counted by BAT 100 % correctly. Manual ratings compared with BAT ratings showed strong correlation of r = 0.96 for mean berry diameter/image and r = 0.98 for cluster volume.

    Simultaneous quantitative and allele-specific expression analysis with real competitive PCR

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    Background: For a diploid organism such as human, the two alleles of a particular gene can be expressed at different levels due to X chromosome inactivation, gene imprinting, different local promoter activity, or mRNA stability. Recently, imbalanced allelic expression was found to be common in human and can follow Mendelian inheritance. Here we present a method that employs real competitive PCR for allele-specific expression analysis. Results: A transcribed mutation such as a single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP) is used as the marker for allele-specific expression analysis. A synthetic mutation created in the competitor is close to a natural mutation site in the cDNA sequence. PCR is used to amplify the two cDNA sequences from the two alleles and the competitor. A base extension reaction with a mixture of ddNTPs/ dNTP is used to generate three oligonucleotides for the two cDNAs and the competitor. The three products are identified and their ratios are calculated based on their peak areas in the MALDI-TOF mass spectrum. Several examples are given to illustrate how allele-specific gene expression can be applied in different biological studies. Conclusions: This technique can quantify the absolute expression level of each individual allele of a gene with high precision and throughput

    Initial steps for high-throughput phenotyping in vineyards

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    The evaluation of phenotypic characters of grapevines is required directly in vineyards and is strongly limited by time, costs and the subjectivity of person in charge. Sensor-based techniques are prerequisite in order to allow non-invasive phenotyping of individual plant traits, to increase the quantity of object records and to reduce error variation. Thus, a Prototype-Image-Acquisition-System (PIAS) was developed for semi-automated capture of geo-referenced images in an experimental vineyard. Different strategies were tested for image interpretation using MATLAB®. The interpretation of images from the vineyard with real background is more practice-oriented but requires the calculation of depth maps. Different image analysis tools were verified in order to enable contactless and non-invasive detection of bud burst and quantification of shoots at an early developmental stage (BBCH 10) and enable fast and accurate determination of the grapevine berry size at BBCH 89. Depending on the time of image acquisition at BBCH 10 up to 94 % of green shoots were visible in images. The mean berry size (BBCH 89) was recorded non-invasively with a precision of 1 mm.

    [18F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography in rats with prolonged cocaine self-administration suggests potential brain biomarkers for addictive behavior

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    The DSM5-based dimensional diagnostic approach defines substance use disorders on a continuum from recreational drug use to habitual and ultimately addicted behavior. Biomarkers that are indicative of recreational drug use and addicted behavior are lacking. We performed a translational [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) study in the multi-dimensional 0/3crit model of cocaine addiction. Addict-like (3crit) and non-addict-like (0crit) rats, which shared identical life conditions and levels of cocaine self-administration, were acquired for FDG-PET under baseline conditions and following cocaine and yohimbine challenges. Compared to cocaine-naïve control rats, 0crit animals showed higher glucose uptake in the caudate putamen (CPu) and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) respect to naïve controls. 3crit animals did not show this adaptive higher glucose utilization, but had lower uptake in several cortical areas. Both cocaine and yohimbine challenges affected glucose uptake in control rats in several brain sites, but not in 0crit and 3crit rats, indicating that impaired glucose mobilization in response to these challenges is not specifically associated with addictive behavior. Compared to 0crit, 3crit rats showed higher reinstatement responses, which were negatively associated with glucose uptake in the ventral tegmental area. Data indicate that cocaine non-addict- and addict-like phenotypes are associated with several potential biomarkers. Specifically, we propose that increased glucose uptake in the CPu and mPFC is a function of controlled drug use, whereas a loss of striatal and prefrontal metabolic activity and reduced uptake in cortical areas are indicative of addictive behavior

    Opioid receptor activation triggering downregulation of cAMP improves effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs in treatment of glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma are the most frequent and malignant human brain tumors, having a very poor prognosis. The enhanced radio- and chemoresistance of glioblastoma and the glioblastoma stem cells might be the main reason why conventional therapies fail. The second messenger cyclic AMP (cAMP) controls cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Downregulation of cAMP sensitizes tumor cells for anti-cancer treatment. Opioid receptor agonists triggering opioid receptors can activate inhibitory Gi proteins, which, in turn, block adenylyl cyclase activity reducing cAMP. In this study, we show that downregulation of cAMP by opioid receptor activation improves the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs in treatment of glioblastoma. The µ-opioid receptor agonist D,L-methadone sensitizes glioblastoma as well as the untreatable glioblastoma stem cells for doxorubicin-induced apoptosis and activation of apoptosis pathways by reversing deficient caspase activation and deficient downregulation of XIAP and Bcl-xL, playing critical roles in glioblastomas' resistance. Blocking opioid receptors using the opioid receptor antagonist naloxone or increasing intracellular cAMP by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) strongly reduced opioid receptor agonist-induced sensitization for doxorubicin. In addition, the opioid receptor agonist D,L-methadone increased doxorubicin uptake and decreased doxorubicin efflux, whereas doxorubicin increased opioid receptor expression in glioblastomas. Furthermore, opioid receptor activation using D,L-methadone inhibited tumor growth significantly in vivo. Our findings suggest that opioid receptor activation triggering downregulation of cAMP is a promising strategy to inhibit tumor growth and to improve the effectiveness of anti-cancer drugs in treatment of glioblastoma and in killing glioblastoma stem cells

    Comparison of two rapid automated analysis tools for large FTIR microplastic datasets

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    AbstractOne of the biggest issues in microplastic (MP, plastic items  &lt;5 mm) research is the lack of standardisation and harmonisation in all fields, reaching from sampling methodology to sample purification, analytical methods and data analysis. This hampers comparability as well as reproducibility among studies. Concerning chemical analysis of MPs, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscocopy is one of the most powerful tools. Here, focal plane array (FPA) based micro-FTIR (µFTIR) imaging allows for rapid measurement and identification without manual preselection of putative MP and therefore enables large sample throughputs with high spatial resolution. The resulting huge datasets necessitate automated algorithms for data analysis in a reasonable time frame. Although solutions are available, little is known about the comparability or the level of reliability of their output. For the first time, within our study, we compare two well-established and frequently applied data analysis algorithms in regard to results in abundance, polymer composition and size distributions of MP (11–500 µm) derived from selected environmental water samples: (a) the siMPle analysis tool (systematic identification of MicroPlastics in the environment) in combination with MPAPP (MicroPlastic Automated Particle/fibre analysis Pipeline) and (b) the BPF (Bayreuth Particle Finder). The results of our comparison show an overall good accordance but also indicate discrepancies concerning certain polymer types/clusters as well as the smallest MP size classes. Our study further demonstrates that a detailed comparison of MP algorithms is an essential prerequisite for a better comparability of MP data.</jats:p

    In-situ nitriding of Fe<sub>2</sub>VAl during laser surface remelting to manipulate microstructure and crystalline defects

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    Tailoring the physical properties of complex materials for targeted applications requires optimizing the microstructure and crystalline defects that influence electrical and thermal transport and mechanical properties. Laser surface remelting can be used to modify the subsurface microstructure of bulk materials and hence manipulate their properties locally. Here, we introduce an approach to perform remelting in a reactive nitrogen atmosphere to form nitrides and induce segregation of nitrogen to structural defects. These defects arise from the fast solidification of the full-Heusler Fe2VAl compound that is a promising thermoelectric material. Advanced scanning electron microscopy, including electron channeling contrast imaging and three-dimensional electron backscatter diffraction, is complemented by atom probe tomography to study the distribution of crystalline defects and their local chemical composition. We reveal a high density of dislocations, which are stable due to their character as geometrically necessary dislocations. At these dislocations and low-angle grain boundaries, we observe segregation of nitrogen and vanadium, which can be enhanced by repeated remelting in nitrogen atmosphere. We propose that this approach can be generalized to other additive manufacturing processes to promote local segregation and precipitation states, thereby manipulating physical properties

    Frustration enhanced by Kitaev exchange in a j~eff=12\boldsymbol{\tilde{j}_{\text{eff}}=\frac12} triangular antiferromagnet

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    Triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnets are prototypes of geometric frustration, even if for nearest-neighbor interactions quantum fluctuations are not usually strong enough to destroy magnetic ordering: stronger frustration is required to stabilize a spin-liquid phase. On the basis of static magnetization and electron spin resonance measurements, we demonstrate the emergence of j~eff=12{\tilde{j}_{\text{eff}}=\frac12} moments in the triangular-lattice magnet Na2_2BaCo(PO4_4)2_2. These moments are subject to an extra source of frustration that causes magnetic correlations to set in far above both the magnetic ordering and Weiss temperatures. Corroborating the j~eff=12\tilde{j}_{\text{eff}}=\frac12 ground state, theory identifies ferromagnetic Kitaev exchange anisotropy as additional frustrating agent, altogether putting forward Na2_2BaCo(PO4_4)2_2 as a promising Kitaev spin-liquid material.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (published version) + supplemental material (4 pages
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