30 research outputs found

    Recent case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union on public access to documents: Regulation (EG) No.1049/2001 and beyond

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    This paper is about freedom of information in the European Union (hereafter: EU) in general and about Regulation (EG) No 1049/2001 in particular, which deals with various aspects of public access to documents. When addressing the topic of freedom of information with regard to the EU, the provisions which promptly and prominently spring to mind are enshrined in its so-called primary law2. In the EU’s legal framework, the remarkable importance which nowadays is attached to transparency is evidenced by the fact that freedom of information, in the broader meaning of the word, is anchored in several outstanding provisions of primary law, amongst which can be numbered Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (hereafter: TFEU), and Article 11 and Article 42 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights3 (hereafter: Charter)

    Designing Random Sample Synopses with Outliers

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    Random sampling is one of the most widely used means to build synopses of large datasets because random samples can be used for a wide range of analytical tasks. Unfortunately, the quality of the estimates derived from a sample is negatively affected by the presence of 'outliers' in the data. In this paper, we show how to circumvent this shortcoming by constructing outlier-aware sample synopses. Our approach extends the well-known outlier indexing scheme to multiple aggregation columns

    Novel radiolabeled bisphosphonates for PET diagnosis and endoradiotherapy of bone metastases

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    Bone metastases, often a consequence of breast, prostate, and lung carcinomas, are characterized by an increased bone turnover, which can be visualized by positron emission tomography (PET), as well as single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Bisphosphonate complexes of 99mTc are predominantly used as SPECT tracers. In contrast to SPECT, PET offers a higher spatial resolution and, owing to the 68Ge/68Ga generator, an analog to the established 99mTc generator exists. Complexation of Ga(III) requires the use of chelators. Therefore, DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid), NOTA (1,4,7-triazacyclododecane-1,4,7-triacetic acid), and their derivatives, are often used. The combination of these macrocyclic chelators and bisphosphonates is currently studied worldwide. The use of DOTA offers the possibility of a therapeutic application by complexing the -emitter 177Lu. This overview describes the possibility of diagnosing bone metastases using [68Ga]Ga-BPAMD (68Ga-labeled (4-{[bis-(phosphonomethyl))carbamoyl]methyl}-7,10-bis(carboxymethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododec -1-yl)acetic acid) as well as the successful application of [177Lu]Lu-BPAMD for therapy and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools based on this structure. Improvements concerning both the chelator and the bisphosphonate structure are illustrated providing new 68Gaand 177Lu-labeled bisphosphonates offering improved pharmacological properties.The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant BE-2607/1-1/1-2 (Ralf Bergmann).http://www.mdpi.com/journal/pharmaceuticalsNuclear Medicin

    Kondo effect in coupled quantum dots: a Non-crossing approximation study

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    The out-of-equilibrium transport properties of a double quantum dot system in the Kondo regime are studied theoretically by means of a two-impurity Anderson Hamiltonian with inter-impurity hopping. The Hamiltonian, formulated in slave-boson language, is solved by means of a generalization of the non-crossing approximation (NCA) to the present problem. We provide benchmark calculations of the predictions of the NCA for the linear and nonlinear transport properties of coupled quantum dots in the Kondo regime. We give a series of predictions that can be observed experimentally in linear and nonlinear transport measurements through coupled quantum dots. Importantly, it is demonstrated that measurements of the differential conductance G=dI/dV{\cal G}=dI/dV, for the appropriate values of voltages and inter-dot tunneling couplings, can give a direct observation of the coherent superposition between the many-body Kondo states of each dot. This coherence can be also detected in the linear transport through the system: the curve linear conductance vs temperature is non-monotonic, with a maximum at a temperature TT^* characterizing quantum coherence between both Kondo states.Comment: 20 pages, 17 figure

    Enzymes for consumer products to achieve climate neutrality

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    29 pags., 4 figs., 3 tabs., 1 graf.Accumulated greenhouse gas emissions are expected to increase from 36.2 Giga-tons (Gt) to 60 Gt over the next three decades. The global surface temperature has increased by¿+¿1.09¿°C since 2001, and might increase by¿+¿2.2¿°C in 2100, +3.6¿°C in 2200 and +4.6¿°C in 2500. These emissions and temperature rises cannot be reduced in their entirety, but they can be lowered by using enzymes. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions that make life possible since 3.8 billion years ago. Scientists have been able to "domesticate" them in such a way that enzymes, and their engineered variants, are now key players of the circular economy. With a world production of 117 Kilo-tons and a trade of 14.5 Billion-dollars, they have the potential to annually decrease CO2 emissions by 1 to 2.5 Billion-tons (Bt), the carbon demand to synthesise chemicals by 200 Million tons (Mt), the amount of chemicals by 90¿Mt, and the economic losses derived from global warming by 0.5%, while promoting biodiversity and our planet¿s health. Our success to increase these benefits will depend on better integration of enzymatic solutions in different sectors.This study was conducted under the auspices of the FuturEnzyme Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101000327. MF also acknowledges Grants PID2020-112758RB-I00, PDC2021-121534-I00, and TED2021-130544B-I00 from the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union (“NextGenerationEU/PRTR”)

    Le nouveau droit de la vente : présentation générale

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    Rosch Wolfgang. Le nouveau droit de la vente : présentation générale. In: Revue internationale de droit comparé. Vol. 54 N°4, Octobre-décembre 2002. pp. 969-988

    Nuclear magnetic resonance: protein structure determination

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