8,239 research outputs found

    A Direct Reputation Model for VO Formation

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    We show that reputation is a basic ingredient in the Virtual Organisation (VO) formation process. Agents can use their experiences gained in direct past interactions to model other’s reputation and deciding on either join a VO or determining who is the most suitable set of partners. Reputation values are computed using a reinforcement learning algorithm, so agents can learn and adapt their reputation models of their partners according to their recent behaviour. Our approach is especially powerful if the agent participates in a VO in which the members can change their behaviour to exploit their partners. The reputation model presented in this paper deals with the questions of deception and fraud that have been ignored in current models of VO formation

    Pulse Propagation in Chains with Nonlinear Interactions

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    Pulse propagation in nonlinear arrays continues to be of interest because it provides a possible mechanism for energy transfer with little dispersion. Here we show that common measures of pulse dispersion might be misleading; in strongly anharmonic systems they tend to reflect a succession of extremely narrow pulses traveling at decreasing velocities rather than the actual width of a single pulse. We present analytic estimates for the fraction of the initial energy that travels in the leading pulses. We also provide analytic predictions for the leading pulse velocity in a Fermi-Pasta-Ulam beta-chain

    Spatial and performance optimality in power distribution networks

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    (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Complex network theory has been widely used in vulnerability analysis of power networks, especially for power transmission ones. With the development of the smart grid concept, power distribution networks are becoming increasingly relevant. In this paper, we model power distribution systems as spatial networks. Topological and spatial properties of 14 European power distribution networks are analyzed, together with the relationship between geographical constraints and performance optimization, taking into account economic and vulnerability issues. Supported by empirical reliability data, our results suggest that power distribution networks are influenced by spatial constraints which clearly affect their overall performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Normally ordered forms of powers of differential operators and their combinatorics

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    We investigate the combinatorics of the general formulas for the powers of the operator h∂k, where h is a central element of a ring and ∂ is a differential operator. This generalizes previous work on the powers of operators h∂. New formulas for the generalized Stirling numbers are obtained.Ministerio de Economía y competitividad MTM2016-75024-PJunta de Andalucía P12-FQM-2696Junta de Andalucía FQM–33

    Beyond conventional factorization: Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with radial oscillator spectrum

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    The eigenvalue problem of the spherically symmetric oscillator Hamiltonian is revisited in the context of canonical raising and lowering operators. The Hamiltonian is then factorized in terms of two not mutually adjoint factorizing operators which, in turn, give rise to a non-Hermitian radial Hamiltonian. The set of eigenvalues of this new Hamiltonian is exactly the same as the energy spectrum of the radial oscillator and the new square-integrable eigenfunctions are complex Darboux-deformations of the associated Laguerre polynomials.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    A Nonlinear Offset Program to Reduce Nitrous Oxide Emissions Induced by Excessive Nitrogen Application

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    On average, U.S. farmers choose to apply nitrogen fertilizer at a rate that exceeds the ex post agronomically optimal rate. The technology underlying the yield response to nitrogen rewards producers who over apply in years when rainfall is excessive. The overapplication of nutrients has negative environmental consequences because the nitrogen that is not taken up by the plant will typically volatilize causing N2O emissions, or leach causing water pollution. We present a nonlinear offset program that induces farmers to reduce their nitrogen applications to the level that will be consumed by the plant in a typical year and, as a result, reduce N2O emissions from agriculture. The offset program is nonlinear because of the nonlinear relationship between N2O and nitrogen application rates. We assume that the farmer solves an expected utility maximization problem, choosing the optimal nitrogen application rate. The key contribution is a set of simulations that shows that modest offset payments will induce participation in the program and will have a significant impact on both expected and actual N2O emissions without having a significant impact on actual or expected yields. We also find that more risk-averse farmers will reduce emissions by a greater amount than less risk-averse farmers. Finally, we show the distribution of emission reductions induced by this nonlinear offset scheme.nitrogen fertilizer; carbon offsets; nitrous oxide; pollution; uncertainty.

    A propósito del género Paralcamenes Bolívar 1909 (Orth. Acridoidea)

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    En el año 1909 describió D. Ignacio Bolívar el género Paralcamenes, con P. camposi nov. sp. como genotipo, sobre un ejemplar macho procedente de Posorja, Ecuador, que le comunicara su colector el Profesor Francisco Campos. Tiempo después, Hebard (1924-25), describe Colpolopha camposi nov. sp. sobre una hembra de igual localidad que el insecto nominado por Bolívar y que le fuera enviado también por el precitado entomólogo ecuatoriano.Peer reviewe

    An empirical contribution to development theory: a covariance structure model for development as freedom

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    This Thesis examines the empirical validity of Sen’s development theory. In his seminal work “Development as Freedom” Sen postulated a theoretical conceptualization of development which constitutes a paradigm shift towards a fundamental understanding of the determinants and causal relationships that explain development. A deconstruction of Sen’s development theory leads to five core tenets on which his theoretical conceptualization rests. These five pillars are translated onto testable hypothesis which are incorporated into a 2nd order recursive Covariance Structure Model (CSM) that allows scientific examination through hypothesis testing. Sen’s hypothesized core tenets are as follows: 1. Development is seen as an integrated multi-dimensional construct. Evaluative assessments of development require a broadening of the informational basis, and cannot be viewed only on the basis of one sole indicator (i.e. income per capita or gross domestic product). 2. Instrumental freedoms (i.e institutional structure) directly enhance substantive freedoms (i.e societal capabilities). 3. Substantive freedoms are derived from five different types of instrumental freedoms. 4. The expansion of freedoms is the primary end of development. 5. The existence of interlinkages between different kinds of instrumental freedoms. A database comprising 5 measured variables in the economic dimension, 5 in the social dimension, and 6 in the political dimension, for 154 countries (for all levels of income) for the average period from 1990 - 1994 was put together. The resulting empirical covariance matrix from the data was subjected to scientific hypothesis testing against the CSM. The results provide strong empirical evidence in support of Sen\u27s development as freedom theory. The clear implication is that Sen\u27s paradigm shift in development theory calls for a total rethinking on the socio-economic front of policy making, and that, once and for all, scholars in long-term growth and in political economy, policy makers, and world financial institutions alike should seriously consider an in-depth review, if not totally abandon, the unidimensional dominant perspective that for far too long now has negatively impacted and slowed down economic growth around the world

    Real-time diffuse optical tomography using reduced-order light propagation models based on a priori anatomical and functional information

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    This paper proposes a new fast 3D image reconstruction algorithm for Diffuse Optical Tomography using reduced order polynomial mappings from the space of optical tissue parameters into the space of flux measurements at the detector locations. The polynomial mappings are constructed through an iterative estimation process involving structure detection, parameter estimation and cross-validation using data generated by simulating a diffusion approximation of the radiative transfer equation incorporating a priori anatomical and functional information provided by MR scans and prior psychological evidence. Numerical simulation studies demonstrate that reconstructed images are remarkably similar in quality as those obtained using the standard approach, but obtained at a fraction of the time
