1,282 research outputs found

    Normally ordered forms of powers of differential operators and their combinatorics

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    We investigate the combinatorics of the general formulas for the powers of the operator h∂k, where h is a central element of a ring and ∂ is a differential operator. This generalizes previous work on the powers of operators h∂. New formulas for the generalized Stirling numbers are obtained.Ministerio de Economía y competitividad MTM2016-75024-PJunta de Andalucía P12-FQM-2696Junta de Andalucía FQM–33

    Evaluating directive-based programming models on Wave Propagation Kernels

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    HPC systems have become mandatory to tackle the ever-increasing challenges imposed by new exploration areas around the world. The requirement for more HPC resources depends on the complexity of the area under exploration, yet the larger the HPC system, the more the energy consumption involved. Reduction of overall power consumption in HPC facilities, lead technologies vendors to introduce many-core devices and heterogeneous computing to the supercomputers, thus, forcing exploration codes to be ported to such new architectures. As the Oil & Gas industry has more than 30 years of legacy code, the effort to adapt it could be huge. To this extent, several programming models emerged, e.g. high-level directive-based programming models, such as OpenMP, OpenACC, and OmpSs rely on specifying to the compiler the parallelism directives to release users from manually decomposing and processing the parallel regions. The results show that it is possible to obtain a parallel code for current heterogeneous HPC architectures investing a few hours or days. The obtained speedup is at least an order of magnitude w.r.t. a sequential code. However, we provide parallelism inside a single computational node, and a wider study for evaluating the costs of porting and parallelizing across computational nodes is pending.Authors thank Repsol for the permission to publish the present research, carried out at the Repsol-BSC Research Center. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme (2014-2020) and from the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation through Rede Nacional de Pesquisa (RNP) under the HPC4E Project (www.hpc4e.eu), grant agreement n.◦ 689772.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Alternativa pedagógica do Sul: diálogo entre Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon e Boaventura de Sousa Santos

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    This essay aims to establish a dialogue between the pedagogical contributions of Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon and Boaventura de Sousa Santos, with the purpose of claiming the collective construction of a pedagogical alternative that from the south provokes indignation, promotes ecological awareness and instills a social role. If the pedagogy that promotes modernity has as its main characteristic the dehumanization of the human being, the pedagogical alternative from the south will have its humanization as its goal. This is the power that counter-hegemonic education keeps within itself. Through the pedagogical postulates of these three intellectuals, the aim is to become aware of what modernity denied us for centuries: the possibility of creating anti-colonial, anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal subjectivities.Este ensayo tiene como objetivo entablar un diálogo entre los aportes pedagógicos de Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon y Boaventura de Sousa Santos, con el propósito de reivindicar la construcción colectiva de una alternativa pedagógica que, desde el sur, provoque la indignación, promueva la conciencia ecológica e inculque un protagonismo social. Si la pedagogía que fomenta la modernidad tiene como característica principal la deshumanización del ser humano, la alternativa pedagógica desde el sur tendrá como finalidad su humanización. Esta es la potencia que guarda dentro de sí la educación contrahegemónica. A través de los postulados pedagógicos de estos tres intelectuales, se pretende tomar conciencia de lo que, durante siglos, la modernidad nos negó: la posibilidad de crear subjetividades anticoloniales, anticapitalistas y antipatriarcales.Este ensaio pretende estabelecer um diálogo entre as contribuições pedagógicas de Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon e Boaventura de Sousa Santos, com o propósito de reivindicar a construção coletiva de uma alternativa pedagógica que desde o sul provoca indignação, promove a consciência ecológica e inculca um papel social. Se a pedagogia que promove a modernidade tem como principal característica a desumanização do ser humano, a alternativa pedagógica do sul terá como meta a sua humanização. Esse é o poder que a educação contra-hegemônica guarda dentro de si. Através dos postulados pedagógicos desses três intelectuais, o objetivo é tomar consciência do que a modernidade nos negou durante séculos: a possibilidade de criar subjetividades anticoloniais, anticapitalistas e antipatriarcais

    Representaciones sociales de los maestros de educación básica sobre la evaluación docente en Puebla

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    "La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las representaciones sociales de los maestros de educación básica sobre la evaluación docente en el estado de Puebla en el contexto rural, semirrural y urbano. Mediante un muestreo por cuotas se aplicó un cuestionario de triple asociación a 90 maestros. Posteriormente se adoptó el método de Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) para identificar la información, el campo de representación, la actitud y la diferencia entre contextos de la representación social de los maestros. Se utilizó el software Gephi para graficar las redes y así determinar el núcleo central y el sistema periférico de cada categoría de análisis: el deber ser de la evaluación docente, la práctica docente, formación profesional y los valores que promueve. Los resultados indican que los maestros consideran que el programa de evaluación docente implementado en la reforma educativa 2013 es irrelevante y burocrático, por lo tanto, no les proporciona las herramientas necesarias para mejorar su práctica docente. Manifiestan que la evaluación es de corte empresarial y promueve valores como el individualismo y la corrupción. Por otro lado, los maestros consideran que la evaluación docente favorece su formación profesional debido a que impulsa la capacitación y el ascenso"

    Season of the year influences infection rates following total hip arthroplasty

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    To research the influence of season of the year on periprosthetic joint infections. METHODS We conducted a retrospective review of the entire Medicare files from 2005 to 2014. Seasons were classified as spring, summer, fall or winter. Regional variations were accounted for by dividing patients into four geographic regions as per the United States Census Bureau (Northeast, Midwest, West and South). Acute postoperative infection and deep periprosthetic infections within 90 d after surgery were tracked. RESULTS In all regions, winter had the highest incidence of periprosthetic infections (mean 0.98%, SD 0.1%) and was significantly higher than other seasons in the Midwest, South and West (P \u3c 0.05 for all) but not the Northeast (P = 0.358). Acute postoperative infection rates were more frequent in the summer and were significantly affected by season of the year in the West. CONCLUSION Season of the year is a risk factor for periprosthetic joint infection following total hip arthroplasty (THA). Understanding the influence of season on outcomes following THA is essential when risk-stratifying patients to optimize outcomes and reduce episode of care costs. © The Author(s) 2017

    Diseño de técnicas y estándares de manejo y crianza para aumentar la producción de trucha de la Asociación Corporativa de Educadores y Productores Agropecuarios del distrito de Cortegana

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    El presente estudio estuvo enfocado en el diseño de técnicas y estándares de manejo y crianza para aumentar la producción de trucha de la asociación corporativa de educadores y productores agropecuarios del distrito de cortegana. Para tales efectos, se sustentó en normas dictadas por organismos como el FONDEPES y la ONU en relación a la crianza, manejo y comercialización de truchas. La metodología fue del tipo proyectiva con un diseño experimental longitudinal cuya unidad de estudio fue la piscigranja de. Se usó como técnicas la observación no participante y la entrevista estructurada cuyos instrumentos fueron la hoja de observación y la guía de entrevista. Como resultados se obtuvieron que la asociación no tenida mediciones de los parámetros que miden la calidad del agua tales como el pH, temperatura, oxigenación. Estaban sobrealimentando a los peces. Se encontraron diferentes causales que incidían en la tasa de mortalidad de los peces en cada uno de los estadios de su crecimiento. Las técnicas propuestas tienen viabilidad económica y financiera para la organización en virtud que se racionalizó el consumo de alimentos y se aumentó el número de truchas cosechadas semanalmente. Se concluyó que el conjunto de técnicas de manejo permitió alcanzar el objetivo general de la presente investigación

    Influence of Iron Salt Anions on Formation and Oxygen Reduction Activity of Fe/N-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Fuel Cell Catalysts

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    Doping carbon materials with transition metal ions can greatly expand their utility, given these metal ions\u27 unique catalytic activity, for example, in oxygen reduction in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Unlike main group dopants, a counter anion to the metal cation must be selected and this choice has hitherto received little attention for this synthesis method. Herein, we describe the profound effects that the anion has on the resultant iron/nitrogen-doped ordered mesoporous carbons (Fe-OMC). To increase the iron loading and the number of iron-centered catalytically active sites, we selected three iron salts Fe(OAc)2, Fe(OTf)2, and Fe(BF4)2\ub76H2O, which show greatly enhanced solubility in the liquid carbon precursor (furfurylamine) compared to FeCl3\ub76H2O. The increased solubility leads to a significantly higher iron loading in the Fe-OMC prepared with Fe(OTf)2, but the increase in performance as cathode catalysts in fuel cells is only marginal. The Fe-OMCs prepared with Fe(OAc)2 and Fe(BF4)2\ub76H2O exhibited similar or lower iron loadings compared to the Fe-OMC prepared with FeCl3\ub76H2O despite their much higher solubilities. Most importantly, the different iron salts affect not only the final iron loading, but also which type of iron species forms in the Fe-OMC with different types showing different catalytic activity

    Electrochemical regeneration of spent activated carbon from drinking water treatment plant at different scale reactors

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    The electrochemical regeneration of real spent activated carbons (AC) used in drinking water treatment plants was studied at different reactor scales. The electrochemical regeneration was carried out in a 6 g filter-press cell and a 3.5 kg batch reactor, allowing the scaling-up of the process between the two electrolytic reactors. The effect of the electrolyte, the divided/undivided compartment configuration and the current density were studied in the filter-press cell. The effect of compartment configuration and the influence of the regeneration time were studied in the scaled-up reactor. A current density of 0.025 A cm−2 was used and the electrodes were Pt/Ti as anode and Pt/Ti and stainless-steel as cathode. The ACs were characterized by N2 adsorption isotherms to analyse the recovery of porosity and TPD-MS to analyse the AC surface after the electrochemical treatment. In filter-press cell, a recovery of the surface area of 96% was achieved after 8 h of treatment, by introducing the AC in the cathodic compartment using 0.05 M H2SO4 solution as electrolyte. In the 3.5 kg electrochemical reactor, 95% of the pristine AC surface area was recovered. Thus, electrochemical methods can provide a green alternative to the regeneration of spent AC.This work was supported by the European Union-Horizon 2020 (PORTABLECRAC - SPIRE09 - 2017 Nº 768905)

    Empreendedorismo Social e Cidadania nas Instituições de Ensino Superior – Um Estudo de Caso na Faculdade Integrada do Ceará

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    As diversas mudanças sócio-econômicas vêm repercutindo na estabilidade dos empregos. Para lidar com o novo cenário do trabalho o profissional deve saber driblar as dificuldades e fazer delas suas aliadas procurando descobrir habilidades até então escondidas. O empreendedorismo surge como uma ferramenta eficaz para este novo mundo possibilitando a geração de novos empregos e/ou novas formas de gestão empresarial.O empreendedorismo social, por sua vez, se apresenta como uma chave para formar profissionais para o novo mercado de trabalho e, ao mesmo tempo, torná-lo um cidadão participativo. O faz a partir da provocação de uma mudança interior habilitando o aluno a conhecer suas próprias habilidades, antes ignoradas, capacitando-o a provocar as mudanças no externo – seja em corporações, ONGs, na comunidade etc. Embora o tema seja bem atual, poucas são as instituições de ensino superior (IES) que, ao formarem os seus profissionais, fortalecem também a formação com base na cidadania e empreendedorismo social. O artigo aborda o estudo de caso de uma IES em Fortaleza que tem trabalhado em seu planejamento pedagógico novos conceitos de formação de profissionais, e de forma interdisciplinar e transdiscilpinar tem trabalhado curricular e extracurricularmente a formação cidadã e o empreendedorismo social