477 research outputs found

    Inhibition of hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site-mediated translation by an RNA targeting the conserved IIIf domain

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) translation initiation depends on an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). We previously identified an RNA molecule (HH363–10) able to bind and cleave the HCV IRES region. This paper characterizes its capacity to interfere with IRES function. Inhibition assays showed that it blocks IRES activity both in vitro and in a human hepatoma cell line. Although nucleotides involved in binding and cleavage reside in separate regions of the inhibitor HH363–10, further analysis demonstrated the strongest effect to be an intrinsic feature of the entire molecule; the abolishment of either of the two activities resulted in a reduction in its function. Probing assays demonstrate that HH363–10 specifically interacts with the conserved IIIf domain of the pseudoknot structure in the IRES, leading to the inhibition of the formation of translationally competent 80S particles. The combination of two inhibitory activities targeting different sequences in a chimeric molecule may be a good strategy to avoid the emergence of resistant viral variants.This work was supported by grant BFU2006-02568 from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and CTS-233 from the Junta de Andalucía to A. B-H C. R-L was funder by grant BMC2003-669. R. D-G was the recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y CienciaPeer reviewe

    Systematic review: Intrinsic emotion regulation and aggression in preschoolers.

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    Aggression in early childhood (preschoolers) is related to behavior problems at present and later in life. Emotion regulation (ER) is the process used to manage and change if, when, and how (e.g., how intensely) one experiences emotions and emotion-related motivational and physiological states. Although ER is included as a component in different child aggression intervention programs, there is no recent systematic review of the relationship between both variables. Therefore, this systematic review explores the relationship between intrinsic ER and aggressiveness in preschool children to establish and consolidate the theoretical bases for future specific interventions to prevent aggressive behavior through the training of ER. Twenty-four studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. The results were classified according to the evaluation measure, the type of studies, gender, and socio-economic level. We found 33 effect sizes for the correlation between ER and aggression. Following Cohen's (1988) criteria for R correlations, 13 of these were small (-0.12 to -0.29), eight were moderate (-0.30 to -0.48), and 12 were high (-0.58 to -0.69). ER appears to be negatively related to aggressiveness in preschool children. Measurement method, gender, and age are essential factors in this relationship. We discuss possible future research lines, the study's limitations, and the implications of these outcomes at the preventive level.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impacto de las brechas de género y generacional en la construcción de actitudes en padres y madres frente a las innovaciones coeducativas

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    El presente artículo tiene por finalidad reconocer indicadores de la predisposición actitudinal con la que familiares y alumnado cooperan, mantienen, o se oponen a la construcción de una nueva cultura de género en el ámbito escolar, como garante de una igualdad educativa real para hijos e hijas. Por tanto, analizamos actitudes de género en el seno de la familia a nivel intra e intergrupal (padres/madres e hijos/hijas) en su vínculo con la escuela coeducativa, considerando tanto la brecha de género como la intergeneracional, todo ello vinculado a la doble presencia y rol de estos agentes en las dos instituciones implicadas por antonomasia en la educación: familia y escuela. Con un diseño de tipo survey, aplicando escalas likert a una muestra de 1350 personas (627 padres y madres; 723 hijos e hijas), se describen posiciones (BLOQUEADORAS / ADAPTATIVAS / COEDUCATIVAS) y se comparan grados de actitud ante la construcción de género, confrontando grupos madres/hijas, padres/hijos, madres/hijos, padres/hijas…, en base a una lógica comparativo-causal ex post facto que considera tanto el contraste de género como el contraste inter-generacional para dimensionar ambas “brechas”. Los resultados maximizan la importancia de la brecha de género en la familia; especialmente, destacan las bajas actitudes de los varones (padres e hijos) en el plano relacional, en el cual los hijos varones llegan a ostentar posicionamientos bloqueadoresThis paper deals with recognition of indicators towards attitudinal predisposition among students and peers when cooperating, keeping or rejecting the construction of a new gender culture at school; what we consider a guarantee for the educational equality of sons and daughters. Therefore, we analyze gender attitudes within the family through intra and inter gendered level (fathers/mothers and sons/daughters) settled in their link with the coeducational school, considering both gender and generation gap; all mentioned above linked to the double presence and role of these agents within the two historically implicated institutions in Education: family and school. It has been use a survey design which has been applied through some Likert scales, considering a sample of 1350 individuals (627 parents, 723 children), it has been described some positions (blocking / adaptive / coeducational) and it has been compared some attitudinal levels towards gender construction, confronting groups of mothers / daughters, fathers / sons, mothers / sons, fathers / daughters ..., based on a causal comparative and ex post facto logical that considers both gender and generation contrast in order to size both gender and generation gap. Main findings maximize the importance of the gender gap within family; especially the low standing attitudes of men (fathers and sons) within the relational level, in which men use to show blocker positions

    Identidades de padres y madres hacia una nueva cultura de género en la escuela

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    Este trabajo presenta un estudio que explora los posicionamientos de madres y padres hacia la construcción de género en la escuela. Se fundamenta en las aportaciones de West y Zimmerman (1987) en relación a la teoría “Doing Gender”, para explicar la relevancia de las actitudes de padres y madres en relación con la construcción de género en la escuela. Se conjugan ideas como “Generation Gap” (“diferencia intergeneracional”) de Acock (1984) y las contribuciones de Castells (1997) sobre la identidad ante el cambio cultural. También destacan los tres niveles de análisis de género planteados por Crawford, Chaffin y Fitton en 1995, y desarrollados más tarde por Crawford y Chaffin (1997) y Crawford (2006). En una muestra representativa de familiares de la provincia de Sevilla destacan como resultados que: 1) El 11.2% total de padres y madres (12.4% hombres y 10.1% mujeres) presenta actitudes bloqueadoras ante el cambio en la construcción del género en la escuela; 2) 55.6% son padres y madres con una actitud adaptativa (58.1% hombres, 51.4% mujeres); 3) por último, el 33.2% son padres y madres con una posición colaborativa al respecto (29.5% hombres, 38.5% mujeres). Estos resultados apoyan la reflexión para la elaboración de planes de igualdad en educación, integrando el papel determinante de la familia

    Mujeres empresarias en el uso de la web 2.0: discursos de un preludio

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    Este trabajo presenta los principales resultados de una investigación cuya finalidad es conocer la adopción de las redes sociales on-line en las pymes dirigidas por mujeres. Se parte de la base de que el uso de redes, como elemento estratégico de comunicación, se encuentra todavía en una fase incipiente de desarrollo, lejos aún de ser una práctica consolidada. Nuestro interés en este trabajo es conocer la predisposición y motivaciones de las empresarias hacia el uso estas redes, así como las utilidades y dificultades a las que han de enfrentarse. Nos interesa visibilizar el cambio actitudinal y competencial que las empresarias están imprimiendo en sus empresas dentro del marco competitivo en el que se encuentran. En definitiva, nos interesa estudiar la percepción que tienen las empresarias sobre el uso de las redes sociales online en la medida en que están insertas, como una herramienta más de gestión empresarial. Nos situamos ante un nuevo ámbito de conocimiento sobre el que apenas existen referencias bibliográficas ni se ha realizado apenas investigación; de ahí que la investigación tenga una finalidad fundamentalmente exploratoria y de carácter cualitativo. Para la obtención de la información se realizaron catorce entrevistas semi-estructuradas entre empresarias andaluzas de distintos sectores de actividad. Entre los principales resultados encontramos que algo menos de la mitad de ellas las utilizan, o están implantadas en sus empresas, como herramientas de comunicación. El resto, y relacionado con el tamaño de sus negocios, las utilizan como una prolongación del uso personal en el que se iniciaron.This paper presents the main results of an investigation whose purpose is to investigate the adoption of on-line social networks in SMEs run by women. The base assumption is that the use of networks as a strategic communication element is still at an early stage of development, far from being an established practice. Our interest in this study is to determine the willingness and motivations of entrepreneurs in using these networks, as well as utilities and difficulties they have faced. Our goal is to visualize the change of attitude and competences that entrepreneurs are imprinting on their businesses within the competitive environment they operate in. Ultimately, we are interested in studying the perception of women-entrepreneurs regarding the adoption of online social networks to the extent where they are, as an additional management tool. We find ourselves facing a new field of knowledge on which there are very few references and very little research has been carried. Hence, this study has a primarily qualitative and exploratory purpose. To obtain the needed information we held semi-structured interviews to fourteen Andalusian entrepreneurs, coming from different business fields. The main findings were that just less than a half of them used them, or implemented them in their companies, as communication tools. The others, depending on to the size of their business, adopted them as an extension of the personal use in which they had been started

    Mujeres empresarias en el uso de la web 2.0: discursos de un preludio

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    Este trabajo presenta los principales resultados de una investigación cuya finalidad es conocer la adopción de las redes sociales on-line en las pymes dirigidas por mujeres. Se parte de la base de que el uso de redes, como elemento estratégico de comunicación, se encuentra todavía en una fase incipiente de desarrollo, lejos aún de ser una práctica consolidada. Nuestro interés en este trabajo es conocer la predisposición y motivaciones de las empresarias hacia el uso estas redes, así como las utilidades y dificultades a las que han de enfrentarse. Nos interesa visibilizar el cambio actitudinal y competencial que las empresarias están imprimiendo en sus empresas dentro del marco competitivo en el que se encuentran. En definitiva, nos interesa estudiar la percepción que tienen las empresarias sobre el uso de las redes sociales online en la medida en que están insertas, como una herramienta más de gestión empresarial. Nos situamos ante un nuevo ámbito de conocimiento sobre el que apenas existen referencias bibliográficas ni se ha realizado apenas investigación; de ahí que la investigación tenga una finalidad fundamentalmente exploratoria y de carácter cualitativo. Para la obtención de la información se realizaron catorce entrevistas semi-estructuradas entre empresarias andaluzas de distintos sectores de actividad. Entre los principales resultados encontramos que algo menos de la mitad de ellas las utilizan, o están implantadas en sus empresas, como herramientas de comunicación. El resto, y relacionado con el tamaño de sus negocios, las utilizan como una prolongación del uso personal en el que se iniciaron.This paper presents the main results of an investigation whose purpose is to investigate the adoption of on-line social networks in SMEs run by women. The base assumption is that the use of networks as a strategic communication element is still at an early stage of development, far from being an established practice. Our interest in this study is to determine the willingness and motivations of entrepreneurs in using these networks, as well as utilities and difficulties they have faced. Our goal is to visualize the change of attitude and competences that entrepreneurs are imprinting on their businesses within the competitive environment they operate in. Ultimately, we are interested in studying the perception of women-entrepreneurs regarding the adoption of online social networks to the extent where they are, as an additional management tool. We find ourselves facing a new field of knowledge on which there are very few references and very little research has been carried. Hence, this study has a primarily qualitative and exploratory purpose. To obtain the needed information we held semi-structured interviews to fourteen Andalusian entrepreneurs, coming from different business fields. The main findings were that just less than a half of them used them, or implemented them in their companies, as communication tools. The others, depending on to the size of their business, adopted them as an extension of the personal use in which they had been started

    Acetaminofen vs ibuprofen for the pain from episiotomy in the 42 hours of postpartum care

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    Objetivo: Evaluación de la eficacia analgésica para el dolor de la episiotomía entre el paracetamol y el Ibuprofeno, en las primeras 42 horas postparto. Método: Estudio cuasi-experimental (prospectivo y simple ciego) en mujeres que dieron a luz en el HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO CENTRAL DE ASTURIAS (OVIEDO), excluyendo alérgicas, patologías asociadas ó aquellas que el idioma impidiese un correcto entendimiento. Dos grupos: 1) Paracetamol 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofeno 600 mg. Tamaño de muestra: 110 por grupo para alcanzar mínimo de 80. Variable principal: grado de dolor según puntuación de escala (0 a 3). Otras variables: edad de paciente, semanas de gestación, peso neonatal, paridad, inicio del parto, anestesia epidural, tipo de parto, desgarro, inflamación y enrojecimiento, hematoma, hemorroides, necesidad de sondaje evacuador, aplicación de hielo y solicitud de analgesia. Tamaño final de la muestra: 88 grupo paracetamol y 97 grupo ibuprofeno. La escala de dolor se midió a las 2 horas postparto (previo al tratamiento) y, posteriormente, cada 8 hasta 42 horas. Se realizó análisis descriptivo y comparación entre grupos. Resultados: No encontramos diferencias significativas en la escala de dolor entre ambos fármacos, ni en los subgrupos analizados, salvo en el subgrupo de partos eutócicos, donde el ibuprofeno fue superior al paracetamol. En el global de la serie, el grupo de paracetamol solicitó hielo y otra medicación con mayor frecuencia que el grupo de ibuprofeno. Conclusiones: El ibuprofeno 600 mg y el paracetamol de 1 gr obtienen una respuesta similar en las primeras 42 horas postparto, si bien el ibuprofeno parece tener algunas ventajas adicionales.Objective: Assessment of the analgesic effectiveness of acetaminofen and ibuprofen in cases of epsiotomy, within the first 42 hours pospartum. Methods: Quasi-experimental research (prospective,singel-blind trial) on women who gave birth at the HUCA (Oviedo), excluding those who suffered from allergies or associated pathologies and the ones whose language skills in Spanish led to misunderstanding. Two groups: 1) Acetaminofen 1 gr; 2) Ibuprofen 600mg. Sample size: 110 per group to amount to a minimum of 80. Main variable: The degree of pain, which was marked on a rating scale (0 to 3). Other variables: The age of the patient, gestational age, neonatal weight, parity, onset of labour, epidural anesthesia, type of delivery, inflammation and reddening, tears, hematoma or hemorrhoids, need for catheter evacuation, application of ice and request for analgesia. Final sample size: 88 group acetaminofen and 97 group ibuprofen. Pain levels were measured through the scale 2 hours after delivery (previous to the treatment), afterwards, every 8 within the first 42 hours postpartum. A descriptive research was carried out and there was a comparison drawn between both groups. Results: The pain scale did not reveal any significant difference between both drugs. The result was the same in the analized subgroups; except for that of eutocic deliveries, where ibuprofen was superior to acetaminofen. The overall series results show that the request for ice and additional medication was more frequent among group acetaminofen. Conclusions: Ibuprofen 600 mg and acetaminofen 1gr get a similar response within the first 42 hours after delivery, even though ibuprofen seems to have some extra advantages

    Short-term energy storage for power quality improvement in weak MV grids with distributed renewable generation

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    The intermittent and stochastic nature of renewable energy sources impose several challenges for the operation of electrical networks, and affect power quality levels as well. This paper addresses one of the issues associated to power quality in electrical networks: voltage flicker. The main contribution of the paper fall in the proposal of a methodology for addressing the location in the network and the sizing of an active filter for flicker filtering. The designed active filter is based on controllable and bidirectional power electronics. Also, it includes energy storage capability, so as to maximize flicker filtering effectiveness by performing both active and reactive power regulation.Postprint (author's final draft

    The Computer-Vision Symptom Scale (CVSS17): Development and Initial Validation

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    Purpose.: To develop a questionnaire (in Spanish) to measure computer-related visual and ocular symptoms (CRVOS). Methods.: A pilot questionnaire was created by consulting the literature, clinicians, and video display terminal (VDT) workers. The replies of 636 subjects completing the questionnaire were assessed using the Rasch model and conventional statistics to generate a new scale, designated the Computer-Vision Symptom Scale (CVSS17). Validity and reliability were determined by Rasch fit statistics, principal components analysis (PCA), person separation, differential item functioning (DIF), and item–person targeting. To assess construct validity, the CVSS17 was correlated with a Rasch-based visual discomfort scale (VDS) in 163 VDT workers, this group completed the CVSS17 twice in order to assess test-retest reliability (two-way single-measure intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC] and their 95% confidence intervals, and the coefficient of repeatability [COR]). Results.: The CVSS17 contains 17 items exploring 15 different symptoms. These items showed good reliability and internal consistency (mean square infit and outfit 0.88–1.17, eigenvalue for the first residual PCA component 1.37, person separation 2.85, and no DIF). Pearson's correlation with VDS scores was 0.60 (P < 0.001). Intraclass correlation coefficient for test–retest reliability was 0.849 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.800–0.887), and COR was 8.14. Conclusions.: The Rasch-based linear-scale CVSS17 emerged as a useful tool to quantify CRVOS in computer workers