49 research outputs found

    Insecticide action of Ricinus Communis L. on Plodia Interpunctella Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae)

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    La aplicación de insecticidas sintéticos como principal sistema de control de plagas de granos y productos almacenados ha originado el desarrollo de poblaciones de insectos resistentes a dichos químicos, la contaminación del medio ambiente y la acumulación de sustancias tóxicas en los alimentos. En este trabajo se evaluaron los efectos de la aplicación de molido de hojas de ricino sobre larvas de la «polilla de las harinas» (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae). Los molidos vegetales se obtuvieron a partir de hojas de Ricinus communis L. secadas en estufa a 40 ± 2 °C durante 48 horas y posteriormente molidas hasta lograr un polvo de textura similar a la harina de maíz, material con el que se mezcló a fin de lograr concentraciones de 5, 10 y 15 % y un testigo sin ricino. Las unidades experimentales consistieron en cajas de Petri con seis larvas de primer y segundo estadio y se efectuaron cinco repeticiones por tratamiento (n=120). Se registró el número de larvas, pupas y adultos vivos, cada cuatro días, hasta que las larvas sobrevivientes llegaron al estado adulto. Se calcularon los porcentajes de eficacia mediante la fórmula de Abbott. Los resultados se evaluaron por ANVA y test de Tukey. Se determinaron el tiempo efectivo medio (TE50) y concentración efectiva media (CE50) por el método Probit. Los resultados de mortalidad indicaron que la concentración al 15 % superó significativamente al resto de los tratamientos y al testigo.The application of synthetic insecticides for control stored grain pests has developed resistant populations, environment contamination and the accumulation of toxic substances in foods. In this work were evaluated the effects of the application of shattered leaves of castor on larvae of the «Indian Meal Moth» (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae). The shattered plant material were obtained from leaves of Ricinus communis L. dried in stove to 40 ± 2 ºC for 48 hours and subsequently shattered until achieving a dust of similar texture to the flour of corn. Then it was mixed with flour of corn to achieve concentrations of: 5, 10 and 15% and a control without castor. The experimental units consisted of Petri dishes with six larvae of first and second stadium being performed five replications by treatment (n=120). The number of larvae was registered, pupas and alive adults, each four days, until the surviving larvae arrived al state adult. The percentages of efficacy were calculated by the formula of Abbott. The results were evaluated with ANOVA and Tukey test. They were determined the half effective time (TE50) and the median effective concentration (CE50) by the Probit method. The pest mortality with the concentration at 15 % surpasses significantly 10.5 % and control treatments. The relative mortality along this study indicates that there is differentiate significant between castor treatments and control from 24 days. CE50 was of 2.76 %.Fil: Collavino, Marcelo.Fil: Pelicano, Alicia.Fil: Giménez, Rosana A.

    Microclimatic modifications under polypropylene protection for horticultural crops in Córdoba, Spain

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    A cobertura de plantas com o material “não tecido” de polipropileno constitui uma das técnicas mais recentes utilizada para proteção de cultivos hortícolas. Dentro deste tema, foram conduzidos quatro experimentos na área experimental do “Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario”, em Córdoba, Espanha. Avaliou- se a amplitude das modificações das temperaturas do ar e do solo, da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e o conseqüente efeito sobre a produção de couve-chinesa, beterraba, espinafre e alface cultivados sob proteção do “não tecido” de polipropileno (PP) e em ambiente natural (AN), durante a primavera, outono e inverno de 1995/1996. Utilizou-se delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. As temperaturas do ar e do solo sob PP foram maiores que em AN na fase inicial de crescimento das espécies estudadas, com diferenças de até 5,5 e 2,2oC para temperaturas do ar e do solo, respectivamente. Entretanto, com o crescimento das culturas, os valores de temperatura do tratamento PP tenderam a se igualar ao tratamento AN, tanto para temperatura do ar como do solo. Para couve chinesa e espinafre, a temperatura do ar sob PP foi até 3,1oC menor que a observada em condições naturais depois da metade e final do ciclo, respectivamente. Para couve-chinesa, beterraba e espinafre cultivados sob PP, as modificações do microclima favoreceram a maior precocidade e produção quando comparadas às plantas cultivadas em AN. Entretanto, para a cultura da alface o aumento das temperaturas do ar e solo sob PP em relação a AN não resultou em aumento da produção final. Neste caso, os baixos níveis de radiação incidente sob o “não tecido” e o prolongado período de precipitação ocorrido durante os meses de inverno interferiram negativamente sobre o crescimento da espécie, sendo recomendado a retirada da proteção de plantas nesta condição climática.Plants cover with a nonwoven polypropylene protection comprises one of the most recent techniques for protecting horticultural crops. Four experiments have been conducted at the experimental area of the “Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario” in Córdoba, Spain. The aim of this study was to evaluated the air and soil temperature amplitudes and the photosynthetically active radiation and its effects on the production of chinese cabbage, table beet, spinach and lettuce grown under nonwoven polypropylene protection (PP) and also at environment conditions (AN) during the spring, autumn and winter of 1995/1996. The experiments were carried out in a randomized blocks design with four replications. Air and soil temperatures under PP were higher than those ones at AN conditions during initial growth period for all studied species, with differences up to 5.5 and 2.2oC for air and soil temperature, respectively. However, with crops growth, temperature values under PP trended to be similar to AN for both air and soil. For chinese cabbage and spinach, air temperature under PP was lower than AN after middle and final cycle, respectively. For chinese cabbage and spinach, air temperature under PP was up to 3.1oC lower than the observed at AN condition after middle and final stage of the cycle, respectively. For chinese cabbage, table beet and spinach grown under PP, such microclimatic modifications have promoted a higher precocity and production compared to AN conditions. However, for lettuce crop the higher temperature under PP did not result in a higher final production. In this case, low incidence radiation levels under PP and also a prolonged precipitation period during the winter months interfered negatively with crops growth, where PP protection should be removed in this climatic conditions

    Comportamiento del carbosulfan, terápico para semillas, en gramíneas forrajeras

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    p.97-102El objetivo de este ensayo es analizar si el insecticida sistémico CARBOSULFAN (P igual 25por ciento), como terápico de semillas, produce algún efecto fitotóxico en las siguientes gramíneas: Trigo, cultivar De Onis I.N.T.A.; Centeno, cultivar Suquía I.N.T.A. y Cebada, cultivar Ranquelina I.N.T.A. Bordenave. Se realizaron los siguientes tratamientos: 1) testigo sin tratar (T); II) mitad de la dosis sugerida de uso (Dl) igual 280gr. de producto formulado-100 kg. de semillas; III) dosis sugerida de uso (D2) igual 560 gr. de producto formulado-100 kg.de semillas y IV) doble dosis de uso (D3) igual 1120 gr. de producto formulado-100 kg. de semillas. Las semillas se trataron con el método seco. En laboratorio se evaluó la Energía Germinativa (E.G) y el Poder Germinativo (P.G). En invernáculo se determinó: a) porcentaje de plántulas emergidas cada cinco días desde la siembra, hasta los veinticinco días posteriores; b) evaluación visual de efectos fitotóxicos (evaluación cualitativa) y c) peso fresco (PF) y peso seco (PS) de la parte aerea. El análisis de los resultados en laboratorio e invernáculo señala que el carbosulfan no produce efectos depresores de EG, PG, PS, y PF en ninguna de las dosis en las especies testeadas. A dosis mayor a la sugerida los efectos de fitotoxicidad según la escala visual fueron de leves a moderados. En invernáculo a dosis más baja que la sugerida hay una mayor velocidad de emergencia que con las dosis sugerida y mayor a ésta


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    Quantitative study, cross-sectional, performed students in the Bachelor of Nursing.Was performed in order to study the perceptions of nursing students about the difficulties presented in their integration into clinical practice of critical patients during the period from September to November 2012. The sample was given by 26students, who completed a self-administered questionnaire consisting of socio demographic variables and variables that helped identify the main difficulties. The results showed a predominance of females and the main difficulties encounteredwere, insecurity, fear, lack of skills to work with these patients, lack of theoretical knowledge and the various educational criteria used in practice.Estudio cuantitativo, de corte transversal, realizado con estudiantes de la Licenciatura de Enfermería. Se realizó con el objetivo de conocer la percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre las dificultades que presentan en su insercióna la práctica clínica de paciente crítico durante el periodo de setiembre a noviembre del 2012. La muestra estuvo dada por 26 estudiantes, que respondieron un cuestionario auto administrado, compuesto por variables socio demográficas y variables que permitieron identificar las principales dificultades. Los resultados mostraron un predominio del sexo femenino y las principales dificultades encontradas fueron, la inseguridad, el temor, la falta de competencias para trabajar con estos paciente, falta de conocimientos teóricos y los diversos criterios docentes utilizados en la práctica.Estudo quantitativo, de corte transversal, realizado com estudantes da Licenciatura de Enfermagem. O objetivo desse estudo, realizado no período de setembro a novembro de 2012, era conhecer a percepção dos estudantes de enfermagemsobre as dificuldades que apresenta sua inserção na prática clínica de paciente crítico. A amostra se conformou com 26 estudantes, que responderam um questionário autoadministrado constituído por variáveis sócio demográficas evariáveis que permitiram identificar as principais dificuldades. Os resultados mostraram um predomínio do sexo feminino, e as principais dificuldades encontradas foram: insegurança, temor, falta de competência para trabalhar com esses pacientes, falta de conhecimentos teóricos, e a diferença de critérios de ensino utilizados durante a prática

    Amoxicilina: la existencia de diferentes presentaciones comerciales como factor determinante del uso irracional del medicamento

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    INTRODUCCION: La Amoxicilina, un antibiótico de amplio espectro, según consensos internacionales, debe ser usada en esquemas de 500 mg cada 8 hs, 750 mg cada 12 hs, 875 mg cada 12 hs, ó 1000 mg cada 12 hs por 7 a 10 días. En la actualidad, los esquemas impuestos por las diferentes presentaciones comerciales, existentes en la República Argentina, generalmente no se ajustan a estos supuestos. Esto podría tener consecuencias negativas en el uso racional del medicamento. OBJETIVOS: Conocer las presentaciones comerciales de Amoxicilina en comprimidos existentes actualmente en el mercado argentino, contrastar la posibilidad de completar el esquema terapéutico con el uso propuesto por las diferentes presentaciones y relacionar esto con el uso irracional del medicamento. MATERIALES Y METODOS: Se realizó el estudio en base al análisis de diferentes presentaciones comerciales de Amoxicilina en comprimidos del mercado argentino obtenidos de motores de búsqueda informáticos y material bibliográfico. Se procesaron los datos en planilla de cálculos y se realizaron análisis estadísticos. RESULTADOS: Existen 20 laboratorios, 74 productos y 13 tipos de presentaciones comerciales según dosis y cantidad de comprimidos. Se determinó que 5 tipos de presentaciones comerciales (26%) se ajustan al esquema de tratamiento aceptado y 8 tipos (74%) no concuerdan con el esquema terapéutico consensuado. DISCUSION: Del total de los tipos de presentaciones de Amoxicilina, la mayoría (74%) no cumple el esquema de tratamiento, un porcentaje menor (26%) se ajusta a las normas internacionales de uso racional de Amoxicilina. CONCLUSION: El uso irracional del medicamento por esquemas incompletos podría derivar en mayor resistencia bacteriana, reacciones adversas al medicamento, incumplimiento de los días de tratamiento necesarios y la necesidad de comprar más de un envase, encareciendo el tratamiento. El motivo por el que existe un uso indebido podría no ser solo por la gran cantidad de presentaciones comerciales sino también por el desconocimiento de médicos sobre los tipos de presentaciones existentes en el mercado y la falta de información impartida al profesional para evitar esto. Son pertinentes más estudios sobre el uso racional de Amoxicilina para evitar estas posibles consecuencias.INTRODUCTION: Amoxicillin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, according to international consensus, should be used in schemes of 500 mg every 8 hours, 750 mg every 12 hours, 875 mg every 12 hours, or 1000 mg every 12 hours during 7 to 10 days. Currently, the schemes of different commercial presentations, existing in Argentina, don´t correspond to these assumptions. This may have a negative impact on rational drug use. OBJECTIVES: To determine the commercial tablets presentations currently on the Argentine market, test the possibility to finish the therapeutic regimen with the use proposed by the different presentations and relate this to the use irrational use of medicine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was based on the analysis of different commercial presentations of Amoxicillin in the Argentine market tablets obtained from computer search engine and bibliography. The data was processed in spreadsheet and were performed statistical analyzes. RESULTS: There are 20 companies, 74 products and 13 types of commercial presentations as dosage and number of pills. It was determined that five types of business presentations (26%) are in accordance with accepted treatment regimen and 8 types (74%) do not agree with the consensus treatment regimen. DISCUSSION: Of all the types of presentations of Amoxicillin, the majority (74%) does not meet the treatment schedule, a smaller percentage (26%) are conform to international standards of rational use of Amoxicillin. CONCLUSION: The irrational use of medicine could result in incomplete schemes increased bacterial resistance, adverse drug reactions, breach of treatment day required, and to buy more than one container, that casuesmore expensive treatment. The reason that there is abuse may be is not because the many business presentations but also by the lack of doctors on the types of presentations on the market and the lack of information given to professional to avoid this. Further studies are relevant on the rational use of Amoxicillin to avoid these potential consequences.Fil: Domínguez, Eiana Belén. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Pedro Nicolás. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Giménez, José Florentino. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; ArgentinaFil: Gerometta, Rosana María del Rosario. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Medicina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Evaluación de la eficacia de tratamientos químicos alternativos para el control del Pulgón Verde de los cereales

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    p.31-34El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la efectividad de tratamientos alternativos, con distintos insecticidas para controlar «pulgón verde de los cereales» (Schizaphis graminum, Rondani), en trigo, cultivar Pincem. Los pulgones fueron criados en laboratorio en plantas de cebada cervecera y posteriormente en invernáculo se realizó la infestación artificial -2 pulgones/planta-cuando las plantas de trigo tenían 2 hojas. Se realizaron los siguientes tratamientos: I) Testigo sin tratar, II) CARBOSULFAN (P 25 por ciento), terápico para tratamiento de semillas, 500 gp.f. - 100 kg de semillas, III) DIMETOATO A (CE 37.6 por ciento), 100 cc p.f.-ha, IV) DIMETOATO B (CE 40 por ciento), 125 cc p.f.-ha, V) PIRIMICARB (GM 50por ciento), 100 g p.f.-ha. Las aplicaciones foliares se realizaron según UDE (2 pulgones-planta). Se evaluó porcentaje de eficacia mediante recuento en invernáculo de pulgones vivos en los distintos tratamientos. Se empleó un Diseño de Bloques Completamente Aleatorizados con 5 tratamientos y 5 repeticiones. El análisis de los resultados, (ANOVA y test de Tukey y LSD protegido), indicó que: Numeral Todos los tratamientos químicos alternativos presentaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas con respecto al testigo. Numeral En los tratamientos foliares el porcentaje de eficacia obtenido fue del 100 por ciento, no habiendo diferencias significativas entre los distintos tratamientos. Numeral El porcentaje de eficacia obtenido en el tratamiento de semillas fue estadísticamente menor que en los tratamientos foliares

    Acerca de la relación entre resiliencia y salud mental en un dispositivo neuropsiquiátrico de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    ResumenEste informe corresponde al estudio realizado en el Hospital Moyano [5] en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en el que se efectuaron entrevistas con operadores de diversas disciplinas. El objetivo del estudio fue explorar la relación entre resiliencia y salud mental, en el contexto del vínculo entre los operadores de salud mental y los pacientes.Su objetivo principal se centró en logar el refinamiento de la comprensión de la relación entre resiliencia y salud mental en sujetos que fueron diagnosticados con padecimientos   mentales graves (psicosis esquizofrénica, trastornos de la personalidad crónica, adicciones, enfermedad maníaco-depresiva, trastornos del desarrollo). Asimismo, se procuró detectar cuáles eran los elementos que favorecían la promoción de salud mental en pacientes con enfermedades psiquiátricas severas.El estudio también se ocupó de la relación entre la capacidad resiliente de los operadores y la mejoría de los pacientes.AbstractThis is a report of a study conducted at Moyano Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which involved interviews with mental health clinicians from various disciplines. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between resilience and mental health in the context of a therapeutic relationship between clinician and patient, in order to gain a better understanding of how to promote mental health in individuals who have been diagnosed with serious mental illness.The study is also concerned with clinician resilience and explores the connection between clinician and patient resilience.ResumoEste relatório corresponde ao estudo realizado no Hospital Moyano em Buenos Aires, Argentina, no qual foram realizadas entrevistas com operadores de diversas disciplinas. O objetivo do estudo foi explorar a relação entre resiliência e saúde mental, no contexto da ligação entre operadores de saúde mental e pacientes.Seu principal objetivo foi alcançar uma compreensão refinada da relação entre resiliência e saúde mental emindivíduos com diagnóstico de doença mental grave (psicose esquizofrênica, disturbios crônicos da personalidade, vícios, doença maniaco-depressiva, distúrbios do desenvolvimento).Do mesmo modo, foi feito um esforço para detectar os elementos que favoreceram a promoção da saúde mental em pacientes com doenças psiquiátricas severas.O estudo também abordou a relação entre a capacidade resiliente dos operadores ea melhora dos pacientes.Palabras claveResiliencia, resiliencia vicaria, stress, satisfacción, salud mental, patologías psíquicas severas  Key wordsResilience, vicarious resilience, stress, satisfaction, mental health, serious mental illnessPalavras chaveResiliência, resiliência vicária, stress, satisfação, saúde mental, doenças psiquiátricas severas

    GraftFast surface engineering to improve MOF nanoparticles furtiveness

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    Controlling the outer surface of nanometric metal–organic frameworks (nanoMOFs) and further understanding the in vivo effect of the coated material are crucial for the convenient biomedical applications of MOFs. However, in most studies, the surface modification protocol is often associated with significant toxicity and/or lack of selectivity. As an alternative, how the highly selective and general grafting GraftFast method leads, through a green and simple process, to the successful attachment of multifunctional biopolymers (polyethylene glycol (PEG) and hyaluronic acid) on the external surface of nanoMOFs is reported. In particular, effectively PEGylated iron trimesate MIL-100(Fe) nanoparticles (NPs) exhibit suitable grafting stability and superior chemical and colloidal stability in different biofluids, while conserving full porosity and allowing the adsorption of bioactive molecules (cosmetic and antitumor agents). Furthermore, the nature of the MOF–PEG interaction is deeply investigated using high-resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy. Finally, a cell penetration study using the radio-labeled antitumor agent gemcitabine monophosphate (3H-GMP)-loaded MIL-100(Fe)@PEG NPs shows reduced macrophage phagocytosis, confirming a significant in vitro PEG furtiveness.Agence Nationale de la Recherche | Ref. ANR‐10‐LABX‐0035Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. ENE2016-79608-C2-1-

    Short vs. long-distance avocado supply chains: Life cycle assessment Impact associated to transport and effect of fruit origin and supply conditions chain on primary and secondary metabolites

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    Avocado consumption and trade are increasing worldwide, with North America and Europe being the main importing regions. Spain is the major European avocado producer (90% of the production), yet it only supplies 10% of the market. Consequently, more than 90% of the avocados consumed in Europe are imported from overseas, mainly from Chile and Peru. In this work, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) impact associated with the transport of two avocado supply chains (short (Spanish) and long (Chilean)) and the effect of the fruit origin and distance of both chains on primary and secondary metabolites from harvest to edible ripeness were evaluated using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography coupled to diode array detection (LC-DAD) based metabolite analysis. The LCA transport impact of the fresh supply chain from production centers in Chile (Quillota) and Spain (Malaga), and then the distribution to several cities in Europe, suggested road export from Spain to European capitals to have the lowest impact (0.14 to 0.22 kg CO2 eq/kg of avocado). When export from Chile was considered, the option of oceanic freight to European ports closer to final destinations was clearly a better option (0.21 to 0.26 kg CO2 eq/kg) than via the Algeciras port in Spain followed by road transport to final destinations in European capitals (0.34 to 0.43 kg CO2 eq/kg), although the situation could be somewhat different if the avocados are transported from the destination ports in northern Europe to long-distance capitals in other European countries. Fruit origin had a significant impact on avocado primary and secondary metabolites. The conditions of the supply chain itself (10 d in cold storage in regular conditions vs. 30 d cold storage + controlled atmosphere conditions) largely influence the fate of some metabolites that certainly affect the pool of metabolites at edible ripeness. The long-assumed hypothesis that the longer the supply chain the more negative impact on nutritional and functional compounds might not hold in this case, as long as transport conditions are adequate in terms of temperature, atmosphere conditions, and time considering distance from origin to destination.This research was funded by Fondecyt Nº 1180303 and REDBIO0001 PCI from ANID (Chile) and for the RTI2018-099139-B-C21 from Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spain)—National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, of the European Union. R. Pedreschi and E. Aguayo are thankful to the grant of Fundación Séneca (Murcia, Spain) through the “Jiménez de la Espada” Program of Visiting Researchers. This research was partially supported by the grant VRIEA-PUCV Nº 039.436/2020

    A comparative genomics perspective on the genetic content of the alkaliphilic haloarchaeon Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099T

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    BACKGROUND: Natrialba magadii is an aerobic chemoorganotrophic member of the Euryarchaeota and is a dual extremophile requiring alkaline conditions and hypersalinity for optimal growth. The genome sequence of Nab. magadii type strain ATCC 43099 was deciphered to obtain a comprehensive insight into the genetic content of this haloarchaeon and to understand the basis of some of the cellular functions necessary for its survival. RESULTS: The genome of Nab. magadii consists of four replicons with a total sequence of 4,443,643 bp and encodes 4,212 putative proteins, some of which contain peptide repeats of various lengths. Comparative genome analyses facilitated the identification of genes encoding putative proteins involved in adaptation to hypersalinity, stress response, glycosylation, and polysaccharide biosynthesis. A proton-driven ATP synthase and a variety of putative cytochromes and other proteins supporting aerobic respiration and electron transfer were encoded by one or more of Nab. magadii replicons. The genome encodes a number of putative proteases/peptidases as well as protein secretion functions. Genes encoding putative transcriptional regulators, basal transcription factors, signal perception/transduction proteins, and chemotaxis/phototaxis proteins were abundant in the genome. Pathways for the biosynthesis of thiamine, riboflavin, heme, cobalamin, coenzyme F(420) and other essential co-factors were deduced by in depth sequence analyses. However, approximately 36% of Nab. magadii protein coding genes could not be assigned a function based on Blast analysis and have been annotated as encoding hypothetical or conserved hypothetical proteins. Furthermore, despite extensive comparative genomic analyses, genes necessary for survival in alkaline conditions could not be identified in Nab. magadii. CONCLUSIONS: Based on genomic analyses, Nab. magadii is predicted to be metabolically versatile and it could use different carbon and energy sources to sustain growth. Nab. magadii has the genetic potential to adapt to its milieu by intracellular accumulation of inorganic cations and/or neutral organic compounds. The identification of Nab. magadii genes involved in coenzyme biosynthesis is a necessary step toward further reconstruction of the metabolic pathways in halophilic archaea and other extremophiles. The knowledge gained from the genome sequence of this haloalkaliphilic archaeon is highly valuable in advancing the applications of extremophiles and their enzymes