615 research outputs found
A new Erica lusitanica Rudolphi heathland association to the Iberian south-west
As result of several field trips following doctoral research in Marianic-Monchiquensean Sector, we describe a
new heathland named Lavandulo viridis-Ericetum lusitanici ass nova hoc loco (Genistion micrantho-anglicae, Rivas-
Martínez 1979) as a thermomediterranean to lower mesomediterranean, upper dry to humid, schistose association. The
analysis of 11 relevés, following Braun-Blanquet methodology shows the floristic identity of this new association as well
as the chorological segregation of its area of occurrence. Finally, despite these communities already being relatively well
known and although they are poor in species number, such heathlands show floristic singularity and own sinecology,
with a large and distinct geographical area of distribution, so we emphasized its integration within Atlantic wet heaths
priority habitat (⁄4020 – Annex B-I from Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992)
A motivação intrínseca e extrínseca na disciplina de educação física: as diferenças de género em alunos do ensino básico
A Teoria da Autodeterminação, proposta por Deci & Ryan (1985) explica as ações menos e mais autodeterminadas (i.e. controladas versus autónomas), da motivação numa perspetiva multidimensional.
Neste estudo procuramos conhecer os motivos mais e menos importantes que influenciam a motivação intrínseca e extrínseca entre os rapazes e as raparigas na disciplina de Educação Física e comparar a motivação intrínseca e extrínseca entre género.
A amostra do estudo, de conveniência, foi constituída por 478 alunos do Agrupamento de Escolas João Roiz, de Castelo Branco, sendo 256 indivíduos do sexo masculino e 222 alunos do sexo feminino. A recolha de dados foi feita através do questionário elaborado e validado por Kobal (1996), constituído na sua totalidade por 3 dimensões de questões, (i.e. participação, o gosto e não gosto pelas aulas de Educação Física). Os dados foram tratados através da metodologia quantitativa pelo que recorremos à estatística descritiva inferencial.
Os resultados obtidos evidenciam, na análise descritiva, que tanto os rapazes como as raparigas estão intrinsecamente e extrinsecamente motivados para as aulas de Educação Física. Deste modo, na motivação intrínseca revelam resultados elevados de concordância com os itens que se enquadram com o gosto, o interesse, o prazer, o envolvimento e empenho nas atividades e na motivação extrínseca valorizaram as notas, a integração na turma e o estar com os amigos.
Entre o género, verifica-se que os resultados de concordância são superiores nos rapazes tanto na motivação intrínseca como na motivação extrínseca, e ambos os géneros apresentam resultados de maior concordância na motivação intrínseca versus motivação extrínseca.
Na análise comparativa, os resultados obtidos revelam diferenças significativas entre o género, tanto na motivação intrínseca, como na motivação extrínseca para as mesmas questões, referentes aos motivos da participação, gosto e não gosto das aulas de Educação FísicaThe Self-Determination Theory, proposed by Deci & Ryan (1985) explain the actions of less and
more self-determined, controlled versus autonomous, motivation in a multidimensional
In this study we seek to know the most and least important reasons influencing the intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation among boys and girls in the discipline of Physical Education and
comparing the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation between gender.
The study sample of convenience consisted of 478 students from the Group of Schools João
Roiz, Castelo Branco, with 256 males and 222 female students. The collection of data was
performed using the validated questionnaire and developed by Kobal (1996), consisting
entirely of three dimensions of questions (participation, taste and do not like for physical
education classes), The data were processed through the quantitative methodology, so we
resorted to inferential descriptive statistic.
The results obtained in the descriptive analysis showed that both boys and girls are intrinsically
and extrinsically motivated for physical education classes. Thus, the intrinsic motivation results
show high agreement rates with the items that fit the taste, interest, enjoyment, involvement
and engagement in the activities and extrinsic motivation valued the grades, the integration in
the classroom and being with friends.
Between genders, there is agreement that the results are superior to boys in both intrinsic
motivation and extrinsic motivation, and both genders have higher concordance of results in
intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivation.
In comparative analysis, the results reveal significant differences between gender in both the
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, in the three questions under review, about the motives of
participation, taste and do not like of the Physical Education classes
Contributos para uma reflexão colaborativa a partir do ofício de aluno
O presente estudo focaliza-se no processo de avaliação da aprendizagem, no âmbito da escolaridade do ensino básico, a partir dos saberes do ofício de aluno. A revisão da literatura, que sustentou o trabalho empírico realizado, no âmbito dos conhecimentos sobre a avaliação desde o início do século XX permite-nos compreender e contextualizar as diversas abordagens que têm sido feitas em contexto da sala de aula. A avaliação diagnóstica, formativa, sumativa e formadora adquire amplo sentido na valorização da auto-avaliação, enquanto auto-regulação das aprendizagens, e na valorização dos processos referentes à construção e apropriação dos critérios de avaliação.
A opção por um estudo qualitativo, através de um estudo de caso, materializado em entrevistas de grupo, possibilitou-nos, pela análise de conteúdo dos dados, considerar o que os alunos, enquanto sujeitos da investigação, dizem sobre a avaliação, matizam indicadores de conhecimentos que devem ser vistos, problematizados e considerados na melhoria do processo avaliativo, no âmbito de uma escola que persegue o sucesso escolar de todos os alunos. As representações dos alunos convergem para uma avaliação feita para a verificação de conteúdos programáticos, através da classificação dos testes mas sobre os quais, os alunos, desconhecem o valor atribuído às questões e às respostas dadas.Present study is focused on the evaluation of learning process in primary school,
based on student’s approach and normal practice. Comprehensive review of available
literature that supported empirical field works on evaluation of learning process since
beginning of 20th century allows understanding and streamlining different approaches that
have been done within the environment of class rooms. Either initial diagnostic analyses or
intermediate and final process reports mean an added value to self-evaluation procedure
under the concept of self-regulation of learning and in terms of improvement and control on
evaluation criteria’s.
Option for qualitative study through case-studies analyses based on group interviews
enable us to assume what students, while subjects of investigation, say about evaluation. In
terms of new inputs on learning know-how and practice are than identified and analyzed in
terms of evaluation process within the spirit of pursuit for best conditions for students
success. Student’s reports and feed-back contribute for an evaluation system on primary
school learning process based on review and checking of the teaching programs. This is
more relevant when considering that students don’t know the relevance of the questions and
answers of the interviews
Improving access to greenspaces in the Mediterranean city of Faro
Green infrastructure has received increasing attention in urban strategies in a sustainable
and resilience context, since greenspaces provide diverse ecosystem services. Green roofs can be a
form of compensating the loss of ecosystem services and biodiversity in urban areas, contribute to safe
access to greenspaces, which is important in times of social isolation, due to viral pandemics, and can
guarantee self-reliance food. Thus, this urban measure should be integrated in urban planning and
management, by using urban indicators associated with citizens access to greenspaces. Hence, we
study pedestrian accessibility to green areas and propose an urban solution to improve access to
greenspaces. The assessment is developed using indicators related to the citizens living in the
surroundings of green areas and the residential buildings that exist in these areas; the residents living
in potential green buildings or blocks with private green roofs and the potential green buildings with
private green roofs. The ideal standard distances were considered to analyze the proximity of green
areas to the dwellings of residents. We used GIS for the assessment of distances over the pedestrian
network. The results indicate the necessity of building green roofs through the private sector. The
developed indicators provide an important contribution to the municipal management in the definition
of criteria for the urban location of green roofs to promote better access to ecosystem services.FCT: UID/MAR/04292/2019.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Geologia Sul Portuguesa, com ênfase na estratigrafia, vulcanologia física, geoquímica e mineralizações da faixa piritosa
O presente trabalho resulta da adaptação e actualização do artigo «O Complexo Vulcano--Sedimentar da Faixa Piritosa: Estratigrafia, Vulcanismo e Mineralizações Associadas no
Contexto da Zona Sul Portuguesa» de autoria de Oliveira et al., inserido no Livro Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria, editado por Rui Dias, Alexandre Araújo, Pedro Terrinha e Carlos Kulberg e publicado pela Universidade de Évora, em 2006, durante o VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia
Scientific approach for ozone absorption in blood during systemic indirect endovenous ozonetherapy
Introduction. Reading reference ozone books from Dra. Menendez, Dra. Viebhan, Dra. Borrelli and Dr. Bocci, proper timing for mixing ozone in blood during autohemotherapy is not calculated in a scientific way, having only an estimation of it based on changes in the blood color, more related to oxygen absorption than on ozone itself. Material and methods. We decided to reproduce a reduced model of great autohemotherapy or recently renamed as systemic indirect endovenous ozonotherapy (SIEVO) by the World Federation of Ozone Therapy ? WFOT, using syringes to simplify the experiment. Our model consisted of a 20 mL syringe filled with 10 mL of blood withdrawn from healthy volunteers and mixed it gently but in controlled way with 10 mL medical ozone at different concentrations; after 5 and 8 seconds, the remaining gas was analyzed by an spectrophotometer based ozone detector to check the amount of ozone. Data were analyzed using a linear regression model. Results. Results show that even for 60 mcgr/mL ozone concentration, 8 seconds is enough to let all ozone absorbed in blood. Discussion and Conclusions. The experiment shows how quick ozone reacts with blood and claims for a trial with real SIEVO devices to achieve a real timing
Cutaneous metastases from primary gastric carcinoma are uncommon, generally occur late in the course of the disease and have a poor prognosis. We report a long-term survival of a patient with cutaneous metastases from a gastric carcinoma. A 56-year-old patient, previously diagnosed with a poorly differentiated signet-ring cell gastric carcinoma staged as ypT3N3aM0, who underwent total gastrectomy with Roux-en-y reconstruction and extended lymphadenectomy (D2) 7 years prior, with no evidence of disease recurrence. At presentation, physical examination revealed firm erythematous nodular lesions in the face and neck, and palpable adenopathy in the left axilla. Laboratory workup showed mild anemia, and the tumour markers were negative. The staging PET-CT scan revealed left axillary and right inguinal lymph nodes metastases. The patient underwent a complete resection of the facial lesion, and the histopathology of the specimen was compatible with cutaneous metastases of signet-ring cell gastric adenocarcinoma. The patient received postoperative chemotherapy with clinical remission at 24 months follow-up. This case report of long-term survival in a metastatic gastric carcinoma emphasizes that although cutaneous metastases are rare, they should be considered when assessing suspicious lesions in patients with a history of gastric carcinoma.As metástases cutâneas de adenocarcinoma gástrico são raras e apresentam-se mais frequentemente num estadio tardio da doença. Apresentamos o caso clínico de um doente do sexo masculino, de 56 anos, com antecedentes de adenocarcinoma pouco diferenciado da pequena curvatura gástrica estadiado como ypT3N3aM0, em 2011, submetido a gastrectomia total com montagem em Y-de-Roux e linfadectomia D2. Realizou quimioterapia peri-operatória (epirrubicina, oxaliplatina e capecitabina). Follow-up clínico, analítico e imagiológico sem evidência de recidiva, aos 7 anos pós-diagnóstico. Ao exame objectivo, com adenopatia palpável na região axilar esquerda. Analiticamente com discreta anemia, sem elevação dos marcadores tumorais. Proposta excisão das lesões, em Consulta de Decisão Terapêutica, revelando metastização cutânea de primário gástrico. A TAC toraco-abdomino-pélvica e a PET revelaram metastização ganglionar axilar esquerda e inguinal direita. Realizou quimioterapia adjuvante, com boa resposta. Este caso mostra que as metástases cutâneas, embora raras, devem ser consideradas na avaliação de lesões suspeitas em doentes com história de carcinoma gástrico
Medical ozone on hamstring injury in a professional athlete assessed by thermography: a clinical case report
Injuries associated with the hamstring muscles in the running athlete are increasingly investigated due to the economic and functional consequences associated with them. Although hardly used in the treatment of sports injuries, medical ozone is effective and very well tolerated in the treatment of musculoskeletal pain, it was decided to add a series of medical ozone infiltrations to the treatment. The evolution of the case was recorded by medical thermography, in addition to measuring pain intensity (visual analog scale) and functional capacity (toe touch test). Pain intensity (visual analog scale) decreased from seven at baseline to two at the end of treatment (after two ozone infiltrations, one weekly). Mobility of the damaged area (toe touch test) improved from a distance of 8 cm at baseline to 0 cm at the end of treatment. Regarding medical thermography, after the first and second infiltration of ozone, the temperature rose to a significant increase in perfusion from baseline from 31.2 to 31.8 & DEG;C and from 31.2 to 32 & DEG;C, respectively. These results suggest the possible interest of medical ozone as an adjuvant treatment for the recovery of sports tendinopathies and encourage us to carry out further studies
Contribution of protein domains to the activities of the human enzyme and molecular dynamics simulation of domain movements
Mammalian triokinase, which phosphorylates exogenous dihydroxyacetone and fructose-derived glyceraldehyde, is neither molecularly identified nor firmly associated to an encoding gene. Human FMN cyclase, which splits FAD and other ribonucleoside diphosphate-X compounds to ribonucleoside monophosphate and cyclic X-phosphodiester, is identical to a DAK-encoded dihydroxyacetone kinase. This bifunctional protein was identified as triokinase. It was modeled as a homodimer of two-domain (K and L) subunits. Active centers lie between K1 and L2 or K2 and L1: dihydroxyacetone binds K and ATP binds L in different subunits too distant (≈ 14 Å) for phosphoryl transfer. FAD docked to the ATP site with ribityl 4'-OH in a possible near-attack conformation for cyclase activity. Reciprocal inhibition between kinase and cyclase reactants confirmed substrate site locations. The differential roles of protein domains were supported by their individual expression: K was inactive, and L displayed cyclase but not kinase activity. The importance of domain mobility for the kinase activity of dimeric triokinase was highlighted by molecular dynamics simulations: ATP approached dihydroxyacetone at distances below 5 Å in near-attack conformation. Based upon structure, docking, and molecular dynamics simulations, relevant residues were mutated to alanine, and kcat and Km were assayed whenever kinase and/or cyclase activity was conserved. The results supported the roles of Thr(112) (hydrogen bonding of ATP adenine to K in the closed active center), His(221) (covalent anchoring of dihydroxyacetone to K), Asp(401) and Asp(403) (metal coordination to L), and Asp(556) (hydrogen bonding of ATP or FAD ribose to L domain). Interestingly, the His(221) point mutant acted specifically as a cyclase without kinase activity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
End-of-day dryness, corneal sensitivity and blink rate in contact lens wearers
Purpose: To study the relationship among the variables intensity ofthe end-of-day (EOD) dryness, corneal
sensitivity and blink rate in soft contact lens (CL) wearers.
Methods: Thirty-eight soft CL wearers (25 women and 13 men; mean age 27.1 ± 7.2 years) were enrolled.
EOD dryness was assessed using a scale of 0–5 (0, none to 5, very intense). Mechanical and thermal (heat
and cold) sensitivity were measured using a Belmonte’s gas esthesiometer. The blink rate was recorded
using a video camera while subjects were wearing a hydrogel CL and watching a film for 90 min in a
controlled environmental chamber.
Results: A significant inverse correlation was found between EOD dryness and mechanical sensitivity
(r: −0.39; p = 0.02); however, there were no significant correlations between EOD dryness and thermal
sensitivity. A significant (r: 0.56; p < 0.001) correlation also was observed between EOD dryness and blink
rate, but no correlations were found between blink rate and mechanical or thermal sensitivity.
Conclusions: CL wearers with higher corneal sensitivity to mechanical stimulation reported more EOD
dryness with habitual CL wear. Moreover, subjects reporting more EOD dryness had an increased blink
rates during wear of a standard CL type. The increased blink rate could act to improve the ocular surface
environment and relieve symptom
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