690 research outputs found

    Moddicom: a Complete and Easily Accessible Library for Prognostic Evaluations Relying on Image Features

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    Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are increasingly exploited in the area of prognostic evaluations. For predicting the effect of therapies on patients, the trend is now to use image features, i.e. information that can be automatically computed by considering images resulting by analysis. The DSSs application as predictive tools is particularly suitable for cancer treatment, given the peculiarities of the disease –which is highly localised and lead to significant social costs– and the large number of images that are available for each patient. At the state of the art, there exists tools that allow to handle image features for prognostic evaluations, but they are not designed for medical experts. They require either a strong engineering or computer science background since they do not integrate all the required functions, such as image retrieval and storage. In this paper we fill this gap by proposing Moddicom, a user-friendly complete library specifically designed to be exploited by physicians. A preliminary experimental analysis, performed by a medical expert that used the tool, demonstrates the efficiency and the effectiveness of Moddicom

    Atributos da validação da metodologia analítica do Captopril num programa de garantia de qualidade

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.Atualmente quando todos os caminhos levam à busca da qualidade total, torna-se indispensável conhecer perfeitamente cada fase de um processo produtivo. Neste caso, a validação é a ferramenta adequada para garantir a confiabilidade de instalação de um processo produtivo, de equipamento novo e, inclusive, da metodologia analítica, seja do setor farmacêutico, alimentício, informática microeletrônico ou qualquer outra área onde a qualidade do produto fabricado é uma das principais razões da existência da empresa. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo analisar os principais aspectos da validação de métodos analíticos, buscando demonstrar que os resultados das análises executadas permitem uma avaliação dos parâmetros específicos da qualidade do produto, assegurando tanto a implantação do método como a confiabilidade dos resultados analíticos. A metodologia utilizada foi a revisão bibliográfica, pesquisas na Internet e desenvolvimento de uma parte experimental. A escolha de uma metodologia é de fundamental importância para o procedimento do controle de qualidade de uma substância ativa ou forma farmacêutica. Porém, ao se validar um método analítico, não significa que este possa ser aplicado sem restrições para diferentes medicamentos com o mesmo princípio ativo, uma vez que os resultados das análises são influenciados por inúmeros fatores como a estrutura química do fármaco, o nível das doses terapêuticas e as diferenças nas fórmulas de um laboratório para outro. Para cada caso há necessidade de resultados experimentais evidentes que garantam a funcionalidade do método, bem como, do tratamento analítico adequado, da avaliação estatística dos resultados e da definição dos critérios de aceitação. Para cada metodologia foram estudadas a exatidão, a precisão, a linearidade, a sensibilidade e a robustez com as devidas considerações estatísticas. Considerando os atributos da validação estudados neste trabalho, o método cromatográfico demonstrou ser o mais adequado para as análises de comprimidos de Captopril enquanto que os métodos espectrofotométrico por Folin-Ciocalteau e titulométrico por oxido-redução também demonstraram valores que satisfazem os critérios de aceitação, porém com maior variabilidade e menor sensibilidade

    Potential Application of Lung Ultrasound in Children with Severe Uncontrolled Asthma: Preliminary Hypothesis Based on a Case Series

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    : In recent years, lung ultrasound (LUS) has been increasingly used for the diagnosis of respiratory diseases in both adult and pediatric patients. However, asthma is a field in which the use of LUS is not yet well defined, or is in development. In the following case series, we describe clinical, laboratory, and radiological results, as well as detailed lung ultrasound findings of six children with asthma: some of them with acute asthma attack and with inadequately controlled allergic asthma or childhood asthma; others with acute asthma and allergic or infantile asthma adequately controlled by preventive therapy. Finally, we describe the clinical, laboratory, and imaging parameters of a child with severe allergic asthma in the absence of exacerbation. In these cases, albeit at different times, LUS played an important role in both the initial diagnostic process and follow-up. It also showed different ultrasound features depending on the severity of the individual asthma based on the type of asthmatic phenotype and control of it

    Novel Variant in Exon 3 of the BMP4 Gene Resulted in Ectopic Posterior Pituitary, Craniocervical Junction Dysmorphism and Limb Anomaly

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    Introduction. Pituitary differentiation involves a large number of transcription factors. In particular, BMP4 expression is fundamental for pituitary gland commitment from the ventral diencephalon, suppressing Shh expression in Rathke's pouch. Pathogenic variants in BMP4 are reported in the literature with a broad phenotypic spectrum, including pituitary and brain malformations. Case Presentation. A five-year-old girl came to medical attention following a mild cervical trauma with onset of cervical pain. On clinical examination at birth, postaxial polydactyly type B of the left hand was observed and removed at 10 months of age. A cervical radiography was performed, and a suspicion of craniocervical junction malformation was made. A magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine was made, showing an ectopic posterior pituitary, associated with dysmorphism of the craniocervical junction. The anthropometric parameters were pubertal Tanner stage 1, weight 16 kg (z-score: -1.09), height 107 cm (z-score: -0.76), and BMI 14 kg/m(2) (z-score: -0.92). Normal hormonal assessment was detected. Genetic analysis via next generation sequencing showed a novel de novo heterozygous variant (c.277 G > T, p.Glu93*) in exon 3 of BMP4. Discussion. We described a novel mutation in BMP4, resulting in ectopic posterior pituitary with normal hormonal assessment, associated to craniocervical junction dysmorphism and limb anomaly. It is important to monitor patient's growth and puberty and to screen the onset of symptoms related to the deficiency of one or more anterior as well as posterior pituitary hormones

    Global vulnerability of soil ecosystems to erosion

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    International audienceContextSoil erosion is one of the main threats driving soil degradation across the globe with important impacts on crop yields, soil biota, biogeochemical cycles, and ultimately human nutrition.ObjectivesHere, using an empirical model, we present a global and temporally explicit assessment of soil erosion risk according to recent (2001–2013) dynamics of rainfall and vegetation cover change to identify vulnerable areas for soils and soil biodiversity.MethodsWe used an adaptation of the Universal Soil Loss Equation together with state of the art remote sensing models to create a spatially and temporally explicit global model of soil erosion and soil protection. Finally, we overlaid global maps of soil biodiversity to assess the potential vulnerability of these soil communities to soil erosion.ResultsWe show a consistent decline in soil erosion protection over time across terrestrial biomes, which resulted in a global increase of 11.7% in soil erosion rates. Notably, soil erosion risk systematically increased between 2006 and 2013 in relation to the baseline year (2001). Although vegetation cover is central to soil protection, this increase was mostly driven by changes in rainfall erosivity. Globally, soil erosion is expected not only to have an impact on the vulnerability of soil conditions but also on soil biodiversity with 6.4% (for soil macrofauna) and 7.6% (for soil fungi) of these vulnerable areas coinciding with regions with high soil biodiversity.ConclusionsOur results indicate that an increasing proportion of soils are degraded globally, affecting not only livelihoods but also potentially degrading local and regional landscapes. Similarly, many degraded regions coincide with and may have impacted high levels of soil biodiversity

    Role of lung ultrasound for the etiological diagnosis of acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRTI) in children: a prospective study

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    Objective and design: Our prospective study assesses the role of detailed lung ultrasound (LUS) features to discriminate the etiological diagnosis of acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRTI) in children. Methodology: We analyzed patients aged from 1 month to 17 years admitted between March 2018 and April 2020 who were hospitalized for ALRTI. For all patients, history, clinical parameters, microbiological data, and lung ultrasound data were collected. Patients were stratified into three main groups ("bacterial", "viral", "atypical") according to the presumed microbial etiology and LUS findings evaluated according to the etiological group. Nasopharyngeal swabs were obtained from all patients. A qualitative diagnostic test developed by Nurex S.r.l. was used for identification of bacterial and fungal DNA in respiratory samples. The Seegene Allplex™ Respiratory assays were used for the molecular diagnosis of viral respiratory pathogens. In addition, bacterial culture of blood and respiratory samples were performed, when indicated. Results: A total of 186 children with suspected ALRTI (44% female) with an average age of 6 were enrolled in the study. We found that some ultrasound findings as size, number and distribution of consolidations, the position and motion of air bronchograms, pleural effusions and distribution of vertical artifacts significantly differ (p < 0.05) in children with bacterial, viral and atypical ALRTI. Conclusion: Our study provides a detailed analysis of LUS features able to predict the ALRTI ethology in children. These findings may help the physicians to better manage a child with ALRTI and to offer personalized approach, from diagnosis to treatment and follow-up

    Assessment of Sexual Dysfunction in Cervical Cancer Patients after Different Treatment Modality: A Systematic Review

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    Background and Objectives: Cervical cancer is a leading cause of mortality among women. Chemo-radiation followed by interventional radiotherapy (IRT) is the standard of care for stage IB-IVA FIGO. Several studies have shown that image-guided adaptive IRT resulted in excellent local and pelvic control, but it is associated with vaginal toxicity and intercourse problems. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the dysfunctions of the sexual sphere in patients with cervical cancer undergoing different cervix cancer treatments. Materials and Methods: We performed a comprehensive literature search using Pub med, Scopus and Cochrane to identify all the full articles evaluating the dysfunctions of the sexual sphere. ClinicalTrials.gov was searched for ongoing or recently completed trials, and PROSPERO was searched for ongoing or recently completed systematic reviews. Results: One thousand three hundred fifty-six women included in five studies published from 2016 to 2022 were analyzed. The median age was 50 years (range 46-56 years). The median follow-up was 12 months (range 0-60). Cervical cancer diagnosis and treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery) negatively affected sexual intercourse. Sexual symptoms such as fibrosis, strictures, decreased elasticity and depth and mucosal atrophy promote sexual dysfunction by causing frigidity, lack of lubrication, arousal, orgasm and libido and dyspareunia. Conclusions: Physical, physiological and social factors all contribute to the modification of the sexual sphere. Cervical cancer survivors who were irradiated have lower sexual and vaginal function than the normal population. Although there are cures for reducing discomfort, effective communication about sexual dysfunctions following treatment is essential