124 research outputs found

    Mobile Applications for Resting Tremor Assessment in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review

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    (1) Background: Resting tremor is a motor manifestation present in most Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. For its assessment, several scales have been created, but mobile applications could help in objectively assessing resting tremor in PD patients in person and/or remotely in a more ecological scenario. (2) Methods: a systematic review following the PRISMA recommendations was conducted in scientific databases (PubMed, Medline, Science Direct, Academic Search Premier, and Web of Science) and in the main mobile application markets (Google Play, iOS App Store, and Windows Store) to determine the applications available for the assessment of resting tremor in patients with PD using only the measurement components of the phone itself (accelerometers and gyroscopes). (3) Results: 14 articles that used mobile apps to assess resting tremor in PD were included, and 13 apps were identified in the mobile application markets for the same purpose. The risk of bias and of applicability concerns of the articles analyzed was low. Mobile applications found in the app markets met an average of 85.09% of the recommendations for the development of medical mobile applications. (4) Conclusions: the use of mobile applications for the evaluation of resting tremor in PD patients has great potential, but validation studies for this purpose are scarce.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu

    Importancia del uso del Método TEACCH que implementa la docente para brindar atención educativa a los estudiantes con el Trastorno del Espectro Autista (Síndrome de Asperger) del cuarto grado de La Escuela Especial “Melania Lacayo Cuadra” del Departamento de Masaya durante el II Semestre del año lectivo 2019

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    El método TEACCH (abreviación en inglés de Tratamiento y Educación de niños con Autismo y Problemas de Comunicación relacionados), es una División del Departamento de Psiquiatría de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Carolina Del Norte en Chapel Hill. Es importante destacar la importancia del uso de este Método Teacch por ser un excelente método para trabajar con los autistas, ya que ha dado resultados positivos a estos niños, utilizar materiales muy atractivos visualmente llaman la atención del niño y los hace motivadores para ellos. Además hace que el niño con autismo sea autónomo en la realización de las tareas, debido a que se utilizan materiales muy estructurados que ofrezcan información visual, indicando en el propio material el que se debe hacer , en cuál orden y cuando finaliza la tarea. Por lo antes referido, la presente investigación se llevó a cabo en la Escuela Especial “Melania Lacayo Cuadra” del Departamento de Masaya durante el II Semestre del año lectivo 2019, en el aula del cuarto grado, con el propósito conocer acerca de la Importancia del uso del Método Teach que implementa la docente para brindar atención educativa en los estudiantes con el trastorno del Espectro Autista (Síndrome de Asperger). Esta es una investigación cualitativa en la cual se utilizaron como técnica de la investigación la entrevista y la guía de observación para la recolección de información relevante, llevándose a cabo en el cuarto grado, en la que se realizaron visitas durante las sesiones de clases con la finalidad de observar paso a paso el proceso del método Teacch. De igual manera, se aplicaron entrevista a la docente, directora y padres de familia, y la guía de observación en el salón de clases docente-estudiante para apreciar de manera directa la importancia del uso del método Teacch para brindar atención educativa a los estudiantes con autismo aplicando las técnicas que se implementa para facilitar el desarrollo de las habilidades en las áreas de su desarrollo. Con base a los resultados se pudo evidenciar que la docente no utiliza las técnicas debidamente a como lo requiere el método Teacch, debido a que no toma en cuenta la importancia de evaluar las características que presentan cada estudiante para la selección y organización de acuerdo a las técnicas del método Teacch. De igual manera la estructura física de los cubículos del aula no está acorde al tamaño establecido por los componentes del método Teacch que permita brindar atención educativa de manera individualizada. Asimismo, durante la observación se aprecia que se requiere de materiales atractivos para el diseño de los pictogramas ya que estos son fundamentales para que puedan procesar la información visual y a la orientación de su autonomía en la realización del concepto de terminado que está basado los objetivos del método Teacch. De acuerdo a los resultados es necesario tomar en cuenta la importancia de la aplicación de los criterios para evaluar a cada estudiante con autismo (síndrome de Asperger) para brindar la atención educativa según sus características de manera que posibilite aplicar las técnicas del método Teacch para desarrollar las capacidades que están conservadas en los estudiantes. Palabras Claves: Método Teacch, Atención Educativa y Espectro Autista (Síndrome de Asperger)

    Brief update on the satellite tagging of Atlantic swordfish

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    This paper provides a brief update of the study on habitat use for swordfish, developed within the working plan of the Swordfish Species Group of ICCAT. A total of 9 miniPAT tags have been deployed by observers on Portuguese and Spanish vessels and the Uruguayan research cruise in the North and South Atlantic. Data from eight tags/specimens are available, four specimens suffered from post-release mortality and one individual tag pop-up date has not occurred yet. These preliminary results showed swordfish moved in several directions, travelling considerable distances. Swordfish spent most of the daytime in deeper waters, being closer to the surface during night-time. The main plan for the next phase of the project is to continue the tag deployment during 2020 in several regions of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea


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    This paper provides a brief update of the study on habitat use for swordfish, developed within the working plan of the Swordfish Species Group of ICCAT. A total of 9 miniPAT tags have been deployed by observers on Portuguese and Spanish vessels and the Uruguayan research cruise in the North and South Atlantic. Data from eight tags/specimens are available, four specimens suffered from post-release mortality and one individual tag pop-up date has not occurred yet. These preliminary results showed swordfish moved in several directions, travelling considerable distances. Swordfish spent most of the daytime in deeper waters, being closer to the surface during night-time. The main plan for the next phase of the project is to continue the tag deployment during 2020 in several regions of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean SeaEn prens

    Preliminary management strategy evaluation for blue shark in the Indian Ocean using a data-limited approach

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    In tuna-RFMOs there has been an effort to move to quantitative stock assessments for pelagic sharks, especially for the main species such as blue shark Prionace glauca. In IOTC, blue shark was last assessed in 2017 with the use of an integrated length-based age-structured model (SS3). This paper now presents a preliminary exercise with data-limited Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) to test options for different potential management procedures (MPs), using the data-limited methods toolkit (DLMtool). Reference points have not yet been adopted for sharks in IOTC, so for this exercise we set some tentative reference points noting that those can be updated in the future as needed. Eighty-nine MPs were evaluated with 9 considered potentially acceptable. Options and tradeoffs between those MPs are shown and described in the paper. We have focused mainly on trade-offs between biomass and yield, but according to the management objectives agreed other performance metrics can be applied. Even thought this is a preliminary exercise at this point, we hope that it provides initial thoughts and opens the discussion for the advancement of the blue shark management and conservation in the Indian Ocean


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    Larval abundance indices express retrocalculated abundances of larval densities at hatching time. They provide a proxy for assessing spawning stock biomass and are applied to assess population status of various species in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Balearic Sea. Recently, the methodological approach to calculate the indices was improved to accommodate for non-linear responses of environmental effects on catchability. This improved methodology is routinely applied in the Balearic Sea to assess the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) spawning stock biomass. Here we apply the same methodology to update the larval index of albacore (Thunnus alalunga) from surveys conducted from 2001 to 2019 in the Balearic Sea, the most relevant spawning ground of this species in the Western Mediterranean. Albacore larval abundances show a decreasing trend and significant lower abundances from 2013 onwards, despite a slight recovery between 2016 and 2017. This larval index, standardized for gears, sampling coverage, salinity, date and sea surface temperature, provides information on the dynamics of the western Mediterranean stock of albacore, which is considered a data poor stock.En prens

    Pattern of long-Term weight and metabolic changes after a first-episode of psychosis: Results from a 10-years prospective follow-up of the PAFIP cohort

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    Background: People with psychosis are at higher risk of cardiovascular events, partly explained by a higher predisposition to gain weight. This has been observed in studies on individuals with a first-episode psychosis (FEP) at short and long term (mainly up to 1 year) and transversally at longer term in people with chronic schizophrenia. However, there is scarcity of data regarding longer-term (above 3-year follow-up) weight progression in FEP from longitudinal studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the longer-term (10 years) progression of weight changes and related metabolic disturbances in people with FEP. Methods: Two hundred and nine people with FEP and 57 healthy participants (controls) were evaluated at study entry and prospectively at 10-year follow-up. Anthropometric, clinical, and sociodemographic data were collected. Results: People with FEP presented a significant and rapid increase in mean body weight during the first year of treatment, followed by less pronounced but sustained weight gain over the study period (?15.2 kg; SD 12.3 kg). This early increment in weight predicted longer-term changes, which were significantly greater than in healthy controls (?2.9 kg; SD 7.3 kg). Weight gain correlated with alterations in lipid and glycemic variables, leading to clinical repercussion such as increments in the rates of obesity and metabolic disturbances. Sex differences were observed, with women presenting higher increments in body mass index than men. Conclusions: This study confirms that the first year after initiating antipsychotic treatment is the critical one for weight gain in psychosis. Besides, it provides evidence that weight gain keep progressing even in the longer term (10 years), causing relevant metabolic disturbances


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    Since 2001, ichthyoplankton and hydrographic surveys directed to tuna species have been conducted in the Balearic Islands, a main tuna spawning ground in the Mediterranean. These campaigns provide today key information about the interannual changes on larval abundances for Bluefin tuna and albacore, also allowing the investigation of the early-life ecology of various species. The Balearic Islands have been identified as a prominent oceanographic retention area within the western Mediterranean as well as the main spawning area for tuna species. Hence, the regular ichthyoplankton surveys become an opportunity to increase the knowledge of those species whose pelagic early-life stages are encountered during the summer in this area. This is the case of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Here we analyse the possibility of applying those surveys to investigate the early life ecology of the Mediterranean swordfish, exploring the interannual changes on larval abundances and the hydrographic preferences of larval habitatsEn prens


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    This paper provides an update of the study on habitat use for swordfish, developed within the working plan of the Swordfish Species Group of ICCAT. A total of 26 miniPAT tags have been deployed so far in the North (n=13) and South Atlantic (n=9) and the Mediterranean (n=4). Data from eight tags was analysed for horizontal and vertical habitat use. These preliminary results showed swordfish moved in several directions, travelling considerable distances in both the North and South stocks. Swordfish spent most of the daytime in deeper waters with a mean of 540.8 m, being closer to the surface during nighttime (mean=78.3 m). The deepest dive recorded was of 1480 m. Regarding temperature, swordfish inhabited waters with temperatures ranging from 3.9ºC to 30.5ºC with a mean of 11.3ºC during daytime and 21.7ºC during nighttime. The main plan for the next phase of the project is to continue the tag deployment during 2022 in several regions of the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Currently 11 tags are with the participating CPCs and nine tags are still to be attributed.En prens