392 research outputs found

    Precios de referencia: Un esquema de análisis para comprender el comportamiento de los consumidores frente a los precios

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    Los precios de referencia son estándares con los que los consumidores comparan los precios actuales de los productos. Esas comparaciones influyen sobre sus percepciones y valoraciones de los precios y, en consecuencia, sobre sus decisiones de compra. Por ello, son piezas clave en la gestión de precios orientada hacia el mercado. El presente trabajo propone un esquema de análisis que facilite la puesta en práctica de dicha orientación. En el esquema propuesto se incluyen diversas tipologías de precios de referencia, así como los principales factores que determinan su formación, su credibilidad y su evolución. Finalmente se indican las principales áreas de trabajo relacionadas con los precios de referencia que representan actualmente líneas de investigación de interés.Reference prices are standards which consumers use to compare the current prices of products. These comparisons influence their price perception and valuation and, consequently, their purchasing decisions. They are, therefore, keys elements in marketoriented price management. This paper proposes an analysis chart which facilitates the application of such an orientation. The proposed chart includes several reference price types, as well as the main factors that determine their formation, credibility and evolution. Furthermore, an indication is given of the main areas of work related to reference prices included in current lines of research which is of interest

    La adopción del euro: un cambio en los sistemas de referencia del consumidor

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    Las reacciones de los consumidores ante la llegada del euro conllevan implicaciones no sólo económicas, sino también psicológicas, relacionadas con los significados simbólicos del dinero, el aprendizaje, el procesamiento, almacenamiento y recuerdo de la información, las valoraciones y decisiones, las expectativas, las preocupaciones y las creencias. Así, hemos de tener en cuenta que la moneda representa un poderoso símbolo de adherencia a una entidad política, económica y social. En definitiva, la introducción del euro implica mucho más que la simple sustitución de una unidad de medida por otra. Tras plantear estas cuestiones, hemos llevado a cabo una recopilación de estudios empíricos realizados en diferentes países europeos en los últimos años, con la finalidad de conocer cuál es, en la práctica, la actitud del consumidor europeo ante el cambio de moneda. Esta recopilación de estudios empíricos nos ha servido como base para diseñar nuestra propia investigación, que consta de diversas fases

    Demand methods of price management: An empirical research

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    One factor which companies often take as a reference point for their pricing decisions is demand. This, however, is often done only partially, with priority being given to quantitative factors rather than qualitative factors. In this context, the aim of this study was to supply companies with a tool to facilitate and enhance price management in areas related to demand. In order to achieve this objective, the following procedure was implemented. Firstly, an extensive review of existing literature was carried out. This has made it possible to identify a set of factors which can influence consumer behaviour with respect to prices, and which should therefore be taken into account when making pricing decisions. The factors identified were then grouped into several categories (variables related to price, variables related to the product, variables related to the characteristics and the behaviour of the consumer, and variables related to the context of the purchase), in order to offer an overall, linked view. An empirical study was then carried out, interviewing price managers in a selection of companies from Andalusia (Spain). The objective was to gather data on their methods of price management, and to evaluate the practical usefulness of the sets of factors identified. The results of the study have made it possible to draw some interesting conclusions on price management. One of these is the importance which companies attach to pricing decisions. These decisions were taken in all cases by higher management teams. However, on analysing the factors which intervene in pricing decisions, it has been observed that their number is limited. In general, cost is still the major factor, while demandrelated aspects, in particular qualitative aspects, play a secondary role. On investigating the reasons for the priority given to quantitative rather than qualitative data, interviewees basically gave two answers. On the one hand, quantitative information (costs and sales) is easier to obtain, use and interpret than qualitative information (motivation, perception and attitude). On the other hand, most companies, and in particular the smaller ones, have no budget available for qualitative market studies. There may be a third reason for this behaviour, which was not explicitly mentioned at first by interviewees. This is the lack of knowledge regarding qualitative demand factors: their nature, their meaning, their usefulness and the way in which they can be incorporated into pricing decisions. This study is a first step towards solving this deficiency, since it proposes a chart which contains numerous restrictions in an integrated, organised fashion. Logically, it would be impractical to take them all into account simultaneously. This is where the work of each company begins, using market studies to establish priorities between the different factors

    La calidad asistencial: concepto y medida

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    En este trabajo presentamos las aportaciones más significativas relativas al concepto de calidad asistencial y los elementos o atributos que la definen. Para ello hemos realizado una rigurosa revisión bibliográfica. Abordamos la calidad como un concepto multidimensional que varía en función del enfoque adoptado y de la distinta preponderancia dada a cada una de las dimensiones genéricas por los tres grupos implicados en la asistencia: profesionales, usuarios y Administración. Hacemos especial hincapié en la calidad asistencial desde la perspectiva del paciente como pilar fundamental de la filosofía de gestión de la calidad total aplicada en el mundo sanitario

    Antecedents and consequences of price promotions effectiveness

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    Partiendo de un enfoque de orientación al mercado, el presente trabajo analiza la influencia que ejercen diversos factores sobre la efectividad de las promociones basadas en precios. Dichos factores están relacionados tanto con el comportamiento de compra (importancia del precio dentro del proceso de decisión y nivel de conocimiento de los precios que poseen los compradores) como con las características socioculturales y demográficas de los consumidores (sexo, nivel de formación y nivel de ingresos). El trabajo empírico desarrollado, basado en una muestra de 600 consumidores, ha permitido trazar un perfil que define a los consumidores más proclives a sentirse atraídos por los precios promocionalesFrom an approach of market orientation, the present research analyzes the influence of several factors on the efficiency of price promotions. The above mentioned factors are related to purchase behavior (the importance of price in the decision process and the consumers’ level of price knowledge), as well as to the sociocultural and demographic characteristics (gender, education level, and income level). The empirical study developed, based on a sample of 600 consumers, has allowed to draw a common profile for consumers who are attracted to price promotions sale

    Comportamiento del consumidor ante los precios promocionales: una experiencia empírica

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    El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo consiste en analizar las características de los consumidores que se sienten atraídos por las ofertas basadas en promociones de precios. En concreto, se han tomado como referencia dos cuestiones relacionadas con el comportamiento de compra: la importancia del precio dentro del proceso de decisión y el nivel de conocimiento de los precios que poseen los compradores. Además, también se han incluido dentro del análisis diversas características socioculturales y demográficas: sexo, edad, nivel de formación y nivel de ingresos.Para alcanzar este objetivo se ha desarrollado un trabajo empírico basado en una muestra de 600 consumidores, que han sido encuestados en los puntos de venta. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido trazar un perfil que define a los consumidores más proclives a sentirse atraídos por los precios promocionales. También se establecen implicaciones de las conclusiones alcanzadas para la gestión empresarial, y se señalan líneas futuras de investigación.The main objective of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of consumers who are atracted to price promotions. Specifically, two issues related to purchase behavior are addressed, namely the importance of price in the decision process and consumers' level of price knowledge. In addition, a number of sociocultural and demographic characteristics have been analyzed, namely gender, age, education level, and income level. To this end, this paper presents the results of an empirical study based on a sample of 600 consumers who wereinterviewed at various stores. Results indicate that it is possible to draw a common profile for consumers who are attracted to price promotions sales. In addition, the present investigation presents some implications for business management and indicates various lines for future research

    Antecedentes de la importancia del precio en las decisiones de compra

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    This paper analyses the commercial and sociodemographic antecedents of the importance of price in buyers’ decisions. The study uses ordinal regression in order to analyze the data obtained from a random sample of consumers of frequently purchased products; these consumers were surveyed in different stores. The results demonstrate that shopping enjoyment and brand loyalty have an influence over the importance of price. However, responsibility for shopping (purchase frequency) does not show a significant relationship. Furthermore, some interesting socio-demographic characteristics were found in the context of the study that can be analyzed in future research.Este artículo analiza los antecedentes comerciales y sociodemográficos de la importancia del precio en las decisiones de los compradores. El estudio utiliza la regresión ordinal para analizar los datos obtenidos a partir de una muestra aleatoria de consumidores de productos comprados con frecuencia; las investigaciones con estos consumidores fueron realizadas en negocios diferentes. Los resultados demuestran que el placer de la compra y la fidelidad a la marca influencian la importancia del precio. Sin embargo, la responsabilidad por la compra (frecuencia de compra) no demuestra relación significativa. Además, fueron encontradas algunas características sociodemográficas interesantes en el contexto del estudio, las cuales pueden ser analizadas en investigaciones futuras

    Influencia del tamaño de las cadenas minoristas en promociones y precios

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    El tema de la influencia del tamaño de los establecimientos de venta minorista sobre las estrategias de precios y promocionales es un aspecto escasamente tratado en la literatura. Este trabajo surge como un intento de paliar esta deficiencia. Pretendemos analizar la competencia entre formatos detallistas, utilizando el criterio del tamaño del establecimiento. Para ello, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio empírico utilizando un panel de detallistas agregado con siete categorías de productos de compra frecuente y utilizando el MANOVA como técnica de análisis de datos

    The roles of supervisory support and involvement in influencing scientists’ job satisfaction to ensure the achievement of SDGs in academic organizations

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    Job satisfaction is the focus of this study, given its strategic importance, both to generate differentiation and competitive advantages, and to promote better and more sustainable results in organizations. Guided by the Affective Events Theory (AET), the interest is in analyzing the direct and indirect effects of supervisory support and involvement on job satisfaction and highlighting the implications of the academics’ emotions for sustainability-related policies and practices in academic environments. The context selected is the higher education (HE) sector in Malaysia for science disciplines, due to its socio- economic relevance and its direct link to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4), as well as to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A sample of 579 scientists were selected randomly and the analysis was carried out based on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) methodology. Our results supported the hypotheses postulated in the study and especially highlighted the effects of supervisory support and positive affect on job satisfaction, as well as the effect of interpersonal conflict on negative affect. In terms of implications, policy makers at ministry level are advised to consider introducing directives which promote a climate of emotional safety and trust in academic institutions, to achieve the SDGs more effectively and efficiently. At the university level, and given the relevance of the observed effects, academic leaders are recommended to contemplate improving university environments in some way that reduces levels of negative work events (interpersonal conflict in our case). This is crucial as the negative work events can trigger negative emotions, which in turn cause scientists’ job dissatisfaction.Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia FRGS/1/2019/SS05/USM/02/

    Calidad percibida por el espectador de fútbol

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    Organizations strain to understand their clients' needs in order to satisfy them adequately and achieve competitiveness. As a result, a change is underway in the area of sports management that consists in creating specific measures for the quality of client satisfaction and services. This is the context of this study, the main goal of which is to determine the dimensions of the quality of the sports service offered by football clubs. To this end, a questionnaire was applied through the personal survey method. The data obtained was processed by an exploratory factorial analysis. The results allow for the identification of ten basic dimensions of the quality of the sport service analyzed